The Gang of Five
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The Continuing Saga

Pterano · 535 · 60440


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Alright, time to head out, everyone!" Mr. Threehorn called out to his little group. As Harper put forth her question, he replied. "I'm not so sure of that either, Harper. I would be a great responsibility, too. We'd have to trust that you wouldn't get lost, and that you'd be able to lead them back to us."

The old threehorn started to think about his daughter as they departed. Yes she was strong willed, but he still remembered what happened all those years ago.


As the large Spiketail almost ran into the two young sharpteeth, Cutter got a little spooked and hid behind Chomper. <I'm sure it's okay, Cutter.> Chomper tried to reassure his friend. "Oh, hello. And yes, I'm Chomper, and my friend here with me is Cutter. You're Mr. Spiketail, right? Ridge's dad I think. I haven't played with him much before, but he's really nice.>

Cutter dropped back to where Longtail was walking along. He didn't know why Longtail didn't want to talk to him around the others, but he hoped that they were far enough from the rest of the group that the glider would feel like speaking up. <Hey, glider? I don't know your name, sorry, but if I could ask, could you tell me anything about this group of dinosaurs here? Chomper hasn't told me much, and I'm just curious.>
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix gave a heavy sigh as Pterano spoke. He looked up at the flyer and wondered honestly if this was truly the right course of action. Despite all that Cyrix wanted to do to keep his nephew Longtail safe, telling others of his secret seemed now more than ever to be the best way to do it. After all, this secret they'd been keeping had been too long. Cyrix then opened his mouth and replied, "Yes Pterano. Darker issues don't begin to describe what I am about to tell you. My nephew the young flyer who is still losing feathers, he... he is half sharptooth."  the very last part he made sure to whisper so as not to attract attention of the others nearby.

Cera grinned as she strode past Hyp. "Oh lighten up ya baby. If you stick by us, nothing bad will happen. We doe things like this all the time!" she then stepped next to Littlefoot and asked her friend, "What exactly has you so happy? I know we're on another adventure, but we may not see the other grownups for a long while. Are you sure you're okay with that?"

Longtail gave a shy, almost sad smile after hearing Cutters question. <S-sure. I can tell you a little about this group.> He then pointed to Littlefoot. <The longnecks name is Littlefoot he's sort of the leader, he'll talk the rest of us into an adventure and usually come up with an idea or two to get us home.> his gaze then moved to Cera. <The threehorns name is Cera. A word of warning... stay on her good side. ESPECIALLY if you're a sharptooth. Trust me it helps. M-my name is Longtail by the way.> he said with a stutter as his body twitched losing several feathers.

Mama's Girl

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Harper had to admit, there were good points in what both her mother and Mr. Threehorn said, getting lost didn't sound too fun and she wasn't exactly skilled at adventuring just yet, despite the times she'd followed Ridge off into this or that. "Yeah...I guess that's true" she said.


Ducky giggled a bit at Cera always being...well her bold self that would tell Hyp something like what she had.

Mr. Spiketail smiled down at Chomper, "Well I can understand that, Ridge being a bit older and all, but yes, he mention you a time or two and so I'm happy to say I heard some good things about you before...well, before anything bad, but don't worry I didn't believe any of those rumors anyway" he smiled to the young Sharptooth, suddenly realizing how it might be important if he knew at least some adults were on his side, so to speak. Given the grumblings of some threehorns and such, then boy could think otherwise.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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((OK, time to get back into this. Deepest apologies for the delay. :( I'll get to the adults probably in my next post or so. Want to see how many respond first, and make sure I haven't killed this RP. :p))

Pterano listened gravely as Cyrix explained that Longtail was half-sharptooh. "I see..." he said, concern flooding his features. "Listen... Mr. Cyrix. I may not have known you for very long... as my return was only a few days ago, and though I remember very little about you from the time I was with the herd many years ago, I trust that this will not be a problem." the flyer said, looking at Cyrix in profile as he flew close to the ground, just above and to the rainbowface's right.

Littlefoot seemed caught off guard by Cera's question, and he sheepishly looked ahead of him, and all around. "Uh well... it's just I'm glad we're keeping the gang together. I'd be wondering too much about everyone if we separated. So I'm glad we're all here." He said, smiling over at her now.

Hyp rolled his eyes, but kept his mouth shut. He wasn't about to tangle with Cera. Or any of the others for that matter. Not with this many adults around.

"Hey dad! I think I see a river!" Norton called out, pointing ahead of him to a blue ribbon off in the distance.

"Aha! Yes! That's the first marker! My memory hasn't failed me!" Pterano exclaimed, and flapped a bit higher to get a better view. "Now... if I recall correctly... there's a shallow spot not too far from where we're heading... the landwalkers should be able to cross safely there... but the children... hmmm... it'd be too dangerous for them." his sharp eyes began scanning the bends in the river up ahead of them, looking for potential crossing sites. "There's the shallows!" he exclaimed, spotting it.

"Alright!' he called down, to get everyone's attention. "I see the river! There SHOULD be a green spot just up ahead! We need to cross though. There's a shallow spot the adults can use, but the children couldn't make use of that. I DO however see a log. They might try that. I'll test to see if it's sturdy first." he suggested, and flew on ahead, the sound of rushing water audible to all of them.

Pterano flew out over the blue waters, landing on the center of the log hesitantly. If it moved, he'd flap into the air immediately. Testing it with his foot, he jumped up and landed back down, but the log didn't budge. He kicked it a few times, but still not a movement could be discerned. "I think we're in the clear!" he shouted back to the small herd. Lifting off again, he flapped over to them. "I tested the log to see if it'd support my weight. All the same, the flyers should stand by just in case. The adults will find the shallows easily enough by looking for the rocks that jut out of the river. That marks the shallowest point." he explained.

Littlefoot had a bit of an uneasy feeling about crossing another log over rushing water, but... Pterano HAD tested it after all. "Um... want to ride on my back, Chomoper? Maybe Cutter too? And Cera... I know you hate going last so... do you want to go first?" It was no secret that the last time Pterano had been around, Cera had gone first, trying to cross that vine over the gorge, and they'd still ended up in trouble all the same, but the log seemed safe enough.

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  • Petra (He/They)
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Devon flew to the other side, with Petrie by his side. He waited at the edge of the log, so that way if any of the children were to fall, he could fly down and catch them. But if it was someone like Spike, he'd definitely need Pterano's help.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

Mama's Girl

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(Nope didn't lose me either, though I've been lax as well. Now reminding myself who I was taking care of...let's see, Harper, Ridge, Ducky and Mrs. Flyer I believe...think I got 'em all)

Ridge had to smile as he observed both Cera's spoken and Hyp's unspoken questions and opinions. Oh well, it made the trip sort of interesting, and he had already known what the "gang" and even Hyp were like before they headed out.

Both Ridge, his father, as well as Ducky and her mother glanced up as Pterano spoke. The news sounded good up until the part about water the kids couldn't cross. Although older, Ridge didn't have that much more height than Littlefoot and so was in the same conundrum sort of.

Still...he didn't know if he should take the log. It might just weaken it for the others, even if Pterano had tested it himself as well. "You know dad, maybe I should...".

"Your not that grown up yet, son" his father smiled a bit but looked stuck on his point, "take the log with the others, it'll be fine".

Ridge sighed, "Just making sure" Ridge said. Still unless someone else wanted last he figured maybe he should go last just incase.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Pterano landed next to Devon and Petrie, sticking close to the log as he waited for the other adults to begin fording the river. Norton landed off to his side as well, wanting to see his father's leadership skills in action. He had to see for himself just what kind of flyer Pterano was, after all.

"OK... so maybe either Cera or myself should go first. I'll volunteer of course to take the lead." Littlefoot suggested. "If Chomper and Cutter want a ride, we'll do that. Ducky, where do you want to go? Petrie's already across. Hyp..."

"Pfft... I could probably cross that water. My dad's not much taller than me, after all." he said, rolling his eyes.

"It does look as if you'd be able to cross." Hyp's father agreed, nodding. "Just stay close to me, son."

"Dad, I'm not a baby." Hyp whined, rolling his eyes again.

"Anyone want to bring up the rear?" Littlefoot asked, chuckling a little at the treatment Hyp received from his father.

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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Yeah, me and Cutter will have a ride, Littlefoot." Chomper replied, before motioning Cutter to get on the longnecks back. The little sharptooth was admittedly a little scared, since he was a very bad swimmer, and wouldn't be able to do much if he did fall in the water.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Mama's Girl

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As Littlefoot asked his question on where Ducky wanted to go, she looks about. She didn't want to overload Lottlefoot, yet Spike seemed already on his way (OOC: sorry, trying to figure a way around not sure of Spike's player is still with us)

Seeing her hesitate, Ridge smiled, "I'd be happy o to offer you a lift" he told the swimmer, "amd also, I think unless anyone ele wants the back, maybe I should take that, just in case. If it starts to break ill just yell at you to jump" he added to Ducky as she climbed on board. She giggled, "Oh I do not think you will fall" she said.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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((Yeah, though at least we have around three still actively participating, not counting myself. Was waiting to see if anyone else came in, but I suppose all we can do is forge ahead. :) I'd say autoing Spike is OK at this point. :p))

"Alright... then let's go!" Littlefoot said, and climbed aboard the log, deciding to take the lead. Ridge would bring up the rear, and that automatically made Littlefoot feel better about it. The log was definitely sturdy, and he had no troubles walking across as Pterano had stated.

"That's it! Doing well!" Pterano called, smiling widely as he watched the children begin to cross. He tensed up a little as Spike seemed slide for a second, but quickly righted himself as he kept going. "Phew..." the flyer sighed. "I hate to say it, but I'm very uncomfortable with them being on that log. I know it's sturdy, but there's hardly any other way. I didn't want the adults distracted after all, and I'll be keeping an eye on them for as long as..."

He was interrupted by a rather loud screech which split the skies, a flyer's shriek emanating from somewhere up above. "What in the world!?" he asked, looking above him as a streak whizzed by and slammed into Littlefoot, causing the longneck to cry out in surprise as he suddenly found himself knocked over the side, airborn, as he went toppling into the waters below.

For a moment, the longneck was surrounded completely by rushing water and bubbles, unable to see as he began choking on the deluge. Breaking his head above the surface, he spluttered as he tried to paddle and get his bearings.

Pterano was suddenly struck in the side as well, and went bowling over onto the grass, another flyer having crashed right into him. A group of them circled overhead, most of them Sierra's type of flyer, having pointed teeth. Picking himself up, Pterano shook his head as he glimpsed a pink ball crumpled on the ground beside him. "Mr. Rinkus!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing!?"

"I swear I had nothing to do with this!" the hapless pink flyer shouted, getting roughly to his feet. "They just started chasing me! They're crazy!" he yelped as the sharptoothed flyers squawked and dove from overhead. Several of them made for Pterano's group, while yet another attempted to dive bomb Ridge.

"Help!" Littlefoot called, having been caught in the current and pushed further downstream. The longneck was looking around, trying to spot Cutter in the turbulent waters. He knew that Cutter wasn't the greatest of swimmers, and would need assistance as soon as he could manage it.

"Oh no! The children!" Pterano gasped, spreading his wings and taking to the air. He set off after Littlefoot, an angry screech from his side causing him to turn and narrowly avoid one of the screaming flyers. "What is the meaning of this you rogue!?" he demanded angrily as the flyer took a snap at him with his teeth. He knocked into Pterano's side, and Petrie's uncle struggled to stay aloft and fight off his attacker at the same time. It was as the two were grappling that Pterano noticed something... odd about the eyes of his opponent. Like Sierra's, the eyes were yellow... but unlike his eyes, there was a red ring around the iris. Most unusual...

"Come on, Devon!" Norton said, and took to the sky after his father. "We've gotta help dad and the kids!"

Rinkus watched from the riverbank, wringing his tail nervously as he scanned the skies, looking for any signs of... her. She had led the flyers... and had told them to kill him when he'd wandered into their formation. He couldn't see her though, and decided to run behind a rock, nearly tripping as he did so.

Behind him, hovering in the sky, was the female flyer that Pterano had been so taken with earlier. She smirked as she watched the scene unfolding below her.

((I'll leave it up to you Mama's Girl what happens to Ridge. :)))

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  • Petra (He/They)
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Devon was lost in his thoughts when Norton had called to him. "Huh? Whaa?" He looked down and saw the commotion. "Aw jeez! Can't we have a smooth journey for once?" he complained before following his "brother" downwards.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

Mama's Girl

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((Don't want to jump, bit to aid any plans on recues or not, I'll give y'all where my characters are at to work off :-)))

As he followed along at the back, Ridge had to admit, it did seem to be going well. Until the flyers swooped in, of course.

"Littlefoot!" Ducky cried, seeing her friend topple over into the water, but she and Ridge soon had problems of their own.

"Ducky get down!" Ridge tried to keep the swimmer semi protected between his plates while swinging his tail to try and fend off the sharptoothed flyers, but all of this from on top of a log was still tricky and he found himself almost slipping. He caught himself, though, and with satisfaction watched as one of his hits drove home and knocked one of their attackers aside.

Another just took its place to dive at them though, and Ridge finally felt himself lose his footing. He toppled over, yet was determined not to hit the water, spiketail's bulk making them poor swimmers. By probabaly more luck than determination, though, he was able to grab the log with his front feet, digging what clawed portion he had in to hold on. ((I believe I've seen Littlefoot or someone do similar somewhere along in movie or TV ;-)))

Ducky went falling from his back into the water, yet powered against the current as best she could. Ridges plan had worked thus far, but now he found himself stuck with no where but the water to possibly go. His father, as well as others of the adults, were fighting off their own issues, he saw.

The young spiketail grimaced as a sharptoothed flyer landed on the log, staring at him eerily. It screeched, then pecked at him, and even if he'd wanted to hang on, he couldn't. Finally Ridge hit the water, taking in a breath before sinking like a stone towards the bottom. He floated back round right side up, and quickly figured he should probabaly take advantage of the surrounding water giving him buoyancy and keeping the flyers from him while he could. Kicking, he struggled to reach the other shore while he could still hold his breath.


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All the commotion going on in the water didn't go noticed. As Ridge made his way towards the shore a dark shape swam over him, it's movements seemed to show it didn't have that much trouble navigating the water. The unmistakable sail of a Spinosaurus broke the water surface before it's head rose up directly underneath Ducky, revealing this sharptooth was none other than Fang.

He hissed as he looked up at the Swimmer, baring his teeth.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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As Littlefoot started to make his way across he log, both Chomper and cutter were feeling a little uneasy. <I don't like the water, Chomper. i really don't.> Cutter called out to Chomper, who replied <Well, I'm sure it'll be alright. See? It's not even budging. I'm sure were safe.>

Not sooner had the little sharptooth finished that sentence that a group of sharptooth flyers swooped in. In the commotion, Littlefoot went into the water, along with his two little passengers. Chomper's head broke from the water. He looked around, but he couldn't see Cutter anywhere. "Hey, Littlefoot, Where did Cutter go? We have to find him!"

Under the rapids, Cutter struggled to hold his breath. As he looked out in front of him, he saw a small figure floating at the top of the water. It was Ducky. He saw a sailback going for her. Worried for the little swimmer, he started pushing against the force of the water as hard as he could to save her.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Mama's Girl

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As he was making his own way and struggle to the shore, Ridge noticed the light get blocked from above him. He glanced up and spotted the Spinosaurus. He frowned, wondering of this was good or bad. With a finally shove, he reached the shore and crawled coughingly up onto it.

Ducky glanced down below her as she also noticed the water break and Fang appear below her. "Oh, um, hi" she said. Fang bared his teeth a bit and she wonded at what this meant. Wasn't he...nice, or sort of on their side? Still mainly sure he was saving her, Ducky only frowned a little bit in confusion.

((If it becomes apparent we lost GVG, I'll take care of Cera again, but I'll still wait on that))


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Fang the looked straight ahead as he swung his head to one side, and then the other before growling lowly. His eyes pointed back up to look at Ducky as he narrowed them. "What's with all this? You flatteeth are scaring all the fish away"


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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((Yeah, that's fine, Mama's Girl))

Pterano was battling fiercely now with the other flyer, having received no response from his attacker. "Oh, this is getting ridiculous!" he said, before suddenly being slammed in his back by the other flyer's wing. With a cry, Petrie's uncle slammed into the river, breaking the surface and sinking down to the depths before getting his head above water.

"Come on!" Hyp was shouting. "Downstream! Get downstream!" he kicked off, and started swimming now, letting the current carry him. The other adults might have a harder time with that though...

Pterano looked around, and noticed he was right next to Littlefoot. "Grab on!" he shouted, and Littlefoot bit down on Pterano's wing, which Pterano quickly rectified by grabbing hold of the longneck and bringing him in close. "I'm not a swimmer but... Chomper! Over here!" he shouted, kicking his way over to him. "Where's your friend?" he asked, as Littlefoot wrapped his forelegs around Pterano's neck and rode on his back.

"Ack! Just don't... squeeze too hard." Pterano protested, to which Littlefoot loosened up a little. Ridge was on shore... that was good... Hyp and his father were coming downstream... was that Fang? Surfacing right under Ducky? Norton had slammed into the flyer that had knocked Pterano into the river.

"Yeah! That's right! Don't you hurt my father!" he yelled. "Dad! You OK?"

"Surviving." Pterano spluttered, trying not to choke as Littlefoot clung to his neck.

A shiver went up Rinkus's spine as he heard a flyer land behind him. He'd been hiding behind that rock, but upon seeing the female standing there, he gulped. "Now, now, now, can't we work this out?" he stuttered. "What did I do to you?" he fell backward as he tried to back away. "Ooof!" he said, rump up in the air now as she smirked, and slowly advanced on him.

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Mama's Girl

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Ridge coughed and sputtered as he reached the other shore, then immedietly glanced back to see how the others fared. What he saw wasn't comforting. The adults and even his own parents struggled against the rapids. He gasped, now wondering what to do.

Still in the river, but now lifted from the water, Ducky glanced down to Fang as he swiveled to look at her and asked his question. She smiled a bit, oh of course he meant no harm and was just curious, she was still half convinced.

"Oh I am sorry, as are the others" she said, "but we could not help it. We were attacked by sharptoothed flyers and felled in to the water, we did, and now need help very badly" she pointed to the others floundering.

At the same time, Cera bumped into Fang in her own struggle against the rapids. "So are you helping or just being a nuisance?" she threw out, agitated at having to try and stay afloat and then bumping into the Sharptooth.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Cutter, still under the surface of the water, looked on at Fang and Ducky in worry. He didn't understand the conversation that just transpired, so he still figured he was just looking for lunch. With a final push, he clamped down his tiny jaws on Fang's tail.

Chomper, hearing the calling, grabbed onto Pterano's tail. He was still being thrashed by the waves, but at least he was close by.

Mr. Threehorn, just now getting a handle with what was happeneing, galloped forward into the more shallow waters, trying to fight off the mess of sharptoothed flyers in the air. "Pterano, you better call of your minions!"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Fang couldn't help but smirk at the threehorn struggling to stay afloat whereas he on the other hand was right at home in the water. Before he could answer her though he felt a stinging pain in his tail, under normal circumstances it would not have hurt this much but due to his tail being stepped on not too long ago the pain was multiplied. He let out a loud hiss, nearly lashing out at Cera. He then snarled and with only the warning of taking a deep breath, plunged his head under water, turning to narrow his eyes at Cutter.