The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Arts => The Written Word => Topic started by: babidikrakenguard on September 28, 2009, 07:03:13 PM

Title: A Random bit of randomness at the House of Mouse.
Post by: babidikrakenguard on September 28, 2009, 07:03:13 PM
Im.. Not exactly sure why im writing this, and im not sure as to where it came from. But i wanted to write-away some bit of randomness! Well, it's kinda a bit of a sequel to the movie based on the TV show. "Mickey's House of Villains" which is more based on Halloween. Well, Halloween is coming up so most of the villains are back Except for Jafar, Ursula, Hook, Cruella DeVil and Hades who had gotten a ten year ban after trying to turn "The House of Mouse" Into the "House of Villains". Well, All of them except Jafar, he was the one who planned it all which earned him the ten year ban. Ursula, Hook, Cruella DeVil and Hades worked with him and so, have a five year ban. their not banned anymore, but their still pretty irked at Mickey Mouse so their not coming back. Well, they might..

Anyways, a few years passed since then, and it seems that Mickey Mouse and Co. are trying something new: Inviting none-disney characters over only for this one day, unless everything turns out okay he'll keep the special. As for why he's doing this near Halloween, no idea. Unfortunately when it was October 31, 2007 there came a new Disney Villain, along with his Made-Up Sidekick and on November 21, 2007, Another villain came.

As of September 28, 2009 the two disney Villain's and the Sidekick got news of this event and decided they would make a repeat of the event in "Mickey's House of Villains" except with a slight twist.. They also heard that only good none-disney characters are invited as to not stir up any trouble, so The three began to round up Villains that are not of the Disney Universe thanks to the idea of the Sidekick..

The Party Crashers, in Order.
Jolly Roger  and Queen Narissa, The Two Villainous Wanna-Be's and leader of the group. Both Jolly Roger and Queen Narissa are conspiring to turn the house of mouse back to the house of villains. However, they both end up fighting over which idea's are better, who gets to run the house in the end and who is more superior. Jolly Roger first appearend in Pirates of the Caribbean Online. Queen Narissa first appeared in Enchanted

Kraken Guard , Jolly Roger's Sinister Sidekick. Other then Queen Narissa, Kraken Guard is the only female in the group. Being made by none other then myself, she is the one who thought up the idea to round up none-disney villains thanks to me always quoting my favorite villains in gameplay(Except that parts changed slightly in the story). Like Jolly Roger, she came because she heard Jack Sparrow might be at the HoM, and so wants to crash the party because of him. She is also very loyal to: Davy Jones and Jolly Roger.

General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies. It was thanks to the Star Tours at the Disney Parks that he made it to the HoM, however he wont be coming as one of the guests. General Grievous was also the one who helped Jolly Roger, Narissa and Kraken Guard round up the other villains due to him not actually being a disney villain himself. General Grievous, Also coming from the Hollywood Studios, formally known as MGM, wanted to teach other villains about the Fantasmic, but it didn't work out to well.. General Grievous appeared in the Star Wars Cartoon Show and Star Wars Episode III.

General Roth'h'ar Sarris, and i dont mean the member on here either. Sarris came because he wanted revenge, problem is the good guys from his world aren't at the HoM and so, he's crashing the party for the fun of it. Roth'h'ar Sarris first appeared in Galaxy Quest.

The Bug Simply called "Edgar" by the other villains due to him killing a farmer called Edgar and walking around in what many call the "Edgar-Suit". Edgar, or The Bug first appeared in Men in Black.

Gothmog, The Lieutenant of Morgul and the Witch-King's right hand Man, err, Orc. Gothmog is rather confused due most of the villains always telling him about things he doesn't even know about and is fairly stumped about what in middle-earth the two villains below are. Gothmog is a very mean villain and would deal the cruelest punishment on those who come in his path. Gothmog is coming along because he also wanted revenge. But will his victems be there? He wanted to try bringing The Forgotten One and Pyramid Head to the HoM using Fantasmic, but Pyramid Head was to powerful to control and The Forgotten One disturbed most of the villains. Besides, they wouldn't allow Creatures like that at the HoM even if they wanted to! Gothmog first appeared in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.

Ozzy and Strut You guys already know these two. They heard Littlefoot and some of his friends might appear at the HoM, and so their helping the villainous gang crash the party, plus maybe steal a couple eggs from the kitchens :lol

Looks like Mickey Mouse and Co. are going to be in for a rough night, and now there are more villains, bad enough, he doesn't even know any of them! So, will Mickey Mouse and Co. Survive? Or will the House of Mouse go back to being The House of Villains, permenantly? Might include Sora, Riku and Keiri from Kingdom Hearts. As i said: This was something random i had thought up and im still in the random mood to write it. Should i? :p
Title: A Random bit of randomness at the House of Mouse.
Post by: babidikrakenguard on September 29, 2009, 08:26:46 PM
Well, here we are. Chapter 1 of my Random Bit of Randomness. Here it shows the villains just entering the House of Mouse. the next chapter will tell us how they got together and what their plans are..

Tried to make the characters in character so if they seem to be acting Out of Character, let me know. and if there are any goof-ups let me know :)

Max watched as numerous characters came to the House of Mouse. Most of them were familier faces, such as Aladdin, Hercules, Belle, Snow White, Simba, Dumbo, Bambi, Peter Pan, Stitch and Mushu. There were those however, that he didn't even know. Such as Obi-Wan Kinobi, Aragorn, Harry Potter and Littlefoot and there were those that he heard about: Sora the keyblade master and his two friends, Riku and Kairi. Sora, Riku and Kairi had helped Mickey Mouse and company defeat all of the members in an Organization called Organization XIII. One time Sora had even defended the Disney Castle itself from the dark magic of Maleficent, the mistress of all evil, with the help of Donald Duck and Goofy.

Mickey Mouse had decided some time ago to hold a one-time-only event where he would invite other characters over to the House of Mouse, characters that were not from the Disney Universe. Unless everything turns out okay, he'll keep the special and hold it once every year. However, most of the None-Disney Villains were slightly irked when they heard that only the None-Disney Heroes and Heroines were invited so that the villains would not cause much trouble like what happened a couple years ago.

Mickey Mouse had heard that there were also other fearsome villains called Sauron, Voldemort, Darth Sidious and many others that could cause even more trouble then Jafar had done before. Mickey Mouse didn't want anything to happen, and so he and the others decided not invite the None-Disney Villains.

Of course, even though it was the Disney Villains that caused all the trouble before, they were still invited over. Except for Jafar who had tried to turn the House of Mouse into the House of Villains which earned him a ten year ban. although the five year ban given to those who helped Jafar: Hades, Hook, Cruella DeVil and Ursula was over, they were not seen at the House of Mouse yet.

After most of the Disney Hero's entered, it was now time for the Disney Villains to enter. Max also recognized some of the villains, like Frollo, Chernabog, The Queen of Hearts, The Wicked Queen and Scar, there were also some new Disney Villains that gave him an eerie feeling. The White Witch of Narnia, who's name was Jades, wore a dress that almost looked like it was made from ice and snow, and was seen with her ice-staff that could instantly turn someone into stone. Davy Jones was the next to be seen after the White Witch, Davy Jones appeared to have a tentacle-beard and had many barnicles and various other sealife stuck on his clothes and hat. What looked like a crab-claw replaced his left hand and his right leg seemed to be that of a crabs as well which made it have the appearence of a pegleg..

Donald Duck wore what looked like a goblin costume and mask and wanted to see if he could scare one of the guests, unfortunately he chose the wrong victem who just so happened to be Davy Jones.

"Boo!" Yowled Donald Duck.

"Do ye fear death?" Davy Jones said before he grabbed the goblin mask, pulled it back and let the mask go. Donald Duck quacked with pain and shock as the mask quickly flew back and snapped him. Max was going to cover his mouth so that his laughing would not be heard until he saw three- no, Eight more villains coming up. One was an undead skeleton captain with dreadlocks that seemed to hiss, a female red-headed pirate wearing all blue clothing and another female that seemed to remind Max of Maleficent and the Wicked Queen, as she wore a long black dress with dark-blue scales with a dark green and purple glow to them.

"Welcome to the House of Mouse!" Max said with a smile, which quickly faded when he noticed the three villains were looking at him with a sinister expression. Of course, it didn't scare Max much as that's what most of the new disney villains did when they came to the House of Mouse for the first time. "What are your names?" Max asked.

"Arrr, Me name be Jolly Roger!" Said the Undead Captain, who's name was Jolly Roger.

"Kraken Guard." Said the Red-Headed Pirate called Kraken Guard.

"I am the Queen Narissa." Said the other female, who was called Queen Narissa.

"Okay. Jolly Roger, i've heard about you and same goes for you." Max said, pointing at both Jolly Roger and Queen Narissa. "But, what are you from?" Max said with a confused look as he pointed at Kraken Guard.

"What am I From?" Kraken Guard said with a confused tone to her voice. "Im with Jolly Roger!"

"Oh! Okay. Sorry about that Miss." Max said with a smile. He wrote down the three villain's names and they entered the House of Mouse..

If Jolly Roger, Queen Narissa and Kraken Guard didn't look friendly enough as it was, the next five didn't even come close to looking friendly save for two who were both Struthiumimus. Probably friends of Aladar ? Max thought to himself. "Welcome to the House of-!" Max began but was quickly silenced.

"Spare me the details. Just let us in." Spoke what looked like a tall deformed orc that wore dark armor with deadly spikes.

"Okay, okay. No need to bite my head off!" Max said with a defencive yet surprised tone. Most of the new disney villains were never this cranky when it was their first time here. "But first, i need your names."

"And why is that?" Said the orc with a questioning tone to his voice.

"So that we can remember your name when you visit the House of Mouse next time." Max said. The five villains looked at eachother, but they all agreed and told Max their names.

"Very well. My name is Gothmog, Lieutenant of Morgul!" Spoke the orc, who's name was Gothmog.

"My names Ozzy, and this weed-wack-brother of mine is Strut." Said Ozzy, who was one of the Struthiumimus.

"General Grievous, Supreme Commander of.." Spoke General Grievous, but was interupted by a wheezy cough. "Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies." General Grievous finally finished, and bowed.

"General Roth'h'ar Sarris." Said a green reptilian-humanoid called Sarris, who also bowed.

Max looked at the five villains with suspicion, but agreed to let them in. Probably some new Disney Villains he never even heard of, besides there were all sorts of new disney villains now days. Just as Max thought that all of the villains had finally entered, he saw another villain walking up to him with odd twitches and movements. Other then his movements, this new villain looked almost like a zombie as his skin looked like it had begun to decay and his left eye was compleatly white.

"Can i help you?" Said Max, rising an eyebrow.

"Uh.." The man grumbled, which made Max shudder. This guy really is a Zombie ! Max thought to himself, until the man gave a sinister grin. "A man came in here earlier.. A dead man!"

Okay, is this guy crazy or what ? Max thought to himself, but remembered that there were two undead villains coming to the House of Mouse: Davy Jones and Jolly Roger. "Erm, yes. Davy Jones was his name. Or was it Jolly Roger?"

"Jolly Roger." Growled the other villain.

"Okay, so you're also with him. Name please?" Max said. The villain paused for a moment and tried to think of a name. Then he remembered.

"Eggar!" The Villain said, but unfortunately he didn't know how the name was pronounced(Which was actually "Edgar") and so came to the closest thing he could remember.

"Eggar?" Said Max with a confused tone to his voice.

"Eggar." Replied Edgar.

"Eggar.." Max said, making sure he heard the name correct again.

"Yes! Eggar! Do you want me to spell it out for you!?" Roared Edgar in annoyence.

"Okay! Okay! Just making sure i heard it right! You can enter." Max said with a defencive tone. Edgar marched right in, still doing his twitches as he walked. "And dont cause to much trouble!" Yelled out Max. He looked back down at the notepad he had and made sure he had everyones names written down. "Looks like this is going to be a long night.." Max thought to himself.