The Gang of Five
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Ancient Rome Trivia

Noname · 38 · 15142


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I'll start. The one who gets a question correct gets to ask the next one.

What was the collective name of the two brothers whose tried to pass land reforms to help the poor during the later years of the Roman Republic?


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The Gracchi? Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus both promoted reforms on behalf of the poor in the second century B.C.


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Another Roman became famous for acting on behalf of the plebejans. He ultimately started a revolt which failed and in which he was killed. Whom am I talking about?


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There was at least one such revolution, Malte. Although, you are NOT referring to the servile wars, right?


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No Spartacus involved here. The one we are looking for was a member of one of Romes oldest and most distinguished families of Rome.


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Was this during the plebian revolt of 494 BC?


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Nope, we are talking of the first century B.C.


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Was it Lucius Sergius Catilina, also known as Cataline?


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Aye :yes
My final test in Latin was about him.


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Oh, you also took a class in Latin, as I did. Cool.

What was the highest De Jure religious position of the Roman Republic?


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Close enough. It is technically the pontifex maximus, but by the later republic, that role and that of the consul were effectively merged.

Your turn, Mirumoto.


  • Cera
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OK, here's a quick one:

What is the name of a weapon that was few times mentioned to have be used, never found archaeologically, and has a surprisingly resemblance to a man-portable weapon that was used in East Asia?


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Would that be a crossbow? I think there are engravings which suggest the Romans used it while for all I know no Roman crossbow has been found so far. There were crossbows (including repeating ones) in ancient China.


  • Cera
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Very warm, in fact.  Think of a siege weapon form of a crossbow with the attributes of the Chinese type you mentioned.  I need only the name of it.


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Most people will know the name of one of the seven hills of Rome (Capitoline Hill) because the term Capitol is derived from it (I wonder if perhaps even the word capital may have its roots there?). Please give the name of the other six hills of Rome.