The Gang of Five
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Earning Restitution


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Wow, I can't believe I haven't read this story until now.   :slap

This is very well written and it is an enjoyable read.  I especially like your characterization of Pterano and his internal struggles with his emotions and the memories of the past.  It humanizes (er.. um... dinosaurizes?) him to a much greater extent that what is typically found in the fanfictions that I have read.  I eagerly await your next installment.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Whoa! I thought Pterano would be done... but the attack's not over..  :unsure:

A tense and exciting read, Strut, action is one of your strenghts (along with characterizations etc.).
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Appreciate it, guys :smile
Here's the nest part. Ooooh the chills and suspense! Lol

=Part Twenty-Three

Meanwhile Strut, in a panic, had gone down a path that led to a dead end – the very path Pterano had led them down not moments before. Petrie whirled around their heads in alarm.

“What we do?” He shrieked. “We trapped!”

“We are trapped, yes we are!” Ducky, trembling, held onto Spike tighter. The spiketail shifted himself, ready to protect his sister. He burbled something unintelligible and nodded fiercely towards the front of the path.

“N-now, now. We can still turn ba--” Strut was cut short and his jaw dropped. They were too late, the fastclaws had beaten them. They crouched at the path’s entrance, drooling gleefully at this bounty. Cruel sickle claws practically glistened on their agile feet, and their long, grasping claws flexed.

Littlefoot gulped. “Everyone, get into a circle, we’ll be harder to get at.” He hoped this would work – he’d seen it work with the grownups many times before. Create a shield and you were practically impenetrable. Littlefoot chose not to dwell on the fact that a shield of youngsters with one adult, and a shield composed entirely of adults were very much different; the former would certainly fail without some strong backup.

The group obeyed him wordlessly, except for Strut. The Stealer looked appalled. “Get into a circle?” He almost scoffed. “Hold it, excuse me,” he scooted ahead of Littlefoot and Cera at the front and stood, blocking the carnivores’ path to the children. The sharpteeth growled at this blockage, but their pace didn’t exactly slow, untiló

Yah!” Strut shot forward frighteningly quickly and slammed hard into the side of the lead fastclaw, narrowly avoiding a crippling bite. The fastclaw toppled over, dazed by the explosive force.

Strut was rather dazed too. It was true that Stealers and their allies were natural fighters against sharpteeth and the like, but this was the first time he had had to use actual force to get rid of a foe, not just his speed. He swallowed as the second fastclaw approached, a little wary after seeing what its companion had suffered.

A strange sort of force had seized Strut, almost like the gut feeling of rebellion of before, but this time it was much stronger and it screamed ëfight back!’ The cowardly Stealer bit back his protests and let the instinct guide himó and his foot contacted with the jaw of the sharptooth, knocking it senseless.

For a moment, he stood panting, surprised at what he’d done. The silence was broken by Taylen who gave an appreciative whoop. “Watcha! Strut, that was amazing! Where’d you learn that? Will I be able to do it? Will I?”

Not having time to answer, Strut gestured once – a quick nod of the head – and said, “Let’s not muck about! Come on!” He dashed out of the close space, and the children were quick to follow. Taylen hadn’t stopped asking questions.

“Oh, that would be absolute winner if I could! D’you think I could, Strut?”


Pterano was up in the air, flying down the canyon he and Ozzy were currently following. He was flying low enough to be clearly seen and readily available for aid, but high enough out of reach. He barely noticed the throbs in his back from the fastclaw’s ambush, he was now intent on protecting the children and only hopedó

Strut and the children came racing back the opposite way. Strut swept by his brother, mumbling an apology as he did so. Ozzy glared suspiciously as the Gang raced by as well. “Bloody mountains! Where’s the fire?”

“Right behind us!” Strut squawked.

Ozzy and Pterano instantly turned tail – or wing – and followed the retreating Gang and Strut in the lead. The fastclaws were hot on their trail again, and they were angry.

“Quickly!” Pterano called. “Get out of this chasm!” He briefly considered flying ahead to scout out, but he couldn’t leave the children or the Stealers in this state. “Petrie!”

Petrie banked sharply in midair at the sound of his uncle’s call. “Me hear you, Uncle!”

Pterano nodded. “There’s a good lad, I want you to fly ahead and find a safer path! Now go!”

Petrie wheeled about and was gone. The group continued their flight and Pterano positioned himself at the rear, behind Ozzy, the better to keep an eye on things ahead, but also the better for the sharpteeth on their tails. Pterano was almost within reaching distance. Come on, Petrie, come on!

Suddenly, Petrie’s squawky voice chimed up front, “Me see big ditch we all can cross!”

“Follow Petrie, chil- I mean, everyone!” Pterano caught himself but Ozzy still turned to give him a squinty sort of glare.

ëBig ditch’ was an understatement, but not one the group was willing to dwell on for long. There was a sheer drop in the middle of twenty feet of space, with a natural rock bridge connecting the two sides. And in the center of the chasm was a river – all that way below, just a trickle from the Gang’s perspective.

“Get across!” Littlefoot shouted. He quickly made for the bridge, trying to ignore his aching feet. He reached the bridge and stood aside. “Cera! You go first. And then Spike, Ruby, you go next, and then Chomper!” He glanced back, his breath hitching at the sight of the fastclaws nearing.

“Um, Strut! You and…” he’d forgotten the little Stealer’s name and while he stopped to ponder, Strut had in the meantime, swung little Taylen onto his back in a rush of panic and sprinted across.

“Oh-kay,” Littlefoot was about to cross himself when Ozzy roughly brushed by.

“Watch it, hatchling!” He barked in passing.

Littlefoot recoiled instantly, glaring after the pale form of the darting Stealer. He turned to face Pterano but instead of going across the bridge himself, Littlefoot turned tail and ran along the edge of the canyon, over to a sad looking sapling.

Pterano choked. “L-Littlefoot!” He cried, soaring after him. “What are you doing?

“I have an idea!” Littlefoot shoved against the sapling, trying to loosen it. “We can’t let those fastclaws get across, so we have to – ung! – create a diversion!”

Pterano was perplexed. “We – we can just…” but he didn’t know what they could just do, and that made him impatient. “Littlefoot! Get across the chasm this instant!”

“I can’t!” Littlefoot insisted – the root support broke and the sapling was felled. “I need to do this!” He pushed the tree along with his nose, Pterano hovering above his head.

The flyer was at a loss. “Littlefoot, get across now! I’ll hold them off!” He would? That’s what his big plan was? That’s what he could just do? Bloody rot and bother, I’m not about to let a child take on this task!

He wheeled about and landed on the ground, blocking Littlefoot’s progress. “Littlefoot, I’ll not ask you again, get yourself to safety!” he hoped he sounded commanding – at least more than he felt.

Littlefoot frowned. “I need to do this!”

Pterano glanced back and saw the fastclaws quickly bound over, barking with fury. “Alright!” the flyer jumped up to avoid them. “Quickly! I’ll distract them!”


Yoinks! Let's hope Littlefoot's plan works... whatever it is. Doesn't make me feel any better. Oyyy... :slap

Also, hooray for badass Stealer!Moments! :yes And there are more of those to come. Take that, you derpy fastclaws!
Also Ozzy's a jerk... what else is new?
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Strut! :wow

Wow, happening quite a lot in this chapter :lol
I like the use of adverbs in ER recently... good job, Strut! :)

I do wonder what Littlefoot's up to...  :crazy
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Something completely and unnecessarily risky, that's what!! :o
lol thanks!
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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=Part Twenty-Four

It proved easier said than done. The shaprteeth were every which way all at once, leaping, snapping, slashing, it was all Pterano could do to stay aloft. While in the midst of distractions, he chanced a peek at Littlefoot – the longneck had propped the tree against the edge of the chasm and was… what on earth was he doing? Climbing down?

“Littlefoot!” Pterano shrieked, forgetting about his two adversaries, who by coincidence were waiting for such a chance as this. The lead fastclaw sprang up at the large flyer, swiping with its foreclaws across Pterano’s middle.

The present brought back with stinging force, Pterano kicked out at the fastclaw, succeeding in forcing him away, but his moment’s hesitation had cost him. The marks he’d received smarted terribly, and he couldn’t well distract with one wing wrapped protectively around his stomach.

Pterano panted, he was panicking now. He had no clue what Littlefoot was planning but he figured he should keep the fastclaws away as long as necessary, at least until Littlefoot made it apparent.

Littlefoot had in the meantime shimmied down the face of the chasm and onto a small, rather hidden plateau that rested about two meters below. His plan was thus: entice the sharpteeth over this way via the hanging tree and once both of them had clambered on, Littlefoot would give the tree a nudge and send the two sharpteeth lurching towards the water far below. Easy as that. At least, it was easier in his head.

Littlefoot had never actually physically murdered a sharptooth – not that he was convinced they would be murdered, but still, one never knew – and a number of things could go wrong with this plan. Don’t think about that now! Littlefoot told himself, sternly. Just go one step at a time…

“Pterano!” The longneck shouted. “Get across the bridge! Now!”

The flyer started at being addressed so, and he very nearly was impaled because of it. “Gah! What is going on?”

“Bring the fastclaws over this way!”

Great ditch is he talking about? Pterano hovered in the air, utterly confused.

“Don’t worry!” The reassuring reply was not as reassuring. “I’ve got an idea. Get them on the tree!”

Pterano wheeled about once again, doubts tumbling around in his skull. He was leading these brutes straight to the longneck! What in the world was he thinking? The fastclaws followed their quarry blindly, unaware of the plan. Eagerly, they hopped up on the tree, shaking the wooden body with their presence.

Pterano leveled his wings so he dropped a few inches in the air. He was at the edge of the canyon, but still had yet to crest it, when suddenly with a monumental spring, the same fastclaw from before caught his foot in its talons and yanked hard, trying to pull the flyer to earth.

Pterano yelped as his balance was affected. He winced at the sting of the fastclaw’s talons as they dug into his foot, at the horrible throb that accompanied the tug. Just as he was about to perform a wing clout of impressive force to the sharptooth’s head, the other fastclaw joined its companion, except this time teeth were used.

Pterano howled with pain. Both sharpteeth hung at his feet, their weight and the hurt pulling him back down to the canyon ledge. “Agh!” The flyer wailed as he was wrenched down to earth. This entire disturbance upset the tree perch and with an ominous wobble, it started to slip. Littlefoot gasped as he watched his plan set into motion without him. The tree slid off the ledge, and the two fastclaws, who had momentarily released the grounded Pterano, were dragged down with it, screaming as they fell.

Pterano screamed as the last of the roots slid from view, his talons outstretched. “Littlefoot!” He scrambled to all fours and crawled forward, glancing downwards.

He hadn’t noticed the plateau, nor had he noticed that Littlefoot was indeed safe and sound, and already attempting to climb up. All Pterano saw was failure. Failure to protect a child, failure to lead a herd, failure, failure, failure…

He covered his face in his claws and sort of fell back onto the ledge. He’d… lost someone. Again! Not just ëhe had lost someone,’ but he had lost someone again, because he couldn't - didn't think to... help. He, Pterano, the fabulous, fearsome flyer, had lost someone. Again.

“Again,” he murmured, his voice gone husky.

Littlefoot grunted below, on the plateau. “Pterano?” He called up. “I need some help,”

Pterano started, flabbergasted. “L-Littlefoot?” He spluttered. The tears that had glistened in his eyes quickly dried at this new revelation. He clamped onto the ledge and peered down. “Littlefoot!”

“Here,” the longneck peeped out, grinning up at the shocked flyer. Pterano quickly got over his surprise.

“Er, right then.” He spread his wings and flapped down to the plateau. “I suppose I’ll have to carry you,” Pterano remarked and without waiting for a reply, bent upon his knee and Littlefoot clambered onto his back.

Easier said than done. Pterano grunted as he got back to his feet and lifted off. He hadn’t expected Littlefoot to be lighter than Taylen, and he knew for a fact that longnecks were noticeably heftier than most other species. But he should have taken into account that both his back and his middle, not to mention both of his feet, were now throbbing from the earlier attacks, which made getting across more difficult than it should have been.

Once reaching the other side, Littlefoot and Pterano were instantly bombarded with praise and accusations on so daring a stunt. Pterano certainly didn’t need to be told that twice. He finally turned to the longneck and glowered, cool demeanor forgotten.

“You have some explaining to do!” He reprimanded. “Now what was the meaning of your plan, and why pray tell did you not think to include me in it?”

Littlefoot was caught off guard, and it took a moment before he could arrange his thoughts. “Well, I… guess I forgot. Sorry.” He offered a sort of weak smile, but it was ignored by Pterano who continued to rant.

“Not only was I out of my mind with worry, but then you had me thinking you had fallen down that bloody ditch along with those fastclaws and what was I to think? How in the world would I have confessed that to your grandparents?” He demanded. “I’m not even allowed to be in the Valley, let alone nip in with a full out confession to the death of a child.” He raised his arms; his wings fluttered slightly.

Littlefoot bit his lip. “I’m sorry. I… I didn’t think of that.” He realized now just how much he had frightened Pterano. “I’m really sorry, Pterano.” He said again.

Pterano deflated with a long sigh. “It’s alright. You’re alive and well, and that’s what’s important.”

“Uncle!” Petrie cried out, suddenly. “You hurt!” Just now noticing the bleeding scratches, Petrie landed on his uncle’s shoulder and wrapped a small, comforting wing around his neck. “You okay?”

Truthfully, Pterano had nearly forgotten about his injuries per result of his chew-out, but now the pain came sliding back with a sickening jolt. He wobbled slightly. How had he managed to stay on his damaged feet like this? “I… think I need to set down somewhere,” he murmured, a talon clutching his middle.

Strut caught the flyer’s arm. “Come on, Oz and I’ve been out this way before. There’s a cave of some sorts up here.” He remarked, cheerfully.

So... all is well? Maybe? Hopefully?
Littlefoot!! You never think things through, yet for some reason your plans always seem to work... unfair, much? :bang

Anyway, new update... Thought I'd get it in before the weekend REALLY kicks off :p
oy vey, I can't wait for Monday :p
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Yeah... Monday's are just meh :lol:

Anyway, I sorta guessed Littlefoot would make use of this chasm :DD But Pterano getting injured?  :unsure: Well, he'll be alright I guess..
Enjoyable read, Strut!
Wonder what's going to happen next:smile
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Lol tysm for the review! And pff, Littlefoot always makes it :rolleyes
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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I am pleased to see that Littlefoot's plan succeeded, but Pterano's injuries are a concern.  It seems that for what Littlefoot lacks in cautiousness, he makes up for in blind luck.  
Keep up the good work, I can't wait for the next installment!

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Ooo this chappie be especially good for upcoming Halloween *laughs evilly*

=Part Twenty-Five

Pterano found himself leaning with his shoulder against a rock and his injuries slathered with a sort of green pulp that had stung horribly while applied. He had no idea what the green stuff was, only that that small pink runner had returned with it after popping out for a moment, saying, “I will be right back very soon”.

The flyer doubted he would get used to this curious speech – but then he reminded himself that he was quite used to Petrie’s speech; after all, he’d been the same way when he was young.

He sighed, wincing at the slight throbbing sensation that accompanied it. This also would take some getting used to. What had happened, anyway? The events just past all seemed hopelessly jumbled together in a giant mess. Fastclaws, running, chasm, Littlefoot… Guh, the flyer lowered his lids in defeat.

And now here was he, injured and exhausted. Fancy not helping out Taylen, after all. He thought, almost bitterly. Well no, that wasn’t entirely true, now that he thought about it. The lad had found his brothers, so there was that, but – here Pterano frowned – his nephew and his friends weren’t supposed to be out here, mucking up the situation.

No, no, not their fault. Only doing what was best, I’m sure. Actually, what were the children doing out here? They’d sort of skipped that part of the introductions. It had been quite a shock, come to think about it. Finding leafeaters traversing the Beyond didn’t seem like such a normal pastime, at least not to Pterano.

The Gang and Taylen were towards the back of the cave, quietly chatting. Strut and Ozzy had disappeared just then for whatever reason. Strut had mentioned something about ëfood’, so that was probably why. The flyer just now realized how hungry he really was.

A familiar presence on his shoulder snapped him out of his reverie, and Pterano glanced sideways to see Petrie. The little flyer’s face was heavy with concern. “You gonna be okay, Uncle?” It was supposed to have been a definite ëyou will be okay’, but thanks to Petrie’s obvious misgivings, it came out as a question instead.

Pterano smiled tenderly at his little nephew. “Oh, absolutely, Petrie. It’d take a lot more than two fastbiters to bring me down,” he winked.

Petrie perked up. “You really fight more than two fastbiters, Uncle?”

Pterano was about to answer when he considered. After that Stone fiasco, he had no doubt changed in the eyes of his nephews and nieces – particularly Petrie. He bit the edge of his beak before clearing his throat. “Well, no… but there was this one time when I met a whole pack of them.”

Petrie’s black eyes widened. But instead of praise, his face took on this almost adult-like suspicion. “You telling truth, Uncle?”

Pterano gave him a knowing smirk. “As truthfully as ever.”

Petrie relaxed then. “Tell Petrie,” he demanded, settling down.

“Tell Petrie what?” Chomper appeared, seemingly out of nowhere – even though he’d only been sitting a few feet away. Ducky was close by and asked much the same thing. Soon, Pterano had an audience, and the little boost to his pride didn’t hurt.

The flyer slowly and carefully turned himself to face the circle of faces, and inhaled. “Well, the tale I’m about to tell has not been heard by anyone before…” he paused and glanced at Petrie. “Well, maybe by one of you,”

Cera snorted as she flopped down on the cave floor, expecting the biggest blatant lie ever. And she would call the flyer out on it, like he deserved. She didn’t feel sorry for him – well, just barely – because, after all, what he did to the herds back then was unforgivable. She was firm and unmoving on that subject, just like her father.

Littlefoot on the other paw, settled down quietly, not really knowing what to expect. Pterano was… a curious one. But the longneck gave the flyer his attention as Pterano began.

“It all began one night,” Pterano’s voice was low and perhaps even a bit foreboding. “I was only a lad, not much older than Petrie here,” he shrugged his shoulder and Petrie grinned, enraptured. “I had never seen a night so dark, it was absolutely black as pitch, like the darkest hole where neither the Bright Circle, nor her sister can penetrate.”

“Sister?” Now this was news to Taylen. The little dappled head shot up in confusion. “What’s all this about a sister?”

“I have sisters, I do, I do,” Ducky commented.

Pterano held up his talons, surprised and slightly miffed at how quickly the attention had shifted. “That’s just a bit of prose, my lad.” He explained to Taylen. “I meant the Night Circle,”

“Ahh,” Taylen grinned and settled back again.

Pterano raised an eyebrow, but continued nonetheless. “Anyway, a night so black as I had never seen before, and I was stuck right smack dab in the middle of it.” Here, though he knew it would most likely result in a backache, the flyer decided this tale needed some pizzazz, so with a leathery whoosh, he unfurled his wings and it was all Petrie could do to stay on-shoulder, through his shock.

The trick worked. The majority of the children gasped and moved back a step.

Pterano grinned devilishly. “I was lost, oh, such a perfect night to be lost on. I was caught on a summer updraft, this night, and found myself encircling sharpteeth territory. Well, being the young rot I was,” ...And still somewhat am, he mused to himself, “I decided it’d be something of a lark to drop down and explore.”

Petrie squeaked. “You fly down to sharpteeth grounds?!”

“All by yourself?” Chomper echoed. Taylen’s jaw just dropped. Littlefoot’s neck had stiffened, but he made no comment. Cera rolled her eyes.

The great, crested head dipped once, twice, in agreement. “That I was, lad,” he remarked to Chomper. “All alone, and in one of the most dangerous places a youngster can be in. I caught myself pondering whether or not anyone was out in this pitch darkness, and indeed, wouldn’t it be fun to bump into them?” His blue eyes searched the faces of the group – anticipation was high. “I crept forward,” the flyer’s voice had slowed. “Every, footfall, silent, as the night.” He flexed his talons in time with the punctuation.

“So, what did you do?” Taylen blurted, almost going out of his mind with suspense.

Pterano just grinned, mysteriously. “I continued with my silent traipse; the darkness seemed to swallow everything in sight, yes!” His sudden exclamation caused Chomper, who had been leaning so anxiously forward, to flop forward on the ground with surprise. The Gang paused to laugh, but were silenced by Pterano flapping his wings.

Shh! Must be silent!” He hissed, theatrics at full throttle. He narrowed his eyes, wings held stiffly outward. “For certain, it seemed that I too, was swallowed up by this blackness, so that I was like to have passed out of this world entirely!” He made a sweeping motion with one wing. “And as I continued, there was this feeling,” the flyer’s voice had gone as cold as ice. “I felt it in my very bones,

Normally, the word ëbones’ would not have elicited much reaction, but it was the way Pternao had said it – cold and hushed, as dismal a voice as one could have – that caused the Gang to shift uncomfortably, even Cera.

“And as I crept – silent, mind you – along those bleak, dark passages, I became increasingly aware of eyes,” again, a simple word – ëeyes’ – was once again turned into a veritable verbal weapon. “Eyes that followed my every move, eyes that pierced my very core, eyes,” he paused and grinned ever so slowly. “Eyes belonging to shapeless beings, wandering the Beyond, keeping track of my every breath,” Pterano’s voice was no more than a reedy whisper at this point. He was building it up for the climax. He waved his talons as he continued.

“My progress became more and more wary, and soon I was standing as still as a tree, frozen to the spot with absolute fear, and when I finally had the courage to look around – as hopeless as it was at first to notice anything in this black void – I saw –”

It was at this moment, just when the Gang was being reeled in, and Pterano was already settling into his element, that a voice at the front of the cave – with no prior understanding of what caused such a reaction, interrupted with a loud, “Food’s here!”, unsettling the delicate balance the remained between enraptured fear and startling realization.


"Uh-huh... y'say there're two of 'em? Uh-huh... and they just walked in? Now, hold on, were they armed? No? Okay, did they threaten you in any way?... Uhh... what exactly happened? They scared ya?.... Uhh..."

Excerpt of Cera's 911 call after this incident :lol

Also HELLO THERE! I'm not dead, just very, very absent :p I have pressing matters elsewhere, unfortunately, but rest assured I'm alive and kicking.
And writing :yes
And drawing... and eating... and laughing :smile
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Good one, Strut :smile

Pterano uses his storytelling skills :lol
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=Part Twenty-Six

“I was not scared, I’m telling you!” Cera harrumphed as she tucked into the pile of green food that Strut had brought back, much to Ozzy’s dismay. The pale Stealer had tucked himself into the back corner upon his return, clutching the a small egg he had managed to scrounge up while out.

“Me hear you scream, you scream loudest.” Petrie insisted, nibbling on a leaf. He yelped at the burning gaze sent his way the next second.

Littlefoot laughed gently. “Hey look, it was a really good story, and we all just got caught up in it.” He glanced at Pterano as he said this. The older flyer – recovered significantly from the shock of his tale being so unexpectedly terminated – was once again leaning against the upturned stone, quietly eating and observing the group. He gave the longneck a subtle wink.

“Oh, me was truly scared!” Petrie nodded his head so hard that he dropped his leaf. “Me never scared that much before!”

Chomper nodded with a slight shiver, gazing shyly over at Pterano. “He can really tell good stories.”

“I’ll say!” Taylen broke in enthusiastically, between a beakful of treestars and treesweets. Strut had gathered up a tasty bundle of the stuff, wrapped in between all this green food. “I would have fainted if I knew how to! ëCause I know that sometimes when a bloke gets scared, he’ll faint, just keel right over! But I’ve never tried it, and I’ve never been so sc-” it was at this point that Strut had taken the liberty of handing Taylen another treesweet and the youngster was distracted as to stuff it in his mouth, ending the monologue.

Pterano felt his face flush with pride, but also something else – gratitude? Oh, come off it! You told them a story, nothing to get all weepy about! Or was it? He’d done something just then – something that was good in a sense – telling the children a story, and though the ending result could have been fine-tuned a bit more, all in all it had turned out nicely.

“Do you know any more stories?” Ruby asked, looking up from her leaf pile.

“Do he!” Petrie interrupted. “My Uncle Pterano know lots more stories!”

Pterano turned his head towards the many pairs of eyes that now flitted his way. He grinned, reveling in this moment. “Well, I do, I suppose.”

“Like what kind of stories?” This was Chomper, and he was very much intrigued.

Pterano waved a nonchalant claw. “Oh, just… stories.” He was teasing and he knew it, but he just couldn’t help it. It was after all in his habit of doing.

Chomper shook his head, clearly not satisfied. “Aw, can’t you tell? Please?”

Taylen seconded that with a vicious bout of nods. “Yeah! Absolute winner, that would be! Pleee-se?

Ozzy, in the back corner, rolled his eyes. Why did everyone have to be in such a good mood? Not that it was ruining his bad mood – not in the slightest – but still, it was rather annoying to have all this pesky cheerfulness hanging about his head. He finished the last of his egg and settled down for a nap. His stomach growled, but he ignored that. He knew he was hungry – that was all he’d been out here, was hungry, hungry, and more hungry. And then Strut had to go and top off the humiliation with what he called ëfood’! Bah! “Food” was the real stuff! Not rotten, foul-tasting, nasty---

“Hey, Oz?”

Ozzy’s head snapped sharply towards the speaker and he growled deep in his throat. Of all the times when he was unhappy to see his sibling, this was one of those times.

Strut gave a slight start, but he continued on nonetheless. “I-uh, just thought that if, y’know, you were still, um... hungry, ah…” he knew this was probably the last thing he should even think about asking, but it was only common curtesy.

His brother didn’t seem to agree, however. Ozzy’s amber eyes widened. Strut didn’t just… he did! “Wh-what did you say?” As if he needed to ask. “Are you bloody rotting daft?” Though his voice was quiet, it carried through the rest of the cave, and it caused the small group huddled around Pterano to turn their heads.

Strut started to tremble. “We– I just thought, i– it’s…” the dark Stealer’s tongue was useless in his mouth as he tried to form some type of distinguishable words. His legs seemed to lock, freezing him in place. Behind him, he heard the group stirring.

“’ëYou just thought’,” Ozzy taunted, bitterly. “What good has ever come out of you thinking?

Strut swallowed, hard. He was used to Ozzy’s temper and the things he said, but this… “I– what?” His voice was hoarser now.

“You heard me,”

At this moment, Pterano had taken it upon himself to sit up straighter – biting back a pained grunt – and come to the defense. “I rather think we all heard you, up here,” his blue eyes narrowed. There was something so inherently nasty about this one such Stealer, and now Pterano had an even bigger reason to dislike him.

Amber eyes squinted disgustedly in his direction. “Happy to have obliged, Cone-head.”

Taylen seemed to visibly droop. If anything, the arguing had gotten worse out here. Sure, Ozzy and Strut would have squabbles back in the herd, but they hadn’t been anywhere near as cruel and hurtful as they were now. He was rooted to the spot where he stood, over the leaf pile, miserably clutching a fistful of treesweets he’d been poising to pop into his mouth.

Pterano’s glare intensified. His talons were clenched. “What’s the matter with you? Can’t your brother offer you food without you blowing up?”

Ozzy seemed to find that amusing. “Offer me food? I already had my food.” His leer dared the flyer to do something – perhaps stand up, if he could.

Pterano couldn’t stand up, but his body gave a jerk at that remark. “One measly egg barely qualifies as a snack to a sharptooth hatchling,” he shot back. “You’re no exception.”

Now it was Ozzy’s turn to flinch. “I’m... I’m fine,” he hissed, not willing to give up that easily.

“You’re half-starved,” Pterano sniffed. “Anyone can see that.”

“I can manage on my own.” Ozzy’s voice came dangerously close to a yell. It was then that Strut found his voice – and his legs – and took a couple steps backward before he even thought of speaking again.

“But, Oz... we’ve got enough, here.”

“Shut it, bark breath! I’m not touching that filthy stuff!”

Now Pterano really started, but this time it was more a start of surprise than it was anger. “Why not? What’s so horrible about green food?”

“He doesn’t like it,” Taylen spoke up, probably not the wisest thing to be said at that point, but too late to be taken back.

Ozzy just grumbled something. Pterano tilted his head to the side.

“Whyever not?” He almost grinned here. The thought was almost ridiculous. “I’ll wager you’ve never tried it, or at least tried something so awful it turned you off for the time.” This line did merit a slight grin.

Ozzy turned and scowled. “I merely have never had an interest in trying such lowly stuff!”

“Lowly stuff?” Littlefoot echoed with a slight frown. “Green food’s delicious, and it’s good for you, too.”

Ozzy snorted in contempt. “Anything ëgood’ in that mess I can find just as easily in a nest of eggs. There’s a reason we’re called ëEgg-Stealers’, after all.”

“But, your brother eats it,” Chomper pointed out.

Strut would have loved more than anything to be left out of the conversation. But he asserted. “...It’s... not as bad as you think, Oz. Really.”

Ozzy shifted. This was not going according to plan. True, he’d never wanted to try the stuff. It was droopy-looking and just far too green. Not like eggs. Eggs had substance, and, as far as he was concerned, were far better than anything green food could offer.

Pterano folded his arms, carefully. “I think it’s time you tried it for yourself, before you go off and condemn it.” His gaze was level, and his expression was light.

“Try it?” Ozzy was appalled. “Absolutely not!” The Stealer’s face scrunched into a frown. “Never.”

“Try a bite, Oz!” Taylen spoke in a squeak. “You’ll love it!” He held out his fistful of sweet bubbles. “These’re really, really sweet!”

Ozzy hesitated. He opened his beak, but made no sound. Finally, with a dramatic sigh, he stood up and stalked over to his younger brother. He eyed the bunch of sweet bubbles with displeasure. He wasn’t about to back down from this, but he was totally reluctant to make the move.

All breaths were still. Ozzy reached out with his talons and plucked a single sweet bubble from the bunch. Taylen’s wide eyes didn’t blink once.

The next moment, Ozzy had popped the small thing in his mouth and used the corners of his beak to crush it. The resulting juices that filled his mouth were... sweet! He coughed in surprise. That single little bauble packed some powerful flavor! But then he fell back to chewing.

It wasn’t until he swallowed that Pterano asked. “Well?”

Ozzy took a long time to reply. And in that time, he’d set himself in the back of the cave again.

Pterano frowned. "Well?" He asked, again.

“It’s… good.”


Well, how's that for a chappie's conclusion? Oz finally comes to grips... somewhat. He's still an arrogant jerkweed XDD

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday season!
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Gooooooooood one Strut! :D

I really like how you manage to keep Ozzy and Strut in-character so well and thearguments between the stealers of course :)

Pterano's feelings are also interesting :)
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=Part Twenty-Seven

Pterano cleared his throat, loudly, hoping to call everyone to attention. The leaf pile had long ago vanished from the middle of the cave floor, and the first shades of evening were already filling the entrance. The Gang was restless, but there wasn't much to be done, now. Night in the Mysterious Beyond - though enchanting in a way - was quite harrowing.What were you children doing out here, anyway?"

Petrie, still perched on his uncle's shoulder, pointed to Ruby and Chomper. "There was big earthshake back in Valley, and we come out here look for them."

"See, our cave started to collapse, while we were still inside," Chomper added.

"And it connects to the Mysterious Beyond by another tunnel," Ruby jumped in. "So I got Chomper out, and myself out, too. Only then, we were trapped in two ways." She shrugged.

"And well, we came through to bring them back." Littlefoot sighed. Grandma and Grandpa must be so worried.

"All by yourselves?" Pterano's eyes widened. "Did you... did you even ask permission?"

Cera scoffed. "If we did, we wouldn't even be out here in the first place." She paused. "Actually, maybe we should ask permission more often, Littlefoot."

"Why?" The longneck frowned, certain the threehorn had a smart remark in store.

"Oh, no reason," Cera's voice betrayed the hint that there was exactly the opposite. "I doubt we'd be in as much trouble all the time,"

The longneck replied, testily. "Cera, this whole thing was your idea."

Cera snorted in irritation. "I only jumped in 'cause it was a fine time for you to start thinking about what the grownups might say! You never held back before!"

Littlefoot stiffened. Cera had hit home, and she knew it. Littlefoot could have gone on and on about how dodgy and judgmental the threehorn was being, but the truth was that he had hesitated back at Ruby and Chomper's cave. He had literally just stopped.  After who knows how many adventures they had been on together, sneaking off to the Beyond without permission hadn't really been that much of an obstacle for the children -- the way they saw it, they would go and be back again. But what Littlefoot had seen in his grandmother's eyes that day was fear. Fear and worry of loss. The longneck had never seen such fear in his Grandma's face, and that look alone was enough to give him a pang of conscience.

Pterano hastily threw up his talons to interrupt. "I didn't mean to start an argument," he protested. "I was merely curious. After all," he relaxed against the back of the rock with a sort of weak smile. "I am assuming that gallivanting off to the Mysterious Beyond is not a normal pastime?"

Spike shook his head, and Chomper smiled. "Well, I guess not."

Ducky giggled. "It is maybe normal for us, yep, yep, yep!"

The big flyer grinned wider. "Am I to expect such adventurism from all youngsters your age?"

Even Littlefoot had to give in at that. With an admitting shake of his head, he replied. "No, we're the only ones. But that's because we've been together the longest."

"The longest? Compared to who?"

The Gang of Five exchanged knowing glances with each other. "That is long, long story, Uncle! That before we came to Great Valley!" Petrie spoke up.

Pterano folded his arms with something like a grimace. "I'm certainly not going anywhere, and anyway I think it's time you returned the story favor. I have high hopes for this tale." He tilted his crested head.

"Where to start with a story like that?" Littlefoot asked, somewhat rhetorically; there was just so much that had happened.

"Start at the beginning, where else?" Cera collapsed onto her front. "The Moving of the Great Herds, back then."

"Moving of the --?" Pterano murmured. "You... wouldn't all happen to be talking about the Fail of the Leaf?" There was the slightest quaver to his voice.

The Moving of the Great Herds, The Fail of the Leaf, Littlefoot had heard it both ways. He nodded. "Well, yeah. That's when we all met."

Pterano quivered visibly, but he swallowed and shifted himself. He didn't know if the children were aware of his past... mistake, and up until now he would have liked to keep it that way. Granted, he probably wouldn't change much in the eyes of the youngsters Ôø? he knew they still held a grudge against him for putting Ducky in such danger when the Stone of Cold Fire had so muddled his brain a month ago. He hadn't meant any harm. He cleared his throat again. "C...continue,"

Littlefoot had caught the hesitation and the shiver of the older flyer. He knew his friends did, too. He doesn't know we know, the longneck felt his stomach tighten up. Giving Pterano pain wasn't exactly on the agenda right now. In fact, Littlefoot would have been happy if they hadn't met up with him at all. It was too awkward. But he continued his tale.

"I hatched while my herd was on the move. It was my mother and my grandparents traveling with me. One day when we stopped to eat, I met Cera." He gave the threehorn a sort of sideways grin.

Cera returned it, except hers was more of a smirk. "He got nailed by my dad for wanting to play."

Pterano was tempted to express that he had absolutely no trouble in imagining that, but held his peace as the children continued. Ducky spoke up next.

"I met Littlefoot after the Big Earthshake, I did, I did! And then we met Petrie when he felled out of a tree, yep, yep, yep!"

Petrie gave a shy sort of shrug. "Me try to fly and climb up on tree, but then me fell out."

"And then we found Spike!" Ducky cried, giving her adoptive brother a hug. Spike returned the favor with a big slobbery lick, which caused Ducky to topple over amid giggles.

"And... and you found the Great Valley like that? Traveling all on your own?" Pterano asked.

"Uh-huh! And we fight off big Sharptooth, too!" Petrie asserted.

"You did?" The big flyer gaped. "...How may I ask did you deliver such a... feat?"

"Well, Ducky was the distraction." Littlefoot explained. He couldn't help but feel more at ease. Talking about that journey back then with his friends seemed to take his mind off everything else happening. "And Petrie was the lookout. We needed to get Sharptooth into a deep pool, and then Spike and I would try to push him in with a big rock."

Pterano would have jumped in surprise if not for his sore back. He didn't have a chance to reply when Ducky suddenly started in with her own version.

"I was scared-ed, I was, I was! Sharptooth almost eated me, a lot of times! But then, I getted him in the water, and Petrie flew down to save me, he did, he did!"

Petrie nodded. "Uh-huh! Uncle, I a flyer, then! I flied down and peck Sharptooth in the eye" The little flyer made a swift striking motion with his wing. "Me go so fast!"

"And what about the rock?" Pterano found his voice, or at least the croaky remnants; he was still so bewildered.

"Sharptooth saw us," Littlefoot admitted, almost bashfully. "He jumped up, and tried to get at us--"

"Me never see Sharptooth jump that high!" Petrie broke in.

"And then I showed up!" Cera grinned, wagging her frilled head for emphasis. "I hit that old rock so hard, it toppled off down into the water, bringing Sharptooth with it!"

"And... and you did this all by yourselves?" The flyer could almost hear his jaw dislocate, he was gawking so much. Really, he must have looked utterly ridiculous, but it certainly wasn't every day one came across such intrepid explorers! And children, nonetheless!

Littlefoot nodded. "Yeah. We got there together," the way he looked, his expression might have been called remiss.

"And then these jokers showed up," Cera broke in with a snort, nodding towards the Egg-Stealers in the back. Ozzy and Strut, their systems full after who knew how long, were languidly draped on the hard stony floor, dozing. Only Taylen was awake - or nearly so. His eyes shot open and he gave a sudden jerk at the mention of his brothers.

"What happened?" He blurted, more curious than insulted. "How'd you get in trouble?" The little dinosaur sort of stumbled his way to the group, settling down beside Pterano. The flyer composed himself and settled back, not quite sure what to expect.

"...Might I ask how many adventures you've had?"

"Oh, loads! I'm sure they've had more when I was gone, but--" Chomper was interrupted.

"'Gone'?" Echoed Pterano. "Gone where?"

"To an island with his parents. But first, we rescued him as an egg from those two." Cera cleared her throat. "I'll start."

Pterano had the feeling this was going to be a very long night.


Heeeeeeerrrreeee's the next chappie! Haha, somehow I pictured the Gang recounting their tales of derring-do as elderlies, sitting around Council Rock and discussing the old times. ;)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Ah, an update  :idea

Well, telling Pterano about their past adventures sure made him gawk :smile Their adventures are awesome and very hard to believe. I like Pterano's reaction to being told about them :D
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The story got UPDATED! I'm really enjoying this so far. This chapter was especially nice with all the movie references.


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I am glad to see this story getting updated.  :yes  I love Pterano's reactions thus far, as I am sure the gang's story would be difficult to not only believe, but also to summarize in any form.  Based upon how little time seems to take place between the films, the gang must be having wild, life-threatening adventures every couple of weeks or so..

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Whew, after what feels like forever, I'm finally getting back on track with this story! Thank you, summer!
Anyways, this next part is short... Cuz this is filler... fillin' up the ti-ime... lawlz

=Part Twenty-Eight

“It hadn’t been too long after we found the Valley,” Cera resumed. “Well, maybe it had. A lot of new eggs were hatching.”

“I was getting new baby brothers and sisters!” Ducky grinned at the memory. Spike nodded in agreement and chuckled.

“Anyways,” Cera harrumphed at the interruption. “We’d been getting into trouble lately, and it was really unfair because all we wanted to do was have fun, and we were being treated like hatchings!”

Littlefoot thought having Cera tell the story might not have been the best idea.

The threehorn seemed oblivious, however. “So one night, we had a secret meeting up on top of a tall rock, to decide what to do.”

“Me no like be treated like baby,” Petrie mumbled.

Ducky sighed. “No, no, no, it was no fun.”

Any-ways,” Cera’s snort was pretty evident that she didn’t appreciate all the second-hand comments. “We look down and see a couple Eggstealers,” she made a fairly obvious eye-roll in the direction of Taylen’s sleeping brothers. Taylen couldn’t help but be glad they were asleep and miss such a scathing glance. The little Stealer was finding out fairly quickly that this was one dinosaur he did not want to push. “And they’re stealing an egg from Ducky’s nest! So, obviously, we run after them, because once we saved the egg, and the grownups found out we saved it, then they wouldn’t see us as babies!”

Pterano, unusually silent all this time, nodded slightly. He’d gone through the same thing as a youngster. In fact, there were times when he still went through phases of feeling inadequate or useless or just downright not wanted. His talons were folded against his middle. His throbbing back wasn’t paining him as much as before.

“So we chase them, and we end up in the Mysterious Beyond, and then there was a rockslide. We lost the Stealers but found the egg. Or at least, we thought it was the egg.”

Chomper giggled. “They found me!”

Ducky clapped her little claws. “Yep, yep! And we carried him back to the Valley in his own carrying nest!”

“A carrying nest?” Pterano’s voice was quiet.

“Mostly just long sticks we picked up,” Littlefoot clarified. “It worked pretty well. Petrie was our counterweight.”

Petrie straightened up on his uncle’s shoulder, proudly. “Me keep egg in place! It so big, but Petrie did it!”

Pterano smiled gently. “Continue.”

“Well, it wasn’t really hard to find out that we’d grabbed the wrong egg,” Cera explained. “It was bigger for one thing, so we kind of just let it be and it hatched on its own.”

“We were really scared-ed, we were!” Ducky emphasized, waving her arms. “Chomper was a Sharptooth, so we ran away!”

Chomper giggled at the memory. “Yeah, I remember. You guys were screaming! Guess I was pretty scary when I was a baby.”

Ducky leaned over to give him a hug. “And then you became cute, you did, you did!”

Chomper protested mid-hug. “No, I’m not! I’m a scary Sharptooth!” That earned a good chuckle from around the assembly.

Cera huffed. “Hello? Still have a story to finish.” She shifted, impatiently.


Pterano wasn’t sure how much time had passed, only that it was extremely late by the time the stories had ended. He’s been left feeling like the wind had been knocked out of him; rather lightheaded. He was amazed and confused. All those adventures, and only five children? He knew he didn’t know a lot about children in the first place, but he was quite certain that that much adventuring was an anomaly.

Remarkable. He thought to himself. Truly remarkable. He was impressed, and maybe a little envious. All the stories he knew practically paled in comparison. He gazed over the small group assembled before him – all asleep by now and softly snoring. He grinned slightly at the small weight of Petrie lying sprawled over his shoulder.

For some reason it felt… good to be back. Like it was meant to be and not totally forbidden. Well, not technically forbidden yet, as the flyer was still outside the Great Valley’s borders. But he still couldn’t shake that feeling, that foreboding deep within his chest. Pterano sighed. All this work, and now what? Everyone was together, right? So what was to stop him from taking off and leaving? Besides an injured back and foot, of course.

He couldn’t just… leave now, could he?

Could he?

Pterano exhaled in disgust. All these mind games were driving him crazy! He needed some fresh air and fast. Moving slowly so as not to upset his nephew, the bigger flyer carefully slipped Petrie’s small body onto the floor of the cave, close by Ducky and Chomper. The next part was slightly more difficult: moving without causing an eruption of pain.

This proved easier said than done as Pterano rose to his feet, a soft groan escaping his beak. Using the rock he’d previously been lying against for support, he raised himself to his feet and out towards the cave entrance. The Night Circle shone brightly, like it had the night before during his and Taylen’s travels.

Pterano leaned heavily against the opening, and fixated his light blues on the beacon overhead. “What am I doing here?” He asked, softly. As if the Night Circle would answer. “I… I am so lost. All I… ever wanted was a… a chance. Just one chance.” His chest tightened and he inhaled suddenly to prevent what felt like oncoming tears. “Why didn’t I get it? And what, now?”

It was at this point that Littlefoot awoke, just for a moment, but once his eyes adjusted to see that one member of their circle was missing, he became alert. It didn’t take long to pinpoint Pterano’s location, but the longneck was confused. What was he doing?

Wiggling away from Cera and Spike, Littlefoot tiptoed over to the big flyer. He seemed to be talking to himself. Littlefoot frowned, slightly.

“Um, Pterano?”


Gaaaaah I know, comebacks are not my thing, but I wanted to get this down. And hey, look on the bright side, we're nearing the end of this venture^^
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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AN UPDATE! I wasn't sure this was continuing, so this is WONDERFUL to see! Also, I can't WAIT to see where this is going!


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Haha I admit I've been lazy with updates :)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein