The Gang of Five
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LBT stuff on-line


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I started a topic like this in the other board but I got no response, I'd like to know what do you feel about people taking the movies, songs and other stuff out of the net and if you think it might ruin business for Universal. I guess this could develop into an "universal" discussion on illegal downloads =P
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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I think we need to differentiate on LBT stuff here. If we are talking about the whole movies being offered as downloads, then it would definitely do harm to Universals!
If we are talking of for example the songs being offered as downloads it is a little more difficult.
I confess that I did download some LBT songs from the internet. However, I recorded others from the original videos which I own, and burned them on a CD for my personal use or to send the CD as a gift to some friends of mine who love LBT as much as I do. So I could've done the same with the songs I downloaded from the internet, some of which (e.g. those from LBT 7) were never ever released on a sing along song video tape (only those from LBT 2 to 4 and 5 and 6 were). I do have an audio cassete of the German songs that was released along with the video (and a CD that was released a bit later) and the first English sing along video. The recording and burning of the songs from the original videos, and the downloading of songs from the internet which I could've recorded from the original videos otherwise didn't deceive Universal's for a dime, so I don't see anything wrong with it. If somebody downloaded the songs from the internet and didn't buy the videos because he would've only bought the original videos for the songs it would be a loss for Universals; but let's stay realistic: "how many people want to listen to the songs only and would buy the videos only for that rather than waiting until they can get the songs by taping the film once it is shown on TV"?
I do not think that screenshots of the movies which one can find everywhere in the internet do any harm to Universals either. On the contrary, they are like advertisments for the movie, and hardly a land before time webpage could exist without such screenshots! The same (except for the last statement) goes for advertisment videos for LBT such as those offered at Universals does BENEFIT from their comercials being spread like this, and so long those who put the songs, the comercials and screenshots in the internet don't earn money by doing so, I find it difficult to see anything wrong with it, or to put it straight, I do not see anything wrong with it at all.
Another possibility are excerpts from the movies being offered as downloads. Short scenes for example being offered for download for example if they are the topic of a discussion in a forum. For example if Arvens or I would put a short scene from LBT 10 (which you haven't seen) up here so you too could take part in a discussion about it. I see nothing wrong with that either.
Or different scenes from LBT being used to create a new video clip that doesn't earn any money to the creator but is more like a tribute, or a sort of commercial for a fanfiction that doesn't earn the author any money either (you are soon going to find examples for this in a new land before time gallery which is not yet finished). There is nothing wrong with that! Or do you disagree?


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No no I agree with you, I guess you covered everything their, but I'd like to know what people think about people downloading entire movies and cd's some times just for personal use other times to sell.. I guess all of us have herd of programmes such as Kazaa or emule that provide people with that.. I some times download a couple of movies cause their not in theatres and I don't think it's worth renting them or buying them, and I sometimes downlaod a couple of songs when I don't want to buy the entire CD. A few weeks ago, I saw on TV a big police bust of pirate dvd's cd's and etc... Have you herd of anything like this?
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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The topic of online piracy has died down quite a bit over here.

As soon as I saw this topic, I thought of my own LBT site you guys know about,  Trust me, I am not costing Universal a cent by offering what I do.  The song clips are there, but they are just that--a tiny portion of the whole.  If I offered people the option to download the entire song for free then they could convict me of piracy as the people are not buying the films to hear the songs for themselves.  

Here's the tricky part--while the songs, pictures, and whatnot are all products of Universal studios and the original trademark belongs to them, whatever was created for belongs to me...that means the song clips, while the song is copyrighted to the writers and performers, that actual clip of any of the songs is mine because I had to

1. purchase the film to get them
2. create the clips and upload them to the web

The same goes for the style of pictures that I display the characters in.  Those pictures are legally mine after creating them in that style--that is why I don't mind if you save them or use them for projects on your computer or in a school classroom, but they would be considered pirated if found on another website without permission from me.

It's a very tricky business I know.

By the way....even with cable and high speed internet--it takes too long to download an entire movie, and sometimes the quality is terrrible....don't waste your time trying and just go buy the thing if you want it badly enough. ;)


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Well that's not true I can download a movie in an night.. but I have wide band internet, the only catch is I can only download 2 gb of international download's but I have 20 gb of national.. and with emule there's no problem with that =p Anyway, I guess it's something we all know about and not such an interesting topic
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


  • The Circle
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But it is a topic that is very misunderstood across the world as to what is illegal and what is legal. ;)  I saw just today that the international media group (that's probably not their name) are suing people in France, UK, and Spain for illegal downloading.