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Fanfiction voting 2017

rhombus · 31 · 7181


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*is going to spend the next three days reading non-stop* :p
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Just to let everyone know, I am extending the voting period for the fanfiction awards by a week.  This is both to allow some people who have failed to vote to have a chance to cast their votes, and to allow me to have time to tally everything up.  As you might imagine my current focus is on the forum conversion issue.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Thanks, rhombus! I was worried I'd not get any more reviews in, as I'm trying to finish my fanfic prompt for this month, and now my landlord wants to inspect my apartment. :p
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Excellent! I have a few more author's to respond to, and this should give me the time to do so. Thanks for extending this!


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  • *feels like Pterano*
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On what date are reviews due? Having two exams this week and I don't think I can read all the short ones but I should have enough reviews to receive my eligibility of the award. Just need to write them and vote  ^^spike
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Quote from: Ducky123,Nov 7 2017 on  09:19 PM
On what date are reviews due? Having two exams this week and I don't think I can read all the short ones but I should have enough reviews to receive my eligibility of the award. Just need to write them and vote  ^^spike
I was thinking about totaling up the votes on 11/15, which would be the same date the latest fanfiction prompt response is due.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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That should be enough time for me to read the short works at least. Kind of the same story with the longer works this year, just don't get around to read something the magnitude of Fyn's main fic :p
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Alright, in light of the problems with fanfiction links due to the conversion I am extending fanfiction voting for one more week only. The voting will be concluded at midnight on November 22, 2017 forum time.  Please submit your votes by then.

On a related note, the fanfiction links should now be working again.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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This shall be my masterpost for all my fanfiction votes. I'm not done reading yet but I figured I should write my votes down before the memories blur to much ^^spike

Important Note: I have not given  any votes just yet as I'd like to have some stories to compare first for refined and accurate votes.
The Eighth Hunter:

sadly not able to read due to length of the story.


7.5 / 10

I haven't read the older chapters in years but I still remember the general mindset of this fanfiction. It's hard to rate since it uses script format which does not convey thoughts and descriptions very well. Scenes usually come with some of it though so the reader knows what's happening where.

The plot is episodic, there's a loose continuity within the single episodes as opposed to the tv-series though some chapters aren't quite progressing the plot.

The story's strong point is definitely humour. The Proffessor is a very unique and witty character and quite often causes some quite hilarious things to happen.

As for the most recent addition, I must say it is one of the few chapters in the story that are a bit darker. Chomper has to go into the Mysterious Beyond to attend the sharptooth equivalent of a burial after one of his relatives died and of course the Gang wanna come along. Pretty interesting idea for sure!

This is Growing Up:
7 / 10

This fanfiction takes place in the Gang's teenage years. While they are still acting like their counterparts from the movies, their bodies are bigger and more mature. When Littlefoot accidently witnessed two dinosaurs engaging in courtship, he is given the talk by his grandparents. While shocked, Littlefoot is also curious and tells his friends about it, much to the displeasure of their parents, deeming them too young to know any of that stuff. Also a subtle crush seems to be playing a role in the future of the story.

The story seems to venture into an interesting direction and the overall quality of the writing improves throughout the first chapters though some improvements could be made as far as writing style is concerned. The author's more recent story seems to be an indication though that he is getting better, yep yep yep!

Wish granted: Tears of a Sharptooth:

6 / 10

I was long debating whether to rate this fanfiction or not and I'm still not sure if I can rate this fairly. I'm going to try though.

The story provides an almost too familiar setting (what is it with all those "Chomper is forced to leave the valley" stories lately?). No matter how many things are done differently (for example the reason for the transformation and Chomper's parents presumably being dead) I just cannot see this as a fully original stories due to the fact that it resembles rhombus' "The Seven Hunters" (aka. pretty much the high bar end of fanfiction writing imo --> only stories reaching that level of epic and such an elaborated writing style) way too much. Especially the firts couple chapters are rather weak in comparison although I do need to admit that, as soon as the transformed Gang have reached Hanging Rock, both quality and plot are getting better and more enjoyable.
Overall though, I do not think I can give a very positive rating here (hence my doubts whether or not to review it at all)

Guido's Day Out:


Well, there's not much to say about this short story. Guido somehow manages to seal a swimmer relationship and upon meeting good ol' Thicknose is helping him introduce himself to a girl Hollowhorn. A short, rather amusing read about Guido's ordinary life in the Great Valley. ^^

The Flyers that never stop flying:

10 / 10

I think I do not need to elaborate that this story is a masterpiece through and through! Everything about was just perfect, the mood, the metaphors, the out of character acting....

It is often overlooked that a loss never ceases to hurt. While Littlefoot and Cera do not seem to be upset anymore after the first movie (that rare moment during "Always There" being an exception) but there are still moments of sadness and sorrow, moments in which they forget about the worst of arguments to come together and mourn the dead. Petrie is now part of their small Circle. Wonderfully done, rhombus! Eventually decided this is worth the highest rating.

The crackfic with the godawfully long title:

8.5 / 10

I dreaded reading this for a while now because... you guys writing something hilarious? That just can't end well, can it? Well, now I haven't fainted unlike Tria so I might as well give this one my vote as well :P

I won't go into every single detail but, aside from the "Petrie is growing up" idea, I found all plot elements to be well worth the time I spend reading this :smile . Some scenes are a bit edgy, naturally, but they were great honestly. Nothing more hilarious than Redclaw being defeated like that (although I surmise a good ol' fight might have just been as epic, knowing your abilities ^^)

Fateful Meetings:

9.5 / 10

Now that story was wonderfully done, retelling how Ruby and Chomper got into the valley from Ruby's Perspective. What really makes the story stick out are not the two scenes where they are being heard by the valley (although Ruby's vow is quite impressive and probably did it for the last doubtful residents) but the nightly scene in the caverns. Ruby is confronted witha difficult situation where either outcome wouldn't help her case but Ruby did manage to earn a distrustful domehead's trust and make him speak out in favor of their case. That scene was amazing! As is the whole story!

Tiny Biters:

6 / 10

Well, while the story itself was a pretty solid slice-of-life spin-off of your Hunters story, I think you should stick to writing more serious stuff. I dunno, it didn't really blow me away unlike your usual work. Maybe I'm just having very high expectations whenever I read something you wrote? :P

Mender's Tale:

9.5 / 10

Well, I'm not quite up-to-date on this story but I feel what I've read so far is more than sufficient to give a fair vote.

The writing quality of the story is, as to be expected from our favourite shape, excellent and a joy to read each time. Although the plot is often running slow, rhombus and his Co-writer have always filled those scenes with great, interesting and often emotional dialogue and thoughtful scenes.

Mender is a highly interesting character and her packmates (both present and past) are well-developed characters just as well. The contrast between Violet (her younger self) and Mender is quite strong which only shows the value of character-development shown in the story. Besides, a villain among the ranks of the hidden runners is going to cause havoc in the chapters I haven't read yet :P

To Tread Fields Upon Far:

No time to read it :(


same, sadly :( I'll review it whenever I get around to...

One Star Above:

10 / 10

This is one of the few stories that left me speechless right after finishing it. I had to gather my thoughts a bit when I initially read it. Now I lack the time to reread it right now (pls forgive my lack of content-relevant details) but I still remember what the story was like. It was original, it was sad, emotional, almost tragic... and yet it concludes with a happy ending and the lesson that the love of a parent is stronger than the nature of your kind. I just love how Fyn conveyed a christmas feeling just like that! Might make it an annual habit of rereading it around christmas every year! :DD



(I suppose it is alright if I just copy n' paste my review on the story topic itself since I wrote it with the award voting format in mind)

What a well done story, Fyn!

I guess we saw it all coming that Littlefoot/Cera would end up replacing their folks at some point. I guess the same goes for the death of Littlefoot's grandparents, they're not immortals after all :)

The setting of this story is a very good one, fitting the prompt excellently! After a terrible drought befalls the valley, certain food becomes scarce. The death of his grandmother forces Littlefoot to step up to her role in a way, dragging along his friends as always. Cera and Littlefoot seem to be co-leading this green food organisation, working hand in hand (figuratively speaking :p)

One might muse Cera would desperately try to outdo the longneck but that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Much in contrary, she is surprisingly supportive of Littlefoot and takes her "defeat" like a champ.

The one character who is as in-character as you can get is Topsy of course :smile Gee, I loved that part of the story so much! The two threehorns fighting while having their argument... perfect. Cera has totally matured, setting her own leadership wishes aside to support the better suited Littlefoot. I'm a littke surprised though why noone considered a double position shared between the two.

Great work Fyn! ^^spike

Separate Ways:

9 / 10

Probably the best long running fanfiction of the year since uhh... it's the only new one besides mine I can think of. I'll just say that right away :P

When I read the first two or three chapters, I wasn't too impressed by the story. It was slow-paced and kind of boring. However, it would soon proove that my initial impression is being replaced by excitement whenever a new chapter comes out! The story really took a turn for the better when Chomper and Ruby had to leave the valley (and so did the gang).

Now, there are two different stories going on, Petrie having joined his uncle's flyer herd and Ruby travelling far from the valley with other fastrunners in search for her family. I do wonder what else Sovereign will have in store for us but I daresay this story is far from finished at this point, it is really just beginning ^^spike

The Freezing Night:

10 / 10

I am... speechless. Just... speechless. You just did something that even the first movie doesn't do to me... I swore I wouldn't rate any short story 10/10 since I'm always comparing to "The Seven Hunters" ... but even that story didn't make my cry, goddammit!  :smile

I might give a more detailed review at some later point, right now my brain is just numb... poor Ducky  :cry So, on account of the emotional reaction this story evoked, taking into consideration that it's also been well written as far as I could tell through the tears, this story will receive the highest rating of all entries...

Not a Monster:

9 / 10

Right after reading about Ducky's death, I read about her almost suiciding... what a day  :crazy

Well, that was certainly dark and almost gore-y. Just imagining innocent little Ducky as a little girl the age of a primary schooler dreaming something like that... it is no wonder Ducky is absolutely freaking out afterwards. Her announcing to commit suicide really takes things to a whole different level. Wow, I knew from TST you are capable of writing some dark stuff but this was surprisingly goooood :smile

I haven't seen the initial version of this story but whatever you did to edit it, it was well worth it!

Last but not least, I will skip the three stories by Littlefoot Fan because I think it's more helpful for the author if I take my time to give them some advice on their writing rather than give a short review I have to conclude with a mediocre rating...

My voting has concluded thus :)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 04:48:44 AM by Ducky123 »
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Okay, the time to cast votes for the fanfiction awards has now passed.  As such I will close the topic.  I should have a new topic with a summary of the fanfiction vote totals and the fanfiction award banner up by the end of the day on Sunday when I return from visiting my family.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.