The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

How did you find the GOF?

Petrie. · 241 · 79282


  • Spike
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I was led here to the GOF because i'm looking for Land Before Time pictures in google images, and i saw one of Sky's artworks, i followed the site where it was originally, and led me here.

At first i thought it was dead, but when i saw recent posts, I came up with the idea of making an account.

It's just great meeting you all!!!  :DD  :DD  :DD


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  • Ducky
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I rewatched the original film for the first time in years, and remembered how much I liked it. Then a friend recommended this site because he reads some of the fanfiction.


  • Cera
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I was led here from my self. I searched for some Land Before Time Websites to find the songs from the movies. Since I liked a handful of them. And on the website I found this here forum and decided why not and join  a forum that is dedicated to a move that I loved as a kid. And here I am now. And I'm very thankful for joining this forum. I really love it here. I like how there are many dedicated fans of the movie series. Young and old. It's really great. I still get the urge to want to watch all thirteen movies again. And I'm happy to meet a lot of new friends on here. This is a very welcoming forum. Witch is very nice. Glad to be a part of The Gang Of Five.


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  • Ducky
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I found this website after I had learned that The Land Before Time had some scenes cut out and I went searching for those scenes. A Google search led me hear.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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  • Ducky
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Can't remember exactly why I started thinking about it again, but I started thinking about Pterano back in May, and I was like huh... I wonder if there's an LBT forum out there? I'm really into forums, and as LBT is still one of my biggest interests, I decided to check and see, and Google led me here. :)

(runner up)
(runner up)

Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


  • Ruby
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I was looking for an uncut version of the first movie of the Land before time, and info also. And that's how I stumbled upon the site.


  • Petrie
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I was on Pokeplayer984's website, when I saw a banner advertisement for this site.  I went on and looked around.  It seemed dull at first.  When my passion for LBT increased dramatically, I remembered it so I joined.  I love this place now.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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One night, a loud noice from outside woke me up, so I went outside to see wht was going on. There were these strange looking creatures out there. They kinda looked like dinosaurs to me. Like maybe velociraptors, or those rainbow faces, or something. They took me up on their ship for experiments. I don't really remember that part, probably because they had me on soemthing, but I do remember it hurt.

After that whole mess, they said I was a good sport about it, and said to come here if I wanted to talk to them again.

Weird. :/

Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Petrie
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There was a section on the Redclaw's page on the LBT wiki of a theory that he and Sharptooth may be the same or related. It sparked enough of my curiosity to google search any topics of it. There was one very interesting theory/debate on this very awesome-looking site and here I am!


  • Ruby
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I was searching for a good LBT forum....but i didn't find one in german....and so i found this forum...but i like it a lot and its a good practise to learn better english

Mr Wonk

  • Petrie
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Last year I just got back into Land Before Time. (Thanks to LBTLover1 YouTube Videos) I was shock to find out that there did 13th movies and also a TV show. Going back to my childhood past I found a wiki that told me everything about LBT. It also told me about this forum but I was too busy with school to join and talk non-stop about LBT. Now that I'm not so busy I joined just this week. Hello everyone! :p


  • The Circle
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I was searching for a good LBT forum....but i didn't find one in german....and so i found this forum...but i like it a lot and its a good practise to learn better english
There are a couple of German language land before time forums, but with the language reducing the number of potential members I don't know of any that became as active as the GOF. I used to try to establish German forums as well, but I believe that the GOF benefits especially from being as international as it is. This, I'm afraid, is something that cannot be achieved with a language that is less far spread as English is.


  • Spike
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I better post in here before I forget  :p

I found the GOF by searching for information on the scenes that were cut from the final version of the first film.  Various search engines brought me here, and then I noticed all of the interesting discussions about all of the movies, so I stuck around and lurked.  
I lurked at first because school was taking up all of my time and I knew that I wouldn't be able to partake in the discussions.  The other reason was because I am actually very shy, and it took me this long to decide to join.  
I know a year sounds like a long time to lurk, but I lurked 3 years on another site before I joined there!  

But I'm glad I'm here now!  :)


  • Spike
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Same here.I was searching outcut LBT scenes,and this led me to the GOF.


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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  • Ducky
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I was looking up LBT screenshots for reference for my art after I got back into the fandom ;)
and I kept running into this site. At first I was all, "Huh, that's col," didn't relaly give it much thought,
AND THEN, I started reading fanfics that were posted on here, and I thought "WHOA! EPIC! I need to get me a username and fast! XD"
lol fandom can make people do anything
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Petrie
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Last year I just got back into Land Before Time. (Thanks to LBTLover1 YouTube Videos) I was shock to find out that there did 13th movies and also a TV show.

Huh, so people do watch them...I might put a link to this forum or an advertisement on my channel to potentially get more members on the board.


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  • Petrie
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A Sharptooth chased me here and I hid on this site for safety...

Just kidding.

Actually, I found this site when I just did a random "Land Before Time" google search. I scrolled down as usual and saw the site, so I checked it out and here I am!


  • Grand Admiral
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  • Petrie
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I first found this site in 2010 or 11, when my interest in Land Before Time truly came back, I was searching for stories involving Chomper, and then found this place through captions, and gradually came back, and sometime in august that year, I decided to join, though I didn't do anything until 2012, and since then, I've become very active, glad I found this place.


  • Chomper
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I was looking for information. I can't remember what it was I originally wanted. A few Google results brought me here. Curiosity brought me back.  :p


  • Spike
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Well, if I can recall correctly, I think I clicked on a link to here on the LBTFanClub on DA. And then I just stumbled upon this great place! :DD