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Martial Arts


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Discuss Martial Arts and all of its forms here!

Martial Arts for me is more then a sport or even an art. It is an extension of my senses (heh, I'm sounding like Toph) However, honestly, it really is. As a kid, I was more about protecting myself from the world so I wasn't aware of people who were talking to me or if I was bumping into anyone. I use martial arts to be more attentive and to feel a lot more strength because I realize even though I may not be typically as large or as strong as some other people (although the sensei has complimented me that I was pretty strong physically XD) I can still use it to push the uke(attacker)s force against them.

So does anyone here do martial arts? Do you teach classes of martial arts? Tell your martial art stories here.

Cancerian Tiger

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I took Tae Kwon Do lessons as a kid, mainly 'cuz I had trouble with anger management :rolleyes:.  It has helped me in several ways to this very day.  First off, it taught me self-discipline and self-control, which has helped me get a handle on my anger and let my kind and caring side come out and show :^.^:.  It taught me that the object of martial arts is to not harm the attacker, but to prevent them from causing harm to ya.  Never engage in a fight unless you're sure ya can win.  Lastly but definitely not least, it helped me learn self-defense and how to protect myself against assailants :yes.  It makes me feel much more secure to have such knowledge of defending myself :).


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I will admit, I was into karate before I even took lessons. After watching Power Rangers for so long, I just had to learn it all. I started taking Tae Kwon Do when I was six, and it was the most fun I ever had in my life. I will also admit that I used to be very arrogant when I was younger. When I started taking lessons, I would always think I could beat people up. Of course, then I became a black belt at nine and finally realized I couldn't be so arrogant. From that moment on, Tae Kwon Do was a part of my life, and I stuck with it until I became a 2nd Degree Black Belt. Unfortunately, my studio was going through very difficult times, and it eventually went bankrupt. I now study Tang Soo Do, which is almost the same thing, and I've been taking that for the past two years.


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I went into Okinawan Karate in the middle of junior high (I knew it as middle school), because I was being viciously bullied.  It was funny that for some reason when I started, I was never physically abused again, but I never told anyone at school about it.  Anyway, I was in it for over 6 years and made it up to 1st degree black belt when I finally decided to quit, because I wasn't being trained further and the whole system was being changed to the point where it became more of a business than a school.  I was doing pretty good in tournaments, and I made state champion in my division in '98 before our grand master decided against state tournaments and we went to local ones.  I most favored katas, weapons, and team demonstrations (I always play a bad guy getting pounded).

Anyway, after I quit, I wanted to stay in shape so I took Latin dance classes at this place that also did karate, cardio kickboxing, step aerobics, body conditioning, and self-defense.  So I took dancing and cardio kickboxing for three years before I moved to go to culinary school.

Taking martial arts really opened my eyes to the world of martial arts, and I really delved into the spiritual aspect of martial arts.  I'm trying to at least find a school here that teaches tai chi.  To summarize it all up, I believe I wouldn't even be here if I hadn't taken martial arts and kept me around long enough for me to discover cooking.


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I spent one and a half season learning Wing Chun (Kung-Fu).
Got over the basic kicks, punches and throws.
I didn't have the time to continue though.  -_-
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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I was in Judo one time. But I stopped practising it soon as I felt once on my head and had to go to the hospital :p  Now I want to practise Capoeira, after the holidays.


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Tae Kwon Do since sixth grade for me.  I want to take up either Kendo or Aikido soon, though.  Muay Thai kickboxing looks fun too.


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When I was in CA, I took Kook Sool Wan, which is a Korean form of Martial arts, but when school starts, I'll take Tae Kwon Do. I made it as far as Yellow Belt Blue Stripe. My mom was in Tae Kwon Do was was a 3rd degree blackbelt when she married my dad. He said that he felt safe  :lol:


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about 15-18 or so years ago I took kenpo karate for about a year or so but haven't been taking any martial arts since then.


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a friend of mine(you a friend? yes indeed,)learned me some systema(russian karate) moves,


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When I was six I practiced Judo! Quited when I was 8 because there were no girls and practising with boys wasn't really fun. So you can't say im really good either xD

The Great Valley Guardian

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I've recently wanted to take up Tai Chi..but dealing with college right now I've had to lower my standards considerably. I have been able to download a single Free lesson from this website...the name currently escapes me.  -_- But I gotta's fun! :DD


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Well, I finally got to start in 2 more combat arts: Fencing and Kendo.  Just started in both, but it totally kicks butt!  Busy as all get out, though...


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You're learning European fencing with Japanese fencing?  Neat!  The school where I learned Karate was on the verge of teaching chanbara, kind of like kendo but everything is made of foam.


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As a teen, I studied a specialist form of karate called "Inyo Karate Do". My younger brother and I took part in it. I studied this form for about 3 years. I made "Rokkyu" (6th level) which is green belt. I enjoyed it for a while, mainly because studying the Japanese language was also part of the class. The training was tough and my sensei and sempei were never easy on us. But it taught me a lot about discipline, self control and respect for others as well as how to defend myself and deal with given situations. We never used weapons (as it was a form of karate) yet it was a very engaging style involving katas (fight technique routines), ukemis (break falls and rolling techniques), grab and throws and other specialist techniques. I gave it up to go to university and I have since left it behind although I still do remember some moves and some of the lessons learned from the classes.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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i took Taekwondo for 4 years in England. i got my 1st Degree black belt in december 06. i took my 2nd degree the following year, but failed it as a result of my teacher concentrating on his "elite" players for competition and stuff. never mind :). since coming to the States, i havent really gotten back into it yet. even though its the same art, alot of the stuff is very different.

eventually i wanna open up a school and start to teach. i love doing Taekwondo. even though i am currently not doing it, it is still a part of my life.


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I'm going to start Grappling pretty soon as well. :p

Basically it's intense wresting and of course, there is going to be more men and boys there then women...but heck, anything that can help me with my anger and maybe self-diagnosed depression is great! XD

The Great Valley Guardian

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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Aug 27 2008 on  10:19 PM
I'm going to start Grappling pretty soon as well. :p

Basically it's intense wresting and of course, there is going to be more men and boys there then women...but heck, anything that can help me with my anger and maybe self-diagnosed depression is great! XD
Look on the bright side...beating all those guys at Grappling will definitely put a dent in their egos. :DD


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Yes, and it will put a dent on mine as well believe it or not.  :P: