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Messages - DollFace

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Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: August 14, 2011, 04:56:59 PM »
Quote from: DollFace,Aug 14 2011 on  03:46 PM
My goal is to be within the spirit and there is God. he loved the world that he gave his son Jesus for we can give him our sin and ask for forgiveness and repent and follow him. God know everything, and man's knowlege and intellegence are only limited. in Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in they sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
We were created in God's image and we got seperated by sin and that's how all kinds of disasters and disease and etc. appeared.
I use to believe what you believed in at one time, heck,in fact I was so obsessed with dinosaurs, and i read books, and collect anything I could find. Flash cards, toys, movies and etc. But God opened my eyes and I found out and got the idea what really happened to him.
I met overall not him. Man I suck at focusing. But yeah

Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: August 14, 2011, 04:46:45 PM »
My goal is to be within the spirit and there is God. he loved the world that he gave his son Jesus for we can give him our sin and ask for forgiveness and repent and follow him. God know everything, and man's knowlege and intellegence are only limited. in Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in they sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
We were created in God's image and we got seperated by sin and that's how all kinds of disasters and disease and etc. appeared.
I use to believe what you believed in at one time, heck,in fact I was so obsessed with dinosaurs, and i read books, and collect anything I could find. Flash cards, toys, movies and etc. But God opened my eyes and I found out and got the idea what really happened to him.

Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: August 14, 2011, 04:30:11 PM »
Why you judge me. And you said it's okay to be crazy? I mean that's what I believe in, and why should it matter. And why bash me? I just don't undestand.

Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: August 14, 2011, 04:09:40 PM »
and I got it from this link it will explain more about it. [img][img]

Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: August 14, 2011, 04:04:01 PM »
Quote from: DollFace,Aug 14 2011 on  03:01 PM
I don't think I was correct about the flood part. Dinosaurs died out after Adam and Eve sinned and were seperated from God. It was because of sin. Even if you don't believe in sin it exist no matter what. It's sounds like it's crazy, but when you read Genesis and looked at what Adam and Eve did, which is disobeying God, everything pretty much fell apart and died.
I'm still studying about it, and at first dinosaurs didn't really eat each other. God gave each creature something to eat, but it was sin that made them attack eaach other and turn on each other. And then there is Noah's story and about his Ark. But i understand your point of view to. You didn't see dino fossils with human fossils/bones.

Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: August 14, 2011, 04:01:03 PM »
I don't think I was correct about the flood part. Dinosaurs died out after Adam and Eve sinned and were seperated from God. It was because of sin. Even if you don't believe in sin it exist no matter what. It's sounds like it's crazy, but when you read Genesis and looked at what Adam and Eve did, which is disobeying God, everything pretty much fell apart and died.

Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: August 14, 2011, 03:55:19 PM »
I don't know if I should call myself a creationist, but I'm Christian and I do believe in God's word. And if you think it's silly and disagree there is nothing I can do about it really. And I can't control what you believe and that's the matter of fact. And Dinosaurs were mentioned in Genesis. THe term dinosaur wasn't used back then. And a lot of terms for that matter. And I'm not judgeing anyone. And like I said I can't or no one can't control what people believe in. And your free to share your opinions and views with me if you want. So that's my respond to all of the opinions above.

Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: August 14, 2011, 12:00:41 AM »
The bible is God's word and God is Truth. Man may think they have all the answers and wisdom, but only God know everything even every single hair on your head.

1988 Theatrical Release / Most heart-wrenching moment?
« on: August 13, 2011, 09:05:52 PM »
I don't pick. I say the part where he thought his shaddow was his mother and the scene where he was depressed and someone tried to offer him a cherry. mother dying and him crying over it, and the end credits.

Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: August 13, 2011, 08:47:32 PM »
I'm hearing that the earth is not billions years old but only thousands of years old. And dinosaurs died by the flood while noah and his family and the animals he took aboard were safe.

The Fridge / How did you find the GOF?
« on: August 13, 2011, 08:38:06 PM »
I was looking for an uncut version of the first movie of the Land before time, and info also. And that's how I stumbled upon the site.

The Welcome Center / Salutations Everyone
« on: August 13, 2011, 07:16:48 PM »
Thanks everyone.

The Welcome Center / Salutations Everyone
« on: August 13, 2011, 02:37:12 PM »
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 13 2011 on  01:31 PM
welcome to the GOf. Enjoy yourself here.

The Welcome Center / Salutations Everyone
« on: August 13, 2011, 02:27:34 PM »
Quote from: vonboy,Aug 13 2011 on  01:01 PM
Yeah, that little bit looks really good. Lots of description :)

I'm a writer to, but much different. I mostly write in script, so my writing is much less description, and more dialogue, actions lines, and stage cues.

I'm writing scripts for a Land Before Time TV series, if you'd be interested in that.

The giant sharptooth roars at the Gang again, and then appears to be laughing.

Chomper: his face lights up. "Dad!"

Professor: Removing his hands from his face. "So, this is Chomper's dad?"

Petrie: "That what he just said, Hatchling!"

Cera: "So, what did your dad say, Chomper?"

Chomper: "He said your all so cute when your scared!"

Cera: Exclaiming. "WHAT!?" Taking a big step towards Chomper's Dad "And what gives You the right to laugh at us like that?

Chomper's Dad takes a step toward Cera, and the ground shakes again.

Cera: "Um, good point."

One of my favorite bits I wrote from a few months ago :lol
Cool. Actually that's how i started as a writer. I got some old scripts back in the past that were based on a comecial and drama perspective and i miss that.
Lol I see some comedy in there.

The Welcome Center / Salutations Everyone
« on: August 13, 2011, 01:50:12 PM »
Quote from: vonboy,Aug 13 2011 on  12:47 PM
Welcome to the GoF! Hope you enjoy your stay! :DD

Do you write any fan fiction? Or original stories?
Umm original. I was planning on rewriting the whole story in my own version, but more imagery and action centered based. I should show you some of my works for example:

      The yellow moon glowed in the dark silent sky partly covered by light gray clouds on the first day of October.
     A small neighborhood in the center of an isolated town that sits in the valley near the left side of a deep blue running river stood motionless, and not many people lived there, and no lights were in sight. The moon suddenly disappeared beneath the moving clouds and then the whistling wind blew the dry leaves through the empty streets.
     Walking down the road an unknown figure in a black cloak! The outsider stood six feet tall and appeared masculine with broad shoulders and had bloody red colored skin. The face was distorted and made those who looked at it scream and cry in horror. No eyes, and in the sockets there was never ending darkness. The nose stretched leftward and in the center a deep straight creasing line traveled downwards vertically and stopping at the tip of the nose. No lips, and every time the mouth opened it formed a wide crooked circle. One long horn poked out on top of the head from the right side.

That's my work and it's from my story Where is God. And i'm still working on it.

The Welcome Center / Salutations Everyone
« on: August 13, 2011, 01:42:19 PM »
I love to write stories and poetry. I'm an artist. I love  to do sketches, water color paint, create other things such as 3d colages. I did other things to. like glass art, designs on tiles, printing, pen and ink and also stippling. Just anything that's art I can succeed in. And I'm going for my Art degree in college.
About the uncut version i was just creating some humor, but I would love to see it someday. lol.

The Welcome Center / Salutations Everyone
« on: August 13, 2011, 01:18:49 PM »
Hello I'm DollFace, and you can call me Elaine. I feel like i'm old cause I'm 20 years old. But I grew up with the Land Before Time. Never seen the shows, but I use to have all eleven movies at 17 and gave them away at 18. If we hold on together and the first movie brings tears to my eyes still. I know, it's embarassing that i'm still a big cry baby. But it's nice to meet you all. My interests are:
The uncut version of The Land Before Time, the first movie. I never seen it, and I heard about some of the scenes, but that's not enough! It's a must see, but if I don't I can live.
Well nice to meet you all.

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