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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5653 · 318175


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Inque saw Stripetail and Batman. She was now in her stylized combat form — a faceless black humanoid. "Decided to bring a friend along?" she said. "No matter, I'll kill him as well!"

Her arms extended into spikes and shot towards Batman and Stripetail at alarming speed...only to splash harmlessly into liquid against Stripetail's shield. Seeing as that was useless, she again took a liquid form and darted into the scaffolding. The snapping and creaking of stressed metal was heard as she forced her way into the metal scaffolding and expanded, tearing them apart and causing the structure to precariously lean.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Wasn't enough to throw half the building at us, now she's throwing the rest of it too" Batman said as the building began falling down towards them. Arresti Momentum !" Stripetail commanded, and put up his right paw, the Building slowly stopped falling, about halfway to the ground." I'll keep the building from falling down, you go after her." Stripetail said to Batman, motioning with his left paw at Inque, who was looking down at them with her featureless face, if her face was able to show expressions, it would show a mixture of anger and exasperation at being constantly thwarted. Batman took off into the sky , the thrusters in his boots shooting him rapidly into the sky, in search of the assassin.
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The kids menu is on the bottom " Atrua said, pointing it out on her menu " They have a excellent meaty macaroni and cheese. Kids drinks are free too, so he can drink as much as he wants."
Janus was chowing down on a mixed plate of appetizers" We need to have a rematch Scooby, old boy." The male panther grinned. " Still recovering from that lucky overtime shot you made." Another basketball game?" Scooby asked " Nope, this time its jungle hockey." Never heard of jungle hockey. Do you wear skates?" Nope, it's waders given how muddy the field usually is. I'll take you to the field and give you the rules first. Wouldn't be sporting if you don't know the rules." Janus grinned." Hey Janus, toss me some of those cheese sticks." Argo said " Feed you, or hand them to you, bro." Janus laughed " Gotta be specific." " Hand them to me, please" Argo said
Berry laughed at Sawyer " Come on , girl. That's a nice outfit. You'll sell a lot of posters with that."
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Inque had seen The Seer stop the collapse of an entire building so she simply reverted to liquid form and dripped down the back side of the ruined building. Once inside the alleyway, she took the form of a small black dog and scampered out into the street.

Meanwhile, a crowd had gathered in awe of the sheer power Stripetail displayed. Of course, they assumed him to be another superhero.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail slowly moved the damaged building back into place and cast another spell on the debris so it would restore itself on the building."
 Excuse me , sir " said a man in a coat , a large media id present around his neck" Skylar Jones, Neo Gotham News. Any chance for a interview?" He put a microphone in Stripetail's face " Well, I suppose. Just get back a little bit everyone, chunks of the building are coming up off the ground and I would prefer no one is in range of getting hit, Otherwise I'd likely have to pay for their hospital bills." A number of the onlookers chuckled." So what are you doing in Neo Gotham , sir?" Asked a woman in the crowd " Are you working with Batman , or are you trying to cut in on his turf?" My name is Stripetail, Lord Stripetail. I have worked with Batman a number of times now, but the credit for stopping the destruction of this building must go to him. I'm merely the cleanup crew. As for cutting on his turf, no I have no intention of doing that. The Batman has served Gotham for decades, this is his city, period. Most towns only have one superhero patrolling their skylines, and for good reason. More than one and egos come into play.

I'm here to manage the Laffalympics in Gotham, and so far the response to my job openings has been very good , both students and businesses have been willing to chip in."
" Do you know why the building collapsed." I suspect the assassin Inque was responsible. Unfortunately I have had dealings with her before, this is the third time now. " Stripetail said " Sir, is there any truth to the rumor that you plan to buy part of Wayne-Powers?" Stripetail turned to the other reporter " Just how much of the company am I supposed to be buying?" A third, sir?" A third, of the biggest company in Gotham, worth well into the hundreds of billions." Stripetail said " Why would I do that. " Mr Wayne is rumored to be considering retiring sir, and you are clearly a very wealthy individual."  That is the first I have heard of either of those rumors, and they are just that, rumors. " Stripetail said
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Chie passed food to Dixie as various food was passed around " I do need to get some more things " the cheetah said as she ate some cheesy bread " After the meal, of course." She said as she snuggled up against Dixie as they sat on the booth" Just make sure that I don't fall asleep, please? I still have my meal coming out."
Dixie nodded" Don't worry Chie. I'll shake you awake when dinner gets here
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Dana and Max were shopping together for clothes when they saw a girl buying a very expensive set of earrings " Hey, Max? That's the new girl, right? The one that started school here this week?" Yeah, looks like her. I think her name is Melanie. Hey Dana!" Max called out as Dana approached the other girl." Hi, Melanie, right?" Dana asked and the girl turned to look at her." Oh, sorry! Didn't see you coming. Yeah. I'm Melanie, Melanie Walker. " Nice to meet you. I'm Dana and this is Max." Dana introduced herself and Max." We didn't mean to pry, but that is a absolutely killer set of earrings. They're gorgeous!" Must cost a pretty penny too ." Well, my family has lots of money, so I can buy whatever I want. Problem is, we travel constantly, I can't remember the last time I spent 6 months in one place. So I wouldn't get much hope up for us becoming friends for very long. If the past is any indication, I'll be out of here in a couple weeks, a month at best." Melanie said " Then, why don't we make the most of it?" Max suggested " Come with us, we're having a study session for school. We can help you catch up, you missed the first couple months." Well, I'm not sure. I may have to do stuff for my parents tonight." Melanie said " Just have your phone on, and we'll get through what we can." Dana said " My boyfriend Terry might be there. Emphasis on Might, he's got a night job. Just don't get any ideas on him if he does show up." Dana said before Melanie laughed" No worries, I'm traveling around far too much to spend time chasing a boy, especially when he's already got a girl. Even if he's cute." Melanie paid for the jewelry and the trio of girls walked together deeper into the mall. " So what does your father do for a living?" Max asked." Well my family has been rich for as long as any of us can remember, ancestors were of the nobility, lords ladies castles, all of that bit. My dad certainly behaves as if he is a lord, he gives orders and expects us to do them." Melanie said." Maybe sometime you can show us your place " Dana suggested." I bet your room is full of all sorts of stuff. We'd ask your parents if it's ok to visit of course. " I don't get many visitors." Melanie said." We tend to be.. rather private." " The rich often are, especially in this town with all the weirdos running around. Your security bill must be huge." Dana said." Possibly, my dad handles all that. I just spend the money. I don't know, it just gets boring, all this money and stuff and it's not fulfilling." That's where friends come in. " Max said " I really don't have friends." Melanie sighed" Well, you do now. Two of them. " Dana said." Come on, let's go get some pizza and some drinks and head to my place. If you have to jet because of your folks, let us know. We understand. Works important."
Melanie's phone buzzed and she answered " Hi dad. I.. am just hanging out with a couple girls from school. They invited me to a study session and I was wondering if I could go for a bit? I know that you have.. work at the museum tonight.. oh and the girls asked if they could come over to visit, if that's ok. They want to see your artwork collection. Their names are Dana and Max, they've been shopping with me. Ok.. I'll tell them.. and I will be at the museum at 8. Thanks dad."
Melanie hung up and turned to the girls." Ok, so I can only be at the session for a hour or so. My dad is working at the museum tonight and he needs my help. As for a visit, he wants to meet you in person first before any home visits. He takes security seriously, and he doesn't want anyone causing me trouble, even if they are girls. " Melanie said and Dana and Max nodded " That's dads for you, right? My dad is the same way. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if he put a tracker on me, he certainly keeps a close enough eye on me." Dana said." Like I said, my dad expects obedience. You do not want to get on his bad side, he can be very brutal." Melanie said as they reached the parking lot. Dana and Max climbed into Dana's car, while Melanie walked over to hers and soon pulled up in a very lavish car Dana and Max's mouths fell open at the sight of the very expensive car " Man that is one Schway ride Melanie! " Max whistled." I have 10 of them " Melanie said, a smile creeping over her dark red lips as she started the car." Last one to your house Dana has to clean the others car?" Oh no. We'd be foolish to race you in that thing." Dana said." You'd leave us in the dust." Ok then, how about a challenge on the next test? If either of you girls get a better score than me, I'll splurge on a movie for you." Melanie said. " You're on. But you better be ready to pay up. Max here hasn't gotten anything but straight As at any point in high school. She's way up at the top of the class. Top 3 at the very least." Dana said
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"So, it's my turn tonight to have a private evening with Prince Onca," Kitty said to the other prizes. "Anything I should know for one on one sessions with him?"

"You have the pipes to sing, right?" one of the local girls noted, "He'll like that."

"Then what kind of songs? Ones from this community, ones about Onca, I'll need to have something to go off of."

The other prizes had changed into the latest, somehow even more revealing outfits that had been prepared for the season. Luckily the warm weather of the kingdom made them comfortable.


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In an effort to boost goodwill with Neo Gotham, some of Stripetail's artifacts and treasure were on display at the Gotham Museum of Arts. Thanks to their extremely high value and potentially dangerous nature, they were under heavy guard from both Gotham PD and Stripetail's own retinue. Regardless, many patrons admired the artifacts the Seer had amassed over his milleneia of experience. Everything ranging from a ceremonial mawashi presented to him by the god-king of Mawashi, Ozai to the exotic metal wands gifted to him by a certain Captain Carson were on display.

Of course, not all the patrons were benign. One of them was a burly well-dressed man admiring a green levitating statuette whose placard stated that it was from Weyard and carved from a single piece of zol, a material unique to that planet that naturally levitated. This was King, patriarch of the Royal Flush Gang.


The outskirts of Neo Gotham were what could charitably called "a mess". Blammo's bombing spree had reduced many buildings to burnt out hulks and made construction nearly impossible thanks to all the ordnance left behind. Pfish and Chip as well as the DZ. Blammo had been captured and was now safely stowed inside DZ's armored hull but the trio were still busy cleaning up after him.

"That f---ing clown!" Chip shouted, kicking an ash covered lump of concrete down the road.

"Well, we are getting paid to clean this up," Pfish replied.

"We've spent the past few weeks trying to catch him! And every time we disarm one of his bombs, he goes and blows something else up!"

DZ then interrupted as he reached inside his armored compartment and pulled out the aforementioned clown, now tightly wrapped in his own clothes. "Well, we have him and all we have to do is deliver him." The clown was then unceremoniously shoved back into the compartment.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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king wasnt the only member of the Flush Gang casing the museum- so were Jack and Ace, who wee posing as tourists intyhe crowd, but really were identifying security routes and counter theft measures and the number of valuables on display. stripetail's trinkets would be worth a enormous fortune on the black market.   they wre making plans to make their move later that evening.
 stripetail finished interviews with three of Gothams news organizations, touting the games and dodging several questions on  the Batman.  the audience had chimed in with questions as well, which Stripeyail had answered with a mixture of humor and stories.
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Dana Maxine and Melanie reached Dana"s house and she introduced Melanie to her dad." Just don't stay up too long , girls  with your studies. It is a school nightafter all." Yes, sir. I'm helping my dad at the museum tonight anyway. I'll only be here two hours at most."Melanie said and Mr Tan nodded." Very well. There's food and drinks in the fridge, help yourselves. Dana, is that boy of yours going to show up?" " He!s working for Mister Wayne, dad, if he does show up it will be at, like 8 or 9.Knowing Terry and his , er, reliability, I'd say his chances of showing up is  doubtful." You should find a more reliable boy, Dana. .i don't care if he is working for the richest man in Gotham, he needs to show up when you invite him to study for school."  "Excuse me Mr Tan, where is the bathroom?" Max asked"  " Up the stairs to the left." Thanks. I just need to trim my eyelashes.
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"Say, the prince has his own theme park," Kitty said to Arlene, "How about we go there and let Oliver enjoy the day?"

"Really? Let's do that!" Oliver grinned immensely, hopping up and down. "I just hope there are waterslides!"

"Oh, you can trust us, there are," said one of the prizes.


"I have to ask," Sawyer said to Berry, "How are you ok with everything Louie does? Don't you ever find it demeaning?" she asked the girl ape.


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The study session went smoothly with Melanie struggling slightly with physics but Max's explanation had proved far more enlightening than the classes. She looked at the clock on the wall.

"Oh my gosh!" Melanie exclaimed. "It's a little past two hours! Dad's going to pissed if I show up too late! Thanks, Dana, Max for the study session!" She quickly packed up her school supplies and darted out of the house, stopping briefly to bid Mr. Tan farewell.

Hopping in her car and pulling out of the driveway, she drove out of their neighborhood and into Neo-Gotham itself. She only hoped she could make a quick stop to discreetly change into her 10 outfit. 

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Because I'm used to it ' Berry replied ' You're not the first girl hes gotten eyes for, merely the latest. there will be others afer you, of course. You';re the flsvor the month , so to speak. Besides, you're under contract for a bunch of films, and louie is paying yiou good money to star in them.  Plus you get to wear this.. ' Berry pulled out a VERY revealing drss, thyen looked at it . ' Oops .. sorry thats the outfit for the Oonga Boonga Ape meet and greet. thats next week and i';m meeting a girl named Siri there. she;'s going to be our co star in .. " apes living Dangerously.. It will involve explosions, bongo drums and car chases.. you Do know how to drive stick, right?  she asked Sawyer.
  Bye melanie ' Max waved as  sge rushed to get her things together. ' see you at school tomorrow!' thanks for coming Melani " Dana said to the departing girl as her phone rang " Hey Babe, its me.' Came Terry's voice. I'm at the museum with Mr Wayne, he's handing out a check to Stripetail to help fund the games in town. I'll probably be there about 830, depends on if Mr Wayne gives me part of the night off,," Better be here at 830, Terry. if not I may just have to start hanging out with Max more, and the new girl Melanie. " i'll try to get there on time, babe.' Terry promnised.
 Terry hung up the phone and parked  mr Wayne;s limo into a parking spot. '  ' We're late Terry.  If theres one thing I know about wizards, they don;t like to be kept waiting. "
Stripetail stood near the entrance to the museum , before a large  poster of ' Jurassic Gotham" the museum had 23 complete dionosaur skeletons including a huge male T- Rex.  " stripetail's gidfts were the in the Current exhibits wing, and the museum had put in double its normal security. " Good evening terry ' stripetail said as terry entered wearing a formal suit and tie. ' sorry, we're late. we er.. hit some bad traffic.. gotham still gets bad traffic jams this time of day.' terry ran his fingers over his hsair. .
 well you're here now. And this must be  Bruce wayne. MR Wayne , Lord Stripetail at your service. ' Stripetail put out his paw for Bruce to shake , which he did. A row of lightbulbs and camera gave off flashes as media surrounded the wizard and the legendary businessman. . "  Thank you for your support of the games so far.' Stripetail said.  " my pleasure, my lord.    Your competition has been broadcast all over the world, so of course, my first reaction to watching it.. was , why not bring it to Gotham? To show the world Gotham's best side. To see Gotham City in the news for something other than its troubles. aTowards that end. the Wayne Powers foundation is donating. ... TWO BILLION Dollars to the Laffalympics!"  Terry's mouth fell open at the fantastic sum, and stripetail's face broadened into a wide smile. ' Thank you Mr Wayne .' Stripetail said as a Huge cut out of a check was brought out and stripetail held one end of it, Wayne the other as the media  took pictures of the momentous occasion. " mr Wayne tonight  came back into the spotlight in a very big way- by donating a cool 2 billion dollars to the laffalympics!. On hand to donation to accept the enermous donation was the namager of the games lord Stripetail.' said a reporter to a holocamera.
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"Wow....." Oliver said to his mom, her friends, and the other Prizes. "This is the prince's private theme park? It's incredible! All this is just for one prince?"

"He's quite incredible," Kitty admitted with a blush, "He's earned this."

Teffe, one of the Local prizes, looked at the kitten. "Prince Onca has granted you all full permission to use the park, just don't make a mess."

"I promise," Oliver nodded excitedly.


Meanwhile, Sagwa, Sheegwa, and Dongwa were practicing their magic. "Can't let the seer down," said the oldest of the three siblings. Dongwa had mixed martial arts with magic to create beautiful spells.


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King checked his watch. He scowled. 10 should be arriving any moment soon. He along with Queen, Jack and Ace were hidden on the roof of an office building near the museum. If they peered over the side, they had a clear view of the museum's central glass dome. Their playing card themed "flying carpets" were resting on the roof and were ready to take off.

"Sorry, Dad, I got caught up in something." King turned around and saw the distinctive half-black, half-white costume of 10.

"This is something that demands urgent timing," King said. "We cannot wait for you to show up." He looked at his watch and nodded. "And now, we move!"

Silently, all members of the Royal Flush Gang boarded their playing card themed flying platforms and took off for the museum.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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the amusement park had to have at least 100 different rides. naturally many of them were panther themed, jungle themed or in some other way noted as a ride the prince liked.  there wre concession stands full of food sopread throughout the park as well, so rioders could ride for a while, eat, and then go nack out. there was even a 180 hole mini golf course. all the amenities visitors could want, the prize park had it all.,  mukua and Chie led Arlene and Oliver to a hot dog stand called the prince Onca pounce.. ' the food is freshly caught  every day. ' Mukua read off a placard 9which also read Food stall 73) ' here you go Oliver. i'll help chip in for your food' the patnheress said to the kiten. ' what would you like?' she asked.
 louie strolled into the room, carrying a script and wearing fine clothing.  ' ah, Sawyer my dear. its time for scene 15.6 of  Louie and sawyer Take Bombay. baerry, the camera for this scene and a few others like it are over there on the courter. kiss time for this kiss in this scene will be about 80% of scene time, with my tongue in yor mouth about half the time.  Please, try and not to dig into my left shoulder, i twisted it getting a large bunch of banas down this morning. Louie said.  he smirked at Sawyer as berry got the camera.  stand over there by the window and look out over the scenery as i enter in.' Louie directed.
 Kovu dialed his fathers nmumber as he looked at a pile of ideas he had for  the games in the kingdom. on the pages he had questions  (temporary? Permanent? Seasonal?) and through out was written ' ask dads opinion. '  kovu heard several rings  then finally  he head a familiar voice on the oother end ' Dark Mane Hotel and eatery. Is this a reservation?' Dad, it s me ' Kovu. said  " ah scar 2.0.' scar chuckled. ' what can i do for you my boy?  trouble with planning fior those games of yours?' Yes, sir. I'm not sure how long we keep the events and attractions. Some sound like they could be keepers, others well, not so much.' Well, it would be very wasteful to build something for a single use. especially considering how expensive everything is. Then again,. you havee to meet the standards the wizard set. Wizards are, by nature an exacting sort.  Plus , if its not up to par, everyone looks bad. the wizard looks desperate for going to that location, the quality of the game suffer, not to mention athletes get injured or worse, , and the kingdom, well, they look like a pack of idiots . the loss of reputation, prestige and credibility would be huge for you, and i did not spend 35 years as king building up the Pridelands for it to be thrown away on third rate planning for games. am i clear?' yres , sir.  i completely agree. i have 10 ideas i'd like your opiion on, starting with the hippo rides.' that should be seasonal, a spring attraction, from summer onward they get cranky. ' them theres the Scar traveling museum. '  thats a keeper.' Scar chuckled..' theres the laffylympics water slide at the watering hole.   color changes based on outfit. ' as long as the water doesnt turn brown. then it looks like mud, or worse.  keep it. have you talked to your co-king about this?' well, he's dealing with security and he said he trustrs my judgement.  we don;t want to get dipped by that crazy human and her weasels., after all. ' no, you don;t obviously.  my advice for the ice cream stand is add different flavors. if Mufasas flavor is chocolate chip, and mine is chocolate pieces, thats rather too similar. spruce it up my boy. you are my ticket to immortality, don;t forget it. ' you're a brilliant lion, sir you always have been. ' that i am and you are a reflection of that.   you must pass that down, as well, when you have sons.  the pride must always have a Scar, even if he is not a solo king, my impact must be present. i mean,  if it works, why change it ' scar laughed.

Onca was  changing into an outfit created for the games , it would be his " Games Host" attire.  make sure the outfit isnt too tight, he said to his outfit maker. ' i need to look good, and not just for the ladies. i need to impress the other kingdoms. Panthera must benefit from this, and if I look like a slob walking around in flip flops, well that wont happen.  Let cey know as well that we're going to have games relsated entertainment for the prizes to provide. there'll be rewards, tickets,  free or reduced food, and the like. ' yes my prince, i believe she is overseeing the building of Prize stands around town. I'll let her know when I see her.' a servant said.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2022, 09:55:08 AM by Nick22 »
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"I will become the next you, father," Kovu smiled, determined. "I'll take all of your recommendations. How's mother been doing, by the way? I hope me, Nuka, and Vitani's mother day cards all arrived on time."

"Of course they did, son," Zira said as she walked up to Scar.

"Seems my namesake is helping the Pride Lands be a spot for the games," Scar explained to his mate.


"A burger please, something meaty," Oliver smiled, "The prince has to have access to every kind of meat under the sun, right?"

"Of course," nodded one of the other Prizes.

"As you can see, the outfits we wear for Onca are already really revealing, But in the Buff Villa, there's nothing up to the imagination," Kitty told Dixie.


Sawyer could only let out a sigh in response. ".....Fine," she said, as she went over to where the ape king ordered her. She could hear the sound of Louie licking his lips, he was ready to give her a big wet smooch. "He saved me from getting eaten in the jungle," the cat reminded herself.


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louie pressed his mouth to sawyers fiorcefully as berry filmed the kiss, giving sawyer 'subtle ' relax' and enjoy it' cues from behind the camera.
 A dip in the buff pools, does sound like a great idea Kitty' Dixie said '  my outfit is sticking too me.  plus its quite hot today. ' Its the jungle.  near the equator . its ALWAYs hot ' Mukua smirked at her friend. '  " wheres i'm from it only gets this hot in summer.' Dixie said.  What are the buff pools?' arlene asked ' Its a villa where prizes can relax.. au natural ' Atrua grinned. " you mean ?' Arlene ashed ' Yes. buff, nude, naked.. etc ' Atrua's grin broadened showing her white teeth.  ' does that bother you? " n-no. why would it?' Arlene replied. "  Could i pick a pool to use?' of course. ' each pool has a tv, so if you want to watch spotrts, or cooing shows or  Onca Storytime, its all on you..' I call tub 8 ' chie said cheerfully ' the cheetah taking a to go box from the resteraunt. " lead the way Kitty' Dixie smiled at her friend. "
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There was the sound of glass shattering as the Royal Flush Gang crashed through the decorative glass dome of the museum. Guests chattered amongst themselves and tried to run for the exits. Only to be halted by Jack and Queen on their platforms. Queen's electric scepter crackled with energy as she smiled. "Where are your manners? Don't you know it's rude to walk out on royalty?" The guests stepped back.

"Now, everyone, hand over the valuables!" King brandished his sword at the guests. The flying platform he was bobbed slightly as he gave a slight nod of the head as a signal for 10 to start breaking into the cases and swiping the valuables.


Inque had returned to Gabriel's RV after her attempt on Terry and Stripetail had failed. Needless to say, she was very displeased.

"I paid you millions of dollars and sweeten the deal with precious metals and you still screw it up!?" Gabriel shouted as she practically shook with rage. "I have half a mind to hire someone from the Society of Assassins to take those two out! And you with them so I get my money back!"

The stylized humanoid that was Inque ripped slightly and became an attractive woman...albeit one with smoky grey skin and hair. "I will try again," she said.

"You'd better. And don't come back until those two are dead!" Gabriel shouted as she exited the meeting room of the RV, slamming the door in the process.

Thanks to toon logic, the RV was far larger than the its simple size suggested. Indeed, she had entered a small factory where Dip and various other ordnance was being manufactured. She rubbed her forehead as she pondered a way to sabotage the games.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.