The Gang of Five
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Ozzy and Strut Showcase - February 2020

rhombus · 25 · 9577


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Hmmm... I could have sworn I had to do something today, but I can't seem to remember what that was.

Oh, that's right!  Thanks for the reminder, guys!  It's time for you two to have your special mont...

...alright.  I will get some eggs for you as well.  :rolleyes


In this topic please feel free to discuss Ozzy and Strut as characters, to share your own creations (fanfics or fanart), or to mention some of your favorite fanworks of others involving these characters.  For a full set of rules please see the 2020 Monthly Character Showcase topic but keep in mind that this is meant to be fun as opposed to any sort of contest.

I will go ahead and get the discussion started with the following questions:

1) How did your opinion of these two characters change over the course of the second film, if at all?

2) #TeamGreenFood or #TeamEgg?  We know where Ozzy and Strut stand on the issue, so how about you?  :bestsharptooth

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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1. For sure, this duo is quite the iconic spectacle in the franchise, despite only appearing once throughout the series. There was a time when I thought these two were rather great antagonistic force for the Gang to encounter, but now I find my original opinion to have changed after all these years. Despite the outward appearance and first impressions that they would be a force to be reckoned with after invading the Great Valley for a feast on the inhabitants offspring, their purpose in the story quickly started to fade into the background once Chomper’s predicament came to light.

Due to this reason, they ended up becoming basically comic relief for the audience in the midst of the conflict between the valley and Chomper’s parents. And let’s be honest, their obsession with the gang, and by extension, Littlefoot himself, was a rather poor decision from the producers to implement. Furthermore, the way their story arc was concluded left me extremely disappointed as I quite enjoyed them initially as a mischievous tandem in the movie, but sadly, that is all they ultimately were deemed worthy of instead of a bigger role that could have made them so much more interesting to follow.

2. Confession time, I probably would rather be a part of the #TeamEgg rather than the other one as while I like to eat my greens every now and then, I’m not exactly drawn to that sort of thing. :p


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1. I find these two to be the most comedic villains of the franchise with Dil and itchy being a close second. When I first saw them I felt and still feel that these two would be comically enjoyable villains and they are, but I felt like they got sinister towards the end and the way they exited did feel anti-climatic. However I felt then and still feel that these two would be perfect reoccurring minor antagonists in the franchise espically in a possible second TV series of Land Before Time. I can just imagine them going on misadventures in parallel to he main gang.

2. I'd choose #TeamGreenFood as though I eat eggs, I find myself liking greens like spinach more tasty... And I have a soft spot for Strut, poor guy. I think he deserves a redemption arc of sorts.


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Some short words about our eggstealers duo. :P

During first pair of watchings LBT2, I just saw them as some harmless clowns and din't take them seriously, not a single tiny drop of seriousness, so when Chomper's parents showed up, it was a relief. I looked at Rex's duo with gasps and tension.

But later, after I analyzed LBT characters, I realized two major things that made these characters unique and good in some terms.

First - they actually were first true villains LBT introduced us. They were not just some antagonistic force with some vague villainous intentions. Wearing that masks of clowns, they still break order  of the nature with 100% evil deeds - 100% intentions to murder someone beyond natural instincts and desires.

Second - well, they introduced us life of egg-stealers - first not-leafeaters in LBT who had major and speaking roles. Eggstealers in first LBT were silent antagonistic force, and well, maybe, it would be better if they remained silent, hah, but still, introducing Ozzy and Strut DID extend LBT universe in some terms. Actually, first sequel extendeed that many directions, and that's what I like. :)

So, in my honest opinion, their characters as "personality" are weak , I didn't like them very much (though I still do not dislike them so much so I hate them, no), but - their characters as "antagonistic force" are very good. Their type was something new, with big potential, and it made you think a lot about how LBT world is made.


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1) Ozzy and Strut behave like a dramatic theatre duo, imo. The vocal duo of Jeff Bennett and Rob Paulsen (will see them often in the sequels) strikes again. Ozzy's voice is sufficiently domineering and scheming (EGGS), and Strut's voice works very well for him as the submissive part of the duo, considering I believe it's similar to Paulsen's famous voice performance of Pinky.

I've made the argument before that antagonists from the Roy Allen Smith sequels are much more endearing, memorable, and fleshed out as characters in general compared to the Grosvenor sequels. They (mostly) aren't the standard instinctual sharptooth, raptors, T-rexes that tended to plague the later sequels. Eggstealers, sharpbeaks, bellydraggers, Hyp's gang... all interesting species. But even taking that into account, Ozzy and Strut are vastly different compared to what we've come to expect from LBT antagonists, especially in future. It's great that their theatrics are somewhat entertaining, as a good juxtaposition between them and most other antagonists is that since their diet is leaf-eaters, Ozzy tends to resort to threats and gets up close and personal with the gang, instead of just resulting a typical chase scene. Many of the gang's confrontation with Ozzy and Strut are verbal, and this is something I wish we got more of in the films, as it provides an interesting dynamic to root against the villain on a less superficial scale.

Though like Anagnos points out, the eggstealers pretty much play second fiddle to the Chomper situation. Once Chomper hatches, the threat of a baby sharptooth (at first), Chomper's parents, and even a volcanic eruption get in the way of their core rivalry with Littlefoot and the gang (LBT 3 kind of has this issue too). This is in contrast to how Ichy and Dil remain the sole driving antagonistic force against the gang throughout much of Journey Through the Mists, and that duo came off a bit more threatening in that regard. Adding to that, there was never a true final showdown with them with the gang, in contrast with most of the other antagonists in the series. From a pecking order standpoint, I think they might be one of the few antagonists bar the TV series to be legitimately scared of sharptooth since they weren't one themselves. And yes, it was a very anticlimactic finale.

So while I do like Ozzy and Strut's dynamic, the pacing could have done them better justice since they only sporadically appear in spurts and were never the focus after loosing the swimmer egg. They could have had a TV episode to wrap their arc up, and given that Chomper is the pivot that ties both the gang and eggstealers… I actually don't get why this never happened.

2) #TeamGreenFood :TreeStar :^^spike! This might sound weird to most, but I've loved vegetables ever since young! I eat most of my meals with a healthy helping of greens... sometimes more than one serving, too. I take Strut's side, definitely. :)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 10:08:49 PM by OwlsCantRead »
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Am I the only one to sympathize with Ozzy? He just wants some eggs, and every time “those kids” interrupt his feast! I actually understand Ozzy’s ire towards Littlefoot and the Gang, can you imagine of you were famished and everytime you were about to eat a meal, a group of kids comes screaming and tells you to drop it?! Ozzy’s desire for retribution is based on the fact that his need for sustenance is ruined by the Gang.

That being said, I side with #TeamGreenFood :TreeStar, and would be in the Gang’s corner if someone was trying to eat my future siblings (eggs). 

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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For some reason I've been having trouble posting here. I guess my internet is being a little funky or something.

Since I've typed out a message a couple times now I'll make this brief and just post my drawing that I've done :p

Gentle Sharptooth

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Ozzy and Strut Stain Glass I made with a picture editor:
See attachment
« Last Edit: February 24, 2020, 04:37:59 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Oh wow that looks really neat Gentle Sharptooth! Definitely gives off a unique look!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Oh wow that looks really neat Gentle Sharptooth! Definitely gives off a unique look!

Thanks, I’ve been experimenting with some photo editors and was so thrilled how this one camw out. :)   

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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omg, two entries!!! :O

Bad Ozzy! Bad-bad-bad!
Yes, YOU, Ozzy! You don't let your brother to be a better person! Yes, it's!

As always, you're master of pencil! ^^
Good job.

Looks super cool! :O
But it disappeared as well... :(


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Another fantastic drawing once again, Flathead770! Poor Strut, when will he ever stand up for himself? :(

#TeamGreenFood (even though I do like eggs and dislike vegetables for the most part) :p


That is one very unique and creative piece of fanart you created, Gentle Sharptooth. I haven't seen anything like this done before here on the GOF, so it's a huge welcome surprise to see another style of art being utilized here. Great job! :smile

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...

Gentle Sharptooth

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@ImpracticalDino You do me great honor! I am having fun making different art pieces. :) 

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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Meme not by me.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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1) How did your opinion of these two characters change over the course of the second film, if at all?

2) #TeamGreenFood or #TeamEgg?  We know where Ozzy and Strut stand on the issue, so how about you?  :bestsharptooth

As OwlsCantRead pointed out on the previous showcase, the original Sharptooth is probably the most personal villain of the franchise, with the villains afterward instead being comic relief, or else simply lacking that same dread and tension. That was certainly one of the things that made Ozzy & Strut so jarring for me during my original LBT film viewings last year. A few days ago, however, I decided to give The Great Valley Adventure a second watch, in part so I could give this egg-napping duo another shake.

I will admit, however, that I'm still not the biggest fan of them. Although whereas the first time around I found them obnoxious, now I'm more neutral about them. I don't really like or dislike them either way. I can at least appreciate them for being unique compared to some of the other villains in the series.

Other assorted thoughts:
When Strut says he's "eggs-hausted," Ozzy smacks him, but then Ozzy goes on to make an egg pun of his own during the "Eggs" song.

When Ozzy & Strut jump off the cliff after seeing Chomper's shadow and mistaking it for an adult, I had the thought that it would've been darkly comical if they'd actually killed themselves deliberately rather than face a Sharptooth.

However I felt then and still feel that these two would be perfect reoccurring minor antagonists in the franchise espically in a possible second TV series of Land Before Time. I can just imagine them going on misadventures in parallel to he main gang.
Agreed. In fact, I think the TV series would've been a better place for them. One of my critiques with LBT 2 is, as others have expressed, Ozzy & Strut just feel kinda irrelevant compared to the issue of Chomper and his family.

Hmmm... #TeamGreenFood or #TeamEgg? At first I was gonna vote the former, for the sake of the Gang and their families, whom I certainly root for. But the truth is, I prefer eggs to green food. Uh oh. Does that mean I'm destined to follow in Ozzy & Strut's villainous footsteps?
« Last Edit: December 29, 2020, 05:42:40 PM by StardustSoldier »


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Poor Strut just can't catch a break from being abused by his brother. Even a comedic antagonist doesn't deserve to be treated like this. More importantly, if you do not love and care of your family, then whom are you supposed to rely on? While Strut may be a bit of a coward, you'd expect that anyone under dire circumstances would eventually snap after being the centre of neglect and abuse. It would've been great character development for Strut to actually stand up for himself rather than accept his fate as the bullied sibling. Wonderful drawing, Flathead!

I really like the outcome in your version of the two eggstealer brothers, Gentle Sharptooth. It is a rather unique and welcome approach in exchange. How long did it take for you to complete it?

Gentle Sharptooth

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Poor Strut just can't catch a break from being abused by his brother. Even a comedic antagonist doesn't deserve to be treated like this. More importantly, if you do not love and care of your family, then whom are you supposed to rely on? While Strut may be a bit of a coward, you'd expect that anyone under dire circumstances would eventually snap after being the centre of neglect and abuse. It would've been great character development for Strut to actually stand up for himself rather than accept his fate as the bullied sibling. Wonderful drawing, Flathead!

I really like the outcome in your version of the two eggstealer brothers, Gentle Sharptooth. It is a rather unique and welcome approach in exchange. How long did it take for you to complete it?

What fascinating insight you have shared aboit Strut. I focused on Ozzy’s justifications for his actions towards the Gang, that his wrath is based  on a group of “kids” depriving him of food. I think any of us could get as irritable as Ozzy if we were denied food by someone. You however, point out how Strut is scapegoated and physically and verbally abused by Ozzy who is displacing his anger on to his brother. In this light Ozzy is a villian, and Strut is a victim. I too would have liked to see Strut confront Ozzy, but instead he blameshifts and scapegoats the Gang (although they denting Ozzy food make him irritable and so he takes it our on Strut, vicious cycle).

It took me very little time to complete. The stain glass effect came out nicely in this case, orher times it can make characters look like they are made up of worms or sausages. :D
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 05:19:55 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Thanks guys!

Yeah Strut is easily a victim and not really a villain at all. He just gets pulled into his brothers antics. Even if he was the one to suggest to Ozzy that they should throw Littlefoot off the Great Wall (which is certainly a not good thing to do), I doubt he would have wanted to do it if Ozzy wasn't acting the way he was. I almost feel like he only did it in the hopes Ozzy would be in a better mood :p

Gentle Sharptooth

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Thanks guys!

Yeah Strut is easily a victim and not really a villain at all. He just gets pulled into his brothers antics. Even if he was the one to suggest to Ozzy that they should throw Littlefoot off the Great Wall (which is certainly a not good thing to do), I doubt he would have wanted to do it if Ozzy wasn't acting the way he was. I almost feel like he only did it in the hopes Ozzy would be in a better mood :p

Do you think Strut’s reason for acting that way to make Ozzy have a better mood stems from codependency; that he wants his brother to be happy, or is it seeking apporval? Or perhaps Strut is hoping Ozzy will be so pleased he ceases abusing Him? Or a mixture of motives? :)
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 05:24:02 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Found this lol:

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith