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How to name fanfics?


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:areyouserious Am I the only one who really struggles with this? Rargh...more often than not, I never find a satisfactory name for most of my fanfics. Hey, I reach fifty pages of writing before I've even settled on a working title!

For example, I have this fanfic where a sharptooth OC of mine and Chomper befriend each other, and the last name I thought of for it was The Friendship of the Sharpteeth. But I'm not satisfied with that name anymore, since the fanfic is more about the relationship between sharpteeth and leaf-eaters than about just those sharpteeth becoming friends. Plus, I feel like that Friendship of the Sharpteeth title has too much of a cheesy, wishy-washy connotation to it...kinda like the title of The Wisdom of Friends, not adventurous enough!

Similarly, my fanfic-prompt story in which an abandoned baby flyer mistakes Sierra for its father was originally titled Punk, referencing Sierra's opinion of this hatchling (no one'll be surprised that the hatchling totally irritates him). But after looking at this title for a while, I didn't think it had the right ring to it. Looking up the word "punk" in the dictionary confirmed this when the word was defined as "a ruffian; a rebellious young person" making it sound more suitable for a story about a teenager or something. Not the "annoying little kid" connotation I was looking for. After searching through some different words, I settled on Brat (defined as "annoying child"). Then, just in case I still wasn't clear enough on the little-kid angle, I further changed the title to Little Brat!
See how terrible I am at these things?? :facepalm *stuffs my fanfiction docs into a virtual shredder*
So...yeah, if anybody has tips on how to come up with good names, I'd sure be grateful!

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"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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:areyouserious Am I the only one who really struggles with this? Rargh...more often than not, I never find a satisfactory name for most of my fanfics. Hey, I reach fifty pages of writing before I've even settled on a working title!

For example, I have this fanfic where a sharptooth OC of mine and Chomper befriend each other, and the last name I thought of for it was The Friendship of the Sharpteeth. But I'm not satisfied with that name anymore, since the fanfic is more about the relationship between sharpteeth and leaf-eaters than about just those sharpteeth becoming friends. Plus, I feel like that Friendship of the Sharpteeth title has too much of a cheesy, wishy-washy connotation to it...kinda like the title of The Wisdom of Friends, not adventurous enough!

Similarly, my fanfic-prompt story in which an abandoned baby flyer mistakes Sierra for its father was originally titled Punk, referencing Sierra's opinion of this hatchling (no one'll be surprised that the hatchling totally irritates him). But after looking at this title for a while, I didn't think it had the right ring to it. Looking up the word "punk" in the dictionary confirmed this when the word was defined as "a ruffian; a rebellious young person" making it sound more suitable for a story about a teenager or something. Not the "annoying little kid" connotation I was looking for. After searching through some different words, I settled on Brat (defined as "annoying child"). Then, just in case I still wasn't clear enough on the little-kid angle, I further changed the title to Little Brat!
See how terrible I am at these things?? :facepalm *stuffs my fanfiction docs into a virtual shredder*
So...yeah, if anybody has tips on how to come up with good names, I'd sure be grateful!

What I try to accomplish when it comes down to naming my fanfics, is to use words that have a sentimental value within the story itself. This can either be quite easy, or very hard. Let's take a look at my latest fanfiction: Ballad of Endless Remorse. Can you see what I try to do here? I try to do my best to give a meaningful impact on the title using themes in the story. I don't know how helpful this is, but there's always the option to use a title name generator, which in my opinion, are quite horrible. :(


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You are not. Half the times the title (and summary) of a story makes me backtrack and second-guess myself. Chapter names are just as bad.

For me, I tend to resort to gut feel. Surprisingly it's easy to go for descriptive story titles given that LBT itself does this with its in-universe language (ie. rain = sky water). So sometimes using LBT terms might help. I have a story titled Five Stages of Grief, which predictably, is literally about the aforementioned psychological term.

And this is a problem that isn't limited to LBT. When all else fails I resort to puns. Weathered Gorge is literally a double entendre, but I used it because it was catchy. In the end, you'd want at least a memorable title so that the title will stick with a reader.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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You are not. Half the times the title (and summary) of a story makes me backtrack and second-guess myself. Chapter names are just as bad.

CHAPTER names?! Whoa, I don't even go there! "Chapter 1" has a nice ring to it, don't you think? As do Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4...

That's a good tip about following the LBT language, I'll have to remember that one! Your other advice is also helpful, especially considering that I write non-LBT fics sometimes, which (as you said) are just as hairy to invent titles for. You sound like you've managed to get this down to a science! Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it.

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

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What Owls said. I've only ever had to name one-shot stories, so I wouldn't know how difficult it is to come up with a good title for a new chapter. But yes, ultimately, the best advice I can give is that try to think as hard as you can about descriptive titles/chapters or even summaries. And that being said, they're probably one of the most hard-headed thing about creative writing. :(


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What I try to accomplish when it comes down to naming my fanfics, is to use words that have a sentimental value within the story itself. This can either be quite easy, or very hard. Let's take a look at my latest fanfiction: Ballad of Endless Remorse. Can you see what I try to do here? I try to do my best to give a meaningful impact on the title using themes in the story. I don't know how helpful this is, but there's always the option to use a title name generator, which in my opinion, are quite horrible. :(

As Dr. Seuss might put it, I wouldn't touch one of those generators with a 39-and-a-half foot pole...  :p
I do like the idea of drawing from a theme in the story. Assuming I manage to do a good job putting the theme into words, that should at least give a reader a good idea what the point of the story they're about to read is. Thank you for the tip!

And that being said, they're probably one of the most hard-headed thing about creative writing. :(

Yeah, who would've thought it? I can pull a good story out of myself (well, hopefully) and have a great time doing it...but wait, then I need a title and/or summary? Nooooooooo! :olittlefoot

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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What I try to accomplish when it comes down to naming my fanfics, is to use words that have a sentimental value within the story itself. This can either be quite easy, or very hard. Let's take a look at my latest fanfiction: Ballad of Endless Remorse. Can you see what I try to do here? I try to do my best to give a meaningful impact on the title using themes in the story. I don't know how helpful this is, but there's always the option to use a title name generator, which in my opinion, are quite horrible. :(

As Dr. Seuss might put it, I wouldn't touch one of those generators with a 39-and-a-half foot pole...  :p
I do like the idea of drawing from a theme in the story. Assuming I manage to do a good job putting the theme into words, that should at least give a reader a good idea what the point of the story they're about to read is. Thank you for the tip!

And that being said, they're probably one of the most hard-headed thing about creative writing. :(

Yeah, who would've thought it? I can pull a good story out of myself (well, hopefully) and have a great time doing it...but wait, then I need a title and/or summary? Nooooooooo! :olittlefoot

The bottom line is to experiment until you can't. As you can see, none of us here are masters at writing. Unless you take personal views of different authors into account. :P


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What sometimes helps me is letting a friend read it and ask their opinion about the story/first chapter. You then find the most notable thing regarding it, which is usual a good hint towards the title :>


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In the past, I had eternal problems with naming stories and its chapters, as well as naming characters...

Now, I have eternal problem only with naming characters. XD But now, usually, name I made for story remains till the end, or changes no more than one-two itterations.

It's hard for me to explain how to pick proper name for your story or for chapter, so you and other poeple will love this name.

For example, considering your description of why you named story as "Punk" at first, it is actually perfect or almost perfect name in context of story, because it is short, understandable and fits with story's main plot basis.
You can choose story's name as "one-word" short descriptoiopn of the whole story, name that tells readers story's general direction and plot. Or it can be opposite - some name that adds mystery about how story would progress in the future, it can hide major plot element or twist that would appear and be understandable only at culmination of the whole story.

I personally consider choosing name for the story as important stage of writing, and finding name that would fit story perfectly is kinda fun process for me. :D

I like your arguments and analysis why you rejected "The Friendship of the Sharpteeth" name for your story. Ir I was you, I would rather cypher inside the name some key event of he story that would be understandable at the second half, or simply would call it something like  "... bonds" - it would fit with friendship bonds between Chomper and his new friend, bonds between him and his pld friends, and bonds between leafeaters and sharpteeth kinds.


But you can ignore me, since I still didn't release any LBT fanfic, so I am not person who can give such advices  :bestsharptooth
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 03:59:36 PM by Sneak »


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Quote from: Sleeping-force's-inside on March 30, 2020, 02:13:25 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force's-inside on March 30, 2020, 02:13:25 PM
What sometimes helps me is letting a friend read it and ask their opinion about the story/first chapter. You then find the most notable thing regarding it, which is usual a good hint towards the title :>

It's a good idea, but IRL I don't know anyone who has time to read most of my fanfics (they can be pretty long). Thanks anyway, though!

But you can ignore me, since I still didn't release any LBT fanfic, so I am not person who can give such advices  :bestsharptooth
Well, I never would've guessed that, because you came up with a lot of good tips! Much appreciated. :)petrie

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face