The Gang of Five
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Ali is back!!! I thought this day would never come

Noname · 79 · 19189


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Actually, they were probably going to crush him flat. Anyway, from this episode, we can see that Ali is no longer frightened of others, but that she is gullible and probably not too smart (she actually believed Rhette!) I suppose being shut away inside a paranoid, closed off, migratory herd can't be too good for one's mental development; just look at migratory people today. One feature of migratory tribes in Africa is a decided primitivism and lack of exposure to outside ideas, largely manifested through superstition and a lack of examination. Another feature is great obidience to an archaic (usually family-based) system. The Old One is probably the mother, grandmother, aunt, great aunt, older sister, and maybe even great-grandmother (probably not) to much, if not all of the herd. And she is obeyed without question. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone in that herd was a member of an extended family, with the exception of any newcomers, which probably constitute a small percentage of the population, and only with the Old One's approval. I wouldn't be surpised if intermarriages quickly began between old and integrated herd members in order to form a primitive, non-civil form of tribal social cohesion. I suppose this gives variety to the group's familes:

Littlefoot: Grandparents. Dead mother, Father is leader of distant herd.

Ducky: Mother and siblings, including adopted brother Spike.

Spike: Adopted by mother of other species.

Petrie: Mother and siblings.

Cera: Father, Stepmother, Half-Sister; also has nephew and niece; had other siblings and mother, but they are lost and presumed dead.

Chomper: Mother and Father; separated from them; lives with Ruby.

Ruby: Mother, Father, two younger siblings; separated from them; possibly deceased?

Ali: Last we saw (lbt IV), she lived with her mother, she probably has many members of her extended family with her, but any exact relationship is unconfirmed.

Rhette: Don't know, probably some family in the herd. Is it just me, or does his French name seem like a blow to the courage of French people, in that he acts brave and yet is willing to surrender/run away at the slightest sign of danger? ("cheese-eating surrender monkeys.")


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Is it possible that Ali's herd (and Ali herself) are... inbred? Some elements of Ali's character remind me of a Siamese cat (especially those very blue eyes), and those felines are notoriously inbred. Some other qualities common to Ali and Siamese cats include shyness (at least at first in movie IV) and sensitivity. Also, many members of Ali's herd look alike, with little diversity (but not all, due to possible linking up of new memebers); compare this herd to Bron's herd in the flashback in the 10th movie. What we see of Brons herd is very diverse in terms of color, and even species. The Old One leads a mostly homogoneous group.

Also, did anyone notice that it has suddenly become easier to tell Littlefoot and Ali apart at a distance? We see in a side-view shot that Littlefoot is now significantly larger than Ali, which is natural, given that at least a couple of years have passed (in the internal chronology of the series), and that males are usually larger than females.


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Actually that's not all true. In many animals the female is actually larger than the male. Female elepahants are larger than males, female T-Rex's are larger than males, and it's believed that in most sauropods the females were larger than males.
You're looking at this way to seriously, the producers don't care about scientific accuracy, and even if they did, Ali's herd has always welcomed new comers, so there probably isn't much inbred.
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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I know... they aren't too concerned with scientific accuracy... Still, adressing these points:

1. We can't really tell the male Sauropod fossils apart from the female ones.


But some evidence suggests that the males were larger than females:
2. As for elephants; it's true that in some cases, some female are larger than some males, but as this site shows:
Adult female elephants are half the size of a fully grown male in both African and Asian elephants. Check it if you don't believe me.

The largest elephant ever recorded was shot in Angola in 1956. It was male and weighed about 12,000 kg.

3. As for the tyrannosaurus... we have only ever conclusively determined the gender of any tyrannosaurus ever found (a female who died during ovulation.) It is true that some scientists theorized that some of the "Robust" fossils found had a wider pelvis; which would suggest that they were female; however, we have no way of determining that. Also, it is true that today, female birds of prey (close relatives of tyrannosaurus) are larger than their male counterparts, but crocodiles (another close relative) have tremendous dimorphism between genders, with the males being up to twice as long as the female.

Source: (scroll down and check the species size, and note that there may be exceptions in rare cases.)

All I wanted to say is that Littlefoot is shown to be larger than Ali in a profile shot. That's all. I didn't want to go into this whole above elephant thing. Here's another site which proves me correct:

Sorry to really pile these on:

Now will you believe that male elephants are larger than their female counterparts?

We (I) should stop this now, before it pollutes this thread any further.


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Quote from: NewOrder,Feb 11 2007 on  09:46 AM
You're looking at this way to seriously, the producers don't care about scientific accuracy, and even if they did, Ali's herd has always welcomed new comers, so there probably isn't much inbred.
LOL. I agree, you're putting WAY too much thought into this. The show creators wouldn't care about any of that, they're just making a kid's show and we all know about the inaccuracies of LBT.

I think you're reading too much into the French thing too. Just because Rhette is a French spelling doesn't mean they're trying to make some slander to French people because of his character! Is Shorty a slander to short people?  :blink:

Chiiiilllllllll out.  B)


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I know. I said I would stop polluting this thread. I just realized that at least a couple of posts ago. That said, Ali's herd is paranoid; we can agree on that. I do have a tendency to... overanalyze things.


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I know. I said I would stop polluting this thread. I just realized that at least a couple of posts ago. That said, Ali's herd is paranoid; we can agree on that. I do have a tendency to... overanalyze things.

You don't say. :D
I didn't know that thing about elephants, I was under the impression the females were larger. I don't agree with the comparing crocodiles to Dinosaurs, the latter are more evolved and have nothing to do with crocs. Still, just chill, this thread is about Ali's return, my God, it's been 11 years and she's back! I was disappointed with the way she came back, we should be talking about this and not about how weird her herd is.
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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Agreed. Let's see; we get the impression that Ali isn't too intelligent in this episode; she buys into the stories Rhette (or Rhet, Rhett, or Red) tells her, and then claims Littlefoot is jealous just because he can't do those impossible things.   :rolleyes:

Any thoughts? I promise that I won't go on anymore about this "migrating herd mentality."

EDIT: As for how she came back; I think that unless this was the most amazing thing ever seen in any LBT episode, we would have been disappointed. Our expectations were probably through the roof, and had we not waited so long, we probably woulden't had so much anticipation. Still, we had reason to believe that she would make a return; the YTV site has an image from the cover of the fourth movie as it's picture for the series, one explicitely showing Littlefoot and Ali.


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Also, did anyone else think Ali's eyes were made to be even more blue than they were before?


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Quote from: Noname,Feb 11 2007 on  01:36 PM
Also, did anyone else think Ali's eyes were made to be even more blue than they were before?
I did. They almost hurt to look at they were so bright blue.


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I agree, but I did find something really cool they kep that special look that she had in lbt  4, when she's like sceptical about something.
I think that despite her come back, could've been a bit more interesting, there were other situations they could've explored. When Ducky, Petrie and Spike find out that Ali is back they don't react they go right ahead to make a plan to expose Rhette (or whatever   his name is). Littlefoot and Cera could've also explained to Chomper and Ruby who Ali was, and I dought that Ali would've ever been so cold when adressing Littlefoot and Cera after such a long while gone.
This episode lacked a lot of stuff, I guess my disappointment is based on this and in the fact that I've waited for this moment for so long, I was expecting something like the second coming of Jesus   :unsure:
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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It is rather important to get things right indeed.  As an experienced fanfiction writer on several different universes, I highly understand how important accuracy really is.  You make just one mistake, and people go crazy. :rolleyes:

There should've indeed been more excitment within the group.  I mean, I'd be pretty excited myself if I ran into a friend that I knew who I hadn't seen in years.

It should've been such a way with Ducky, Petrie and Spike.  I really don't think the writers took much time to work on these eps.  It really makes me wonder, was this a rush job?  If so, then I know of the disappointment that's about to come.

In all truth, there was just so much more that could've been done with the storyline in this ep.


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This episode is clearly centered on two characters: Rhette and Chomper.
I take this as a writers "blooper". Ali comes back after 11 years, and they put her aside and just introduce a new charcter. I hope this happened so they can develop on Ali's character in the next episode 'cause otherwise it makes no sense.
On a more personal note as for the excitement, I thought about it, and recently I've met a friend whom I haven't seen in years and to tell you the truth it wasn't that exciting. We were like hey, no time no see, but then we just went to small talk. When you spend a lot of time apart you change and just don't no what to say, I guess this is the prespective that was shown on this episode. Not a very good one though.

PS: This is my 666 post  :o Be Afraid Be Very Afraid
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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Perhaps this episode is just setting the stage for what comes next: the next showing of LBT on YTV will have two episodes back to back; just check the website. Maybe it will be a two-part episode, or else be two closely related episodes.


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That would be so cool, NoName! I hope it's true! *crosses fingers!*


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Just check the website and go to the scheduale section. It's on Friday, February 16th, 12:00 p.m -12:30 p.m., and 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. And at 1:00 p.m., they will show the sixth movie.


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You know, as I was working on the song lyrics, I came up with a little theory as to why Rhette made up all of those stories.  He likes Ali, and I mean "like" like.  I think Rhette has a crush on Ali.

It is often known in relationships that guys make up stories to impress a girl that they have a crush on.  Do you think this might be part of the plot of the next episode somehow?

Of course, if my theory is true, I wonder how Littlefoot would react.  I mean, you all know my perspective on the Littlefoot and Ali relationship, right? ;) Love triangle plot developing in my head here. :^.^:


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Interiguing theory. I believe that something like this happened in the moive "Bambi", where Bambi met Faline for the second time, a long time after they had first met. Anyway, by that time, Faline was being courted by another male named Ronno, who challenged Bambi to a fight, in which Bambi won. What most people don't remember that Bambi has violence in it, or that Faline was Bambi's first cousin, or that he had children with her at the end of the movie. If i'm not mistaken, Littlefoot and Ali are cousins as well, although they are probably fourth cousins; Littlefoot's grandparents mentioned that the Old One's herd was made up of their cousins, which would place them at least a generation apart, and with Littlefoot being two generations apart from his grandparents, and Ali being one generation down from her mother (who, if the idea holds, is a cousin of Littlefoot's grandparents), this would mean that Littlefoot and Ali are at least fourth cousins, but only if the assumptions are true. Also, the fight in question happened when Bambi, Faline, and Ronno were nearly adults; a similar occurence wouldn't happen for years in LBT, as the characters are much too young to be thinking about...


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I think you misinterpreted the word "cousins". Many people say that monkeys are our distant cousins, that doesn't exactly mean we're related :D
In lbt 4, grandpa used the word "cousins" just to explain to Littlefoot that they're from the same species and should be greeted like family.

You know, as I was working on the song lyrics, I came up with a little theory as to why Rhette made up all of those stories. He likes Ali, and I mean "like" like. I think Rhette has a crush on Ali.

It is often known in relationships that guys make up stories to impress a girl that they have a crush on. Do you think this might be part of the plot of the next episode somehow?

Of course, if my theory is true, I wonder how Littlefoot would react. I mean, you all know my perspective on the Littlefoot and Ali relationship, right? wink.gif Love triangle plot developing in my head here. happy.gif

I thought of that two, Rhette's in for a hard time, whatever happens, I hope Littlefoot "wins" in the end =P
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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Quote from: NewOrder,Feb 11 2007 on  06:27 PM
I think you misinterpreted the word "cousins". Many people say that monkeys are our distant cousins, that doesn't exactly mean we're related :D
In lbt 4, grandpa used the word "cousins" just to explain to Littlefoot that they're from the same species and should be greeted like family.

You know, as I was working on the song lyrics, I came up with a little theory as to why Rhette made up all of those stories. He likes Ali, and I mean "like" like. I think Rhette has a crush on Ali.

It is often known in relationships that guys make up stories to impress a girl that they have a crush on. Do you think this might be part of the plot of the next episode somehow?

Of course, if my theory is true, I wonder how Littlefoot would react. I mean, you all know my perspective on the Littlefoot and Ali relationship, right? wink.gif Love triangle plot developing in my head here. happy.gif

I thought of that two, Rhette's in for a hard time, whatever happens, I hope Littlefoot "wins" in the end =P
Be that though it may, Ali still bears a striking resemblence to Littlefoot, so much so, that Ducky actually got them confused from a distance in the fourth movie.