The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

"HELLO, STONEHENGE!" (Oh, wait, wrong show...)

J.J. Hatter

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(In-Character Introduction)

HELLO, GANG OF FIVE FORUMS! I am J.J. Hatter; Lord of Looneys, Master of Mayhem, Captain of Kooks, Coffee Ice Cream, and Cookies, King of Wonderland, and Most Regal & Esteemed Cousin of the Great & Marvelous Mad Hatter! (And, for those of you asking ‚ÄúWhich version?‚Äù: ALL OF THEM...well, many of them.  I simply refuse to believe some of them and I are related.)

Among my many noble titles, I am also the Napoleon of Villainy; Moriarty has NOTHING on me! From the Sharptooth to Strut, (AND BEYOND!), I control all that is diabolical, devious, or even slightly mischievous! All villains are my friends, minions, and cohorts, both good and bad!

...Well, actually, they’re all bad, but you know what I mean...DON’T YOU?!

Anywho: during my supreme reign over Wonderland, and its multiple incarnations, I have kept a close eye on your website, watching your every move and waking post with an evil eye, awaiting my opportunity to strike for nearly ten years...

...NO LONGER! ‚ÄúThe Time has come,‚Äù as a Walrus said! Now, tired of simply watching you from afar, I have decided to make my move! I have already infected the annals of with my wicked work. Soon, I shall conquer you, Gang of Five Forums ‚Ä“ if that is your real name ‚Ä“ first, with a lovely strike to your Fanfiction & Fanart section, then on to your RP areas (maybe..), and then, eventually, the entire website! And after that? THE WWWOOORRRLLLD!!!

There is no escape, Gang of Five! The Clan of the Hatter is among you! Beware, for I may post and/or review at any moment...silent, secret! (imitates General Zod) YOU WILL BOW DOWN BEFORE MY HAT!!!

...But, before we get to all that...

Would anyone like some tea?:angel

(OOC Introduction)

Did I get your attention with the above?

...Yes? Good!

Hello, and glad to be a member, Gang of Five!  :wave As I said, I have been lurking as a guest on this site for about ten years. Finally, I have decided to get off my laurels and join as a member.

As you probably guessed, I am a big fan of the stories “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking-Glass,” and almost anything related to them.
“...Big fan?” Ha! Who am I kidding?! I AM OBSESSED WITH THEM! I have “collected” literally hundreds of...things, for lack of a better word, related to the stories; as my fine friend Sleeping-force’s-inside can tell you, it can make some moments of communication...tricky.

However, the “Alice” stories are not my ONLY “fandom.” Ever since I was a child, I loved dinosaurs; I still love them, be it in fiction or science. I also have a penchant for animation, in television, film, etc.

Needless to say, “Land Before Time,” all its sequels (well...many of them...), and the t.v. series based on it are high on my list of favorite things, hence my presence here.
I’ll admit that I won’t be doing much, at least at first, on this website, in terms of posting; partly because of my (tragically) busy schedule, and partly because, as a fanfic writer, I have not written too much (yet...) based on LBT. (No, not the sandwich...but you all probably knew that already. (shrug))

With all that said... (tips hat) It is an honor to be a member of this excellent site. I hope to make some friends in time...but, that’s another story.

...Seriously, anybody want some tea? (offers every single, solitary member a cup of tea)

Sincerely yours,

P.S.: My current avatar is not my permanent one; my computer refuses to behave and allow me to get my real one on here.


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Welcome to the forum, always great to see a new member.  Very colorful and humorous introductory part of the introductory thread, in the in character section.   :lol

No need to start posting a lot right away.  Just feel free to explore around and post when you can and wish to, and have the time.  There is a good amount of rp threads, some lbt ones and many non lbt related.  

I'm sure if you like Alice & LBT you've done a crossover.  I've read the first Alice story a month or so ago, the 2nd one has been a while, but I do remember most of that one I Think.  


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Hey there Hatter and welcome! I've got a good friend myself who is obsessed with Alice in Wonderland ;)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Welcome to the Gang of Five :wave :DD

Another fellow fanfiction author, eh? ;) Sounds good!

I'm sure you'll make many friends here, this is (as you probably already know as a long-time lurker :P:) the friendliest place imaginable :lol

Enjoy your stay!
Inactive, probably forever.


  • The Circle
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Welcome with us J.J. Hatter :)
It is always a pleasure to welcome new members to our community. Please feel hearty invited to join our discussions or start threads of your own :yes


  • Cera
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 That has to be the biggest intro post I have seen in GoF for a very long time (if not since ever!) :smile .

 Welcome to GoF!!! :DD .


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So! We meet again, JJ. Nice to see you around these parts, though. :yes

Welcome with us on the Gang of Five! You've been lurking for how long?! Well it's about time you joined! :lol

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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All right! Another Doctor Who fan!

Prepare to be asked questions by me concerning fan fiction struggles!


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A ten-year lurker. Well, I'll be damned.  :lol

Welcome to the GOF, and make yourself feel at home.

J.J. Hatter

  • Ruby
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Phew...sorry, been running around all day...

Now, for the "thank yous..."


TO SLEEPING-FORCE'S INSIDE: Moi? Misbehave?! Why, the very idea!  :angel

TO KOR: Firstly, my response is both profound and meaningful: YOU! SHALL NOT! PASS!!!  :lol

But, seriously, sir, thank you. And I adore your avatar. Actually, I haven't written an Alice/LBT crossover...yet. Tis only a matter of time... (evil laugh)

TO MUMBLING: Good day to you! I think I might like to meet your friend...are they a member of this lovely little site, too?

TO DUCKY123: First: why not DuckyABC?

Second: Yes, indeed, I am! And I'm sure I'll like it here!  :)

Third: it is YOU who they call the Most Evil Swimmer! As Napoleon of Villains, I look forward to the chance to chat more!  ;)


(holds two teaspoons up in the shape of a cross) BEGONE, HORSIES!!!

Ahem...I digress. I have a friend who is a Brony; I should be used to it by now.

And allow me to say it is an honor to meet you! (bows) I have been a fan of your works for a long, long time, both on here and on You are among my favorite LBT authors, in fact. I hope to exchange more with you in the future... :wave

TO MALTE279: Aha! Yet another of my favorite LBT authors, and the founder of this site's fanfiction/fanart section! An honor, sir, an honor! (salutes) Thank you very much!



So, somerandomfangirl! We meet again! EN GARDE!!! (whips out a pool noodle like a sword)

TO PTYRA: Questions: my old foe. Ask if you wish. (shrugs)

And, in terms of Dr. Who: I am a "novice fan;" most of what I know is the modern series, and even then, much of it is due to the fact my best friend (who shall remain nameless, and is not a member of this site) is a long-time Whovian. Still, nice to know somebody else here likes the show, all the same.   :)  :)

And, finally, TO JANSENOV: DON'T SAY just might happen. (evil smile)

HA! Just kidding!  :lol

A pleasure, apprentice of a big-mouthed swimmer, a pleasure!  :yes

Now, if you will all excuse me, I have evil schemes to concoct...  ;)

Sincerely yours,


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I came here earlier to make a witty welcome and got distracted... for 6 hours.
Welcome to the forums. :wave

J.J. Hatter

  • Ruby
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Thank you, Justin1993. (bows...and hits head on a brick) ALL RIGHT, WHO PUT THAT THERE?!

Sincerely yours,


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*raises hand :lol
Think of it as a welcoming gift from me to you.

J.J. Hatter

  • Ruby
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Justin1993, you are a cad...I like that.  ;)

By the way, can anyone please tell me how to put in a member title (i.e. MurMur's "Dreamer")? I can't seem to figure it out...

Sincerely yours,


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Well, isn't that funny, I'm drinking tea right now (green tea to be precise).

Did I hear you say Moriarty? May I ask if you're a Sherlock fan? And a Doctor Who fan, awesome! Like you, I only mostly know about the modern series, and have friends who are long-time Whovians as well. This will certainly be fun, now won't it?

Anyway, welcome to the GOF! We hope your stay is a pleasant one!


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In your User CP, click "Edit my Profile." There is an area where you can type a custom title.

J.J. Hatter

  • Ruby
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TO LBTDICLONIUS: I am a Sherlock Holmes fan; BBC is just one of several versions I like. Here, have some ice cream to go with your tea! (gives it to you)

TO JUSTIN1993: That's just the problem; I can't find the spot on the "Edit my Profile" area to enter in the title.  :(

Hmph...I'm probably just missing something...I'll get it eventually.  :)

Sincerely yours,