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Messages - Nanotyrannus

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General Land Before Time / Re: LBT YouTube Channel
« on: December 06, 2023, 03:08:54 PM »
The description calls them what they actually are:

Join us for hilarious collection of the best moments of these two egg-snatching struthiomimuses. I take it they're calling them raptors in the title because it's easier to get clicks that way, kids like dromaeosaurs more than ornithomimids  :p

Silver Screen / Re: Jurassic World: Dominion (2022)
« on: June 10, 2022, 01:31:12 PM »
From what I have heard so far this film is The Rise of Skywalker of the Jurassic Park/World franchise.

I can't say anything about the Star Wars comparison, but I can at least confirm that it's not very good (to be as polite as humanly possible).

General Land Before Time / Re: Which kind of animation do you prefer?
« on: March 28, 2022, 10:53:58 AM »
I might end up being an odd one out here

I'll get a few obvious ones out of the way first so I can disqualify them for being too easy as picks: the first movie's animation soars above everything that came after; the craftsmanship of the art and movement is extraordinary and the color direction is great; and the bulk of the TV series' animation is firmly at the bottom; no slack to be cut there, it's a bunch of crap.

From there, I think there are more, finer divisions to make than just pre/post-art shift, though that is still the defining line in all of this given how much changed after that (e.g. the T. rex designs). The pre-art shift sequels can be split up into two eras, one adjacent to the Roy Allen Smith-directed movies - the style in question is janky and limited but has a certain charm to it thanks to the decent artwork, the colors are also pleasant - and one adjacent to the Grosvenor-directed ones - they must have changed animation houses and it shows, the animation is even worse and the art takes a hit; the colors are inconsistent between the two movies, they're awful in V and relatively fine in VI.

After VII and the art shift, I think things splinter:

  • The seventh movie is in a weird place; the animation itself is leaps and bounds above the previous sequels (especially the last two), but the art style is like a weird prototype for the later sequels, one with no shading whatsoever.
  • The eighth, ninth and tenth movies all have a relatively consistent style; though I'd argue the animation itself is a hair below the seventh movie, the colors and art are definite improvements, with more agreeable colors and actual shading. I'm hard pressed to say it's good but it's decent for what it is; it's also worth noting that there's variation even between these three movies, especially with their use of extremely poor CGI (VIII uses very little, if any, IX flexes its muscles in that regard and X goes to town with the stuff).
  • The eleventh movie tries to be a lot cartoonier than its precursors and fails miserably. This is most egregious in the climax where everyone turns into jello monsters while running away from the sharpteeth. Everything on display here is unappealing, I'd argue it's as bad as the earlier sequels but for different reasons.
  • The twelfth movie does a fine job for what it aims for; it uses a lot of bad CGI, sure, but the animation is a lot more stomachable and the art is decently similar to the earlier post-art shift sequels, albeit with duller colors.
  • The thirteenth movie is weird; all in all I'd say it's akin to the gasps of half-decent animation in the TV series, though it's still far from great and it dips in plenty of places. Worth mentioning is that the thing is utterly rife with animation and coloring errors.
  • Journey of the Brave's animation is stilted and bad; the art is definitely off in places too. On a technical level, it's probably the worst of the 21st century sequels, though I'd personally rank it above XI, at least.

I'd say my favorite animation style of all of the ones depicted in the sequels is the mid-post art shift style depicted in VIII - X, though I'll readily admit that it's flawed.

General Land Before Time / Re: LBT YouTube Channel
« on: February 23, 2022, 01:49:56 AM »
Given that they're labelling the clips for the thirteenth movie as just "The Land Before Time" and not its full title like with the other sequels, maybe the thirteenth movie is the first movie now   :PLoofah

Or maybe they're retconning it into an extended episode of the TV series, who knows.

General Land Before Time / Re: Jurassic Park is NOT better than LBT
« on: February 11, 2022, 03:11:32 PM »
One property is about hubris and the misuse of genetic engineering that depicts dinosaurs as animals and/or ravening monsters, and the other is dinosaur children going on adventures that depicts most of them as heavily anthropomorphized; I don't see how they are at all comparable beyond them both being media with dinosaurs.

LBT Fanart / Re: Nano's Art Thread
« on: December 28, 2021, 02:14:40 AM »
I'm not particularly sure what exactly prompted this, but after capping off Level 3 of a specific Blender tutorial, I felt the urge to throw this together in a couple of minutes.

Overly shiny Sharptooth enjoying coffee and a donut.

LBT Fanart / Re: Nano's Art Thread
« on: December 14, 2021, 09:34:10 PM »
Well, it's been a good while since I've put anything here; why not make up for the year and a half of absence with something dramatically different from the other two pieces I've put here?

Because the image is a bit big, I've put it behind a little spoiler:

Spoiler: ShowHide

The Sharptooth, in a style I wouldn't be too bothered by if it were utilized by a hypothetical remake; he came out shinier and a little flatter than I'd prefer, but I'm still like how he came out. After six or seven years of working with Blender, this is probably the most impressive thing I've created, for better or worse.

The other side of his face is very distinct from the side of his face that gets most of the spotlight here, but it's on the grotesque side and I've opted to not show it in full.

Is that model created from scratch or is that just a stock T. rex model with some modifications added to it.

Pretty much everything on display was made from scratch, though I used Scott Hartman's Stan skeletal
Scott Hartman's Stan skeletal as a reference when doing the model (I forgot to credit him, whoops - better late than never I suppose).

I love the Stegouros design! The shapes and colors you used are definitely in-line with typical LBT style, not to mention the little guy just looks cute! :)

Also, I can’t believe that 3D T. rex hasn’t gotten much attention yet, it’s quite impressive! I can see a bit of the damaged eye on the other side of his face—I imagine it took some significant work to make the head asymmetrical! Nice choice adding some feathers to his back, too…it would definitely be interesting to see LBT updated for paleontological accuracy.

EDIT: I also have to mention that I’m impressed by how you credited your sources. Very professionally done!

The facial damage goes a lot further than just the eye; the idea is that, while Littlefoot is responsible for his eye specifically, he's been in a lot of fights with other rexes and, as a result, his face was gnarly even before being partially blinded. If you look at the teeth and gums on his "bad side" that are visible in the shot, you should see what I mean.

Also, don't worry about his tail, it hasn't bothered him in a long time  :ChomperImAwesome

LBT Fanart / Re: Nano's Art Thread
« on: December 03, 2021, 02:32:40 AM »
Inspired by this thread - I figured it would be fun to translate Stegouros to the series' style, so I whipped up a very basic reference for one; the Spike and Topps graphics are taken from model sheets for the first movie, which can be found here and here respectively.

General Land Before Time / Re: LBT YouTube Channel
« on: November 21, 2021, 02:18:14 PM »
At least they got the name of the crocodilian right in the description. Yes I have still not let go the fact that they called Ozzy and Strut Velociraptors.

The Velociraptor gaffe was enough to make me not fully trust anything they claim; if they call Ozzy and Strut velociraptors when Ozzy outright calls himself a Struthiomimus in his song, I don't see reason to trust the channel calling the sharptooth from V a Giganotosaurus or the X crocodile a Sarcosuchus.\

Well, props to the channel for providing HD sequel footage, at least.

Character Discussion / Re: Kosh and Mr. Clubtail
« on: November 12, 2021, 12:04:51 AM »
I like to split the clubtails in the series up even further than just Kosh and Mr. Clubtail; the way I see it, Mr. Clubtail is the specific clubtail in V, XI and XII, Kosh is a one-off character in the one episode and the Rob Paulsen and Jeff Bennett clubtails from the third movie and 'The Amazing Threehorn Girl' respectively are their own distinct "characters" as well.

General Land Before Time / Re: Animation Errors
« on: October 06, 2021, 05:12:42 AM »
Is the error only for one or two frames or does it persist for a good bit of the shot?

Either way, how, uh, pleasant.  :sducky

LBT Fanart / Re: Nano's Art Thread
« on: September 29, 2021, 06:49:42 AM »
Well, it's been a good while since I've put anything here; why not make up for the year and a half of absence with something dramatically different from the other two pieces I've put here?

Because the image is a bit big, I've put it behind a little spoiler:

Spoiler: ShowHide

The Sharptooth, in a style I wouldn't be too bothered by if it were utilized by a hypothetical remake; he came out shinier and a little flatter than I'd prefer, but I'm still like how he came out. After six or seven years of working with Blender, this is probably the most impressive thing I've created, for better or worse.

The other side of his face is very distinct from the side of his face that gets most of the spotlight here, but it's on the grotesque side and I've opted to not show it in full.

Character Showcase / Re: Mama Swimmer Showcase - August 2021
« on: September 14, 2021, 01:31:51 AM »
I don't have particularly many strong opinions on Mama Swimmer; she's a good mother, she has a decent design, she has a good song in the eighth movie and she has a couple moments, but that's about as much as I can say outside of answering the two questions.

1.) Preference for them belonging to the species aside, I'd say the case is strongest for them being Saurolophus, between that being the name on some first movie concept art (Clubtail gave an example below) and being what Ducky is called in a little VHS thing from the late 90's. Anatosaurus has similar advantages of being what she and her daughter are called in other pieces of concept art and the movie's script, while them being Parasaurolophus came about in the early 2000's and doesn't have any basis from the first movie's development from what I can tell.

2.) Though I can't pinpoint consistent qualities of her characters, I can at least point to what I see as her most memorable scene; her rushing to save Spike near the end of the eighth movie.

History Section / Re: Palentological Findings News
« on: September 14, 2021, 01:14:00 AM »
Of all of the times I've seen news media hype up newly-described medium-sized carnivorous dinosaurs, this might be the silliest example  :lol

The dinosaur they're describing - Ulughbegsaurus - was neither a contemporary of Tyrannosaurus nor anywhere near five times bigger than it, it was only about 3/5 as long and probably only a tenth as heavy; the "tyrannosaurus" the article keeps referring to is Timurlengia, which was about half as long as, and 1/5 the weight of, this new theropod.

General Land Before Time / Re: Least Beautiful Character
« on: August 07, 2021, 08:07:00 PM »
That pink longneck abomination thing that shows up in Chomper's dream in that one episode and, for his colors alone, the main antagonist sharptooth from the fifth movie.

As far as proper characters go, I'll say Rooter; he might be a great character, but a "beautiful" one he is absolutely not.

A fastrunner, if only for practical reasons - I imagine being able to eat anything that gets thrown at me and having the prowess to get away from anything that wants to squash me/shred me/eat me would be useful in the TLBT world.

That said, that's assuming I'm thrust into the Mysterious Beyond - if I'm ever to end up in the Great Valley in this scenario, I'm torn between sticking with being a fastrunner for keeping that flexibility, being a swimmer for just enjoying the place and being a Tyrannosaurus for sampling the buffet.

Gamers Zone / Re: What was your first game?
« on: July 13, 2021, 03:49:43 PM »
This thing, which I'll concede was a weird introduction to video games:

Spoiler: ShowHide

General Land Before Time / Re: Which order do you like the gang
« on: July 13, 2021, 03:44:13 PM »
She'd be higher up than Spike, at least  :p

General Land Before Time / Re: Which order do you like the gang
« on: July 13, 2021, 12:29:09 AM »
I have two distinct rankings for just the first movie and everything to come after; I have practically no thoughts on Ruby other than her being superfluous so I've left her out of the ranking.

For just the first movie:

1.) Ducky (yep yep yep!)
2.) Littlefoot
3.) Spike
4.) Cera (saying she's likeable in the first movie is a big reach but she's still a fun character)
5.) Petrie (I don't dislike him at all but I think he's unsuccessful as a comic relief)

...and the sequels:

1.) Littlefoot (at the top because he's the most consistently likeable of the main kids)
2.) Cera (though I have serious problems with the direction they took her in after IV, even after the character switch, I'd say she shines more than any other character; she and Littlefoot would be swapped if her portrayals in VIII and XI were remotely tolerable)
3.) Petrie (he's occasionally entertaining)
4.) Chomper (as much as I question the direction they took his character in in V and onward, I'll concede that he's pretty alright either way you slice him)
5.) Ducky (she's only this low because she barely does anything; when she gets the spotlight, she's hit-or-miss)
6.) Spike (the character I think consistently has it the worst in the sequels, he's a bland mouth with legs that's more often than not worse than useless; that said, he shines every once in a while, namely in VIII)

Character Showcase / Re: Rainbowfaces showcase - July 2021
« on: July 07, 2021, 05:13:47 AM »
Well, I'll concede that the rainbowfaces are definitely interesting, and they're decently entertaining characters even ignoring the elephant in the room. Between the two I prefer the lighter-colored one a bit, she has some good lines.

1.) I consider the reveal at the end to be a point against the movie as a whole - which I must stress that I generally enjoy - and one of the most absurd things to have ever happened in the series. I would have strongly preferred if they executed their departure differently - them just disappearing without any big hurrah would have been a good alternative to the movie's tractor beam(?) exit, and I think that Littlefoot turning back after the distraction to see them sprinting off into the distance and screaming 'Beyond the Mysterious Beyond' as a send-off would have been funny (if not incongruous with the general tone of the characters, I'll gladly admit).

2.) There are two answers I can give here that all coexist inside my head. I'll get the more complicated one out of the way first: this idea is in the context of an old take on the Land Before Time world of mine that I scrapped a few years back that isn't congruent with canon in any way, and had its own modified version of VII that didn't resemble its canon incarnation in every respect; without going into specifics regarding plot, the gist of the idea that the rainbowfaces developed on the same planet and in the same manner as all of the other dinosaurs depicted in the series, but possess human-level intelligence, are even more-well versed than humans in the workings of the cosmos, and have their own cities and technology that reside far beyond the wildernesses depicted in the movies.

In the context of the movies, I just consider them (at least the two depicted in VII) aliens, though I like to think of them as inexplicable alien dinosaurs as opposed to aliens disguised as dinosaurs.

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