Beyond the Mysterious Beyond > Silver Screen

What are you watching?

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There's a thread in "Sound Off" that says, "What are you listening to?" so I made this one.

What movies are you watching right now or have you watched?

Wow.  It just so happens that I'm watching LBT 10 up in the little corner of my screen while writing some articles.  What a coincidence, however I don't think "what are you watching right now" is an appropriate title for this thread because most people don't watch movies and surf GOF at the same time.  You can listen to music in the background, but not movies too much.  I think "what is the last movie you watched or was watching" would be a more appropriate title.

I'm watching some random paranormal show called "Ghost Trackers". I'm not really paying attention to it, but it just "happens to be on".

I was watching a bit of Avatar and Mulan a while ago.

Me and Patrick enjoyed Die Hard 4.0 yesterday evening.  :^.^:


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