Role Play > Land Before Time RPG

Sudden Change of Species 2.0

(1/14) > >>

Link to the summation of the plot:

OOC: And so it finally begins!  :DD I have left this initial post open-ended enough that I think it should allow people to write this dialogue organically (I have not specified what the disagreement is about or who started it), but if any part of my initial post is too restrictive just let me know and I can modify it to allow people more freedom.  I will also be color-coding my text from here on out to clarify which character it comes from.



It is amazing how something so common as a distant rainstorm could encapsulate without words a drama which would take hours to tell.  Though the rain was certainly hours away its clouds had already blotted the Bright Circle out of the sky, covering the valley’s towering vistas in gloomy shadows.  Despite its unwelcome intrusion into the ongoing meeting the loud thunderclap had done one welcome thing: it had for a moment silenced the recriminations among the dinosaurs enough to allow Ruby to finally think about the situation rationally.

She looked between her friends as if examining strange new creatures, a cross between their joyous past selves and the cantankerous adults of the valley who seldom agreed with anything.  Standing proudly in front of them all, his neck now standing a bit taller than when Ruby had first entered the valley, Littlefoot stared down the threehorn with unveiled annoyance.  Cera, for her part, glared at the longneck with horns bared as if he and the others had just insulted her entire family line.

Behind Littlefoot stood three others who were not strangers to her, but that might as well have been based upon how they had changed over the last few seasons.  Ducky the little swimmer was no longer quite as little as she once was, though she could always rely upon her brother’s support when he was not busy devouring any plants in his vicinity.  But on this day both Spike and her flyer friend were off in their own little worlds.  Spike devouring a bush in the distance, utterly oblivious to the proceedings around him, and Petrie being who knows where.  The distance between the three friends only highlighted the growing divisions between them all.

And then there was Chomper who was still no doubt gathering buzzers for a breakfast that was soon turning into a lunch.  His difficulty in finding food during this lean season confirmed what would soon need to come to pass.  They could not delay it indefinitely.

I know that Chomper and I will need to leave our friends one day, but I had always thought they would remain friends!

But truth be told this had been building for awhile, much like the distant storm.  A growing list of grievances as each friend dealt with the struggles of life in their own unique way.  The friendships that had been forged by struggle were now fraying under the pressures of time.  And, like distant thunder, eventually something had to give.

The thunder roared.

The sky water pitter-pattered down on the soft grass, some of it landing on the treestar bush that Spike was about to take as his own.

Crunching down on the treestars, he reflected on the situation and decided that he wanted no part in it. Not that they’ll ask him for much besides a simple grunt of support. That was his thought as he turned his head left and right to see his sister with a concerned face, while Petrie’s own face was unreadable.

The benefits of staying in the background meant that at least he wouldn’t have to take sides… hopefully, at least. Perhaps, he’d remain as camouflaged as the hidden runner which had once appeared in the valley. Unseen and unheard even as Cera’s snarl and subsequent growl at Littlefoot seemed determined to drag the entirety of the Great Valley into this feud.

This terrible, long-overdue feud.

A blast of sky fire from about caused him to flinch, only heightening the tension as the glares between the staring dinosaurs only grew tense. The constant sky water from just made things worse, the pitter-patter of it as it fell making the growing silence of the silent seven—this brief reprieve of the chaos that had started—only ever more obvious.

He afforded one passing glance up from his food to tilt his head towards the absolute travesty that was happening in front of him before deciding that acting aloof and focusing on his food was the wiser choice... the tastier choice, too.

Littlefoot was nervous about what was sure to happen imminently. He knew that he shouldn't have done what he did, but he also thought Cera was severely overreacting.

The longneck thought to himself "Gee. I know that what I did was a big mistake, but why would Cera get this worked up about it"

He had been growing tired of constantly fighting with Cera after all these cold times, but that wasn't on his mind at that moment. All that he could think about was bracing for this upcoming brawl that would surely make the big fight that he and Cera got into during their original journey to the Great Valley seem like friendly teasing.


"You're WRONG!"

"Shut up, idiot!"

"DON'T you dare..."

Ducky shook her head in a mixture of annoyance and resignation. Another day, another fight. The harmony that once was had vanished just like the Bright Circle that day when the thunderstorm had rolled in.

"Even the sky is upsetted-ed..." the green swimmer mused as she rolled her eyes at yet another furious verbal assault of the orange threehorn. The heavens had opened the gates; it was crying just like the swimmer's heart for discord and hate was something she could never approve of nor understand. Though, even a dinosaur as passionate and kind as Ducky could only take so much before she lashed out herself. The current fight in front of her eyes hardly concerned her on a personal level, however it was symbolic for what had become of their friendship.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ducky caught a glance of her brother Spike who, just like her, had gained a lot of size in recent times; and just like her he was changing. Everyone was. He was resenting the violence that had taken control of their daily get-togethers too, however she wouldn't even get along with the Spiketail nearly as well as they used to. Unlike the main actors, they didn't argue (but then again Spike could hardly express his point with gestures and grunts only), however they were slowly growing apart and disagreements grew more frequent. Ducky didn't even sleep next to him anymore.

Aside from Littlefoot and Cera fighting and Spike eating as was his habit when things got rough, Ruby was spectating the fight with an unreadable expression. Ducky found that the fastrunner was slowly growing apart from the group as adulthood approached her. And as far as Chomper was concerned who was probably still hunting for a meal, a task that took most of his time now that he was growing faster than his food... well, Ducky didn't know what to think. Rational and emotional thinking clashed within the swimmer but Chomper's fate had been sealed long ago.

And yet it was a frequent matter of hateful discussion.

Aside from Chomper, Petrie was also missing from the group. The swimmer gritted her teeth.

"That Petrie, where is he again?! Does he ever meet with us?! Does he even care about our friendship anymore? It makes me so sick, oh yes yes yes!"

Ducky's feelings for the flyer had always been of a very special sort. She had adored the quirky, funny and failure-prone flyer from the moment they had met and had he been a swimmer like her she was certain she would have crushed on him eventually. But Petrie was a flyer and such natural differences and barrier prevented that. But such hadn't impacted their friendship in a negative way at all. They had been bestest friends and everyone could tell on plain sight. However...

"Petrie does only care about himself, yes he does!"

Ever since the start of the last Warm season, he had begun to distance himself from everyone else, rarely having time, always occupied, not telling what he was supposedly busy with, acting solitary and weird. Ducky did not approve of it at all. She would even go as far as admitting that she was legitimately angry at the flyer. And knowing her that was saying a lot.

Grunting, Ducky ducked as strong wind gave the downpour a whole different quality. Why did she even stay here? The fight was raging on regardless of the weather, appearing to reach its climax just as the strongest part of the storm was about to hit. Ducky felt like screaming, yelling, crying, yes even punching someone, it was maddening beyond repair.

And yet she was powerless. At the brink of tears, she sat down, shaking her head again and again.


Ducky jerked as lightning flashed, hitting one of the tall mountains on the walls that surrounded their home - the Great Valley. Though, with all the discord between adults and children alike, one could hardly call it great anymore. Not anymore.

A self-confident smile rose to the flyer’s face as he looked another flash of lighting appear before his eyes, penetrating the grey sky of the Great Valley. He looked at how the sky water pounded the land from the mountains surrounding the sanctuary of the leaf eaters, all the while remembering to leave one peak that stood higher than he as his mother had always told him to do. He enjoyed being able to brave the forces of nature alone but even more, he loved the independence his gift of flight had given him. Being able to see the world in all its glory was a thing he appreciated but even more, he loved being free from being surrounded by other dinosaurs.

During the past few Cold Times, the flyer had found that he liked spending more and more time alone as had some of his brothers as well. Petrie could no longer stand large meetings of the Valley, all that senseless fighting and arguing over completely trivial things. It was much better here to face the storm and…

Suddenly, his eyes caught the sight of something that hardly improved his mood. The forms of a young longneck and a threehorn could be seen far below him, only faintly seen through the grey mist that concealed the Valley under itself on this day. Petrie frowned deeply as he looked at them, noticing that the rest of his “friends”, except for Chomper, were there as well. The boy crossed his arms and he let out a deep snort as the so-familiar thoughts rose to his mind.

Those two not seem to have better things to do than fight all the time! Sometimes Petrie wonder why me even meet them as often as me do!

Petrie had seen Littlefoot, Cera and Chomper argue with each other more often than he cared to remember in the past weeks and each time seem to be worse than the last one. Also, the sight of Ducky made his already dark thoughts even worse. He had really liked the swimmer and he still, in a way, considered her his best friend. However, her constant whining and complaining about the flyer’s willingness to spend some time alone made Petrie fume inside, her attitude angering him greatly. Petrie knew just how much he had changed himself but his preferences to spend his time weren’t Ducky’s to decide!

Noticing his bitterness, he tried to turn his gaze away from his old friends and move on to more pleasant things but… something in the brewing argument worried him greatly. This seemed even worse than any of the fights before and deep inside, Petrie still cared about his friends. With a sigh, he decided to follow the scene a bit further but to be sure, he wasn’t willing to get involved in yet another debacle unless he absolutely had to.


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