The Land Before Time > LBT Fanart

RainbowFaceProtege's Plush Projects!!

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Finally, partners are together.

And again, it's fantastic work! :D

@Rattymon Thanks so much!! :)littlefoot

@Atroxia Haha, thanks!! She definitely does (and she won't tell me what it is, either)! :lol
@ImpracticalDino Thank you for the support, you're always so kind!! :spikeblush It's really felt good to return to my roots and do some LBT projects again! (I actually have another in mind already, though I don't have enough time to work on it yet.)
@Mumbling Aww, thank you!! They really do... And I will! ;)Cera
@Sneak Thank you!! Heh, I meant to post this last bunch of photos ages ago, but...I was lazy. :ChomperBurned


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