Role Play > Land Before Time RPG

Armegedon in the Beyond

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The Shadow Raptor Chronicles
Chapter Four
Armageddon in the Great Beyond

Mood Music for Part I

So it was, in the heavens, the great realm of the spirit world Maganog and the Spirit Guardian of the Great Valley met. And there they observed the world below. They watched the events as they unfolded, and it was as a game of chess to the two opponents. Maganog lead the mighty five, his very children behind his pawns, the massive legion of fastbiters who were being lead by the possessed Blackclaw.

But approaching the forces of Maganog from the east were other forces, forces that Maganog did not expect in his plans to destroy the valley of peace. A vast gathering of flyers, threehorns, longnecks and swimmers as well as many other creatures from the far fetches of the world.

This large group of leaf eating dinosaurs were the gatherings of the Valley Guardian himself, they were summoned through visions and dreams to accomplish what they were destined to accomplish, to defend the Great Valley from the shadows of the dark lord, and so the board was set and the pieces were in motion.

“So you’ve revealed the secret protectors of your valley.” Said Maganog, his eyes ever so watchful on the opposing fighters who were nearing his legion.

“Surprised are you?” asked the Guardian “You disappoint me, Maganog. Surely you should have been intelligent enough to know I’d have my defenses.”

“No, not surprised.” Said Maganog  “Just a bit put back. If you think your forces will hold me back from my will, your more than the fool than I anticipated.”

“We shall see, Maganog.” Said the Guardian “We shall see who the fool is when this is over with.”

“You forget who I am, Guardian.” Said Maganog sagely and he began to chant

I am the bringer of nightmares
I will reveal to you the creatures of the dark.
They will bite. They will tear.
They will consume all that you know and love.
They will destroy your will to live.
I am Maganog. The Lord of Shadow.

Behold my wrath is upon you.
And you will be mine to posses.
Until the end of this age.
And your spirit, I shall soon consume.
And forever, shall you be tormented within me.
So mot it be.

“So Mot it be.” Nodded The Guardian. “We shall indeed see, my old friend.”

They both returned their glances upon the world below. The pieces on both sides were starting to join. And he two spiritual opponents watched calmly awaiting the events that would follow.

Theme Music for Part II

In a shallow valley in the Great Beyond a good ways from the Great Valley walls crept the growing shadow, a massive legion of fastbiters, their hungry eyes upon the walls, and leading them was Blackclaw, his body cursed and possessed by the power of Maganog himself.

But just beyond the hills that formed the shallow valley of stone advanced another great force.

Several flyers, lead by Pteron the Great sped over the hill and there they spied the many approaching sharpteeth

“Fall in troops!” ordered Pteron, the elderly flyer, and they dove forth towards the fastbiters in an attack formation.

As this was happening a huge line of threehorns were stomping their way over the hill, there they looked down upon their foe. Their leader Haiden stood in the far front of this line, leading his followers without the slightest hint of fear of the enemy legion.

“They shall never breach the walls of the valley.” Declared Haiden “Come, Threehorns, leave no sharptooth standing! By the will of the Guardian, attack!”

And so, it began.

The Great Valley Guardian:
Korr then walked up to Doc with meyla and Zaine at his side and said "I remember that fight!" When Grandpa Longneck and several others looked at him like he was crazy the Red Horn then stated "Well the stories my grandpa used to tell me anyway. It was a giant battle with sharpteeth and leaf eaters of all kinds, and it lasted for days on end, some thought it would never stop fighting, but then one day...the sharptooth king known as Maganog was defeated by what others call 'The Guardian of the Great Valley.' "

Grandpa Longneck nodded and said "Yes I to remember hearing a story much like that from my folks as a youngling myself. You don't suppose somehow this is happening all over you Doc?" He looked at the other longneck with hope in his eyes that said no.

The very mention of the name Maganog seemed to cause a wave of shock over the valley residents as they listened in on the comversation.

"He who must not be named..." said Syrius "Never speak that name here. It brings a bad omen."

"I fear it may be what is happening." said Doc, now looking his old self again, his face looking vey sage like

"Though the Sharptooth Lord has been long dead, some say his very children still roam the world. The Mighty Five."

'I believe that is who my companion and I saw. They gave us a chill that froze our bones.' Vylor said. He had ran to Argaya's side when her call came.

(OOC: Hey, the name brings a bad omen. That is just like Harry Potter VII.)

There was a sudden flash of movement from a nearby mountaintop, and Dante came vaulting down to land near the group.
"Ah. Vylor, Argaya, good to see you well. Sorry I'm late.  I had to find a friend of mine..."
Another blur, and a white and red raptor landed nearby.  
"I'm Mary.  Call me Lady, however, or you'll regret it."
Virgil decided to show up then as well.
"Korr.  Good to see that you're still alive."


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