Role Play > Strict-LBT-Only

Basis for strict LBT role plays in this forum

(1/5) > >>

1.) There will be no deviation from what we have seen in the series--no ships, no magic, no sudden diet changes (sharpteeth become leaf eaters), etc.

2.) Anytime content not found in a LBT film is posted, it will be removed by the ranking member (any administrator or moderator in the role play).  Repeated offenses (whether accidental or on purpose) can lead to suspension from the LBT role plays.  In other words, read your posts over to make sure they're fine.  That's all it takes.

3.) If you think its dull and boring, then don't bother to read them or join in.  Don't ruin it for those who are LBT originalists and purists and want to role play in this type of setting, sticking to the films.

Any additions to this list may be made.

"No deviation from what we have seen in the series" pretty much covers it, but here are a few particular points I already posted in the other thread:

--- Quote ---Among that stuff that would not appear in a land before time story would be humans, any whatsoever kind of fanfiction stuff, any characters from other stories.
I strongly suggest to keep aliens from outer space out of it. One may hold against this point that we probably had two in LBT 7, but I must say it seemed almost like a non-LBT element in an LBT movie.
Also there ought not to be any magical powers or supernatural abilities whatsoever. Rumors about such stuff perhaps (that was definitely in several LBT movies), but nothing too tangible.
As for violence I think it mustn't be banned from an LBT RPG. We have fights in LBT movies, we have deaths... but lets include that for stories' not for gorries' sake.
Are there any further points or points I named which need to be discussed?
--- End quote ---

Sounds good to me  :DD

Deviation is necessary for the creation of any story, otherwise we'd simply be re-inacting an existing plot.  However if we can keep the RPG within the realm of the LBT world, I think there is still a lot of potential for a strong story (the movies can do it.  We can do it, at least as well, I would think :lol )

F-14 Ace:
I have a question.  How do RPGs work?  Not just LBT ones but any RPG.

I agree as well but if I can have my own dinosaurs in it that would be fine wouldn't it?


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