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Power Rangers Zeo ZX

LBTFan13 · 248 · 18827


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Rob noticed another new guy walk in, and he could tell he seemed like he was looking for someplace to sit. I wonder what he's here for. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to meet him. I've already met three guys so far, might as well make it four. He waived over to Patrick and called out to him. "Hey, over here! You can come sit with us!"


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Patrick sighed, He didn't really feel like sitting with a bunch of people. "No Thank' s, I'll pass." He said as politely as possible. Patrick then went over to an unoccupied table and pulled out his lap top. Turning it on he used his Droid as a wi-fi hot spot. Patrick then went to a website he made called RangerBashers. Com. Since he got flamed for expressing how he felt about the Power Rangers on fan sites, he decided to make his own. Of course, there were some people who bashed his website. Patrick chuckled at it. He of course didn't ban them, instead he had debated the fanfare that followed a bunch of multicolored costume wearing vigilantes who had caused quite a bit of collateral damage, and who he also partly blamed for what happened to his parents.


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John shrugged mentally, guessing the other person had their reasons for not wanting to sit with strangers, many reasons for that there could be. "So either of you been here long?" He asked.


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Tracy entered theunion and strode up to the table " hi there, you guys have a spare seat i could borrow ' she said mottioning to the heavy backpack she was carrying " I told my folks i didfn'rt have all my classes at the same day, but they made me take all the books anyway.. if i have to carry all of them around the whiole emester i'll throw my back out..
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The young man with the ponytail nodded.
"If it's okay with these two, I don't see why not.  Name's Eric, by the way."
He said with a grin.
"I'm new here too.  Just got home from studying in Japan for High School."
He added...


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Hi Eric I'm tracy. i'm  originally from Florida but I've always wanted to visit California..Angel Grove seems like a nice place. Tracy said she wore a pink shirt with faded blue jeans, her red hair hung below her shoulders.
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"Sure, feel free to sit down.  I'm John, nice to meet you." He said, nodding to what Tracy said, "yes, Angel Grove does seem like a nice place." He said as he sipped his fruit drink.  

"Studied in Japan? Did you find the language hard and how is it different then the U.S.?" He asked.


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"Not really," Rob responded to John's question. "I moved here from Pennsyylvania maybe two days ago, and today is my first day here. I don't mind California as much as I thought I would, what with me living on the east coast my entire life." When Tracy came over and asked to join them, Rob turned to her. "Fine by me," Rob added. "The more the merrier. I'm Rob by the way. Nice to meet you Tracy." Rob was very excited at how many people he was meeting right off the bat. It almost seemed like more than coincidence that they were all coming together at the same time. This is great. At least now I have a group I can easily hang out with, since we're all new here. "You came from Florida? I came from the east too. I guess we have something in common."


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Walking down the corridors of the college was a young man, somewhat pale skin, short black hair, wearing a long-sleeved white shirt, brown pants and bown sneakers. He was carrying a backpack, re-accomodating it on his back as he was visible angry - "Even if I had the precautions, I cannot believe I am not allowed to bring my family's sword with me... what is wrong with this people." - he kept walking at a very fast pace and finally he decided to stop and lean his back on the wall where he took a breath. - "I need to calm down" - he thought as he began looking at his surroundings, he then though that a large number of students are constantly entering and exiting a smaller building. - "Maybe what I need is food, I hope they serve real food there." - he walked down the corridor and made his way to the food court.


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On the moon, Rito Revulto was pacing around with his sword in his hand, waiting for the silence that came after Edd's (Remember he called Zedd Edd.) Plan. Until he could no longer take it. "I can't take it anymore, I wanna go down and have some fun. Come on Edd, You just gotta sent me down, I'll take the Putties and really wreck that city." Rito said, trying to hide the disappointment he had since learning the Tengas were not to leave the moon. " Sis, Let me go, I'll go stir crazy siting round here."


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Zedd had always gotten sick and tired of Rito calling him Edd, but he was too excited about getting revenge on Angel Grove that he didn't mind it. "Oh fine! Take the Putties and attack Angel Grove! I want you to round up every-" but before he finished his command he stopped and thought to himself. "What if Zordon is trying something else?" He then turned back to Rito. "Head for Angel Grove College! Zordon is picking his new rangers from there! I can feel it!"

"I shall go with Rito!" Goldar offered. "I will make sure every person in that college is found and brought here!"

"You better not fail me!" Zedd warned. "This is a new age for us! Now that we have returned, we shall rule the world!" Zedd lauged evilly as Goldar gathered a group of Putties. He grabbed Rito by the arm and they all teleported out of Zedd's lair.


Back in the command center, an alarm blared loudly. "Aye yae yae yae!" Alpha buzzed. "Zordon, what's going on?"

"It's as I feared," Zordon explained. "Zedd is launching an attack on Angel Grove College, in an attempt to prevent us from finding the new Power Rangers. We must act quickly if we are to save them."

"Oh, this is terrible!" Alpha complained. The robot began frantically pushing buttons left and right until the Viewing Globe showed an image of the college. "The Viewing Globe is up, Zordon! We can search for the new rangers this way."


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"I do hope they succeed, but if nothing else it'll get them out of our hair for a while.  Better then them moping around here all the time." Rita said.  "Shall we go and watch and see how they do?" Rita asked as she looked over at Zedd.


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OOC: I assume we're using the season one putties, If not correct me please.

Rito jerked away from Goldar once they had teleported down. "Oh Goodie, I missed this town!" He shouted as he started to fire energy bolts from his sword. "Hello Angel Grove, The boys are back in town!" Rito shouted with delight as he watched the students flee in terror.
Patrick sighed as he put away his laptop and Droid. He decided to get something to eat before his first class when he heard an explosion outside. Rushing to the door he saw the cause. What looked like a giant Skeleton with a sword and army helmet. Patrick froze when he saw the creature was accompanied by the monster that killed his Parents. Class could wait, He had a shot at making that Freak pay. Patrick rushed outside, Seeing a chunk of what used to be a metal poll to a sign, Patrick picked it up and charged one of the gray creatures with the black markings and hit with the metal poll. Another one grabbed him from behind, But Patrick spun around and punched him. Patrick did a tornado kick and sent two more to the ground. "Hey you, the gold plated monkey with wings!" Patrick shouted at Goldar. "You and I have a 17 year old score to settle!" Patrick said as he charged towards Goldar.


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Eric looked up out the window as a group of Putties appeared.  
"What in the...?  Are those the Putty Patrol?  That can't be good.  What do you guys say we go smack them around a bit?  If you think you can handle it, of course."
He said, grabbing his bag as he stood up...


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you see a bunch of things come up and you want to fight them? Good grief. You guy aren't the Power Rangers you know" Tracy said picking up her bookbag and carrying on on her back as she followed the others outside..
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Eric chuckled as he walked outside, reaching into his bag and tugging out a cigarillo and a match, smirking as he struck the match on the strap of his bag, lit his cigarillo, and flicked the match to put it out.
"Maybe not, but I grew up watching them, and I've got a few Black Belts.  Besides.  This seems like a good chance to test my strength."
He said, grabbing a small, straight metal stick out of his bookbag...


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Rob instantly recognized the Putties outside. He had heard all about them from the stories about the Power Rangers and how they saved the world from evil. Never in his life though did he imagine that he would actually be seeing them in real life. He noticed the one guy who blew them off ran outside in some sort of rage. This can't be good.He picked up his backpack and followed the others outside. "It's dangerous, I'll admit," Rob agreed with Tracy, "but we have to do something. That guy could use our help."


Goldar watched Patrick charge towards him, but he simply grabbed him by the throat and held him up. "Foolish human! You really think you can stand against me!"

"Let him go!" Goldar looked back and noticed a group of kids had formed and stood before him. One of them stood forward and called out again. "You heard me you overgrown chicken! Let him go, now!"

"Overgrown chicken?" Goldar replied with rage. "I'll teach you not to insult Goldar!" He threw Patrick to the side and raised his sword. "Putty Patrol! Attack!"


"That can't be good," Rob muttered. At that moment, a group of putties began to circle him, Tracy, Eric, and John. "If you guys can fight, now would be a good time," Rob proclaimed. He placed his hands out in front of him in a defensive position and prepared as one putty approached him. It threw a wild swing with its fist, but Rob ducked and uppercut it, following with a side kick, launching it to the ground.


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Tracy took off her book bag and started swinging it at nearby Putties. the weight of the book sent the Putties flying back.. The others putties started attacking the others, and Tracy started hitting at the putties with her bag..
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Patrick coughed as he got up from the ground. "That's it, time to fight dirty." He said as he circled around Goldar. Patrick saw Goldar had a black tail-like appendage. An almost evil Idea rushed into Patrick's Head as he grabbed the tail and yanked it as hard as he could. Patrick went a step further and bit down on Goldar's tail as hard as he could. Before Patrick could do anything else, Rito Revulto charged from behind. Patrick barrel rolled out of the way and Rito collided with Goldar. Patrick retreated to where his "Saviors" were. "This is my fight, stay out of it!" He shouted as he got up off the ground.

Rito got up and groaned. "Sorry Goldie, but that human tricked me." He complained as he charged the human again.  Patrick said as he started pelting Rito with derbies. "Hey, quit it, ouch. I mean it." Rito yelped as he teleported away, only to reappear behind. Patrick and grabbed him by the neck. "Any last words." The skeleton asked in a mocking tone. "Yes, I'm begging you, brush your teeth. "Patrick said.

Rito cocked his head and in typical 'Rito form', used the hand he was using to chock Patrick with to test his breath. Patrick made a hasty retreat as he barely dodged an Angry Rito's energy blasts. Patrick laid on the ground as Rito raised his sword for the killing blow. "Bye-bye human!" Rito said as he prepared to finish Patrick


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Eric sidestepped a putty's blind punch, dropping low and sweeping it's legs out from under it before finishing it off with a savage axe kick.  He flicked the tube in his hand, extending it quickly into a full bo staff, using it to fend off another putty.
"Funny that you'd say that to people who're getting attacked same as you are."
He said almost mockingly...