The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!


Petrie · 220 · 50365


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*twirls pies around on his claws*

"Many thanks Ivy for baking a whole bunch for us!"

*continues twirling random pies*


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Petrie swoops in and swipes part of his pie. "mmmm this taste good." He says through a beakful of pie.
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"These are for the pie eating contest you goofball." LOL

*looks at the pie Petrie took a bite out of*

"You pinched one of my favorites - spinach." :P:


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Cera snorted "Don't like  that pie... I profer to eat leafs" looks tough and looks away.


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Oh come on....enter the contest!  There's some brocolli pies here. LOL

Akiko Okami

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Akiko: *runs up to the others, tongue lolling out over her jaws*

"Any cheese pies?!?"

*she asks, a crazy look to her...the wolf is simply psycho for cheese, anything cheese.*


*pauses...pokes Cera*

"Are you made of cheese?" o.o


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*looks at Ivy the main baker*

She tells me there's no cheese ones as most of our warren is lactose intolerant so we don't have cheese. LOL  Hmmm...we do have some chocolate pies for the contest if you're hyperactive. :D

Akiko Okami

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Akiko: *her ears droop slightly at this*


*pauses, perks up*

"Oooooo, chocolate...! Merf, hold on...canines can't have chocolate."

*snorts, looking rather annoyed at this...pauses, considers*

" about some tofu cake!"

*yes, she has some very...strange tastes*

"Tofu can taste like cheese sometimes! It can taste like anything...'cause it tastes like nothing! If that makes any sense at all."


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Toe who? o.O :P:

*checks with Ivy again*

She says she's never heard of it....if you know where she can find some she'll pick some up for the other bakers. ;)

Akiko Okami

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Akiko: *noddles!*

"Okay! In the meantime, I'll check out all the other flavours!"

*goes around sniffing at all the pies*





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*smashes the pumpkin pie into the wolf's snout as she goes to sniff it* LOL

Whoops....dropped your head too fast there.  Hehehe!

*grabs a can of Reddi Whip and sprays the whipped cream on her nose to top it off*

Akiko Okami

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Akiko: *her eyes widen at this*

"Meeps! It's all sticky and, and..."

*pauses, tongue lashes out over her nose quickly*


*laughs and gives her tail a sway, leaving only enough whip cream on her nose so she can get revenge. At this, she jumps over to Arvens and nudges the whipped cream off onto his nose*

"Ehehehee, I knew rabbits had cotton tails, but now you have a cotton nose too!"


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*licks off the whipped cream*

This is war!!!!!! :D

*picks up his can and starts spraying it all over the wolf*

Now you're the snow wolf that howls to Balto. Hehehe!


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Petrie gets hit by the Reddi Whip."mmmm. tasty. Me on wolf's side!"
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Then you shall suffer with the wolf!

*grabs another can and covers the ptero from wingtip to crest with whipped cream*


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"Me get that can away from you." He flies after Arvens, whipped cream falling to the ground with every flap of his wings.
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*smoothly grabs another pie from the tray that stops Petrie from getting much farther*

You can't have whipped cream without pie now can you? :P:

*licks the cherry confection from his paws*


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Petrie shakes off the cherry pie crumbs." I'm going to get that can, no matter how many pies you throw at me."
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*sprays whipped cream into his own mouth*

Mmmmm....haven't done that in a while. :)

*looks at the scowling pterosaur*

Want some?  *sprays it at him again*


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Petrie avoids the whipped cream. He taunts Arvens" Ha Ha You missed me!"
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