The Gang of Five
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Messages - oogaboo

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 17
The Party Room / The Above Poster's Avatar Is You
« on: August 22, 2013, 06:10:23 PM »
MewTwo used Headwhip! Its super effective!

The Party Room / The Above Poster's Avatar Is You
« on: August 22, 2013, 05:43:50 PM »
I would have no trouble flossing my saber teeth.

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Joining Awards 2010
« on: August 22, 2013, 04:16:09 PM »

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: July 31, 2013, 09:44:39 AM »
Meh. Not much into anthro ponies.

The Fridge / Online friends vs Physical friends
« on: July 15, 2013, 03:24:21 PM »
It is no surprise to me that many of us are shy in reality. No wonder why Fluttershy is so popular. I too was shy, but when I got older I realized what is the point? I can’t draw back from human contact forever. I can understand being wary of strangers, but eventually I’m going to go outside of my computer. However, most of the things I do are on computers than going outside. Why are we shy? What causes us to be shy?

I don’t blame you for dropping out of the public school system, Nahla. They don’t teach anything important anyways… <_<

The Fridge / how often do you catch a flight?
« on: July 11, 2013, 07:46:50 PM »
Quote from: jansenov,Jul 11 2013 on  04:25 AM
I almost flew once, but didn't because I ended up in a trafic accident on the way to the airport.
I guess this is why some folks say flying is safer than driving.

The Fridge / Online friends vs Physical friends
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:17:44 PM »
Unfortunately, I tend to revert horribly in most public situations (college, brrr!) and sort of zone out and go into my own little world - i spend more time listening than talking, which is a good way to find out what people like to talk about, but not so good on the interaction spectrum.

I'm actually the same way in reality. Might be the best way to get to know people better.

The Fridge / how often do you catch a flight?
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:15:11 PM »
The last time I ever caught a flight was in 2006. I had to fly from Florida, to another state and then to Pennsylvania to see my grandmother. After this, I stopped flying. I’ve flown only three times in my life. I love being above the clouds, but now I have two reasons why I stopped flying. One; I’ve been seeing an increase in plane accidents in the news and on Youtube over the years. Second; I am getting very wary about these “check ins” that I have been hearing at the air ports nowadays. I know they want to check people for potential threats, but I feel they are starting to get a little too “touchy” when it comes to checking bags and the people. Germany and Israel are one of the most security conscience countries in the world and would not allow anyone to get too “touchy” on some folks.

So, how often do you fly? Do you fly at all anymore? What was your best and worst experience at the airport?

The Fridge / Online friends vs Physical friends
« on: July 04, 2013, 04:56:37 PM »
^ At least you have some form of a relationship, right?

The Fridge / Online friends vs Physical friends
« on: July 04, 2013, 04:52:29 PM »
We can all hopefully agree that relationships is the most important and meaningful ways of life. We all want to have a relationship with somebody. However, I’ve been wondering to myself about Facebook friends and friends I’ve met out in the streets. I’ve met many online friends from places other than America, but our relationship isn’t as strong as the people I’ve met physically or even spiritually. For example, I recently met someone on a blog site. We hook up often on Iscribble. We talk, scribble and… that’s about it. Regarding someone else, on this fighting video game, we play a few rounds against each other, team up against others, and have a text chat. I’ve met some folks on Facebook that may say something to me every now and then. The thing that bothers me about online relationships is that I often get friend requests from people I do not know.  Sometimes, I feel too wrapped up in this digital bubble. Online dating is even worse. I have 40 friends on PSN, but I’ve had a constant relationship with only four of them.

Physical relationships are people that I can actually meet,  greet and maybe hug. It could just be some random person in the elevator or at school. Just saying hi can start a relationship. I won’t have to type my thoughts on a keyboard. My physical friends may not be as many as online friends, but this is all I need.

So what’s your take on online friends and physical friends?

Gamers Zone / CONFIRMED: Xbox one, used games fee, system DRM
« on: June 19, 2013, 09:57:11 PM »
They SAY it is removed, but is it really removed when we place  this device into our homes?

Gamers Zone / e3 2013!
« on: June 11, 2013, 04:47:06 PM »
I saw the nintendo conference and I was okay with it, until I saw the announcement of MegaMan in SSB! :D

I keep throwing my credit card at the screen, but nothing worked! Why can't I get a time machine!?

Gamers Zone / e3 2013!
« on: June 10, 2013, 08:13:09 PM »
I just saw EA and I just wasted an hour of my life... <_<

Speaking of Sony, I hope they get rid of the stench that I saw this year at E3. Why do I even bother to watch this event anymore...? I hope tp see a new Parrappa game!

Gamers Zone / e3 2013!
« on: June 10, 2013, 04:57:24 PM »
I am not willing to pay $500 for a gaming console. Not only this, there aren't any games that I'm truly interested in.

Is anyone else unimpressed with the Microsoft Press Conference?

Gamers Zone / CONFIRMED: Xbox one, used games fee, system DRM
« on: May 26, 2013, 05:22:36 PM »
Anyone read this ridiculous Article?

I don't know what Microsoft is smoking, but I want some of it! :lol:

Xbox720 sounds like a more meaningful name. Better yet, that XboxOne should be called XboxWTF!

Gamers Zone / Ouya Expectations
« on: May 09, 2013, 12:54:21 PM »
If it had high demand, why would they delay it?

Starday Wishes / Happy birthday oogaboo!
« on: April 26, 2013, 03:14:28 PM »

Silver Screen / Ratchet and Clank
« on: April 24, 2013, 04:21:36 PM »
Ratchet and Clank has gone a long way in the video game world. If only Spyro's movie had gone through... :(

Could they make in appearance in Wreck-it-Ralph 2?

Gamers Zone / Ouya Expectations
« on: April 10, 2013, 03:33:54 PM »
If it is cheaper than PS4, I'm all over it!

General Land Before Time / Pros and Cons of land before time movies
« on: April 06, 2013, 05:41:40 PM »
I’ll briefly discuss what I feel about these movies.
TLBT – Pros: It’s original, perilous, and mature. This movie is not afraid to show the harsh realities of life.
Cons: Too short.

TLBT2 – Pros: Introduces an interesting scenario between a carnivore and an herbivore.
Cons: Loose continuity, change in tone of this movie compared to the original, weak “villains”, and unnecessary singing. There is no point of adding songs if it does not provide any impact into the actual story nor will it progress the plot. It is just a waste of time. Animation has taken a step down from the original.

TLBT3 – Pros: The peril factor picks up after the second and it has a decent battle scene against a bunch of raptors.
Cons: Incredibly slow in presentation and throughout. The bully as “villains” is a poor attempt to add conflict against the protagonists. Parents are, unfortunately dense than the children. I thought these adults were supposed to be wise…

TLBT4 – Pros: Atmosphere is somewhat similar to the original film, but not entirely. Good amount of emotion. Interesting characters. Good sense of teamwork.
Cons: Too many characters with little to no character development. Weak and incompetent villains. The potential in this movie could not be reached.

TLBT5 – Pros: Effort has been into this film. Chomper returns and seems to have grown compared to the rest of the gang. Decent songs.
Cons: Story is somewhat convoluted. Overuse of the red colors in the sky. The characters show more emotion than the sky itself. The sky is overacting. Perilous moments are quickly dissolved after many convenient moments. For example, where did Elsy come from?

TLBT6 – Pros: …Admiring a hero I guess?
Cons: Like the fourth film, we are introduced to characters that have little to no character development. Dinah, Danah and the lone dinosaur are plot devices to fill up this hour long “adventure.” This film has a very weak story and is not entertaining.  The peril factor is slowly going down.

TLBT7 – Pros: Very interesting villains. Decent character development in most characters.
Cons: Good ideas, bad execution. Lack of information about this meteorite and why it is the focus of the main characters. At this point, the gangs’ parents aren’t even parents anymore. They served no purpose, whatsoever. The story overall is confusing. Why was Ducky Duck-napped and why was there an extraterrestrial presence in this film?

TLBT8 – Pros: Decent development of Spike, finally. Introduction to perilous snowstorms. Decent cold atmosphere.
Cons: Another film with potential, but weak execution. Tippy is pointless and gender is somewhat undetermined for a child that may not know if  it is male or female due to its voice pitch and color scheme. These Sharpteeth are slowly, but surely becoming a joke the further these films go on.

TLBBT9 – Pros: Mo and big water. …that’s all I got. Okay, CGI animation was introduced.
Cons: This film is dragging its dinosaur-sized feet. Too many pointless fillers and it is incredibly boring. I thought the third film was slow, but this film takes the cake. The plot isn’t even inspiring. This film is tired. If you analyze certain shots and scenes, you will notice how slow the film actually is. Mo’s supposed death is passable.

TLBT10 – Pros: Decent animation compared to the last film. Certain characters were introduced quite well. Good sense of adventure. Dads are an important part of the family.
Cons: Bron’s appearance and the fact that he is Littlefoots father is vague and unnecessary.  The motives of these longnecks was pointless. Lack of logical reasoning for the longnecks ambitious adventure.

TLBT11 – Pros: Great voice actors. The colors have improved somewhat.
Cons: This film is the start of many things that should not be suppressed: maturity, character development, action, peril, emotion and entertainment. Where and why is there tiny dinosaurs?  Ver little effort was put into this film.

TLBT12 – Pros: …I can’t think of any.
Cons: Completely forgettable. The film is okay, but it is still forgettable.

TLBT13 – Pros: …
Cons: Why is Cuba Gooding Jr, one of my favorite actors a yellow belly? Why are their yellow bellies? Why is the quality of this film so bad? Why did the gang even tag along with these fools? This film is an epic fail.  :x

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