The Gang of Five
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If Ice age was created by Don Bluth

Mr. Clubtail

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Created by: Don Bluth, Gary Goldman

Most of the voice cast is unchanged but there are some cast differences.

Kevin Kline as Manny
Kevin Spacey as Diego
Billy Crystal as Sid
Brad Garret as Carl
Dom DeLuise as Franklin
Kristen Schaal as Sylvia

Most of the writing is taken from the Transcripts Wiki.

The camera shows a tundra as the opening titles appear. After that, the camera zooms into a foot print.

Suddenly, a giant mammoth foot landed on the footprint.

Then another prehistoric mammal, a Brontotherium walked by. Following him was a dodo bird.

Then another animal walked by. It was a Macrauchenia, a prehistoric mammal that was part of an enormous migration of mammals heading away from the northern regions in search of warmer climates. An ice age had begun.

This massive herd of animals, consisting of Macrauchenia, Glyptodon, Moeritherium, dodos, and Brontotherium, was slowly traveling away from the snowy areas, migrating south to avoid a freezing cold front.

Miles behind them was a glacier monument known as Glacier Pass, a large ice formation with a huge cut engraved in it, like an ice gorge.

Then everyone looked and to their shock, they saw a huge Woolly Mammoth stomping his way across the herd, going the opposite direction.

As this happened, the mammoth didn’t glance at what he was causing, nor did he seem to care. He kept stomping his way through the crowd, ignoring everyone around him.

This mammoth, Manny, had a grumpy expression on his face as he plowed through the crowd.

Near a tree was a giant ground sloth with a black nose, and tan fur with a white underside. This sloth, Sid, slept near the tree when he was startled awake as a result of the shaking ground.

Sid: Whoa! Huh? Hey- Hey, I'm up, I'm up!

The scene cuts to a flower that two Brontotherium brothers named Carl and Franklin are going to eat.

Franklin: I can't believe it. Fresh wild greens. Carl, where did you ever find this?

Carl: Go ahead. Dig in.

Franklin: A flower. I thought the frost wiped 'em all out.

Carl: All but one.

Sid: This has definitely not been my day. Oh, a flower. Must be the last one of the season.

Sid picks up the flower, ruining Carl and Franklin's dinner

Franklin: Carl?

Carl: What?

Franklin: He ruined our dinner.

Carl and Franklin corner Sid against a log.

Sid: That was my mistake. No, no, seriously, let me... What is this? Oh a Pine cone. Here, you have some.

Sid force feeds Carl the Pine cone and Carl growls in anger.

Sid: Tasty, isn't it?

Franklin: Now?

Manny: Hey!

Sid: Just pretend that I'm not here.

Sid hides from Carl and Franklin behind Manny.

Sid: Don’t let them trample me, please I wanna live!

Carl: [To Sid] Look, we're gonna break your neck, so you don't feel a thing. How's that?

Manny: You know, I don't like animals that kill for pleasure.

Franklin and Carl: GET HIM!

With no hesitation, they sprinted towards them. Now feeling threatened, but not going down without a fight, Manny glared angrily at the duo and stood his ground and prepared for a fight. Carl and Franklin rammed into Manny’s tusks and started pushing him backwards.

Sid on the other hand was behind Manny, but because Manny was getting pushed back, he started getting closer and closer to the cliff. Sid hung onto Manny’s leg.

But Manny, still not going down easily, used all of his strength to push the brontotheres back. Finally, after a struggle, he pushed Carl and Franklin away. Sid got up and celebrated.

Sid: Whoo-hoo!

But his joy quickly turned into fear again as he saw the brontotheres come back for another attack.

Sid hid behind Manny again as the two brontotheres charged. Manny, now taking the chance to fight them, charged towards them. He grabbed Franklin by the horn with his trunk and threw him aside.

Sid watched Frank fly before seeing that Carl was still on the attack. Before Carl could finish Sid off, he was suddenly picked up by Manny’s tusks. Using his strength, Manny tossed Carl into the air. As for Franklin, he was still down from Manny’s attack.

With the brontotheres defeated, Sid celebrated again.

Sid: WAHOO! WE DID IT! What? [Screaming as he and Manny are sliding off a cliff]

Manny: Get off my face.

Sid: Say, why don’t we just head south together?

Manny: [sarcastically] Great. Jump on my back and relax the whole way.

Sid: Wow, really?

Manny: No.

Sid: OK, then. Thanks for the help. I can take it from here. OK, lead the way, Mammoth... Didn't get the name.

Manny: The name is Manny. Now stop following me.

Sid: OK, so you've got issues. You won't even know I'm here. I'll just be quiet.

In the distance, there is a camp of Neanderthals. Nearby them, two Smilodons named Diego and Soto are looking at them.

Diego: Soto, isn't it nice that the baby be joining us for breakfast?

Soto: It wouldn't be breakfast without him.

Diego: Especially after his daddy wiped out half our pack. And wears our skin to keep warm.

Soto: Alert the pack. We'll attack at dawn. And Diego, bring me the baby, alive. If I'm going to enjoy my revenge, I want it to be fresh.

Meanwhile, Sid and Manny are talking.

Manny: That's your shelter? Hey, I think I saw something.

Sid: Uh, any chance I could squeeze in there with you, Manny?

Manny ignores Sid's question and goes to sleep.

Sid: Okay, you're tired, I see. We'll talk in the morning. [Manny crushes Sid's tail] OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! Uh, Manny? Could you scooch over a little? Oh, come on, nobody falls asleep that fast! MANNY!

Meanwhile, Soto and Diego still can't find the baby.

Soto: Where's the baby?

Diego: I lost it over the falls.

Soto: You lost it?!

Before the saberteeth could continue discussing what happened, some spears landed near them. They looked and saw the humans chasing after them with their weapons. The sabers fled.

Soto: Let's go!

Meanwhile, there was a red ground sloth named Sylvia. She wanted Sid to travel with her.

Sylvia: Sid, I want you to travel with me as...

Sid: I do not want any of this nonsense.

Sid leads Sylvia into a path of running Glyptodon as he hears the sound of the giant prehistoric armadillos running over Sylvia.

Then Sid finds Manny.

Sid: And she wanted me to travel with her but I did not want any of this so I followed her into a path of running armadillos. You know what I'm saying?

Manny: Hey, if you find a mate in life, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful.

Sid: Well, I think having a mate for life is stupid. Manny? Manny?

Manny watches as the baby's mother, was exhausted and gave Manny her infant son, hoping he'll be her son's "father".

Sid: Look at that. He's okay.

But then the mother, since she was too exhausted to cling on to the shore, drowned.

Sid: She's gone.

Manny leaves the baby after saving him from the river

Sid: Hey, Manny, aren't you forgetting something?

Manny: No.

Sid: But you just saved him. You can't leave him here. Look, there's smoke! That's his herd right up the hill. We should return him.

Manny: Listen very carefully, I'm... not... going.

Sid: Fine, be a jerk. I'll take care of him. [To the baby] I'll return you. We don't need that meany-weeny mammoth, do we? No we don't.

Later, on Sid's clumsy attempts to scale a hill.

Manny: You're an embarrassment to nature, y'know that?

Sid: I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm not gonna die.

The baby starts falling out of Sid's hands and Manny tries to catch the baby.

Diego: That thing is mine.

Sid: [trying to climb up to the humans' campsite again} Uh, no. That thing belongs to us.

Sid: Look, I'm sorry to interrupt your snack, but we gotta go.

Diego: The baby? I was returning him to his family.

Sid: Oh yeah, nice try, sabertooth.

Diego: You calling me a liar?

Sid: I didn't say that.

Diego: You were thinking it.

Sid: [whispers to Manny] I don't like this guy. He reads minds.

Diego: The name's Diego, friend.

Manny: Manny. And I'm not your friend.

Diego: Fine, but if you're looking for the humans, they're wasting your time. They left this morning.

Manny: Thanks for advice. I'll help you bring him to his family, but promise me that you and Sid will leave me alone after that?

Sid: [To Manny] Okay! Okay! Hey, what's your problem?!

Manny: You were my problem.

Sid: Well, I think you're stressed. That's why you eat so much.

Manny: I'm not fat. Take a look at all this fur, it makes me look poofy.

Sid: All right. But should we make sure they found him?

Manny: Good idea.

The baby tries to touch something up high but then trips and then crawls and hides in the bowl as Sid approaches.

Sid: Hey, hey, hey.

As for Manny he was checking out what was left of the campsite. Tents were destroyed and objects were scattered. Manny stopped as the baby looks into where he slept last night. Reminded of his mother, he cuddled with Manny's trunk as he looked down on the baby somberly.

Diego: I told you they were gone.

Manny: Don't you have some poor defenseless animal to eat?

Sid: They couldn't be far. I mean, they went this way, or this way?

Diego: You don't need this aggravation. Give me the baby. I can track humans down a lot faster than you can.

Manny: And you're just a good guy helping out?

Diego: I just know where the humans are going.

Manny: Glacier Pass. Everybody knows they have a settlement on the other side.

Diego: Well, unless you know how to track, you'll never reach them before the pass closes up with snow. Which should be like tomorrow. So, you can give that baby to me, or go get lost in the blizzard. It's your choice.

Manny: Here’s your little bundle of Joy. We’re returning it to the humans.

Sid: Uh, Manny, can I talk to you for a second?

Manny: No. The sooner we find the humans, the sooner I get rid of this guy. And the baby too.

Manny and Diego begin to walk off While Sid is holding the baby.

Sid: Oh. Help me.

Sid starts walking with Manny and Diego. However, the baby begins to cry.

Manny: I can't take it anymore!

Sid: He wouldn't stop crying.

Diego: You're holding him wrong!

Manny: Watch his head!

Diego: Just put him down!

Sid: Jeez, "pick him up, put him down..." [mutters while the baby resumes crying]

Diego: Here! Turn him towards me! Where's the baby? There he is! Where's the baby? There he is! [the baby is crying scared]

Manny: Stop it, You're scaring him!

Then Sid pops up and starts playing "Where's the Baby", causing the baby to cry even longer because of Sid's taller stature (Sid is 6 feet tall when standing up and Manny is 13 feet tall at the shoulder while Diego is 5 feet tall at the shoulder.)

Manny: ENOUGH!!! [echoes] Enough. Enough. Enough Enough.

They all heard a rustling sound nearby. They looked and saw a watermelon near a small bush

Manny picked up the melon and was about to carry it to the baby, when suddenly, a dodo bird burst from the bush and snatched the melon away.

The dodo scurried off, leaving everyone confused as the dodo that took the melon put it on a tree stump, where there were two other melons. After placing it safe, the dodo saw the group and panicked.

Manny: [To the leader dodo] Hey, can we have our melon back? Junior's hungry and uh...

The leader dodo doesn't understand. Instead, he and his flock then start cornering Manny against a wall despite Manny's massive size.

Manny: Get away from me!

Manny then found the melon on the ground and rolled it to the baby. The melon rolled into the baby’s arms. Seeing that part of their food supply is in danger, the leader sprang into action.

Sid snuck behind the tree stump and attempted to take the melon but the dodos noticed him and charged at him together.

Sid had the melon but was mobbed by all of the Dodos and the melon flew out of the sloth's hands but Manny caught the melon and held it high.

But as he concentrated in protecting the melon, he failed to notice one of the dodos was behind him. The dodo leaps up and chomped on Manny’s tail, causing him to do the Wilhelm scream and toss the melon into the air.

The melon is now flying high into the air. Sid runs after it and then catches the melon.

But then he notices all the dodos were starting to close in on him, ready for the final assault to grab the melon.

Surrounded, Sid looked at the baby, who held his hand out, wanting the melon. Outnumbered, but not giving up on the baby, Sid held the melon tightly and started running through the dodo flocks. Sid saw the flock charging towards him all around.

Making a risky action, Sid jumped up and flew above all the dodos as Manny, Diego and the baby watched Sid fly.

Sid landed on the ground, and though hurt, he managed to save the melon.

Manny: Look at that. Dinner and a show.

Later that night, under the starry the sky.

Manny: Bedtime, Junior. [Manny tucks the baby in his trunk and settled himself in as he did]

Meanwhile, Diego, who was proud to fool Manny and Sid into being friends with him, looked at the sleeping mammoth with the baby and the ground sloth.

Sabertooth: Soto's getting tired of waiting.

Diego: Well, I have a message for Soto. Tell him, I'm bringing the baby. And tell him I'm bringing... a mammoth.

Sabertooth: Mammoths never travel alone.

Diego: Well this one does, and I'm leading him to Half Peak.

Sabertooth 2: LET'S GET HIM!

Diego: Not yet! We'll need Soto to bring this mammoth down.

The two sabers headed out, leaving Diego to sleep with Manny.

Morning arrives, Manny wakes up and feels for the baby in his trunk, only to discover that the baby is gone.

Manny: Where's the baby?

Diego: You lost it?!

[They look at each other and noticed Sid is not there]

Both: SID!!!

Meanwhile, Sid is trying to trick 2 Moeritherium calves as the baby is watching.

Sid: Look, your daddy is here.

The 2 Moeritherium calves are excited and go after their "father" when there is a herd of running Glyptodon. The calves almost get trampled by the herd.

Sid: [walks over to Manny and stops] No, no, no. Manny, please, I’m begging you.

Manny: Why, a trickster like you?

Sid: No, you say that but, you don’t mean it.

Manny: You have a very cruel sense of humor.

Sid walks off and finds Sylvia again.

Sid: Please don't tell me you want me to travel with you again, will you.

Sylvia: Sid, I want you to travel with me.

Sid: Hey, I'm gonna get some turnips for the migration!

Sylvia: Let me know when you find them, Sid.

Sid pretends to go get turnips for the migration with Sylvia, only for him to follow Sylvia into Diego.

Sylvia: [To Diego] Don't eat me, Eat him! [Pointing at Sid]

Diego: What? Oh Get away from me.

Sylvia then storms off. Then Manny arrived.

Sid: For a second there, I hoped you were gonna eat her.

Diego: I don't eat sloths.

Then Manny, Sid, and Diego start walking off.

Further on into the walk, they stopped upon seeing a geyser blow out steam. Before they could do something, they saw a huge glacier sliding past them. It was like a glacier train.

After that, the geyser blew out steam. Confused, but not worried, the group continued on, in search of the humans.

Sid, once again acting mischievous, put the baby on a rock and picked up a snowball. He threw it to Manny, who got irritated and swiftly turned around.

However, this adventure was not without serious cold problems. The area was extremely cold and they were shivering. But they kept on going, unwilling to stop. Diego led them through the blizzard. Manny on the other hand had icicles growing on his tusks while he had the baby ride on his back.

Further into the journey, Diego walked a distance from the group, looking for where to travel next. But as he reached a snowy hill, he spotted the Neanderthal tribe far away.

Surprised to see them there, Diego turned back and saw Manny approaching. Diego looked around, trying to find a way to lead them away from the humans. He spotted a dark cave nearby and thought of a plan.

Manny: I found a short cut.

Diego: What do you mean by short cut?

Manny: I mean faster than the long way around.

Diego: I know what a short cut is. Either we slip through there and beat the humans to Glacier Pass, or we take the long way and miss them

Manny: Through there? What do you take me for? [he then finds out that it's blocked] Okay, I choose shortcut.

Diego: [to Manny and Sid as they walk through the icy cave] Come on, guys. Stick together. It is easy to get lost in here.

However, they did not notice that they were going towards a hole. When they did, they were sliding.

Manny and Sid: AAAAAAAAH!!!

Then Diego notices an ice wall

Diego: Oh no.

They crash into an ice wall. After that, Manny, Sid, Diego, and the baby go into a dark cave full of cave paintings.

Sid: Whoa. Look, look. Saberteeth.

[The baby whimpers]

Sid: No, it's OK, it's OK. Oh look Manny, a mammoth. Hey, hey, this fat one looks just like you, aw, he’s got a family…oh and he’s happy. Look, he's playing with his kid. See Manny? That's your problem. That's what mammoths are supposed to do.

As Manny stared at the drawings, the still images began to move in his mind, coming alive.

He remembered playing happily in a rocky wasteland with his wife and his child, running in the sunshine until a horde of Neanderthals ran out of the woods, waving their spears fiercely. Manny faced off against the hunters, trying to send them away with his imposing size and tusks. Behind him, his family ran to find shelter.

Then Manny saw that his mate and child were trapped against a rock wall by humans aiming spears at them. Before Manny could move, the humans impaled Manny's wife and son with their spears. Trumpeting in anguish, Manny saw his family being killed by the humans.

Back in the cavern, Sid stared at Manny with worried eyes. Then they turned back to the painting. Manny kept staring at the cave drawings.

He gazed at the sketch of the father mammoth cradling his young child in his trunk. Slowly, Manny raised his own trunk toward the illustration.

Before he could reach it, the baby’s tiny hand touched the drawing gently. He was standing on his feet, propped up against the cave wall. Surprised, Manny pulled back his trunk. He blinked at the baby, who stroked the picture of the baby mammoth with his fingers, glancing back at the mammoth as though he was connecting the two in his mind.

Then the baby stumbled toward Manny, who caught the baby with his trunk. He slowly lifted the baby off the ground. He curled his trunk, hugging the baby close, nuzzling his cheek against the baby’s head.

Manny swooped the baby onto his back and walked out of the cave without a word. Sid and Diego followed.


Manny: Well, would you look at that! Diego actually did it. There's Half Peak. Next stop, Glacier Pass.

Sid: [to the baby] Did you hear that, little fella? You're almost home!

However, Sid is standing on something hot.

Sid: My feet are burning.

Manny: What?

Sid: Seriously! My feet are really hot! Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Then there is a loud rumbling noise coming from underground

Manny: [To Sid] Tell me that was your stomach.

Diego: I'm sure it was just thunder.

Sid: From underground?

Then a massive jet of fire erupts from the ice.

Manny, Sid, and Diego: Run!

Then Sid, Diego, and Manny start running.

Sid: Come on, keep up with me!

Diego jumps from the broken part of the ice bridge onto the one that Manny and Sid are on.

Sid: Wow, I wish I could jump like that.

Manny: Wish granted!

Manny then throws Sid onto the land.

Diego: Come on, move faster!

Manny: Have you noticed the river of lava?

The ice bridge starts to crack and Manny starts to jump onto the land. Diego jumps as well but he has to hang on the ice bridge now.

Manny: [to Sid] Hold the baby!

Manny then pulls Diego up and throws him back to land right before the ice bridge cracks.

Diego: Why did you do that? You could have died, trying to save me.

Manny: That's what you do in a herd. You look out for each other.

Diego: Well, thanks.

Meanwhile, Soto is still planning on killing Manny and the baby.

Sabertooth 2: I can't wait to get my claws in that mammoth.

Soto: No one touches the mammoth until I get that baby. Mammoths don't go down easy. There's only one way to do it. First, you have to force it into a corner. And when you have it trapped, you'll go for the heart.

Manny, Sid, and Diego are still travelling.

Manny: We've got to get this kid out of the wind. How much further?

Diego: Three miles.

Manny: Maybe we shouldn't do this.

Sid: Why not?

Manny: If we save him, he'll be a hunter. And who do you think he'll hunt?

Sid: Maybe because we save him, he won't hunt us.

Diego: Let's go.

Sid and Manny walked on, unaware that Oscar and his pack were above them.

Diego stopped walking as Manny and Sid continued to do so as he saw a sabertooth looking at him from above.

Manny: Hey, Diego. You frozen back there?

Diego: Get down!

Manny: What?

Diego: Get down and follow me.

Sid: What's going on?

Diego: At the bottom of Half Peak, there's an ambush waiting for you.

Manny pushes Diego into a wall.

Manny: What do you mean, "ambush"? You set us up.

Diego: It was my job! I was to get the baby, but then...

Manny: You brought us home for dinner! You're out of the herd.

Diego: Look, I'm sorry.

Manny: No, you're not. Stay close, Sid. We can fight our way out.

Diego: You can't. The pack's too strong.  You have to trust me. I can help you.

Manny: Trust you? Why should we trust you?

Diego: Because I'm your only chance.

Diego then visits the saberteeth.

Diego: In about two minutes, you'll be satisfying your taste for revenge.

Soto: Very nice.

Saberooth 2: I see the sloth! And he's got the baby!

Soto: Don't give away your positions until you see the mammoth. He's the one to surprise.

The saberteeth minus Soto off to go for the sloth.


Soto then decided to follow them.

Sid sees the saberteeth go after him. Sid runs down a hill, avoiding sharp rocks in his way. Then he trips and slides on his underside and then slides into a ledge.

The saberteeth see the ground sloth.

Soto: Get him!

The saberteeth chase Sid down the hill until they see Manny in their way.

Manny throws the saberteeth off the cliff.

Meanwhile, Sid is trying to find the baby and then finds him

Sid: There he is. That's right. Where's the baby?

However, a saberooth pounces and nearly caught Sid and the baby.

Meanwhile, Diego and Soto are cornering Manny. Then Diego gets into Soto's way.

Soto: What are you doing?!

Diego: Leave. The mammoth. Alone.

Soto: Fine. I'll kill you first.

Soto leapt at Diego as the two sabertooths fought. Soto knocked Diego into a wall as the sabertooth and cornered Manny into a wall.

Manny looked at his injured friend as Soto went for the kill.

As the evil sabertooth walked slowly over to Manny, Manny knocked Soto into a wall with his tusks where an icicle fell on and impaled him offscreen.

Manny looked over at Sabertooth 1 and 2 and growled at them, scaring them off.

Sid: We did it.

However, Diego was laying on the snow, injured.

Manny: Come on, we're still a team.

Diego: I'm sorry I set you up.

Sid puts the baby near Diego.

Diego: [To the baby] You gotta be strong. You have to take care of Manny and especially Sid.

Sid: Look, I'll carry you. Come on, what do you say? Come on, Diego, Tell him he's going to be OK, Manny.

Diego: Listen, you have to leave me here. If those humans get through the pass, you'll never catch them.

Manny: You didn't have to do that.

Diego: That's what you do in a herd.

Manny, Sid, and the baby mourn when Diego supposedly dies.

Meanwhile, the Neanderthals are trying to find the baby. The chief, unable to find the baby, gives up. Then he hears Manny and Sid approaching. Manny gives the chief the baby.

Sid: We won't forget about you.

Manny: Goodbye.

Sid: Goodbye.

Diego: Goodbye.

Sid: Diego? You're OK. You're OK. I could kiss ya.

Manny: Welcome back, partner. Wanna lift?

Diego: No thanks.

Sid: You're hanging out with us. I'll take that lift.

Manny: Yeah, climb onto me.

Sid: Pick me up, buddy. This is gonna be the best migration ever.

Based on the fact that Don Bluth considered making Ice Age but he didn't since 20th Century Fox wanted it to be 3D.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2021, 05:34:20 PM by Mr. Clubtail »