The Land Before Time > LBT Projects

Land before time iceberg


ManOfWar GT:
So I wanted to do this for quite a while now when I first joined the going. But now I kinda want to take this seriously now and start an iceberg up.

So basically. An iceberg is a chart that has various information about one topic. The top information are the ones that everyone knows about when they first hear that said topic. The lower the chart gets the more obscure it gets.
Im too lazy to write more so ill think you'll know the rest.
Here's what the chart is going to look like. The most well known entries go on the top and the more obscure entries go on the bottom.

I'll need to gather information about lbt related stuff like characters, stuff from the gof, drama ,and other random facts. Then I'll put it on an iceberg chart and post it on reddit or Twitter or something idk.

Add deleted scenes from the sequels there

ManOfWar GT:
Here's the iceberg so far. It's looking good actually.

ManOfWar GT:
Ok. The iceberg is half way finished. All I need is some feed back and suggestions and more entries.


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