The Gang of Five
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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5642 · 272052


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Arlene snuggled up with Dixie as Atrua pulled out her phone and disliked food service”  hi Tiki, it’s Atrua again , The girls want 7 large flag meals, with all the sauces. Well, all that is available, I know you’ve been low on Onca sauce, on a green chile and Onca fire blast lately.  Also are you available on Saturday for a study session. I’m studying Panther kingdom history from 1000 to 1800 and I’m stuck on the 1500s and I would appreciate some help with that. Yeah there was the stuff tail period where psntheresses had to keep their tails stiff until adulthood.  It sounds like a nightmare to have lived through 0k ok so you have work until when that afternoon? 4? That’s fine I can work with that. Say 530! For the session to start?     A great!  Bring some snacks too, the usual. Anyway when should the food be ready? 30 minutes? Ok I will have Dixie pay you, she tips very well, that girl is loaded. You should see her house Tiki. I’m totally squatting there.” Atrua laughed loudly. See you in 30 girl, thanks.” Atrua hung up and rejoined Dixie and Arlene.” I told her you’re paying. er a little short on money at the moment. I also a tail cover that I can’t seem to get off. I  think I got it in too small a size. Could you please take a look? It’s the purple one, covering the middle of the tail.” Atrua said.  Ok , turn around and let me get a look. “ Atrua turned away from Dixie and arched her back raising her tail out of the water a medium sized purple cover covered the mid sector of Atruas tail. It’s definitely on there tight, I’m not seeing any space  between tail and cover.” Dixie paused. There’s supposed to be.some, to allow the cover to move up and down without falling off.” Mukua said as she came over” That is at least a size too small i if not 2 or 3 sizes Atrua. Junior pantheress, from the color and size.” Yeah, I’m sentimental about it.” Atrua admitted as Dixie reached forward and touched the cover. “ Teah it’s not moving. Let’s see if I can unhinge it with my claws. There’s a button on the top end here, it’s jammed in . Hold on. Dixie  went over to her outfit hanging on the wall and returned with a tweezer like you use for eyebrows. Let’s see if I can get that button back in position. She said gently putting the tweezer edge into the button hole slowly, Dixie got the button to rise and pressed it . The cover slowly parted in the middle and as Dixie pushed it apart she was sprayed in the face with blood from a cut in the tail. As she finally got the cover off, she could seee the cover had cut into the tail and left a bald spot as well as the fur was coked off by the too small cover. Dixie dipped the tail in the water which soon tinted red as the affected area was washed clean . Atrua winced as the water stung. “ Sorry about this Atrua but you have a cut on your tail from the covering.” Dixie said.” I did get it off though.” Thanks Atrua said , turning and looking at her tail. “ I’ll get a bainaid wrap for it. Should be back to normal in a few days without the cover on it.” Might be longer than that, the thing rubbed your tail raw.” Dixie said
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Dixie went to the first aid kit and pulled out a Onca brand tail bandage. Atrua climbed out of the water and held out her tail for Dixie to banadage, wincing at the first few layers and Dixie maee de sure the area was completely covered. Dixie wrapped the tail until it was level with the top of her fur and finishing wrapping. Not sure how long that will take to heal, Atrua, but I will guess the cut will close in a day or so. The fur filling in will take longer.” I have fur regrow ointment.” Atrua said moving her tail around.” I’m in the mood for a game.  Buff Holdem. Now normally we have our clothes on for this, but in this case, we’ll have the wagers be.. er ious.” Atrua said.” Why not going to the movies or going out dancing or you driving me in your car.” Those are good ideas. You’re almost as rich as Prince Inca do I want a shopping spree- the pantheresses in Nepal are wearing a dress that look like their flag- which is two triangles on top of each other they include tw o triangles pointed up for the bra and to the side for the normal dres. So they use a lot less than normal dresses .” Atrua said.  Where do you want to play?” Dixie asked.” My room or yours?” Hmm we’ll flip for it.” Atrua went over to her attire and pulled a large “ an Onca 20 coin. His face is the head the back is an outline of the kingdom on a map. Call it in the air.” Atrua flipped” tails.” Dixie called out and the coin landed on the ground. Inca smiling visage clearly visible.
My room it is” Atrua said” you have your meeting with the prince in an hour so we’ll split it into a series of game. We’ll wager on each hand and once someone wins 10 hands they get something.” Atrua said as they reached Atrua room and Atrua shut the door. Atrua pulled out a deck of cards and began to shuffle them . So, Dixie what will we do if you get to 10..” How about we kiss on the lips and touch each other’s breasts in a make out?” Dixie smirked. Something simpler than shopping, to start.”  Atrua looked at her and blushed.” Alright. Deal if I get to 10, you have to er  dance to the tune Grind that rump.” It’s a hit on the pantheress charts right now.”  Play the music so I know what I would be dancing to. A preview if you will.” Atrua nodddd and  pulled out a music player and turned it on. A lively energetic beat began to play and starting lyrics of the songs came on “ Come on ladies! It’s party time! The night is young and so are we!  Let’s grind that rump! Against a boy! Against a girl! Against a tree ! Against the chair! It’s don’t matter, let it hang Gring.. grind grind.” Atrua turned it off with a laugh” just so you know that song is about 10 minutes long.” She laughed.” . I can see why you like it.” Dixie said.” Now let’s pay . Hold ‘em right?” Yes, each one gets two cards and there’s 5 shared cards. Atrua handed Dixie two face down cards and gave herself two. Ok first 3” Atrua said turning over a 7 of diamonds a 9 of hearts and Jack of clubs.” Usually we wager chips on this.” Dixie said.” Scooby sometimes watches the World Series of Poker on TV.” We do it differently here. We simply add on to the bet . So for instance. While dancing. I get to tank on your tail.” Hmm  ok you have to get me ice cream on the car drive.”  Dixie countered.” Atrua placed down the fourth card known as the turn which was the Queen of hearts.” Ok, I take picture of you dancing to the music.” Atrua said.”  Ok.. you have to drive to the most scenic drive able spot in town.” Dixie said last cardz Atrua said flipping over the ‘ river card” the King of Dismonds.”  Ok final wager. Ok., I post that picture of you dancing on the Oncanet.” Atrua said.” You have to pose against your car for a drawing.” Dixie said.”  Ok we flip over 1 card.” Atrua said turning over her first card, the king of Spades. Dixie had a Queen of Diamonds.   Now we decide what we do right away, if you win the hand, the first part is about  the larger bet.” Ok you have to pose for me holding a basket of fruit.” Atrua offered.” We kiss on the lips .” Dixie said. Atrua smirked as she turned  over her second card  the 9 of clubs.” 2 pair.” Atrua said, putting the cards next to their ranked brethren.” Let’s see what you have.” Dixie peeked at her card and a smile slowly spread across her face and she turned  the card over.” Queen of Clubs. Three of a kind.” She said as Atrua blinked.” Lucky! What are the odds  of that happening? The odds of getting 3 of a kind is a bit less than 5 percent.” Dixie said” 1 in 20 chance. Two pair is much more common  about 23.5 percent chance. Roughly 1 in 4. Since three of a kind is much rarer, it takers precedence in ranking. .” Dixie said.” Atrua pulled out a green slate called a score slate and wrote down her name and Dixie’s, then made a tally under Dixie’s name. Round 1 to you.”  Now pay up Atrua.. and pucker up.” Dixie laughed.”  Alright.. but I’m going to get you in the next hand.” Autra said  with a smirk
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