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[VO2] Announcement: The Next Voice-Over Project Is...

Mumbling · 31 · 12478

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I'm very sorry to have to say this but i may have to drop out of the project. Life circumstances have changed and it's left me with no opportunity to record :petriemad

Its totally your call to make, but even if you take a multi-month hiatus i assume most people would be okay waiting. Recording voicelines takes time, and everyone (myself included) gets very busy during holiday times. I haven't had time to voice my lines either, and likely won't till January at the earliest


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Hey Sapphirre,

I don't mean to pry into your situation - but if it is a temporary one, I would personally not mind waiting until an opportunity presents itself for you. This project will likely take quite a while to complete with the many different people who are on-board, so if you see yourself available in a couple of months (for example), we'd still very much love to have you on :)

Let me know what you think!


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but if it is a temporary one, I would personally not mind waiting until an opportunity presents itself for you.

That's kind of the issue here, is that i'm not sure if it's temporary or not. I could be able to record in a few months, or it might not be for the next year. I would obviously like to stay on the project, so for now it'll be a wait and see kind of thing.
If we hold on together... no, seriously. Grab my tail.


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Understood! How about this? If someone else comes along and wants to try out for Ducky, and they're a good match, we'll go with them. If not, we'll wait for you? For the record, the previous dubbing project took 7 years to finish, so I'm sure this won't be as bad haha :)


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Hey, everyone. Since activity on this section has died down in recent months, I thought I'd share a little demo showcasing a few partially completed scenes with some of the completed roles just to amp up the interest again.  Littlefoot1616 and I had a nice chat and he thought this was a good idea to reignite the hype.  Here's two and a half minutes of Littlefoot1616 and I having some fun as Petrie and Pterano!  :)petrie :PteranoPlotting

Some roles are still open for anyone who wants to try out.  Click here to see which characters are still available.
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Just pointing out that it looks like the Transcripts Wiki has been closed, deleting the script we have linked in the OP. Anyone know of a way to get that back?

Update: There`s a transcript on the LBT Wiki, not sure if it's accurate
« Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 04:13:46 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Hey, everyone. I'm here to announce today that I am going to be temporarily stopping work on this project until maybe early August.

My youngest brother (the computer genius in the family) hasn't been very satisfied with some aspects of our PC setup lately, and after some recent projects blew up in our faces earlier this summer, he decided today that he is going to rebuild our PC from the ground up.  He intends to replace some parts with better performing, more reliable replacements, including the processor, CPU and GPU.  However, he also said that he wants to ditch Windows 10 and upgrade to Windows 11.  Unfortunately, however, because this is the PC I'm using for this project, I will be forced to halt work on this project until we have the PC rebuilt, the new Windows install running at 100% stability, and Vegas Pro back up and running.  I anticipate the downtime for this project to last until at least early August.  It will take a week for the new replacement parts to arrive, and even then it'll still take a while before everything is satisfactorily reinstalled.

Anyone who was wishing to send me voice clips in the near future; please do NOT attempt to send them to me until I give the green light to resume this project.  I hate having to put this on hold, especially for a reason that wasn't of my free will, but I'm sure that in the end everything will turn out great with my brother's new plans.  We should supposedly have an ultra-amazing setup that should see us through the next couple years, if not the end of this decade!  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause some of you whom have been trying so hard to find free time to record your lines.  Well, actually, this could give you even more time to relax since I'll be out of commission and you'll have plenty of time to record and get your lines ready!

And F.Y.I., I have backed up the project on my external hard drive so that it can be readily opened with no progress lost.

Thank you all for your understanding, and I hope to get this back up and running again soon! :)petrie
« Last Edit: July 20, 2022, 07:16:17 PM by DiddyKF1 »
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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Hi, everyone! I have some good news!

We successfully installed Windows 11 on our new PC build, and this SSD raid was so outrageously fast that we got ALL our non-gaming stuff installed within the first day! That happened to include Vegas Pro 18 through my Steam account, and after a thorough check over, I can confirm that the VO project is 100% intact and ready to be greenlit again! :)petrie
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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Awesome news!

Glad to see that everything is still a-go Diddy!  :petrieLOL

Hopefully we can get more voice clips organised soon. Can't wait to see this project reach completion.


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Indeed this is good news. I'm certainly feeling good having done all my lines already. Now I can feign ignorance in how cringe it is until I end up watching it when it's done  :bestsharptooth