The Gang of Five
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Character List (for the strict role plays)

Petrie. · 95 · 40623

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ok, so here's my OC:

Name: Longtail

Gender: Male

Age: 8

Species: Flyer/Sharptooth

Profile: After losing his whole family and home to an unfortunate accident, he is something of an oxymoron: being the last of his direct family blood-line he can be exceedingly prideful and headstrong, however after spending most of his young life in the Mysterious Beyond, and being exiled from three different wandering herds, he is also somewhat hesitant and shy around others, fearing what they think of him.

Although he doesn’t speak of it too often, he has also defended himself from attacking sharpteeth.

With only using his tail-like whip and the tips on his wings which he also uses for climbing trees and rocks (which keeps them razor sharp as a result.) he can cause mild lacerations to the skin.

However being the sweet natured flyer he is, he doesn’t enjoy fighting, he even dislikes contact games, however if he, or someone he knows is threatened he will fight…to the death if the need arises. Of course because he is still just a kid himself, he will look to others for guidance and help when he needs it.

FINALLY!!!!! Here is the full color pic of Longtail the Flyer!

Just as a side note I did not color this at all....a friend of mine who happens to be a master of Photoshop did, but she owed me one anyway! And Longtail's eyes are supposed to be pink, not grey...but I'll let it slide!

Oh...and I couldn't get rid of the Watermark...but perhaps its for the best...I duh know :^.^:


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Not sure if this is the correct place for char ideas instead of full developed ideas.  I thought I'd rather list some char ideas they some of you can say which ones may fit better, and which ones may less so.  

Maybe one of Ducky's siblings.  Maybe looks like her, some of then do, and based on one of her songs, I think one of the ones when Spike leaves, she has a line something like ones who talk like you.  So maybe instead of her no, no, no, maybe something like, no certainly not & instead of yep, yep, yep,  most certainly yes.  

Not sure of the age, gender, or species, maybe one who is either a fast runner, flyer, rainbow face or one that looks like Amber from Dink.  Personality maybe more of a thinker type, thinks about certain things they have observed.  Maybe similar to some of the ancient Greek philosopher types.  One rough ideas is, I think, one  philosopher (forgot which one) observed one can cut things into smaller things, but one reaches a point where one is unable to cut any further, so perhaps that means all of matter has a point where one is unable to cut any further.  I'd guess such a one others would see as weird.


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Here's one of my char ideas.


Gender: Female

Age: same as as Ducky

Species: Swimmer

I got the idea I think from the song about family from the movie where Spike leaves, the big freeze I think it is, and seeing when sometimes when they draw some of Ducky's siblings some look exactly like her.   Though to most Ducky and Diver and some of their other siblings would look exactly the same, some could tell them apart.  Their other siblings, mother, and Spike.  I would assume Chomper could smell the difference.

I'm thinking she got her name since she likes to dive in the water, and sometimes go deep.  Perhaps she may also think underwater green food tastes a bit better then land green food, in some ways.  Maybe also have her be a little afraid of Cera's dad from the way he seems grouchy, and a bit mean, and such, maybe giving her some nightmares early when she was in the valley.


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Fleshed out another char idea with some help from The Great Valley Guardian (thanks)

NAME: MIM (from the middle of the species name)

AGE: around 18 to 20

GENDER: Female

SIZE: about the same size as the rainbow faces in LBT 7.  Not sure what size in feet or meters that would be.

SPECIES: Rainbow face

APPEARANCE: Looks very similar to the female rainbowface from LBT 7 The Stone of Cold Fire, except with her body color a shade or so lighter with the slightest hint of blue in the greenish area of her body.  Her eyes are blue.  Her muscular build is of one who has lived on their own, and did a lot of short and long distance running from sharpteeth and fast biters.

HISTORY: She lived with her family for a number of years.  Things grew scarce and they started to move around.  They heard from some far walkers they encountered and others about a place somewhere to the north called the great valley and decided to see if it were there.  Before to long she was separated from her family by an attack of fast biters.  She got away but does not know the fate of her family.  

She wondered.  She lost count of the number of cold times that she has wondered.  
She eventually came across the Yellowbellies and lived with them for a while.
She eventually encountered a herd of far walkers that said they not only knew where the great valley was, unlike others who only heard tales of it, but that they actually visited it during their long walk.  They agreed to allow her to travel with them until they reached there, though some likely did grumble a bit about it.

They eventually reached the great valley.  Knowing how others thought of her, she decided it best to hide in the great valley, avoiding others as much as possible.

PERSONALITY: Some of her personality is a bit similar to the ancient Greek philosophers in that she asks questions, and tries to find proof of some ideas she gets and others say.  Proof by observations, thinking, and perhaps testing when possible.  

She is also shy due to the way others treated her and said she was being weird, or nutty when she said some of her ideas or asked some questions. She keeps to herself, at least at first.  Though having lived in the mysterious beyond most of her life and lived on her own for part or most of it, she does have bravery.


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Character Profile:
  • Name: Vylor
  • Age: Unknown
  • Species: Long-neck
  • Gold body
  • Silver stripe going down back
  • Silver underside
  • Eye Color: Gold
  • IQ: 200+
  • Description: Vylor came out of nowhere. He was once an elf, but a spell went wrong and he became a longneck and was transported into the past. He seems to have an immense knowledge of how things work, and is frequently asked when someone needs help. He is the size of a child, but will help anyone in need, no matter how much injury he will acquire. Also seems to radiate intelligence and friendship. In times of great emotion, usually anger, his elvish form takes over temporarily.
  • Personality: Seemingly omnipotent. His emotions are unknown, and he acts with the air of someone who knows he is more intelligent than those around him.
Vylor's description and history will be discovered in my RPG.


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Second Character Profile:
  • Name: Argaya
  • Age: Unknown
  • Species: Longneck
  • Silver Body
  • Gold stripe going down back
  • Gold underside
  • Silver eyes
  • I.Q.- 200+
  • Description: See Vylor. She was affected by the spell, and she was once a dragon. She also seems to adore Vylor. She will listen to him no matter what.
  • Personality: Similar to Vylor.
Argaya's description and history will be discovered in my RPG.


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Name: Dante S. Starfall
Species: Troodon
Age: Equivalent to an 17-18 year old human
Height: His head is about equal to Littlefoots
Coloration:  Mostly Black, with Red stripes on his arms and the middle of his back. Long, Jagged scar on his left side, with mutliple red lines leading to it. Fire-like Dark black mark on his right forearm.
Eyes: Pale Blue
Defining Characteristics:  Necklace--Blue stone with the names of his new and old friends carved into it.  
    Ring--Same type of stone, carved into a band around his right middle claw.  Gift from Arius

Personality:  Dante is an eccentric, likeable raptor with a tragic past.  Abandoned by his family for his mysterious powers, he wandered alone for some time until he met Arius, a raptor who took him in and trained him how to fight.   After discovering the fact that Dante was blind in his left eye, he taught him how to use spinning movements to conceal that fact.  Dante hates the sight of blood, and is actually a leaf-eater.  His power, which is in fact the spirit of a long-dead sharpclaw daemon, is concealed within his left eye, and it manifests when his eye changes color from blue to gold.  He also has a curse on his right arm, which imbues him with great strength, but it also deprives him of his sanity, leaving him a heartless killer.  He tries hard to be accepted, and often will risk his own life to protect others.

He's afraid of Thunder and of Rocks Falling...
Favorite food: Treestars
Least Favorite food: Grass
Likes:  Sleeping, Goofing Off
Dislikes: Having to work hard, Being woken up.
Weapons:  Twin straight branches carved into Boken, carried across his back, used as swords if he has to fight something too strong for his kicks.  Unbreakable(?)  Now, Twin swords that he can form at will, called Oblivion and Heartflame

Signature Abilities:
  Translating Sharptooth to Leafeater and back
  Shinken-Ryu Combat Training
  Extremely strong--Can break large rocks easily
  Quirks:  Seen chewing on small twigs often.
    "Well, it would seem that way..."
    "I will protect my friends.  Even if it costs me my life!"
    "I'll Help Too!"
    "This... curse in my blood... was meant to protect others!"
    "Hmm... not sure if this'll work..."

   Spiral Kata:  Dante spins around and advances, hitting attackers with his tail and his kicks.
   Falling Star:  Dante runs up a wall or similar object, flips off of it, and drops onto his opponent with a devastating kick
   Meteor:  Dante throws his staves at an enemy, then follows it up with a fierce spinning kick to their head.
Aerial Dance of a Thousand Spiral Wings: Dante races along a wall towards his foe, then carries them into the air with a series of brutal kicks and tail strikes.  He then slams them down with a handstand-style spinning split kick on the ground
   Black Flame Destroyer (Sankakku attack): Dante, posessed by the demon inside him, summons black flames and uses them to burn his opponent to cinders.


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Ok, I am really confused right now. Are we not allowed to incorporate new characters into these rp's? I see everyone making characters, but what can we use them in?

The Great Valley Guardian

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Quote from: LBTFan13,Jan 3 2008 on  08:49 PM
Ok, I am really confused right now. Are we not allowed to incorporate new characters into these rp's? I see everyone making characters, but what can we use them in?
The whole point of this thread is for those who want to roleplay but wan to use characters they least 50% of the rp's on this site consist of mainly OC's.


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 I agree with that, I don't think there is nothing wrong if we try to get our own creations into a LBT story, specially stories made by ourselves and to have a great time.


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Ok then:

Name: Zaine

Age: Around Littlefoot's age

Species: Longneck

Height, just a little shorter than Littlefoot

Color: Green like Shorty, but a little lighter

Fear: Just about anything dangerous

Personality: Zaine's herd arrived at the Great Valley just before the mysterious snowfall. They managed to survive, but for what? Zaine has no friends at the moment, and he tends to be a little shy. He mostly spends his time walking around the Great Valley, eating random tree stars and drinking from random lakes here and there.


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Interesting character. He could use a little bit more development, though.

You should incorporate character development into an RP. That is what I did with Vylor and Argaya.


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The char may develop during rp, some of my characters have done that, instead of being fully finished from the very start.


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Well, that is what I am doing/did with Vylor and Argaya.

At the beginning, I said that they had a mysterious past. I now say that they are elf and dragon.


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I guess I could do Ptyra...

*14/15/maybe 16 human years
*Petrie's cousin, Pterano's daughter
*Lighter colors than Pterano, much sleeker, about as tall as Petrie's mom
*She was the only survivor of her siblings, her mother was killed, lied to about her death by Pterano (out of concern for her). Very 5-movie Hermione-ish, sweet, intellegent, very tomboyish, determined


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I like it. Could do with a little background info, though.

Unless you intend to build upon that in an RP.


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I think Ptyra is doing some fanfiction about some of the character's background.


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That happens to many folks.  Maybe you can do some other creative things, some doodles. notes on other parts of the story, char ideas, plot ideas, ect.