Now that I've finally finished some music projects that I started a few years ago, I figured I'd make a thread to share them (and hopefully any future music projects I start working on or finish).
First up, what do you get when you take an iconic Land Before Time song and combine it with the distinct, one-of-a-kind instrumentals of one of the best GBA games? You get...
The Lone Dinowar
And what do you get when you take the gentle credits music of The Land Before Time: Into the Mysterious Beyond (based on "If We Hold on Together") and combine it with the serene instrumentals of one of the highest-rated games of all time? You get...
The Ocarina Before Time 
That's all for now, but hopefully I'll have more to share eventually. I've also started making some MIDI adaptations of songs that no one else has made yet, but they're still very much works-in-progress. I started making them on my
3DS with KORG M01D since it's easy to use, but eventually I'll need to export them and edit them with PC software to get the note durations just right.