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X-Men RP?

MrDrake · 62 · 4222


  • Littlefoot
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Quote from: Nick22,Aug 4 2011 on  02:28 PM
Nice,m good to hacve you back Mrdrake, so what kept you off the boards? Writers Block?
Nope, lack of internet connection.  It's just been connected up today.


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Not sure which FC to take.  I do have the x-men comics on dvd-rom.  As well as the first 2 x-men movies, & the animated stuff.  Spiderman & his amazing friends (had 2 former x-men and the x-men appeared twice) Pryde of the x-men (failed pilot), the 90's x-men cartoon and x-men evolution.

I had an idea for a oc, maybe to many powers.  

My rough idea is maybe everything on her is upgraded.  Her cells don't loose the end bits like most other folks does when they normally split, so she may look permanently about 20.  Her strength & cardio fitness can maybe be near human max or like someone who intensively works out with weights and does lots of cardio, for moderately working out.  Maybe slightly better then normal eyesight, immune system, maybe senses, but maybe not wolverine level.   less or no need to sleep, more ifficent lungs & digestion, so needs less air and food/water.   Or maybe it sounds to unfocused or to many powers, but some mutants do have multiple low level abilities.


  • Littlefoot
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Well, I can see that working, as you did mention that mutants do have multiple low-level powers and all.  I would say that it is fine and all, just try not to go all god mode style you know.  I mean okay, that doesn't bother me and all, but I gess what I'm trying to say is to be fair and what have you ^^

And yes, I am fine with your character as it is with her powers and what have you XD

As for an FC, take your time with picking one and what have you.  I would say, take one you might think you'll be able to play fairly well.  But remember too, said character can be molded around somewhat to how you wish to play them as.  Example, I'll be playing X-23 normally, but also how I would play her as well, as in, her action might be different and what have you.

Now, I guess if anyone has no obligations I could start it up momentarily and the likes.  Just so you lot know, the opening will be Bigfoot adressing everyone outside the mansion door for the start of the year, going over rules and the likes ;)

Just need a title for it, something like "X-Men: (insert other name here)" sort of thing.  Any ideas?


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Well its good to have you back.. we've missed you :)
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Glad to have you back.

Guess I would need to outline what she can do, her abilities in more details then the vague way I did.  

Or I could try to base a character on one from an old tv show I use to watch back in the 80's that only had maybe a dozen episodes like Misfits of Science.


  • Cera
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Welcome Back, MrDrake.  And I'm still interested in the RP.  I think I still have my char choices down.


  • Littlefoot
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Thanks people ^^

And that's awesome that you're still interested in this RP Mirumoto.

And Kor, that might be a bit better.  I mean, I did get a rough idea on what she can do, but perhaps if you wish to, you can do just that XD


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Do which one?  Not sure which you meant.


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I was meaning just in general in regards to her powers ;)

A question though....what's her name? Just curious is all ^^

Would be interesting to see how she interacts with both X-23 and Kora :yes


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I've no idea about her name at all.   I often use Sue or some version of Sarah or Sara for female characters.

Found an intro to misfits of science on youtube, the show I mentioned before.


  • Littlefoot
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Sara sounds rather cool I think.  But of course, the name is up toy you in the end ;)

And I'll have to check that out later on tonight.  Just watching TV right now is all XD


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I'll detail her a bit later.  I may keep the name Sara, it'll be easy to remember that name since in the insane cafe I have a character named Sara.  

If the team needs a distance person I can make up one.  Either johnny b from misfits of science or dazzler from pryde of the x-men cartoon.


  • Littlefoot
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Distance person? What do you mean by that exactly? Just wondering is all, a bit lost on what you do mean by it XD


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a distance attacker type, someone who has a distance attack power, blaster some call them.


  • Littlefoot
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Ah, right, right.  Well, if you wish to, go ahead.  I have no complaint about that ^^

Would be rather useful actually ;)


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any preference between the version of dazzler from the pryde of the x-men cartoon failed pilot or johnny b from misfits of science?  

pryde of the x-men intro:


  • Littlefoot
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I don't really have a prefrence myself in which to have around.  I know that whichever that is chosen, Laura would probabally end up being good friends with them as it is XD


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The Dazzler in the pryde of the x-men seems to be far better at her power then the version I read in the late 70's comics, early 80's, or whenever the series came out.  That version could basically only do flashes of light, balls of light ect and she had to have a steady source of sound.  In most cases she kept her cassette player thing that she wore on a shoulder strap with a continual play mode thing.   Though once Galactus did send her on a mission and to do so subjected her to a level of sound I think like a sun going supernova or something.  I only read part 1 of that story so have no idea how it ended.  

The version in the cartoon seems to be able to store sound or whatever in her body had be more skilled in using her powers, I guess since that version had been trained as an x-man for months or years by professor X, whereas the comic book version I read was I guess self taught and only used her powers mainly when she played disco with her band.  


Johnny B from the Mysfits of Science (no idea what his last name is.  I'm sure it's on Wikipedia) had electrical powers, though I"m sure you'll want to change a few things about him.    From what I can recall he can shoot electricity.  He can also run very fast for short distances, but only if his body has a certain level of charge.  It could be that every second he does this may use up 1 or more charges or something.  I don't recall him using this power very much or very long, just brief like you can see in the opening.  Also in the show water that touches his skin burns him like acid since it starts to short him out, as mentioned in the pilot.  Also when he walks into a building the lights dim then go back to normal brightness, then dim for a second or a few seconds.  I guess since his body recharges from the natural static electricity in the air (within a few hours for him to get up to a full charge I think Johnny mentioned in the pilot) his body starts to absorb electricity from the wires and maybe the effect is short term since maybe he stops doing it, slows the absorption down, or some other reason.   Also from what I recall he wears sunglasses all the time since his eyes glow if he has a charge.  Maybe the level of the charge is how bright his eyes glow.  If low enough his eyes look normal.  Also if his charge in his body is full or over full he fidgets like someone who's had to much coffee, at least till he can shoot off a bolt into the sky to reduce the level of his charge in his body.  


Though I'd put both ranged characters down so you can use some info to pick which of those you may prefer.

Real name: Sara [ ]
Code name/Mutant name:  ?
Age: 24 (looks 19-20)
Gender: female
Side: Good
Personality: Keeps to herself at times, since certain things come easy for her and she doesn't like to show off.

Appearance: She looks like she's about 20 and a very fit individual.  She wears casual comfortable clothes, with little care for fashion.

History: Didn't know at first she was a mutant.  She just thought certain things were easy for her, easier then they were for other folks.  She learned to downplay this so as to not show off or bring attention to herself.

Powers: Everything is basically upgraded.  Her organs are more efficent then they are for most folks.  For example her lungs draw more oxygen so she needs to breath less and her body can store more oxygen then normal.  Her digestive system is more ifficent so she needs to eat a bit less then most others. Her eyes are a bit better then normal, maybe like Hawkeye (of the avengers in the 80's) level & can see a bit better at night then a normal human, but not anywhere like a cat can. Enhanced senses, but likely not superhuman level.  Inhanced immune system, doesn't loose the end pieces at the end of her chromosones as her spells split, so she has the body of someone about 20 and may have for a long time or for the rest of her life.

Her strength and cardiovascular system also is easier to to keep to high levels of fitness.  With her moderate working out she has the level of someone who does intensive workouts with weights, doing cardio ect.  Very good reflexes, but not superhuman levels.


  • Littlefoot
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Firstly Kor....I can't decide between the two of them, as I am terrible at deciding on stuff.  I mean heck, if ya want to, you can play as both of them, I wont argue anything with that ;)

As for Sara, that makes things so much clearer to me in regards to her powers.  So yeah, when you're ready, you can go ahead and post, even if it's just for Sara, if she hasa question she would like answered, she can ask it now, if not, she can always go and see Bigfoot later on and ask him something then.

Real name: Alexia "Lexi" Jordan
Code name/Mutant name: Firefly
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Side: Evil
Powers: She has no powers, only what her suit gives her.  It's basic stuff such as flamethrower, bombs, two guns available for use.  In other words, her suit was designed to fight crime.  Other than that, she does have photographic memory.
Personality: Rather hateful towards other people, especially mutants.
Appearance: Her suit's looks like an anthromorphic firefly, complete with wings that do not flutter when the thrusters on her suit are active.
Without her suit, she looks like your average 20 year old girl, with long brown hair going down to her shoulders.
History: She was a privatewithin the United States Army, given the job to guard the Firefly suit that had been designed, specifically to fight crime and terrorisim, but being rather selfish herself, she took the suit for a test run and found that she could pilot it with ease and in turn, stole it, going AWOL from the army itself with the suit, turning her goals to mutants, deciding that they were a threat to mankind and took it upon herself to eliminate mutants from this world.