The Gang of Five
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Legends Of The Yin and Yang


  • Yet another wordsmith
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Long ago, In the days of ancient China...

Legend tells of a legendary warrior...

He traveled the land in search of worthy foes...

He was so deadly, in fact...

That his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness...


You have already heard this tale?

As well as the tale of The Warrior Of Black & White as well?

Very well then.

You've made a wise decision.

For what I will speak of has remained unheard for ages past.

So the tale of the Legends Of  The Yin and Yang begins...



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Night had fallen on the coast of South Florida, but it did little to slow a Gang Of Five member by the name of John, or Belmont2500 as he was also known as, from continuing work on one of his stories, this one based on Dreamworks' Kung Fu Panda franchise, mostly the 2nd film. To this day, John would laugh about how he would heavily criticize those films when they were released, only to eat his words when he finally saw them a few years later.

His typing began to slow, and John worried that he may have gotten writer's block again. Not a first.

"Come on, I didn't spend six months of research and careful thinking to be held back now." He muttered.

 but the words refused to flow, It was like calligraphy without a soul.

Suddenly, John began to feel fatigue, like he could fall asleep at any moment.

"Still won't stop me from completing...this...chapter." He said as he passed out, right then.

And later vanished, like dust in a breeze.



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tigress was training with o at the jase palace, as usual. she enjoyed sparring with him truth be told. she was fiond of him, and him of her.. sure there was the diffeebnce in species, but viper had poibted out that she had been adopted by a red panda, so dating a panda wasnt that different from being raised by one...
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The Soothsayer was calmly washing her laundry on the docks never a river that bordered Gongmen City. Age was catching up to the elderly goat and she knew that she was nearing the end of her days. Her gift to interpret coming events has taken a toll on the Soothsayers mind and her spirit. Suddenly, she felt something hit the docks, Ah Mah got up, cane in hand, and limped over to the edge to peer into the calm waters, but what awaited her was the last thing she expected.

The Soothsayer found herself face to face with the unconcious and injured body of a Leucistic peacock. The old goat let out a gasp. She had found her adopted child - Prince Shen Li Han of Gongmen. He who had overheard her prophecy and set out to put an end to many lives, he who was exiled for his actions and went mad through the years, eventually returning to his home of Gongmen and taking it over after putting Master Thundering Rhino down for good and he who was supposedly defeated by Po - the warrior of black and white mentioned in her prophecy.

Shen appeared to be dead. Ah Mah, almost shed a tear for him. She despised what he had become, but she had raised him all his life and loved him like his parents never did, all because of his sickly, Leucistic state.

For a moment, Ah Mah had thought she was delusional, but she swore she saw the peafowl take a small breath - could it be, was he alive?

The Soothsayer had gotten Shen out of the river and taken him to her shack. She was hesitant to nurse him back to health but she soon decided that if Shen still lusted for control of the whole of China, she won't stand for it. She would guide him, along the path to the happiness that he spoke of once, but never realized was right in front of him.


Viper was practicing in the Jade Palace's Training hall, dodging the towers of fire that threatened to burn her to a crisp. She was improving, perhaps she could even but Tigress' record sometime.



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Meanwhile, in Joplin Mo, Patrick Anderson, The GOF user Known as Rocky was checking out a Kung fu Panda GOF cross over. "Sounds fun, Now I Just need to.." Just then, he saw a blinding light and then everything went dark.

Po was sparing with Tigress when thought he saw something. "Tigress, did you see that?" Po asked.


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From the sky above the Valley of Tranquility, a bright flash appeared, and what looked for all intents and purposes to be a meteor crashed to the earth near the Thread of Hope...


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Near the Jade Palace, Master Crane was swooping through the skies in a peaceful and graceful fashion.

"The wind beneath my wings," he grinned, having a sense of peace on the inside. He and the other residents of the Jade Palace had no idea what would be coming soon....


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John opened his eyes slowly, his vision was blurred at first but soon cleared. He sat up and observed his surroundings. John lay on a bed, inside of a building comprised of mostly Chinese architecture. Suddenly, a voice pulled the boy from his observations.

"you finally came to, I see. You've been out for almost five hours now."

The voice belonged to an antelope who had just entered.

John was startled to say the least, the antelope was humanoid, dressed in traditional Asian clothing and he had just spoken in English.

"Where am I? Who are you?" John asked, a uncertain expression masked his face.

"You are in an infirmary in the middle of Gongmen City. I am Hui Liang. "

"Gongmen City? It can't be."

"Whatever do you mean, boy?"

"I've heard of this place, but in a...fictional story and yet, here you are saying I'm in the middle of a supposedly fictional place. Then again, you're an antelope speaking to me in English, so maybe this all isn't so far-fetched after all. "

"Now you're beginning to confuse me. What do mean fictional, Gongmen is as real as the air you're breathing now."

"Perhaps. Why am I here anyway?"

"Once of the other healers found you, passed out on the street."

"And they brought me here?"

"Indeed." Hui-Liang replied.

"Well...its been a pleasure to meet you, Hui-Liang. But I should be on my way." John got up and bowed to the antelope before taking his leave.


Ah Mah was applying acupuncture to Shen's body, the peacock's left wing was broken and he had a gash on his side which wouldn't be too difficult for the aged Soothsayer to treat with some herbs. It was still hard to believe that Shen survived, it had seemed so certain that the warlord had died when that cannon came down on him.

The soothsayer let out a sigh as he was mixing herbal tea, but the next moment she was nearly startled to hear the peacock gasp and cough up what have been seawater from the river, Ah Mah then found herself peering into Shen's crimson eyes.


Simba King Of Pride Rock

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Song was busy practicing her parasol dancing routine. Moment by moment,  she let the music take her, enjoying it very much.


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"Soothsayer, your fortune-telling skills really are not as good as you thought." Shen said weakly.

"What makes you think so? The prophecy came true." The Soothsayer responded.

"I still live."

"Defeated doesn't always mean killed Shen." The Soothsayer handed the peacock the cup filled with herbal tea.

"It will help you heal."

"What makes you think I would drink this fil-" Shen was cut off as the goat had stuck a needle that struck the peacock's facial nerve and poured the tea down his throat before withdrawing the needle.

"You always wished for acceptance. Perhaps if you reformed, you could be loved. Wait here, I'll be back with some clothes."


John walked though the streets of Gongmen city, though not without receiving many strange looks from the locals, sheep, goats and the like.

He decided to pass the time browsing in various shops and getting information from the merchants of each on Gongmen province and the surrounding country.



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mr ping was gheaded up to the palace carrying a fresh batch of dumpling son for his son and frenmds. Pings soup was wellknown for being tasty and filling.. " I wonder what po is up to today.. probably more training' ping said to himsekf.
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Mantis was down in the village, giving acupuncture sessions to some of the villagers in need.

"Hold still...." he advised a pig.

"I know," the pig gulped, looking like a pincushion.


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John had thought hard but he couldn't for the life of him discern many reasons for why he was brought here. Or how he arrived, but there had to be someone who had an idea,

"Excuse me, but do you know where I can get some....answers?" John asked an Ewe, no doubt a shopkeeper, she seemed a bit stunned at first as she hadn't seen anyone like him before but soon pondered his question.

"I can point you to an old Soothsayer who lives near the river just outside of Gongmen, perhaps she will know the answers you seek, young one."

"Do you, by chance, mean the soothsayer who served the royal peacock family?" John responded curiously."

"All the same." said an aged but very soft voice. It turned out that said Soothsayer stood right next to the boy, she held a white cloth robe which had a certain Chinese character on the back: '赎罪'.

"What is it you seek, child?" She asked.

"Its...a bit hard to explain. But I am not from here and I don't remember how I ended up in Gongmen or why I am here."

The Soothsayer handed the shopkeeper 15 yuan for the robe.

The old goat's eyes widened a bit.

"The most important time, is now. Come along." She said and the two left for the Soothsayer's shack.



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mtr puing arrived at the top of the steppe, panting. not as young as I used to be' he chided himself as Ihe went inside the ornate, and forboding palace.' now where is that son of mine/" he smirked as he headed to the main enterance
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The Soothsayer led John out of Gongmen City,it was quite nice to be out of there as John found out. The Soothsayers shack was on the far side of the woods, next to a river, it seemed like a good place to live, especially if one were to spend they're later years settling down.

"Wait here." The Soothsayer insisted and entered, leaving John outside.


The Soothsayer, put Shen's clothes on the chair and withdrew the needles from the peacock's body. Shen sat up and felt no pain when he moved his wing, the acupuncture must've done its part. "Your clothes on are on the chair, try and stay out of sight Shen." the elderly goat retrieved her bowl and sweet grass before exiting.


"That was rather quick for old lass like you." John quipped as the Soothsayer made her way out of the shack. She placed her bowl on the ground.

"I need something of yours." she explained.

For a moment, John was confused before he figured out what the Soothsayer meant.

"Oh, of course." he replied as he pricked a strand of hair and ripped off a bit of his T-shirt and handed them to the goat.

The Soothsayer placed the items in the bowl and ignited the sweet grass, causing smoke to billow out of the bowl as images appeared in it.

"I see one who desires to envelope all of China in flames. Many will stand against him. I see among them, a panda and five great warriors, A peacock who yearns for acceptance, three sisters who are consumed with anger. A snow leopard who has come back from the land of the dead, a wolf who laments the loss of his pack and many, many others from another plain in time."

At that moment the symbol of the Yin and Yang formed in the smoke, before it all blew away in the wind and disappeared.



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ping continued looking through the paklace, unaware his son was now in a eating dare contest with tigress.. po had to eat 10 helping of togresses cooking, or else..
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Shen had just finished putting on his pants and his new robe, he complained a bit that they weren't silk, But decided to wear them anyway. He had overheard the Soothsayer's prophecy and was speechless about what it spoke of.



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From where the meteor had landed, a young cheetah stood up slowly, rubbing his head and looking around.  
" head...where...where am I... Where is it...Gotta find..."
He glanced around, finally seeing what he was apparently looking for.  Picking up a long katana sword, he thrust it through the sash at his waist and started heading for the nearby town...


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Shen turned to the door of the shack but felt disorientated, the peacock lose his balance and fell to the floor with a thud.


"Did you hear that, Soothsayer?" John asked, turning towards her shack.

"I think it came from in there." he continued.

"It was probably just a branch falling, my child. Nothing to be concerned about."

"Well, its best to be sure." John replied, The soothsayer tensed, knowing that there wasn't much she could be to delay what seemed to be inevitable.

John slowly opened the door to the Soothsayer's shack and peered in, but was shocked at what, or rather who, he saw trying to regain their barings.

A white peacock with crimson eyes and eye-spot like patterns on his train and crest.

"You?! You're still alive?!"




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ping finally found po stuffing down portion six-or was it seven?- of tigeress dumplings supreme. while tigeress wasn't terrible, her cooking still needed work..
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