The Gang of Five
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Michelle Branch

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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Anyone remember this song?

I remember my babysitter would play it in the car a lot during may 2002 and I loved it! As I've said before, I was getting into LBT at this point in my life, and I fondly look back on this time. I remember, in my head, sorta comparing her voice to Cera's!  :DD

Anyways, later in 2009 I heard the song on a commercial and found out who she was. And on top of having a great voice, she is gorgeous! Have I ever told you that I love dark haired girls? I got the song for a mixed CD for my birthday that year. Later, in January 2011, I checked out her work a little more. I found out that this srong...

...which I'd heard earlier that summer and which I remember being overplayed on the radio back in the day, was by her, and I also found this great song in March 2011.

I really love this song; I discovered the video which I think I'd seen once before; anyways, I was getting back into LBT and discovering all this good music. It sounds great, but my life had sorta gone on edge starting in January.

Anyways, I also found out in MAy that this song I recalled hearing on the radio was by her:

I also found out (around the time I discovere "Breathe") that she had a new album coming out in September! Which was great, since she'd released 2, but then gone on to form a career as a country artist with a friend. But no, this was gonna be pop again! The album would be called "West Coast Time" (the title reminded me of the "Breathe" video.

Well, the first single was released in June, but September came and went and the album wasn't relased. Now, over a year and a half later, it still hasn't been released. She said on Christmas that it would be released in the spring. Well, we still have not gotten any word.

Also of not, she's turning 30 on July 2, and her last studio record will hit it's 10th anniversary on June 24th. Can she get a good studio back out, even though she was a teenager the last time she made one? Time will tell!  :exactly