The Gang of Five
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If We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story was made by Disney

Mr. Clubtail

  • Chomper
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    • Posts: 155
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Release date: 1990

Created by: John Musker, Ron Clements

Music by: Alan Menken

Pretty much all of the cast is changed

Ed Gilbert as Rex

John Goodman as Woog

Charles Fleischer as Jorbi

Miriam Margoyles as Dr. Bleeb

James Hong as Dwig

Bill Faggerbakke as Bigon

Billy Crystal as Ptero

Jay Leno as Vorb

The camera cuts to a dry landscape in the late Cretaceous period as the opening titles show up.

After the opening titles, the camera cuts to a blue colored Dryosaurus that is being chased by an orange brown T. Rex. The Dryosaurus runs into a swamp but then the T. Rex grabs its tail.

Then a UFO flys over and out comes a small green alien with a short tail and weird looking ears called Vorb. "Greetings, sire. My name is Vorb and I work with Megamind. Inc. We're marketing a new ultra cereal. It's called Brain Grain. An IQ enhancer. Comes in two flavors. Normal or mint."

Then the T. rex chases the alien up into the UFO. However, there are some shackles that automatically connect from his feet to the poles inside the UFO. Then a robotic arm holding an odd looking gun sprays Brain Grain cereal into the T. Rex's mouth.

Then the T. Rex's eyes start turning blue and purple and then back to their normal color as he gains the ability to talk. "Huh." the T. rex says.

The scene cuts to a room in the UFO and there is a yellow Triceratops named Woog, a huge gray Brontosaurus named Bigon, a purple Saurolophus named Jorbi, a green Stegosaurus named Spikey, a tan Pteranodon named Ptero, and a blue Dryosaurus named Dwig.

Vorb: Check out the other Brain Grain graduates but get social.

Rex sees that he has a badge reading "MY NAME IS REX" as he reads aloud. "Hey, how'd I do that?" Rex says.

"I'm Dwig" the blue Dryosaurus says.

"We're you the same guy who I was trying to eat earlier." Rex says

"No." Dwig says.

"Yeah, okay." Rex says.

"And I'm Woog" the yellow Triceratops says, "And I'm Jorbi" the purple Saurolophus says.

Vorb: You know, I came here because all the children were going like "I wanna see a T. rex", or "I wanna see a Brontosaurus", or "I wanna see a pterodactyl" or blablabla so I have tried to make all of their wishes come true.

Later, the UFO zooms off and spins around the world so fast that they are in the 20th century.

"There, you'll meet my favorite contact person. Dr. Miriam Bleeb of the Museum of Natural History. What an adventure awaits you! Just getting into the museum should be the thrill of a lifetime." Vorb says.

"Thrill of a lifetime?" Rex says

Then Vorb fits some parachutes on the dinosaurs and Ptero is carrying a king sized lifeboat as the dinosaurs fall into the lifeboat, creating a huge splash.

"Bigon, get off me" Dwig says

"Whoa there, little fella" Rex says as the lifeboat moves to a pier in New York, which at that moment is celebrating the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

However, Bigon is so heavy that he nearly falls into the water because he broke the pier.

Then a crane swings a metal bar, hitting Bigon's head.

"Bigon! I shouldn't keep on worrying about you every single second." Jorbi says.

Later, a fat old woman named Bleeb stepped out of her scooter.

DR. Miriam: Late. Late again. Late for everything. (Walks to the crane area the dinosaurs just left) Welcome to New York City. (adjusts her glasses, realizes that those are cranes) They're not here. I've missed them with my endless, shameless lateness. Oh, well.

Later, Woog licks the window of a bakery but Jorbi pulls Woog away from the bakery.

Rex: Listen, I've figured out a way you guys can stroll uptown and not cause a riot. Come on.

Later, there is a parade going on and the dinosaurs are pretending to be animatronics.

BOY #1: They're enormous!

GIRL #1: Oh! Look what's coming down the street.

BOY #2: Dinosaurs. Quick. Lift me up higher, Dad.

BOY #3: Dinosaurs at the parade.

GIRL #2: Are they gonna eat us?

BOY #4: Dinosaurs! Quick!

Boy 4's mother: No they are not dinosaurs.

Man: How many robots are in there.

Then Rex awkwardly shuffles his feet to a balloon that looks like him. However, Rex's sharp claws accidentally pop the balloon, causing it to fly up as Rex runs back to catch up with his friends.

BOY #2: They're real. They're real.

GIRL #1: They're not robots. They're alive.

MAN: Gosh, real dinosaurs!

The crowd starts panicking as the dinosaurs and Ptero are confused because they did not know the crowd would think they're real dinosaurs.

Rex: The Museum of Natural History. Where is The Museum of Natural History.

Jorbi: I don't know.

Woog: Where are we supposed to find it.

Bigon: Where in the world is it.

Ptero: I'll look for it.

Dwig: What do you mean you'll look for it I got a map right here

Dwig starts searching for the word "The Museum of Natural History"

"I found the The Museum of Natural History right here" Dwig says. However, just before any one of the dinosaurs could reply, the sound of the police happens.

OFFICER ON MEGAPHONE: You, there! Don't move! You're under arrest! Put your hands up!

OFFICER: Hit the deck! Watch out for the big one.

The dinosaurs all flee. Later, Bleeb finds the museum.

DR. Miriam: There we are. Dinosaur exhibit. The Museum of Natural History. You can't skimp on publicity.

PILOT ON RADIO: Central chopper one. Pursuing Mesozoic suspect.

Jorbi: [As he clings onto a traffic light to avoid a cop.] My name is Jorbi. Hi, nice to see you. Nice hat.

Then a chopper is chasing Ptero as an officer tries to get a lasso around Ptero's neck so a few men with guns can shoot him. Then Ptero lands on a building and imitates the shape of a gargoyle.

PILOT ON RADIO: Chopper one to chopper two, suspect's no longer in sight. I lost it. How about taking a 10-30 minute break for coffee and donuts?

Then Miriam Bleeb sees the dinosaurs and Ptero.

DR. Miriam: I'm coming. I'm coming. I'll be there in a moment.

Then she takes the dinosaurs and Ptero into a museum of natural history to hide them from the cops by having them pretend to be life-size model dinosaurs as the cops give up and look for someone else.

Dr. Miriam: Welcome, Welcome. You've taken so long, I almost gave up. But the good alien explained. You've had so many adventures. well, you must be tired after such doings. I'm sure you'll sleep well tonight. Have your dreams of this beautiful world, and tomorrow, you'll begin to fulfill the wishes of many children you'll begin to fulfill the wishes of many children. We'll make believe you're statues. The adults will wait outside as you reveal the miracle of yourselves to the young. It'll be very good. It'll be very good, indeed.

Rex watches out of the window, wondering about his future as the camera goes out of the building and the words "THE END" show up.

Based on a fact that John Musker and Ron Clements stated an film adaptation of the book following the success of the Little Mermaid, only to be told that Steven Spielberg had owned the rights and wanted to produce his own animated version of it.