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Ultimate Gamesmaster Quiz


  • Cera
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Littlefoot1616, your aim is perfect! You're up :D


  • The Circle
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Wickid cool!  :D

OK gamers, next question:

Besides Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield, name the remaining members of Resident Evil's infamous STARS unit Alpha Team (there are 4 others)


  • Cera
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I'm up for this one! I so am!

Albert Wesker
Joseph frost
Barry Burton
Brad Vickers

I think it was Bard Vickers and Joseph Frost that are dead.
I don't remember what happened to Barry Burton...

Then again, I haven't played trough all of the titles.

Now, is this correct?
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • The Circle
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Yep, those are the outstanding STARS Alpha Team members.

Albert Wesker - captain and betrayer of them all
Brad Vickers - Helicopter Pilot (he dies in RE3 by Nemesis)
Joesph Frost - poor bugger didn't even get to the mansion to get picked off. Dogs get him right at the start
Barry Burton - another survivor who later had a cameo in RE3

Well played Lillefot! You have the floor! ;)


  • The Circle
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Seeing as we haven't had a new question up for some time, the floor is open to anyone who wishes to pose a question. The limelight is there for anyone to steal...don't all rush at once now! ;)

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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There are many types of RPG's: traditional, tactics, action, and others, some of which combine other genres like sports/RPG, shooter/RPG etcetera. Now, there is a one of a kind RPG genre- meaning that currently, there is only one game in the world that has it. What is the name of this game, and what is the full name of this RPG genre?

For a few hints, the only game that has this genre right now is only for the PlayStation 2. Secondly, this genre has two parts that describe what type of RPG this is. For example, a tactics RPG has one part that describes the type- "tactics". The game is not online compatible, and its only mode of play is single player. Besides the RPG part, this game is also an Action/Adventure genre. Now, this is not an Action RPG, but the Action part is referencing to the Adventure part, as this game is turn-based. It is rated E10 for crude humor, mild fantasy violence, and mild language. The game was released in the United States in 09/18/07. That should do for hints for the time being.


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Digimon World: Data Squad,  Dramatic/Innovative/RPG

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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Whew, I was afraid I'd frozen this game forever, heh heh heh! I do have that knack for ridiculously hard questions. I do a little better with answering than asking. Oi.

Anyway, leave it to a Digimon fan like DarkHououmon to answer it. You are correct on both counts. Maybe someday they'll be another Dramatic/Innovative/RPG, but for now, Digimon World: Data Squad is it. You are now free to provide your own question at your convinience. Later!


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Throughout the years of video gaming history, controllers have gone through a lot of changes and improvements. But an upcoming device completely eliminates the need for game controllers altogether. What's the name of this device, who is designing it, and how does it work?


  • Ducky
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Is it Project Natal, made by Microsoft, and it uses a camera device for motion control?


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  • Ducky
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In the upcoming Halo 3: ODST game from Bungie and Microsoft, what are the names of the four playable characters in the single player campaign?


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I have absolutely idea, but I've heard that master chief's actual name is John.

What was the gamecube originally called?


  • The Circle
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Wow! Haven't seen this up and running for a while. Always game for a game so here goes...

The initial release name for the Gamecube was going to be "The Dolphin". Apparently, there are references to this in some of Ninty's own made games such as Super Mario Sunshine if memory serves me right  :p

How's my aim? ;)

(Just a recap on how this works. Once a question is asked, the first person to get it right gets to ask the next question. Failing that, guesses keep coming until someone gets it right or the forum gives up, in which case the current quiz master can ask another question or can openly pass it to anyone who jumps in next. Consider the questions reset from this point onwards... Have fun peeps! ;) )


  • Ducky
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What is the working title of Bungie Studio's (The guys behind the Halo series) next big project?


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Hey, since this topic has kind of died on the vine, I'm going to get it rolling here again.
I'm afraid I don't know the answer to the last question so I'll just ask a new one here:

Name at least two SNES games that were made by Blizzard Entertainment. Bonus points if you can name three. :)


  • The Circle
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Wow! Looks like someone really had to hit the defib hard on this topic to bring this one back! Thanks action9000!

Kinda sketchy on SNES games besides the obvious since I was in "that other camp" during the 90s console war but didn't Blizzard make something akin to "Flashback" (very similar premise). Blackhawk or Blackthorn or Blackhunt or something? (it's black something I'm sure).

I do know that Blizzard made "The Lost Vikings" series but I'm not sure if that was Megadrive AND SNES or just Megadrive? (ugh... gamer's history knowledge not what it used to be :oops )


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Quote from: Littlefoot1616,Dec 7 2015 on  12:51 PM

Kinda sketchy on SNES games besides the obvious since I was in "that other camp" during the 90s console war but didn't Blizzard make something akin to "Flashback" (very similar premise). Blackhawk or Blackthorn or Blackhunt or something? (it's black something I'm sure).

I do know that Blizzard made "The Lost Vikings" series but I'm not sure if that was Megadrive AND SNES or just Megadrive? (ugh... gamer's history knowledge not what it used to be :oops )
I actually didn't even THINK of Blackthorne (that one :p) but you're absolutely right; there's one!

Lost Vikings did actually see a SNES release so that's game number 2! I'll call that close enough since you managed to pull out 2 correct titles and no incorrect ones. :)

I would have also accepted Rock n Roll Racing and Justice League Task Force. :)
There are probably others but I'd have to look up a list. :p

Your go, Jay!