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Bron Showcase - October 2021

rhombus · 12 · 5185


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Well, look what the herd brought in!


In this topic please feel free to discuss Bron as a character, to share your own creations (fanfics or fanart) concerning him, or to mention some of your favorite fanworks of others involving him.  For a full set of rules please see the 2021 Monthly Character Showcase topic but keep in mind that this is meant to be fun as opposed to any sort of contest.

I will go ahead and get the discussion started with the following questions:

1. Based upon my readings from the various Bron-related topics on the forum, I get the impression that Bron is one of the more polarizing characters in the fandom. Or, at least he was back when he made his debut in the series. What is your general impression of the explanation for why Bron was absent for so long? Do you feel that the explanation holds up under scrutiny?

2. What are your general impressions of Bron as a character?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

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 Hooray! I'm the first one!

I will say that Bron confused me on his arrival, being that he wasn't present at all in the first film, not even to witness Littlefoot's hatching.

On a side note, I was even more confused when I saw him the tv series. Having not watched the movie he was introduced, it kinda drew me off to to question a few things: why couldn't Bron and his herd just stay in the Great Valley? They don't have to be a migrating herd or anything. That way, Littlefoot can spend more time with his father.

Overall, I think Bron is a  likeable character, he's one of the best grown up role models for the kids in my opinon.

I'm currently writing an lbt fanfic about Littlefoot and Ruby, it's a little cringy at first. Go check it out if you're interested! FANFICTION.NET-


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I like Bron a lot as a character. I find him really likable and is generally a good father figure once he and Littlefoot meet. Despite that, I also kinda feel like he's a bit of a deadbeat, considering his lack of willingness to compromise his leaderhood with his herd for the sake of spending more time with his son. It was a little goofy of him to think that Littlefoot would leave his grandparents and the safety of the Great Valley to live with him just days after they'd first met. :petrienotamused But despite his weird sense of judgement, I think he means well and so long as he's willing to give Littlefoot the agency to make decisions for himself (which he did at the end of 10) that's all that matters to me.  :bronGoodJob

I can definitely see how other people wouldn't like him much though. The guy really did just give up on trying to find his son (or confirmation that he died at least) after a certain point. His story is a little flimsy at certain points, and it doesn't make much sense why he and his herd can't just go and live in the Great Valley. It's not like he already knows about Cera's dad and his anti-longneck agenda after all. :ToppsGrumpy

Overall thoughts on Bron is that he's a pretty good character, and it was nice to see him come back a couple times even if the setups for those stories were a little weird. Shame we never got Kiefer Sutherland back, he was a great voice for him.
If we hold on together... no, seriously. Grab my tail.


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As long as Littlefoot had a parent, I'm happy

Seeing his mom die in the first movie made me want to cry, so him being introduced in 10 was heartwarming.

Overall, I think Brons a good dad to Littlefoot and a good role model to everyone else


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1. Bron had to keep moving, plain and simple. I know that many have made the argument that he and his herd could stay in the Great Valley, but I think the idea of remaining stagnant frightens him. The famine and subsequent Earthshake had to be traumatizing for him to be out on his own searching for some place to live. In a way, I think he's still paranoid and searching for some place safe, though he knows he'll never find it. The only way to survive is to keep moving forward on a never-ending journey, only stopping for a short while. If folks join up, fine. But he's not stopping.

2. He's a good character, and I know he genuinely cares about Littlefoot. The whole reason he went out to search was for his sake, and that of his Mother's. He just can't get those days out of his mind. Settling isn't for him. It's too hard, and rather than drag Littlefoot away from everyone, he knows that he belongs in the Great Valley with his family and friends. He can stay put, but Bron can't.

~*And I'm something called a Jared Padalecki*~


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Bron is a good person, because he cares about Littlefoot, adopted Shorty, cares for his herd, and he can be consider as a good role model for Littlefoot. It was a little sad, that Littlefoot cannot see him too often, but at least he knows, that his dad is alive, and will always be there for him, because Littlefoot did not know about him until movie 10.


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Oh Bron, I have many mixed feelings for you. :p

1. Based upon my readings from the various Bron-related topics on the forum, I get the impression that Bron is one of the more polarizing characters in the fandom. Or, at least he was back when he made his debut in the series. What is your general impression of the explanation for why Bron was absent for so long? Do you feel that the explanation holds up under scrutiny?
Hmm... I honestly don't know. I remember a lot of people saying 'why didn't Bron go to the Great Valley when all of the leaf-eating herds were travelling there' and someone did mention the possibility that Bron did go to the Great Valley, he just arrived before everyone else did. So... I think it's fine at first glance and it makes sense to Littlefoot but when you think about it, there's a few things that don't make sense. It could have been written a lot better.

2. What are your general impressions of Bron as a character?
He's pretty cool in LBTX, and I believe he does genuinely care about Littlefoot and is a good dad when he's around. He takes in all of those hatchlings he found with Shorty and he cares for his herd so I'd say his heart is certainly in the right place. Risking being cooked alive to save Wild Arms is not something I can say I'd do. :p I'd say he tends to jump into danger without thinking because he wants to save others, although I wonder if that's something he picked up because he failed to protect his mate. All in all, I think he's a decent character, and in LBTX he's voiced by Kiefer Sutherland which is pretty awesome. He didn't get much screen time in XIV and thus he didn't get much of a chance to show any new side to his character, so... meh.

When it comes to him living with Littlefoot in the Great Valley, well... his herd is pretty huge and full of longnecks, and with that I don't think he can bring said herd to permanently settle in the Great Valley or else it'll be stripped of green food pretty quickly (I don't think many longnecks live there permanently). But, why he can't just train someone up to take over so he could leave them and stay with Littlefoot I don't know. Mouse's theory that he just has to keep moving however, I think is a good one. I wonder how many longnecks actually could settle down in one place permanently, and how many are migrators for life.

I wonder about his relationship with Littlefoot's grandparents too, which I think I brought up in another thread. They seem civil enough, and the grandparents seem happy that Littlefoot has the chance to have a relationship with his dad, but one does have to wonder if there's a bit of tension/awkwardness between them now that the bridge between them that was Mama Longneck is gone. I think they all feel guilt because all of them failed to protect her, but is there some bitterness? If there is tension between them, it might also be another thing that would make Bron feel too uncomfortable to go and live in the Great Valley. Given their interactions in the films, Grandpa seems to get along with him better than Grandma does, but I'd like to see more of the three together in the future to see where they really stand (although that conversation might be something better left to fanfiction).  :PLoofah

Also, have a quick drawing of him and Mama (because everything I draw these days has to involve her lol) gazing into each other's eyes. :p

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Is Bron technically a retcon? In the oringial film the narrator said that the only remaining members of Littlefoot's herd was his mother, grandmother, and grandfather which implies that his father was dead.


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Is Bron technically a retcon?

Not the worst retcon that the sequels have ever done, but yes. It's pretty safe to assume that the original film intended the audience to believe Littlefoot's father was dead.
If we hold on together... no, seriously. Grab my tail.


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Bron is without a doubt a retcon.  The worst things about retcons is that they can end up not meshing well with previous stories.  In this case, it probably would have made more sense if Bron remained with us believing him to be dead.  The longer you go without introducing him, the harder it would be to come up with a good story of why he was gone when he does appear.

In my opinion, they waited too long to introduce him.  It probably would've been better if they introduced him in the early sequels.  Though I don't know where he could have been introduced in the first place.

That all being said, he's not a bad character.  He just has a bad backstory.  It's really what brings him down and what too many tend to focus on when talking about him.

He really is a good leader and it's sad his backstory is what hurts him in the end.


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Honestly they most likely created Bron just for fan service and I completely agree with Pokeplayer in that he should have appeared in the earlier sequels. Also The Great Longneck Migration was made during the oringial films 15th anniversary so I feel this was the only way they could think of celebrating it.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 08:54:51 PM by LittleDas75 »

Gentle Sharptooth

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Hooray! I'm the first one!

I will say that Bron confused me on his arrival, being that he wasn't present at all in the first film, not even to witness Littlefoot's hatching.

On a side note, I was even more confused when I saw him the tv series. Having not watched the movie he was introduced, it kinda drew me off to to question a few things: why couldn't Bron and his herd just stay in the Great Valley? They don't have to be a migrating herd or anything. That way, Littlefoot can spend more time with his father.

Overall, I think Bron is a  likeable character, he's one of the best grown up role models for the kids in my opinon.

I think the reason Bron and his herd keep migrating is its a lifestyle. The dinos in LBT have human characteristics, and in this world there are people who prefer to be transient, some examples are life RVers, Bikers, and Bedouins, who move from place to place. I believe Bron and his herd are like Bedouins, it is in their blood to keep moving, and so staying in The Great Valley for life is not an option.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith