The Gang of Five
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City, country, river


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Before I start explaining the rules, I must stress that I need to know which way you prefer it (listed below)

First some general rules (for those who don't know this game):
  • 1. You have to say a city, a country and a river, beginning with a letter that somebody chose
  • 2. Categories can be literally anything else as well (eg. plants, jobs, names...)
  • 3. Number of players is technically unlimited
  • 4. Point system: 5pts for a word that at least 2 other players have named as well, 10pts for a word that 1 other player has named as well, 20pts for a word that nobody else has named (and of course ZERO pts if you don't write down anything at all :p)
Point 4 will prove difficult as you'll see in a bit

Here's the way the game's played (on paper!):
  • - Someone picks a letter (there are many versions as for who does it and how)
  • - Everyone writes their words down. (Example: Letter S: City: Santa Fe ; Country: Sweden ; River: Seine [...] )
  • - As soon as one player is finished (--> he has answered every category), the other players have 10 seconds left to answer the categories
  • - Counting points (pattern above!)
  • - Define a person who says the next letter
Problem is we can't do it this way on the computer screen :angel We therefore need to come up with something else... I'll quote what I've written so far, adding comments as for what doesn't work and what might be a solution in color
Before I start explaining the rules, I must stress that I need to know which way you prefer it (listed below)
First some general rules (for those who don't know this game):
  • 1. You have to say a city, a country and a river, beginning with a letter that somebody chose Works!

  • 2. Categories can be literally anything else as well (eg. plants, jobs, names...) Works!

  • 3. Number of players is technically unlimited Works, but we might have to list all players

  • 4. Point system: 5pts for a word that at least 2 other players have named as well, 10pts for a word that 1 other player has named as well, 20pts for a word that nobody else has named (and of course ZERO pts if you don't write down anything at all :p) Technically, this is no problem, but how are we going to do it if everyone else can see what the others write?

Point 4 will prove difficult as you'll see in a bit This is why there will be two possible versions to decide between...

Here's the way the game's played (on paper!):
  • - Someone picks a letter (there are many versions as for who does it and how) Should work, I don't care about the 'who' and 'how'--> your choice

  • - Everyone writes their words down. (Example: Letter S: City: Santa Fe ; Country: Sweden ; River: Seine [...] ) Two versions... look below

  • - As soon as one player is finished (--> he has answered every category), the other players have 10 seconds left to answer the categories In any case, this can't work for obvious reasons :p My propose: Setting a defined period of time concerning the lenght of the game (eg. a week)

  • - Counting points (pattern above!) Done by the gamemaster

  • - Define a person who says the next letter That person is also the next gamemaster. My propose: gamemaster becomes who: 1. achieved the highest number of points, 2. has posted earlier (in case of a tie in 1.)

Due to point 4. we need to decide on a method to fix that issue

1. We change the counting pattern! ---> Who names a word first, gets the score. Everybody posting later has to name different words (which will be fairly difficult and unfair towards members with few time to check the GoF) My opinion: Would be easier to play but also less fun
2. The gamemaster receives the players' words via PM. When the time is over, he'll post the PMs he received in the order he received them (one post!) and counts the points of every player (using the original pattern).
My opinion: Might be a little difficult at first but it's the preferable version imo since we have a more differenciated point system and the game is fairer.
3. Other suggestions?

Please tell me what you think about this idea and vote for one of those two options (or suggest your own), please :) Thanks, if you read 'till the end :angel
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I remember playing this game as a child. Here's what I think:

A single turn should last three days.

Players join the game by posting a request in the game thread.

At the beginning of each turn players and the next gamemaster must be listed by the gamemaster, and new players can't join a turn in progress.

The gamemaster receives the player's words via PM.

The player with the most points becomes the next gamemaster.

I also propose that the very first gamemaster is choosen by Random Chooser from a list of players in the very first turn.

However, I think this game can't work as well online as it does on paper.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Yeah, of course it works far better on paper... but why not trying to play it here :)

Those are good suggestions, thanks :) Let's see what others think.
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I think jansenov's suggestions make sense  :) When you say the categories could be anything, do you mean you could ask for, say, a city, a name and a job?


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Yep, you got it. Though I'd say that 'city, country & river' should be always among the categories :yes
Maybe we should set a number of categories the gamemaster may choose for each round (so there's some diversity...
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  • *feels like Pterano*
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So... are you ready to start round 1 jansenov & bushwacked? Would you mind if I'm the first GM or shall we use that thing jansenov suggested?
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Yup, I'm ready to go - since you came up with the idea for this game on here, I'd say it's fair that you're the first GM :)

What happens if we all get the same score, as in we each get 20 points for all three? Maybe we could go by whoever sent you a PM first?


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Count me in. And you be the first GM, Ducky.


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Which categories do you have in mind?

I suggest: city, country, river, island, job, material, animal, plant.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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What happens if we all get the same score, as in we each get 20 points for all three? Maybe we could go by whoever sent you a PM first?
That's what i had in mind, yes :)
Which categories do you have in mind?

I suggest: city, country, river, island, job, material, animal, plant.
I wouldn't mind going with it :yes I have a questio though: What does 'material' include? Textile?
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^All kinds of matter (pure, mixed) which have names in the English language.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Okay :)

Being the GM, I'll open this round.

Players: bushwacked, jansenov

categories: city, country, river, island, job, material, animal, plant

Letter: K

It'll run for three days or until I have received everybodies PM :yes

Good Luck!
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  • *feels like Pterano*
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You were bloody fast :)

bushwacked's PM arrived at 12:22 AM my time
Khwae Yai

jansenov's at 1:30 AM my time
Kathmandu, Korea, Krishna, Krk, keyman, kaolinite, kiang, kava

All points you made are correct and you have different answers on every category which leads to following score.
bushwacked: 160
jansenov: 160

Result: Tie between the two players (and we need more players or that'll happen quite often :bang) bushwacked is the new GM with the option of changing the categories if he likes to.
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Okay  :D I'll wait for a bit to give other people a chance to join, then I'll give the letter.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Yep, with just two players, the chance of a tie is fairly high...
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