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Ali And Littlefoot

Nick22 · 52 · 7485


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I'm not sure, but perhaps family structures are not of the same importance within a migrating herd such as Ali's as they are among the settled dinosaurs of the Great Valley. This may sound cynical, but what do you expect Ali to do if her Mum died during a journey with the herd? She probably would move on along with the herd, and the herd would continue to offer protection. Perhaps nobody would feel "in charge" of Ali, but while the herd is moving from one green spot to the next she certainly wouldn't die or something. Her existence would be similar to that of Shorty. Perhaps the death of her mother could be a reason for Ali to give up her live as a nomad to live in the Great Valley. We don't know if there are strong bonds of friendship among the members of Ali's herd or if they are more like a community "born from necessity". The members of Ali's herd seemed relatively indifferent to the fate of Littlefoot's grandpa (who had been offered to join the herd). They weren't willing to offer any more but pity. In a herd which excludes any but their own kind I don't expect individualism or the fates of individual members of the herd to be as highly regarded as in other social structures of the land before time.


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That is quite cynical, but I see where you could be on to something.If such a situation arose, I'd imagine Littlefoot's Grandparent's would offer to adopt Ali, if it happened in the Great Valley. They may be asking for trouble considering how precoscious Littlefoot is, but raising two young longnecks imo would not be completely overwhelming for them. LIttlefoot would have great sympathy for Ali's plight, he lost his mother too as everyone knows. Such a situation would inevitably bring them closer together, as friends.
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They may be asking for trouble considering how precoscious Littlefoot is [...]
Is he really? In what sense? What makes you think that he is?


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He gets  himself into trouble in his adventures... well, precoscious probably isn't a good word...  so... there really wouldn't be any problems :slap  the only obstacle in that situation would be the herd. Would they allow Ali to be adopted by someone not in thier herd, even if they are related (according to the American version)? Judging by your description, I'd say they'd be very hesistant to permit it, even though by keeping her in the herd, she'd have no one assigned to raise her, she'd be the 'collective responsibility' of the herd.
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Judging by your description, I'd say they'd be very hesistant to permit it, even though by keeping her in the herd, she'd have no one assigned to raise her, she'd be the 'collective responsibility' of the herd.
On the contrary I suppose that my description of the herd would make it very likely that she would be permitted to leave. Who would be able to prohibit Ali to leave the herd unless one of them actually adobted her? I wonder to what degree the "collective responsibility" exists within Ali's herd. My impression was that, in case any member of the herd had been struck by the illness of Littlefoot's grandpa, they probably wouldn't have risked returning to the land of mists either. While they are protecting each other by sheer numbers ("safety in numbers") there was nothing to imply any more distinct feeling of responsibility for each other. We know too little about Ali's herd to prove such a gloomy vision of their community, but neither can it be disproven and the overall impression given by the movie did not make the herd seem like a very friendly community. It begins with the rather stiff reaction of the Old One at being welcomed to the Great Valley (not so much as a thank you). She seemed to be rather embittered and fatalistic. If that's the spirit of the leader we may assume that at least some of it rubbed off on the other members of the herd. I really didn't have the impression of a herd who would for example take any risks to protect straggling members.


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In response, The Old One... she's the leader of the herd, and apparently her word is law amoung the herd. So if she doesn't think ali should leave the herd, then she won't be able to leave, regardless of the situation that would put ali in... I believe you once compared the herd to to a 'closed' society., one in which only the members of the herd matter, and outsiders aren't welcome. A very gloomy picture. Paranoia comes to mind, like in the brave long scheme, when Rhette runs to the herd after the gang's 'prank'. On second thought, their paranoia is understandable, the threat of sharpteeth out in the wilderness is very real and lethal..
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Again you have more information than I do, as I haven't seen that episode yet. However, I don't see why the old one would forbid a kid to leave the herd if there is no one in charge for that kid. She might be less willing to let a grownup, able to contribute to the safety of the herd rather than slowing it down, go but I don't suppose she would be able to prevent that either. Unless we assume the herd to be hold together by force ("stay or die") I don't think a member determined to leave could be stopped from doing so. Not even I have SUCH a dark view of that herd as to assume it being held together by mere force.


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I'm surprised you haven't seen it yet. Anyway I see the herd as being held together by the force of the Old One's leadership, that, and shared "strength in numbers" By force of will, I mean, they follow her lead, and there doesn't seem to be much dissent in the group..
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Ay, not much dissent, but not much of a communal bond either.


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Yes, as you previously said there wasn't much compassion on their part towards Littlefoot's grandafather when he became ill. Which makes me wonder whether Ali would recieve much more compassion if her mother was injured or killed. I would think not.
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I believe that in lbt 4, the creator's focused more on Littlefoot's grief than on Ali's compassion. The gang was always there for eachother, and if a similar thing happened to Ali they'd all join up and confort her.
Ali and Rhette's (why did they creat this character?!) suden disappearence from the series is very odd. Do you think the episode list might be a bit scrambled?
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They created him so that there could be a 'rival' for Ali's interests imo. Rhette obviously likes Ali very much.although after the Brave Longneck scheme he's been exposed to ali as a braggart and liar.If he's a one-off character, that wouldn't make much sense. Ali will appear in another episode, anything with "longneck in it should be looked at closely.
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