In 1943 the Iowa was sent to counter the Tirpitz, sister ship to the Bismarck. If the two met, with only a few escorts, say the Scharnhorst and Prinz Eugen for Tirpitz against the Iowa with a couple of Destroyers. Who do you think would win.
It would probably depend in my opinion on who got the first good hit. Say, Tirpitz and her fleet have the advantage of being able to fire their full broadside at Iowa, probably they could have damaged the Iowa and sunk a few of the destroyers, though Iowa could dish out its own firepower that was stronger then Tirpitz(Iowa had 16 inch guns against Tirpitz' 15 inch).
If that did happen, then I think that a battle would be with both ships badly damaged, Scharnhorst either surrendering or getting sunk, Eugen a burning hulk, most of the destroyers sunk or crippled, and the Iowa and Tirpitz getting towed by their surviving allies.
This is my hypothesis if they did encounter eachother.