Rose sighed as she bent over to pick up the unconscious folf ' should have let us finish marita the girls been holding back a lot of tension..'' well rose i didnt want to see a hump show- that i didnt pay to see' Marita smirked,' or wasnt involved in.' ' jealous, girlfriend?' Rose said, a smirk running across her face. ' hey, we're not married after all, i can have sex with other girls- and guys if i so choose..' you've had plenty of it Rose, that was your gig after all.' marita said 'you want a piece of this? marita said, holding the unconscious - and naked- Flora up so marita could see all of the folfs features ' wait.. ios that a.. ' yep. she has working breasts AND a pecker. so, conceivably, she could get you pregnant and you would still be a lesbian. course i'm not sure what you call it ' a dolf- or dog -wolf' marita said ' but shes part fox... a fodolf, fox-dog-wolf..' Rose said.'but why are we even discussing potential kids..?'
- because she has a working male part. she can impregnate us, while i cant get you pregnant or vice versa. cause of that we possible rose.. we'd have had 4-5 kids by now..' ' we'tre not in any financial position to have a family Marita, we barely can afford what we;ve got, and we have marie pitching in. 'if Flora stays with us, that 4 girls helping out.' maria replied.' she sighed ' put her n the bed, i'l go see if theres any smellibng salts in the bathroom.
Marie was soaking in the tub, which was discolored from all the sand and grime she was washing off of her ' the bottles of shampoo were empty, so washing her fur and cleaning it out wasnt an option.' theres no shampoo in here' she called out ' So Flora used it all' marita said as she went though the drawers in the counter. 'Is rose still french-kissing her? 'Marie asked "no, i made her stop. it was getting pretty heavy.' rule of thumb at the electric sheep was, you never stop people making out, you let them finish first. To do otherwise was bad form. naughty naughty Marita ' marie said . 'did you ever make out with Rose Marie while you worked together?" no, although we had noticed a mutual attraction between us. i thought she was beautiful, and she admitted to me that she thought i was lovely. we did kiss, though, a couple weeks after we started, after we clocked out for the night, in one of the 'private' rooms. a couple tongue rubs, a few boob squeezes, and that was it. she went downhill really fast and i was switched to bartending. if she hadnt been hooked on biproxytol, i think we would have had sex at least a few times. but her breath was terrible and she owed me quite a bit of money. a quarter of her paycheck, before the place burned down. you rescuing her quite literally saved her life, she was going to get fired if she didnt straighten up. and since had nothing e,lse going on i followed you. You've become quite the friend Marita. I can see why Rose loves you.' Marie said.' so how do you feel about me? marita asked ' well.. I.. love you' Marie admitted."i know you and rose have a history but..' well i think rose is going to be quite busy tonight with flora, so.. theres going to be some you and me time.' marita said as she finally found the smelling salts.