Quite a few experiences, even though I don't use equipment for diving except a diving mask and my ability to hold my breath. I don't do it regularly, but each time I went to places where I did I earned some experience bit by bit, how to deal with holding your breath, being able to hold it for a longer time (if I just go one meter below the surface and use very small movements to stay there, I can do that for quite a while before I need air again). My personal record without any movement at all, just putting the head underwater, was almost two minutes. But the last few moments, oh boy.
The maximum depth I ever reached so far is about 7 meters, but I'm just guessing that out of different factors.
I was quite a few times at the red sea already, seeing the reefs there. I also have an underwater cam and got some nice shots there as well.
And then there was also this.
The only staged photo I ever made underwater. That fish checking out the figure was a pure coincidence.
Some videos also exist.
LionfishLionfish 2TurtleTurtle 2a LOT of fishmore fish, dunno the english name, but these two weren't afraid at all.
more fish, dunno the english name, but these two weren't afraid at all.Spinner DolphinsThat were the best shots I could get. Going after dolphins is tough. Even though they barely move, you have to give your best to keep behind them.