The Gang of Five
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Redclaw, Screech, and Thud


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Didn't see a topic of them, so I thought why not? Let's discuss this symbiotic trio of carnivores here!


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I could have sworn there was a topic for these three already. :blink


I think this trio can be much more developed, as most antagonists (i.e villains) tend to be more developed then the protagonists. This does get a little irritating I'll admit when the heroes tend to be very bland, goodie two shoe characters with no challenge to over come other then just beating up bad guys. :p Of course that's not the case for all "good side characters", I like certain characters such as Toph, Katara, and Mulan, who are protagonists but are wonderful characters with faults and good things about them.

But anyway, I think for the case of Red Claw, there could have been some back story on him other then "he is the biggest, baddest sharptooth eva and should be pheared!!!!!"

Thud I thought was the most developed of these characters since while he is indeed a sharptooth, he had a heart and seemed to have this belief of reaping what you sow. Chomper did a nice thing for him, so in return he is nice to them. :yes Also, he seems a bit more independent than Screech...and speaking of Screech...

Screech I find the least interesting character of the trio, though I LOVE how Pangaea portrays him in the "In the Land Before Time" rp. :D While he's your typical sharptooth and he's more of a follower of Red Claw then Thud, how Pangea portrays him, he seems to be very logical character.  He wants food and wants protection from other dinosaurs, what better way to keep themselves safe and fed then hanging around with the "biggest, baddest" sharptooth of them all and get the parts of food that Red Claw won't eat. Simply put, he's a follower,

Red Claw for some reason I always thought to be a very "tortured soul sharptooth". Like maybe he had so many loses in his life time, and now that he is meeting up with these "pesky kids" that seem to always be one step further from him, and he just seems to be "losing his edge". I have this belief that maybe he was the original sharptooth from the original movie, or at least a sharptooth LIKE the original. However, he has lost his edge so he might be insecure if he's still the sharptooth like he once was.

Wow! I didn't think I would write this long of a description about them...heh, I guess they just sort of grew on me once I was interacting with them in the rp. :)


  • Chomper
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I dont see the point in redclaw and those other guys  <_<  <_<  why does the tv seiries only have certain sharpteeth WITH NAMES ???? And their not exactly scary , Im not sure but I think that one dont even look like a sharptooth !!!!! :blink:  :blink:  :o  :o  :huh:  :huh:  <_<  <_<

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Screech and Thud are pretty cool. I even think Redclaw is pretty cool too, even though he's a bit of a sissy.


  • Petrie
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That is a big description of them Rat_lady!! And I agree about Thud being the most developed out of the trio, that's why he's my favorite!!

And their not exactly scary

Screech and Thud are pretty cool. I even think Redclaw is pretty cool too, even though he's a bit of a sissy.

I agree with the sugarcoating and sissy-ness of the more recent sharpteeth. The way I think of it:

Redclaw, Screech, and Thud had to have earned their reputation somehow. They more than likely have done terrible and horrifying things when the camera's not on them :lol . That's why most of my fanfics centered around them or including them tend to have them doing some rather dark things.


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I like these new villains, esp. Red Claw, but I agree, he could do a lot more then just LOOK like a baddie. Fer cryin' out loud, man! You're a SHARPTOOTH!
hehe I haven't seen many episodes of Screech and Thud, but from what I've seen, they act sort of like the brainless henchmen^^ just completely clueless. I lol everytime I see Redclaw just whap them and growl in the direction he wants them to go, and then they meekly obey^^
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J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Spike
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Looking back at these guys, I'd probably have to say that they are my least favorites concerning the antagonistic characters.

I mean, I know the show was aimed towards kids, but you think they could've made Redclaw just a little more threatening.


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Redclaw, Screech and Thud are as scary Mrs. Swimmer --> totally NOT scary. Well, one the of weaker points of the Tv-series but hey, at least we got a villain at all!
Those characters are to be further developed in fanfiction imo which is exactly what many people seem to do :p
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Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Jun 6 2012 on  12:46 PM
I like these new villains, esp. Red Claw, but I agree, he could do a lot more then just LOOK like a baddie. Fer cryin' out loud, man! You're a SHARPTOOTH!
hehe I haven't seen many episodes of Screech and Thud, but from what I've seen, they act sort of like the brainless henchmen^^ just completely clueless. I lol everytime I see Redclaw just whap them and growl in the direction he wants them to go, and then they meekly obey^^
Thud's defiance of Red Claw  in "Escape from the Mysterious Beyond" was definitely one of my favorite parts of the TV Series, the others being adorable Ruby and finally getting to see Ali again.  

On the flip side, the Gang of Five is pretty pathetic in II and V when chased by Sharpteeth shadows.   All Red Claw would have to do would be to chase them with his shadow and come near.  They'd be whimpering with their eyes shut, expecting to die at any moment, making themselves very easy prey.  

Heck, Red Claw doesn't know that weakness of theirs, but....... Chomper does.   :blink:

If he were to ever go bad, we'd be seeing a villain unlike any other, as he knows Leaf Eater, seems to be smarter than any of the other Sharpteeth we've ever encountered, has been all over the Great Valley and might know ways to get around it with as little detection as possible, would easily know the scent of the Gang of Five, and, most threatening, unlike all the other Sharpteeth, they trust him and wouldn't have their guards up were he to decide to really have friends for dinner one dark night.  

Still, Red Claw is a Sharptooth that bullies other Sharpteeth (as his main target is Chomper, not Ruby) and that is pretty telling about Red Claw.  

Also, perhaps Red Claw whooped up on a Gigantosaurus and a Spinosaurus and, though he got scars was able to kill both of them and now he's feared throughout the Mysterious Beyond.

I made Red Claw turn out to be Sharptooth's brother in a fanfic of mine.  I doubt he's Sharptooth himself, as his anomisity seems to be highest toward Chomper and, if he were Sharptooth, it should be Littlefoot and Cera that he wants to axe the most.


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I tend to imagine these three through the lens of gang politics. They want to establish a territory, reputation, and control where people can or can’t go, so they don’t hesitate in being brutal and intimidating to rival predator and pretty alike. That way, they get “respect” and the greatest choices in meat. I can picture some Mysterious Beyond denizens rolling their eyes at the trio, believing especially Redclaw to be too old for such juvenile behavior. Redclaw and his posse do strike me as the type to quickly put down such talk, to preserve their reputation and fragile egos.

I think they see their relationship as an alliance of convenience. Redclaw would protect them from larger threats and get them food, and Screech and Thud would act as backup against larger prey, being distracting smaller threats who allow Redclaw to go in for the kill. Their might be a bit of affection but what’s important is what they get out of each other. From what Thud says in “Escape From The Mysterious Beyond,” he doesn’t believe many people in this do-or-die world, never mind children, would go out of their way to help others just out of the goodness of their hearts. From how defeated he was when the gang did rescue Ducky and Chomper, he didn’t believe his allies would be so selfless. He still does believe his alliance of convenience with Redclaw and Screech is important and he’ll still hunt the gang if they showed up, but he seems to have enough courtesy to spare the gang one time in thanks to Chomper’s kindness. The trio might keep their emotional distance from one another to maintain that alliance of convenience but I do wonder if they might grow close in some way.

As for why the supposedly dreaded Redclaw and his posse get thwarted so much by the gang…I sort of headcanon that they struggle to deal with really small dinosaurs. The gang can run rings around them and dodge and hide from them in ways not possible with the regular opponents they deal with. It must be frustrating for the trio. I wonder how much the Mysterious Beyond hears about their failure to get a bunch of kids. If so, that must make the trio quite the laughingstock and make the gang rays of hope. No wonder the trio appear to pursue them with such persistence – the gang damaged their reputation and pride.

I wonder if small people + teamwork will be the answer Ruby and Chomper will find to take down those three.


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Quote from: DaveTheAnalyzer,Feb 20 2017 on  11:49 PM
I wonder if small people + teamwork will be the answer Ruby and Chomper will find to take down those three.
Most definitely. What I always found weird is that at some points the TV series insisted on making it look like Red Claw and his cronies were hunting Ruby and Chomper specifically as if they had to stop the two from succeeding in... Doing what exactly? :unsure: Does the "biggest and meanest" sharptooth see the threat of leafeaters and other potential prey organizing some kind of a larger scale resistance? Or maybe he just find a young predator making friends with his potential meals disgusting and wants to punish him?


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I kind of surmised it’s a combination of Redclaw and company being very controlling of where people in “their territory” go and maybe having some idea of Ruby and Chomper’s mission and/or the latter befriending leaf eaters (Which I think Chomper’s parents would want to keep on the hush-hush, so how would that trio come to sniff out those tidbits?).


  • Spike
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I think Screech and Thud are pretty well-developed, but Red Claw? Not much of a sharptooth character with depth.
And the claim of Red Claw being the "biggest and meanest sharptooth" of all is nothing more than a joke to me. I mean, Red Claw once got beaten by having fruit thrown at him... how childish can the show get? He seems more like a predator wannabe compared to the fantastic original Sharptooth in the first LBT. And since Red Claw is absent from most of the episodes, we don't get to see more of his character. Bit of a waste if you ask me, and a poor depiction of what is supposed to be a dangerous and threatening character.


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Quote from: Dracorider19,Apr 9 2017 on  06:10 PM
I think Screech and Thud are pretty well-developed, but Red Claw? Not much of a sharptooth character with depth.
And the claim of Red Claw being the "biggest and meanest sharptooth" of all is nothing more than a joke to me. I mean, Red Claw once got beaten by having fruit thrown at him... how childish can the show get? He seems more like a predator wannabe compared to the fantastic original Sharptooth in the first LBT. And since Red Claw is absent from most of the episodes, we don't get to see more of his character. Bit of a waste if you ask me, and a poor depiction of what is supposed to be a dangerous and threatening character.
I don't consider him swallowing the treesweet and being knocked down and defeated to be pathetic. I bet even Sharptooth or Plates would be absolutely disgusted! After all, it could be like poison to Red Claw.

Oh yeah, and just so everyone knows, "Redclaw" is incorrect. His name is actually credited as two words :p
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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I tend to imagine these three through the lens of gang politics. They want to establish a territory, reputation, and control where people can or can’t go, so they don’t hesitate in being brutal and intimidating to rival predator and pretty alike. That way, they get “respect” and the greatest choices in meat. I can picture some Mysterious Beyond denizens rolling their eyes at the trio, believing especially Redclaw to be too old for such juvenile behavior. Redclaw and his posse do strike me as the type to quickly put down such talk, to preserve their reputation and fragile egos.

I think they see their relationship as an alliance of convenience. Redclaw would protect them from larger threats and get them food, and Screech and Thud would act as backup against larger prey, being distracting smaller threats who allow Redclaw to go in for the kill. Their might be a bit of affection but what’s important is what they get out of each other. From what Thud says in “Escape From The Mysterious Beyond,” he doesn’t believe many people in this do-or-die world, never mind children, would go out of their way to help others just out of the goodness of their hearts. From how defeated he was when the gang did rescue Ducky and Chomper, he didn’t believe his allies would be so selfless. He still does believe his alliance of convenience with Redclaw and Screech is important and he’ll still hunt the gang if they showed up, but he seems to have enough courtesy to spare the gang one time in thanks to Chomper’s kindness. The trio might keep their emotional distance from one another to maintain that alliance of convenience but I do wonder if they might grow close in some way.

As for why the supposedly dreaded Redclaw and his posse get thwarted so much by the gang…I sort of headcanon that they struggle to deal with really small dinosaurs. The gang can run rings around them and dodge and hide from them in ways not possible with the regular opponents they deal with. It must be frustrating for the trio. I wonder how much the Mysterious Beyond hears about their failure to get a bunch of kids. If so, that must make the trio quite the laughingstock and make the gang rays of hope. No wonder the trio appear to pursue them with such persistence – the gang damaged their reputation and pride.

I wonder if small people + teamwork will be the answer Ruby and Chomper will find to take down those three.

This is a really cool point. If we ever get a second season of the TV show, I'd like the show to expand upon this theory and showcase why Redclaw and co are so fearsome. Because honestly, I've always had a soft spot for the big guy and his fast biter cronies, even if they aren't the most threatening sharpteeth around. :duckyOK
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Yacht life! :DD

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redclaw looks so cool and he’s a chump. :p

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


  • Ruby
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I've only watched 25% of the TV series but I think red claw and his fast biter minions really got their time to shine in the episodes the hidden Canyon and especially Escape From The Mysterious Beyond where we get to see an interesting dynamic between Chomper and thud and if Chomper should help a fast biter that could potentially kill them
It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.

— Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot, 1994