The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Arts => Silver Screen => Topic started by: WeirdRaptor on September 07, 2017, 05:17:39 PM

Title: Stephen King's It
Post by: WeirdRaptor on September 07, 2017, 05:17:39 PM
The re-adaptation I didn't see coming. I'm seeing it tonight, because for all intents and purposes, it looks almost perfectly word-for-word based on the sections of the book where the main characters were kids. And to see an adaptation of King's work look so close to the material is rare, to say the least.  

King's novels have an interesting history with Hollywood. The guy's a great writer and one of the most efficient I've ever seen. He can pop out books the size of "Lord of the Rings" on an almost yearly basis and actually have a lot of them be really, really good. The downside is that most of the time the films based on them end up... um... how to put this nicely...? Terrible. Some are decent and a tiny, TINY handful will be great.

But the second adaptation of IT is looking like they've gone the extra mile to truly do justice to the book. I'm hoping they did, because if its good and is a huge success, this could open the door to many more vastly improved re-adaptations of King's work that just didn't work back in the day because modern filmmaking technology is just now catching up with King's imagination. So here's hoping. Will let you all know what I thought after the movie.
Title: Stephen King's It
Post by: Hypno on September 08, 2017, 05:54:48 PM
I saw it coming from a mile away. Take the clown craze thing back in October of last year. That was sort of a massive publicity stunt pertaining to the film coming out in the near future. And here we are, it is finally in theaters.

Hopefully there are no more box office bombs, like what happened with The Dark Tower this summer. I don't think I'll be seeing it though.
Title: Stephen King's It
Post by: WeirdRaptor on September 08, 2017, 07:57:54 PM
WeirdRaptor's Quasi-Non-Spoiler review:

I liked it.

Overall, I thought this was a really good movie, but it should have been a great movie, but it wasn't. But therein lies the problem with even trying to adapt King. He writes good books without a second thought to how Hollywood can cope with his prose.

I'll rewatch it in theaters now that I know what to expect, but I really did enjoy my experience (or at least as much as one can when there's a constant feeling of unease and impending dread during it). Bill Skarsgard was PERFECTION ACHIEVED as Pennywise, but I feel he should have been in a bit more of the film, or maybe not. I don't know. Maybe they made the right call by using him as sparingly they did and I'm just being fussy.
There was a lot of heart, all of the characters were as likeable or hate-able as they needed to be and the scares were good. It wasn't really a jumpscare-fest. The horror was based more around an intensely uncomfortable feeling of unease and impending sense of doom.

Anyway, the kids were good. Real good. The adult actors who star in the next one have big shoes to fill. ...Never though I'd say that of adult actors instead of the kid ones. Apart from downplaying a couple members of the The Loser's Club, this was real good.

The downside. Sadly, it was not as close to the book as I would have liked considering that the advertisements made it look like this was going to be very close to the source. They really downplay the Lovecraftian angle from the book, at least for now. They could reinstate the stranger things about the story in the sequel. Here's hoping.

As of right now, I give a 7.5-8/10.