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Messages - FlipperBoidSkua

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 32
The Fridge / Giant hornets vs Killer Bees
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:30:46 AM »
I was planning on taking a break from this forum, but this is a topic that greatly interests a bug-lover like me. Plus, a pet peeve of mine is when people automatically think one species (in this case, killer bees) would win a fight simply because it's more infamous among us humans. <_<

The fact of the matter is: Africanized Honeybees have not evolved a way to take down Japanese Giant Hornets. They don't have a heating ball instinct that the native Japanese bees do towards their enemies. Their best weapons (their stings) are pretty much useless against a Giant Hornet's armor. If a bee were to find a chink, that's great news for it, but it'll likely get slaughtered by the other hornets or by the hornet it's currently trying to sting.

The hornet's wings seem pretty vulnerable. And so do the eyes.

That does sound reasonable, but keep in mind that a hornet's wings hold no vital area for venom to inject and even a flightless hornet would be more than capable of killing bees. And the eyes are not like ours; they're not that much softer than the rest of the body.

Individual Giant Hornets have been known to overheat themselves when attacking a hive, but that makes little impact on the overall result.

The only time I would see killer bees legitimately win against a Giant Hornet is if they accidently swarm a heating ball around it, but they're unlikely to repeat the behavior in a swarm-on-swarm attack.

That's my two cents. Keep in mind, I am by no means an expert, so if you guys can take my words with a grain of salt if you like :)

The Written Word / Bonds
« on: February 12, 2013, 08:05:41 PM »
My first comment here!! Yayz!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to not only read, but to share your thoughts!! :DD

Oh, I think Mario has some potential if written well!  :D If I can make LBT intense and dramatic, I can probably pull this off, especially since this story's gonna get pretty dark in later chapters. :yes

The Welcome Center / It's like they're in-vit-ing me IN
« on: February 12, 2013, 01:50:03 AM »
Has it really taken me this long to say hi? I honestly didn't know you were here until you posted on my rattie topic!! Granted, I haven't been active here at all recently, so I guess it can't be helped.

But anyway, as I've said before, welcome to the forum!!! I hope you have a great time here and it'll be fun having you around, especially after all the help you've given me (your reviews really did leave that big an impression on me).

And omg, you like LBT, Super Mario Bros, AND Pokemon!? Plus Marine Biology?! More common ground!! :DD

The Written Word / Bonds
« on: February 12, 2013, 01:31:18 AM »
No interest has been shown in this story here, but I'mma submit the next chapter anyway!! :p


Chapter 1

Casted in the orange glow of the lava flow circling its structure, the towering castle stood silhouetted in the full moon's glow. To many, this ominous sight would be enough to dissuade them from going any closer, lest their lives be cut a bit shorter than nature intended. But to a couple of Hammer Bros., it was a beacon and they were drawn to it like a moth to a light-bulb. After several hours of walking, it was good to be back home. Crossing over the wooden bridge that was the only thing between them and death by molten lava, Crash and Impacto wandered nonchalantly to the Fire Bro. guards, Pyro and Inferno.

Grinning at the safe return of the duo, Pyro was quick to ask the question everyone in the castle will be keen to know. "How did it go?"

"A complete waste of time, as expected." Impacto answered in a mutter, feeling more than a little tired from the journey back.

"I don't even know why King Bowser bothers to try." Crash added, also aggravated that their efforts had been for nothing.

"You can try asking him that," Inferno told him jokingly, nodding back towards the castle entrance. "He's waiting for you two to report in the throne room. Good luck."

With that, the two Fire Bros. stepped aside to let their fellow soldiers pass and the two Koopas wasted no time in entering the castle and wandering through the dark corridors towards the throne room. It was very late and there wasn't much lighting to show them the way, but when one spent nearly their entire lives within these walls, one got to know their way around by pure memory. After several minutes of wandering expertly down one pathway to another, a light shone through a large door into the hall and the two Hammer Bros. quickly hurried towards it.

Entering the massive and gloriously decorated chamber, Crash and Impacto winced and took a moment to let their eyes adjust before heading closer to the throne facing the center of the room. Seated in the large luxurious chair was Bowser, his head resting in a clawed hand...asleep...

Glancing at each other, both seemed rather reluctant to wake their king, not knowing how he'll react. Who knows, doing such a thing could end with them running about screaming with their tails on fire. Deciding to take the risk, Crash cleared his throat in a loud and obvious fashion. This got Bowser to wake up, mid-snore, and his red eyes glared about the room quickly before landing on the two Hammer Bros. To the smaller turtles' relief, he didn't spew fire at them and instead he snorted with a dark growl.

"About time!" At this, both of the subordinate Koopas kept from rolling their eyes; they were perfectly on schedule…. But neither of them was particularly willing to correct their king on the matter. "I've been having nightmares about babysitting my kids, so I better hear some good news for once!"

Again, the Hammer Bros. exchanged looks, knowing that such good news didn't exist. Inwardly hoping he wasn't going to regret this, Impacto took it upon himself to break the news.

"Sorry to say, sir, but they all thought you were bluffing with the 'or else' part."

"Bluffing?!" Bowser started to roar after a brief moment of silence, smoke coming from his nostrils. "Bluffing?!" Claws clenching into fists, the King of Koopas snarled heavily at the thought of not being taken seriously. Why, those impudent little… Forcing himself to calm down before he destroyed something for the millionth time, Bowser took a deep breath and the two Hammer Bros. braced themselves for the beating they knew their ears were about to endure. "ALL SOLDIERS OF THE KOOPA TROOP, WAKE YOUR LAZY CORPSES UP AND REPORT TO ME AT ONCE!!!"

That announcement over, Crash and Impacto forced themselves to relax, shaking their heads to rid the ringing sound in their ears. Even when they were ready for it, Bowser's roars never got any better to hear at such close range. Watching as their king leaned back on his throne, they both straightened as Bowser returned his attention to them.

"We'll be launching a raid on that village as soon as dawn breaks. Impacto, get ready. Crash," He turned to said Hammer Bro. "do you think you can handle this without killing anybody?"

This surprised Crash; normally, he had to sit out on missions like this with no say in it at all, not that he couldn't understand why. Bowser's main goal was to gain more soldiers and in most cases, those soldiers were best received alive... Something Crash wasn't particularly good at doing on his own accord. Blood-filled memories of that one fateful raid five years ago rose before his mind's eye and his fists tightened. Unable to lie to his king, he answered with his own growl.

"No, sir. I can control myself in many situations, but a raid is simply too much to ask for. Death on both sides will be guaranteed…"

"Very well," Bowser grunted. "You're relieved for the night, but I expect you to report to me early tomorrow," -At this point, he gave a dark grin- "With all the new recruits we'll have, I'll be giving you plenty of new assignments."

At this ominous promise, Crash only responded with a dark smirk of his own.


Waking up early wasn't something Pip had a particularly difficult time with. Typically, he would wake up at regular intervals during the night, and this one was no exception. It was strange though; unlike all the other nights, he felt a sense of unease. Must be from the presence of Bowser's soldiers and his body's just now reacting to the potential threat. A bit late, isn't it? News already spread that the Hammer Bros. had left.

Well, didn't matter. They're gone and he had a bright day to look forward to! Already, he was thinking of a potential prank to pull on his brother this morning, just to trick him into believing he was late for school. That'll be revenge for the time Flit put a dead fish into Pip's room; it took DAYS to get rid of the smell...

Peeking out his shell, he uncurled his limbs from within its warm and comforting confines and yawned with a stretch. Immediately after, he rolled over onto his shell and flopped his head into his pillow, too lazy and unwilling to get out of bed. Eh, the prank can wait. It was Saturday and dang it, he was going to enjoy it by sleeping in! The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon, beginning to wash over everything within reach in a warm glow. Through his open window, Pip could smell the morning dew littering the grass and the soft breeze blowing over the landscape.

Such peaceful scents was all that was needed to send him back into the blissful darkness of sleep...


At least until that rang through the morning air, darting passed his window and entering unpleasantly into his ears. Jerking up, he blinked dazedly, taking a moment to snap out of it before standing on his bed to peek through the window and find out what exactly is going on! He only needed a split-second's worth of comprehension to see the village full of Koopa strangers swarming the pathways, kicking down doors, and...

Pip's eyes widened as he saw his own neighbor getting dragged out of his house, limbs bounded in ropes to ensure his thrashes proved meaningless. What in the world...? Instantly, the 'or else' part of the ad and the Hammer Bro.'s threatening words arose in his mind. It was Bowser's Koopa Troop, coming to get their new recruits! Oh boy...

Suddenly, his bedroom door exploded with heavy knocks and Pip visibly jumped before snapping towards his room's entrance, heart pounding at the possibility of it being an intruder. But luckily, it was Flit's voice that shouted from other side.

"Dude, get out of bed! We have to get Mom outta here!"

"I'm up!" Pip assured as he flew quickly to his door and swung it open. Before he could properly react, his older brother grabbed his arm and hurried towards their mother's room, crossing the living room and reaching for the handle when-

The main doorway ripped from its hinges as a storm of Koopa Troopas slammed into it and they glanced around the house before their collective eyes settled on the two young Paratroopas. Pip and Flit was certainly startled, but instincts have taken hold of their body and they knew they had to react fast. Without a word, Flit pushed his sibling closer to their mother's door, giving the silent order to get her to safety. Pip understood and yanked the door open, darting inside as fast as his wings could carry him. As he was doing that, his older brother withdrew into his shell and launched himself at the invaders, stalling them in the name protecting his family.

"Mom!" Pip yelled as he landed at his parent's bed. Gripping the blankets in such a tight hold that the scales on her knuckles were turning white, Mrs. Paratroopa appeared dazed in her terror and it took her son grabbing her arm to snap her out of it. "C'mon, Mom! Get up!"

The eldest Koopa needed no more prompting. Getting her old wings to work, she fluttered alongside her son as they tried to sneak out the back through the kitchen, the distracted mother gaining enough of her senses to ask a very important question: "Where's Flit?"

"I'll get him! Just go!" Pip answered, opening the door to find more enemy Koopas. Luckily, they were preoccupied with other hostages and Pip scanned the skies for Paratroopa and Lakitu enemies. None were in sight and he gave his mother a prompting push. "Fly, Mom! Get outta here!"

Mrs. Paratroopa was extremely reluctant to go anywhere without her children, but when she looked back, Pip was gone. Running through the kitchen back into the living room, Pip saw that the place looked trashed, but there was no sign of Flit or the invaders. Where-? Hearing racket outside the main door, the young Koopa hurried to find himself confronted with a terrifying sight. His struggling brother was being dragged off by an enemy Koopa Troopa, his limbs and wings all tied up. Feeling an instinct unlike any he's felt before, Pip felt a growl rise in his throat and he took off straight towards the enemy Koopa, withdrawing into his shell at the last second.

The Koopa Troopa certainly didn't know what hit him as he felt the impact and fell forward, stunned. Wasting no time, Pip shot back out of his shell and kneeled by his brother.

"What about Mom?!" Flit asked frantically as his younger sibling bit through the ropes binding him.

"Well, I couldn't leave you!" Pip answered back, feeling a massive pressure to keep both his family members safe. "And she's fine! I told her to fly! Besides," He casted a glance around, taking note of something. "I don't think they'd be interested in taking her."

Indeed, he saw that all the hostages that Bowser's soldiers were taking were young males, so it was reasonable that their fairly elderly mother would be safe from their attention. That was something of a relief, although Pip knew that he and his brother would still be in big trouble. Looking up at the sky, he saw that the aerial enemies were now making their appearance, Paratroopas swooping in low to grab unsuspecting Koopas and Lakitus throwing their infamous collection of Spinies. The sky wasn't safe for them, but neither was the ground. To Pip's growing horror, he saw several Fire Bros. set some houses alight, no doubt trying to drive out the residents and possibly carrying out some retaliation on Bowser's behalf.

The fire quickly spreading throughout the village, Pip's ears was filled with the panicked screams of his neighbors and he felt Flit pull his arm in a gesture of retreat. Yes, the sky was unsafe, but it was the only option they had. Spreading their wings, they both took off, avoiding the fire's smoke as best they could. But it was of no use, for a whoosh-ing sound sped past Pip's left wing. Yelping in startlement, Pip was about to give warning to Flit when another whizzing object, -a hammer, he realized-, smashed into his brother's wing.

Crying out in pain, Flit felt his flight falter and he fell towards the ground.

"FLIT!" Pip called out, swooping to catch his brother, only to veer on reflex when another hammer narrowly missed his head. In pure and utter horror, Pip watched his brother make a crash-landing into the ground and before he could land to help, a Hammer Bro. sped over with ropes ready to retake the Paratroopa hostage. Once more feeling the protective instinct rushing over him, Pip sped down as fast as his wings would allow. The Hammer Bro. was a much larger Koopa than he was, and so it would be wise to avoid a direct confrontation. So the young teenager settled for the dive-bombing technique, hoping to distract the enemy long enough for Flit to recover and escape.

It seemed to work, as the Hammer Bro. jumped back a bit to avoid the first dive-bomb and glaring at the defiant Paratroopa, he had little choice but to keep his attention on avoiding the aerial assault he now found himself in.

Seeing what his younger brother was doing, Flit immediately tried to stand up, only to feel pain explode from his ankle, adding to the agony that his broken wing produced. Sucking in air from his beak, he tried again before he felt hands grab him. He was about to bite said hands in defense, thinking they were from an enemy Koopa, only to look up and see his mother. Allowing her to support him, he hobbled as fast as he could, knowing his brother was safe and knew what he was doing...

Pip spotted his family making as fast a run for it as they could and he felt a wave of relief pass through him. They did it! Well, technically they had a ways to go to get safely out of the village, but at least they were out of immediate danger, so long as the other Koopas didn't notice them. But in his distraction of watching his mother and sibling retreat, he wasn't paying attention to the Hammer Bro. he was harassing and a solid and powerful impact slammed into his gut. Even his under-shell did little to soften the blow.

The air knocked right out of his lungs, the stunned Paratroopa fell to the ground, barely managing a grunt when he hit the unforgiving dirt and trying in vain to restore the air in his lungs. Feeling a strong grip yank his arms behind his back and ropes binding them together, he knew the Hammer Bro. had won this battle. The breathless adolescent couldn't even call out for his family's help, for all that came out was a wheezing squeak. Feeling a tug on his wings, he knew they too were being bound and he could do nothing as the Hammer Bro. pulled him to his unsteady feet and practically dragged him away.

Away from his village...

Away from his family...


The Fridge / Got My New Pets!!
« on: February 11, 2013, 11:57:38 PM »
They're adorable, Flip! They're gonna bring you a lot of happiness. My little sister has a rat, and she loves him to death. Really cute and really smart.

By the way, thanks for your great fanfiction: I'm still working on the on you inspired me to write.

A certain koopa Nutt.

Oh, hi!!! How did I miss you signing up here!! Welcome to the forum, buddy!!!

They're certainly bringing my joy; rats are the best pets I've ever owned and I've owned a LOT!

And you're welcome!! I'm actually thinking of adding a few extra scenes in Guilty Until Proven Innocent since for me, deleted scenes can't stay deleted for long... <_<  I'll get more on that on the actual thread of importance. Anywho, keep going with that fanfic of yours!! I can't wait to read it!!

And ooooo, I take you're fully aware of what I'm talking about concerning my new babies' names!! :DD

I hate rats but I'm glad you got them.

That's alright, I don't expect everyone to like them. Thank you for the good wishes though!!

Congratulations on getting your new rats, Sparky! They’re very cute!  And I loved hearing your observations about their personalities.

Thank you, Pangy!! Observing them has been a very interesting past-time!!

So these two are from the same litter? Wow, I didn't know that was possible; I'd always assumed that Dumbo rats were a separate breed or something.  But if that's true, then I guess it must be some sort of recessive gene that gives them the funny ears. Interesting.

Well, the thing is, rats haven't been domesticated long enough for true breeds to emerge. Right now, we call the differences between them "variety", so they can all occur in the same litter. Plus, their mom's standard ear, their dad (a wonderful beige hooded rat named Jackson) is dumbo. Surprisingly enough, the majority of the litter are dumbo. Claiming Koopa was very lucky as he was the only standard-earred male in the brood and competition for these baby rats was surprisingly fierce. Luckily, I got first dibs cause I waited outside in the cold and rain HOURS before the store even opened! THAT'S dedication!! :lol

I'm pretty sure that all three of my siblings have told me at some point that they would love to have rats as pets (as would I). It’s probably not going to happen as long as Sasquatch (our cat) is around, though. Oh well.

Watch this:

However, from what I heard, I think Sasquatch might be too hyper to be trusted around ratties! :lol

Aww…that is so sweet, and so sad.

I know right. I was visiting just yesterday and she was still acting like that. This time, she tried to slip away from Dad and when I looked back as I was walking away, I saw her watching me leave (anthropomorphism imminent: she looked very sad, like she was being abandoned). And here I thought it would get better with more visits, but I felt even worse than last time! :cry

Good luck on training your new ratties (especially Tanooki) to not be afraid of you

I'm gonna write an update on that actually, as soon as I finish with this response!!

Random observation: I spy a Dragonite plushie (and a heap of smaller, indistinct plushies) in the background of the video!

Yup!! Most of my plushies are still in their bags, but currently (and during the time of that recording) I have my giant Dragonite and Gengar plushies, as well as my Super Mario Bros. Plushies consisting of: A Koopa Troopa, a Paratroopa, a Dry Bones, a Hammer Bro, and a Boomerang Bro.

...Man....this obsession really is bad.

Last-minute thought: Ooh! You should find some way to record Tanooki's Water Bottle Ritual. I'd love to see that!

I've been thinking the same thing! I bet it'll be a big hit on youtube!! Now if I can figure out a way to record it in a decent, non-shaky manner with my webcam without freaking Tanooki out...

Time for the Update!!

Last Saturday was their 7th week of life. They can now be considered teenagers! At first, my attempts to regain Tanooki's trust hasn't really been working out, so I had to change my methods a bit: this time, I focused on the encourager of Tanooki's fear (aka, Koopa) using a combination of Trust Training and Forced Socialization (which I prefer to call "Hands-On Therapy" :p ).

Basically, in addition to my previous method, I hold little Koopa for 20+ minutes. The reason behind this is that a rat cannot sustain its fear for more than 20 minutes. After that, they begin to relax in your hold and realize that you're not going to hurt them. Using this method, Koopa now allows me to pick him up out of the cage without a struggle. He's also skilled at shoulder riding and is nibble-grooming me (a great sign of affection among rats). Whenever he's exploring and gets spooked, he runs to me for safety. He knows how to come when called and to stand on his hind-legs on command. Currently, he's learning how to walk on his hind legs and he's had his first Fetch session this morning (he's got the chasing the ball of string down, but bringing it back is something he'll still need to master). Despite his skittish beginnings (he's still terrified of strangers), he's a very fast learner and I'm so proud of him! Ah, the power of Cheerios!

With Koopa no longer fueling Tanooki's paranoia, I've been making some progress with Tanooki as well. He still runs and hides (and prompts Koopa to do it as well, although I can tell Koopa's doing it to simply follow his brother rather than actual fear) when I make too much movement in his direction and he still squirms when I remove him from the cage. But once he's out, he tucks his head into the crook of my arm and practically falls asleep. Just the other day, he was bruxing (when rats are happy, they grind their teeth) for the first time whilst being held by me. He seems to react with interest to certain music (Specifically this one: ) in that he'll peek out from my arm curiously whilst it's playing and he now enjoys getting ear massages. I can tell he's still nervous about me, but it's definite progress.  :yes

Visual Art / FBS's General Art
« on: February 11, 2013, 10:33:13 PM »
I separated this submission from my reply so you won’t have to feel obliged to review in your response, Pangy!!

Alright, I’m gonna limit it to two pics so as not to overwhelm! I certainly don’t want ya to feel rushed in reviewing Pangy, so again take the time you need!

This first one came from an old fanfic of mine; it was one of my first on, but I removed it cuz it sucked big time. It was based on the children’s book, Crickwing, written by the same author as Stellaluna. I loved that book sooo much!! Anywho, I drew a pic of a scene from my story, depicting the first meeting between the two protagonists.

Scouting up the massive trunk of a tree, Private kept her small eyes peeled for any movement, movement that always equalled food. However, the tree was mostly empty; apparently the residents knew of her presence and has hidden.

Like she needed to this job to be harder...

Oh well, at least she's getting much needed practice. Maybe she'll find something so good, she'll advance in her rank! Her antennae perked at the thought.

So absorbed she was in her ambitious imaginings, she didn't notice that there was movement right in front of her.

Dirt could barely see where she was going, carrying such a large leaf. She was the only one of her colony in this tree, having scouted it out and is now taking a sample of it back to the nest.

But that job was interrupted when she slammed into something and vice versa. Yelping, she lost balance and fell from the twig, only one set of her claws keeping her from the long fall to the forest floor. Whimpering, she flailed a bit, trying to climb back on the twig. But her cargo wasn't making it easy.

Glancing back towards movement, she spotted an soldier army ant staring at her with antennae tilting forward in curiosity. Dirt didn't like the close proximity with the larger ant, especially not of those massive jaws, but she had no choice....

"H-hey!" Dirt called out to the other insect, voice muffled by the leaf sample. "Help me out and pull me up. Please?"

Private tilted her head, unsure of what to do. This must be one of those leaf-cutter ants her colony often spoke of. Not food, not a threat, why should she care? Still she was curious of the little ant's flailing, wondering why she couldn't just drop the piece of vegetation and pull herself up.

"Just let go of the leaf." she told Dirt, who shook her head vigorously.

"I can't!" she protested. "A leaf-cutter ant never loses her leaf!"

'Well, that's stupid,' was the only thought going through Private's mind...

Private the Army ant and Dirt the Leaf-Cutter ant. All I can say is that I genuinely like how this picture came out! Drawing insects has always been my specialty (seeing how a TON of my OCs are arthropods of some sort) and I think this one kinda shows it. The thing that bothers me is mainly the scaling. In Crickwing, the two ant species aren’t truly in the same picture together, so I had to use the Crickwing character himself to make the judgement. I’m not too sure the real-life size comparisons of the two, although I heard that Army ants are pretty large.

Not much else to say unfortunately. Private’s antennae also bug me though (pun not intended).

P.S. Army ants are technically blind, but for the sake of this story, Private's got some amount of eyesight!! :p

Now let’s end this on a sadder note. I’ve been waiting to submit this pic here for a while, so much so that I had the description pre-written in my documents. It’s another Pokemon picture, so yeah.

I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom to make it all better
I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom who will love me whatever

I want a mom to take my hand
And make me feel like a holiday
A mom to tuck me in at night
and chase the monsters away
I want a mom to read me stories
And sing a lullaby
And if I have a bad dream to hold me when I cry

I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom to make it all better
I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom that will love me whatever, forever

And when she says to me, she will always be there
To watch and protect me, I don't have to be scared
Oh, and when she says to me "I will always love you"
I won't need to worry 'cause I'll know that it's true

I want a mom when I get lonely
Who will take the time to play
A mom who can be a friend and find a rainbow when it's gray
I want a mom to read me stories
And sing a lullaby
And if I have a bad dream, to hold me when I cry

I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom to make it all better
I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom that will love me whatever, forever
I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom to make it all better
I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom that will love me whatever, forever
I want a mom
I want a mom
I want a mom that'll last forever
I want a mom that'll last forever
I want a mom
I want a mom
I want a mom that'll last forever
I want a mom
I want a mom that'll last forever
I want a mom that'll last forever
I want a mom...

I’ve been playing my older Pokemon games lately (particularly the Yellow version) and it only now just hit me how dark the Pokemon franchise was in its early days. Particularly with the infamous city of Lavender Town, which is dedicated specifically to Death. Firstly, it’s the place where you find out that you had a direct hand in the death of one of your rival’s Pokemon. Apparently, in your last battle with him, you critically injured his Raticate, and unable to seek help in time, the little rat Pokemon died. Your rival’s in Lavender Town to bury his friend and one of the first things he says to you is if you know what it’s like to lose a friend. AND if killing your rival’s Pokemon isn’t enough, the whole reason your there is pretty gruesome. Here’s the story for any who’s unfamiliar with what I’m talking about:

The main villains of the game, an organization called Team Rocket, is killing baby Cubones for the black market. One of the Cubone’s mother tries to save her baby, but is shot and killed. Now her restless spirit haunts the top floor of Pokemon Tower (a Pokemon cemetery) and attacks any intruders. Your job is to defeat her in battle (effectively ëkilling’ her a second time) so that she can pass on and rest in peace.

Then that leaves little Cubone, who I believe is the saddest Pokemon EVER conceived in the entire franchise. These tiny orphan Pokemon wear their mothers’ skull in mourning and NEVER removes it, so nobody knows what their real faces look like. They also carry another of their mothers’ bones as a club to defend themselves in a harsh and cruel world. During the day, these little guys typically act cold and distant with strangers for two supposed reasons: 1) they don’t know who they can trust and 2) having lost their mothers, they’re afraid of losing anybody else. But during the night, it is said that the shrill cries of these Pokemon can be heard for miles. These mournful sounds are even louder during a full moon. This is because the baby Pokemon sees the image of their mother’s face in the moon  :cry . They cry so often and so heavily, that their tears have left permanent streaks in the skull they wear. Their story and sorrow is so powerful, that I read that the infamous Lavender Town theme is officially called Cubone’s Pain. A sad, yet beautiful version of the song can be heard here:

Now about the actual picture. It was inspired by the song quoted above. Cubone itself is an easy Pokemon to draw, but that skull is evil. I also didn’t put too much effort in the Kangaskhan in the background. I just added it simply as a nod to a fan-theory that Cubones are actually baby Kangaskhan and that the stress of living on their own leads them to follow a different evolutionary line. I personally don't think I buy into it. *shrugs*

Also, the Golbat was fun, especially since I added it mainly to have a baby Zubat clinging to her, like some real-life bats. And poor little Cubone...

Anywho, enjoy!

Visual Art / FBS's General Art
« on: February 11, 2013, 10:24:37 PM »
Even though you’re probably going to tell me not to worry about it, I’m sorry for taking so long.

Hehe, you read my mind! It's really no problem at all! Really, I'm sorry myself for constantly adding more pics and bombarding you with newer and newer stuff to add to your review!

Even though I can tell he’s based on the same design as the Jackie Chan Adventures Chupacabra, this one looks a lot closer to some of the pictures I’ve seen of what the real-world cryptid supposedly looks like (Perhaps that was intentional on your part).

Actually, I based his design on a show called Animal X, when they did an episode of the chupacabra. I actually watched the Choopie episode of JCA after I conceived the character. HOWEVER, drawing this new design, I DID use the JCA's chupacabra as a color reference!!

Most of all, I love the amount of personality in his face. His eyes seem surprisingly expressive, considering their complete lack of pupils, and I love the way the line of his mouth is curved. Somehow it makes me think of animals like cats, crocodiles, penguins, bearded dragons, etc., whose mouths are set in more or less fixed positions that don’t allow them to be particularly expressive, yet still manage (from an anthropomorphic perspective at least) to exude a range of emotions based on the simplest of changes in the face (like a closed eye or slightly gaped jaw).

I LOVE drawing animals that are realistic, yet still show emotions and personality via their face. I especially like the ones you've mentions, with fixed expressions, as they provide an extra fun challenge in making them interesting and distinguishable! I'm glad it worked so well with Chupa!!

Strangely enough, the main issue I have with Chupa’s design are his nostrils (if that’s what those two black dots on his forehead are); I’m not sure it would be physically possible for nostril openings to be that close to the eyeballs, seeing as you’d need to have space for both the nasal passages and the eye sockets. The way his third and fourth head spines are bent in completely opposite directions also looks a little strange, though I find it clever that you have those first three spines curled forward to emulate a hairstyle.

I believe I done those hole-thingies because they were prominent in the CGI model in Animal X. Back then, I remember interpretating it as some adaptation that allows Chupa to better receive telephathic messages from others as well as receiving the brain-waves that allows him to read minds. In present times, I'm not too sure if that would work, but I too think they're rather odd. I'm now unsure what their function is... :unsure:

And the hair-style thing is something I can't resist. Even the old-style Chupa had those! I just LOVE giving my character's bangs. :lol

Pop-tarts…now that’s a hilariously random favorite food for a Chupacabra.  And the mental image of him sleeping on a pile of laundry is adorable! I’d get pretty uncomfortable having him around if he was always hunting my pets, though…

I don't remember why I chose pop-tarts anymore, but I agree in that it's hilarious! :lol: And I'm certain I'll be making a Chupa sleeping drawing, it's just too cute! Another cute thing he does is his Begging Face. He makes his eyes extra big and shiny, holds his claws together under his chin, and sticks the very tip of his tongue out. It's a look Xeno can't resist and a weakness Chupa exploits often.

And no worries, Xeno's well aware that Chupa won't harm her babies (not like he has much success in hunting them anyway :rolleyes: ).

Personally I don’t find Crypto as interesting as the other two cryptids (mainly because I’ve never cared much for Greys or other human-like aliens; they’re just too boring for me ), but I’ve still managed to find things I like about him. I love the idea that he wears a cap in the shower; that’s hilarious!  (I remember a joke just like that in a Three Stooges episode.)

I think I did intend Crypto to be a bit blander than the other two, as if to emphasize the difference between them. And I never actually watched the Three Stooges; I think the shared joke is AWESOME.

I’m not sure if it was intentional or not, but his mouth in the upper left picture is a little asymmetrical, which makes him look annoyed.

No, it wasn't intentional, but I LIKE IT!!! :!

Seriously, am I the only one to notice what bizarre noses humans have? They stick straight out from the rest of the face, the nostrils face downward, and they’re completely separate from the lips and mouth. I can’t help but think we must look incredibly ugly to most other species.

Nope!! You're not the only one, buddy!! I think our flat faces and our (rather sad) lack of a tail and natural coat makes us rather odd looking to other animals!!

Sheesh… Overpowered, much?

Yes! Yes, he is!! I think I was making up for the fact that Xeno herself can beat him up in a physical fight! Plus, he needs all that power to defend himself from Chupa on a regular basis!

Weirdly enough I find the front view of his face to be a little creepy-looking, but in the other (larger) view I think he looks cute.

Yes! I'm not the only one to find the front view creepy! It's the eyes, I swear!! I once made a collage of different facial expressions for Azul and one of them (a look he makes when he's hungry) is genuinely unnerving: he stares intently at you with his mouth open enough to show his rows of sharp teeth whilst drooling excessively. And he won't stop staring until you give him food...

but his feet look rather strange to me. It looks like he’s wearing socks; I can’t tell how many toes he has (if any), and I can’t see any claws or nails, which seems odd given that he has claws on his hands.

Yeah, the pictures I've seen of what these goblins supposively looks like doesn't really show nails or claws on the feet. But he does have toes, so yay! :DD

Likes candy and pranks? I’ll bet he loves Halloween.  Can he control his own luminosity? He could be a living Halloween lawn decoration!

I actually have a very old picture drawn of him during Halloween! He's dressed as a Pumpkin! And another picture draw of the the same Halloween night had him passed out from eating so much candy, with Chupa walking by with this unimpressed look on his face!!

And yeah, Azul has both conscious and unconscious control of his glowing. Many of his pranks (which takes place at night, seeing how he's naturally nocturnal) has him dimming his lights so he can't be seen and it's also something he did when Xeno first found him so as not to draw attention to himself (which failed regardless). I also ready that when shot at, the goblins flash brighter when they're hit, something I interprete as being an involuntary response.

I’m starting to notice a pattern of these guys getting injured before bonding with Xeno… How exactly did Azul get hurt, if he’s tough enough not to be damaged by bullets? (By the way, I was surprised to find out that that was a real reported trait of the Hopskinville Goblins; you really did your homework on these guys!)

Yeah, back then, I couldn't really conceive of any other way for them to bond with this unassuming human girl.

Azul's injuries were made ambiguous as I was leading to a big reveal. Unfortunately, I never made it that far in the story and I don't remember what that reveal was anymore. Sorry :(

And yes, being so obsessed with them and of Chupacabras leads me to do as much research and watch as many relevant documentaries of them as I possibly can!!

Honestly, I think he’s kind of silly-looking (though don’t tell him I said that ); when I look at his ears and the collar around his neck I can’t help but think of a jester outfit.

He does look pretty silly, doesn't he? He looks a lot more intimidating when they keep him in the shadows (which, luckily, they do most of the time). I think the jester look was intentional, seeing as how his fellows, Seraphimon and Ophanimon, are based off knights and other medieval designs. :yes

I am very familiar with PokÈmon (I first got into them about 12 or 13 years because I realy liked their designs and thought they made for really interesting fictional animals; later I heard about Digimon, but I already had my obsession and so I paid no attention to them).

I definitely agree with you! The whole reason I fell in love with Pokemon to begin with is because they're soooo obviously based on animals (amongst other things). I never really cared for the human characters... But I have lost interest in the newest generation. The Diamond version is the furthest I got, and even then, I don't play it as much as my older games.

I honestly think your Dragonite looks cuter than most of the official artwork I’ve seen (Personally I’ve never liked Dragonite’s design as much as its pre-evolutions’). I honestly can’t help but feel bad for it, even though I’ve had my own share of royal-pain-in-the-neck PokÈmon opponents.

Awwwww!! Thank you!!! Especially since I find Dragonite adorable as it is! And I don't blame you if you like Dratini and Dragonair's design better, as Dragonite seems compared to them. And apparently, he does for a reason. The reason he looks so different from his pre-evolutions and why he's such a pain-in-the-neck to beat is because he was originally intended to be a stand-alone Legendary Pokemon. Then Nintendo changed their minds and added him to the Dratini evolutionary line. I guess it doesn't really matter overall, but I found it interesting enough to share! :smile

I found the Hidden Mickey, by the way; it’s on the lightning bolt.

Yayz!! I love it when people find my Hidden Mickeys!!

I dunno, maybe Bug is strong against Psychic because it’s hard to concentrate on using telekinesis when there’s a fly buzzing around your head.

That's actually pretty close. According to a lot of people who commented on the pic in DA, the types Psychics are weak against (Bugs, Dark, and Ghost) are actually based on common fears! I guess the logic is that people can't think straight when confronted with something they're afraid of. Although I agree, plenty of the weaknesses you pointed out make no sense (although that Dragon fact seems pretty legit!)

Shadow Lugia is really cute. (I wish Lugia’s Shiny sprite had those colors…) This is pretty much the picture that inspired me to put him on your star day card. And I think you did pretty well drawing the human character  (Clever of you to hide as much of her as possible behind the book so that you wouldn't have to draw an entire human, by the way ). I also love the colors in this picture, particularly Shadow Lugia’s shade of purple. I think it’s awesome that you hand colored it.  And for the record, I had no problem reading your handwriting.

I too wish Lugia's Shiny looked like this!! I once spent a LOT of man-hours searching of a way to get Shadow Lugia in my games (unfortunately you can't trade him from Gale of Darkness to the hand-held games <_< ), but I can't hack to save my life....

That book was a life saver!! I still no like drawing humans (although, I think I'm getting better)!

It's been a while since I hand-colored a picture. My colored pencils feel rejected! :lol:

And yayz!! Someone who can read my handwriting!! You're one of the few to say that actually!!

Wow, so you came up with this entire sequence of waking/stretching positions yourself? That is, they aren’t based on any scenes from the movies where Sparky is seen waking up? (I wouldn’t know because I’ve only ever seen the original Lilo and Stitch.) This is a pretty elaborate series of poses; it almost makes me think you could be a storyboard artist! My favorite image in the sequence is the one where his hair is all fuzzed out,  though I also really like the first one where he’s asleep.

One more thing I just realized: those antennae of his look an awful lot like jumper cables. I guess Sparky could be a useful companion on a long road trip in case your car battery died.

Yup!! Made it all up myself in my Sparky fanfic! I don't think I've ever seen Sparky sleep in the series now that I think about it!!

Wow, I never noticed how his antennae look like cables!! That's AWESOME :! !!! He probably would be useful, if he doesn't blow it up (Sparky's voltage is so powerful, so far only a lighthouse proved strong enough to take it) or eat it (yes, Sparky eats batteries!)  :lol

Prior to the creation of this piece, I seriously doubt that there had ever been a reenactment of the “lolrus” meme that featured a leopard seal as the star pinniped, or, for that matter, that a polar bear had ever played the role of the bucket.

Whoa....originality coming from me? I'm scared!! :lol If it wasn't for the real-life scenario this was based upon, I don't think I'd ever expect seeing a pic like this either!!

I actually think you did a great job drawing the leopard seal; good enough that I immediately recognized it as such the first time I saw the picture. Not only is the shape of the head spot-on, but you included claws on the flippers, and from what I can see of the teeth, it looks like you at least attempted to give it the multi-pronged molars that real leopard seals have.

That's very good to hear, since my other attempts at drawing leopard seals has ended miserably. I especially seem to have a hard time drawing the leopard seal from Happy Feet, which sucks seeing how popular he is in my Happy Feet fanfics... I guess this lolrus style is the way to go then!!

I also like this picture because I find it hugely refreshing to see a leopard seal being silly for once, since the vast majority of leopard seal images out there (including every. single. movie ever made in which leopard seals are featured, and about 99% of all nature documentaries) depict a ruthless predator, usually lurking beneath the edge of an ice shelf waiting to devour a helpless penguin. They’re awesome, don’t get me wrong, but surely leopard seals have a curious, playful side and cute fluffy pups just like any other seal. Personally I think they’re one of the most unfairly portrayed marine mammals in popular media, so I really appreciate your choice to draw a happy, goofy leopard seal just playing around (and, in the next picture, relaxing). For that matter, I think it’s pretty awesome that you chose a leopard seal as your marine mammal persona in the first place; I can’t imagine most people picking a leopard seal over a polar bear, dolphin, orca, whale, sea lion, or sea otter.

Agreed, but I guess it was that depiction that got me to love them in the first place (ah, my villain side talking). It would definitely be refreshing to see something different though. Must be why I love that Wild Kingdom episode about a leopard seal befriending a human. I think that's the closest we'll get to a lovable leopard seal in the media.

I can't imagine my marine mammal crittersona to be anything else. As much as I love orcas and admit to them being my favorite sea animal and among my favorite animal period, leopard seals just have a very special place in my heart. It's my inner childhood speaking :D

Initially I interpreted your leopard seal crittersona (that’s going to be the term I use for animal personas from now on ) as having her eye cracked open, and peering out the corner of it at the other two, as if even she couldn’t resist the cuteness of her friends sleeping.

Why do I have this sense of deja vu? Like I once had a dream of reading that comment.... Oh well!

As seen in my response above, I'mma be using the crittersona term now too!!

And while I’m not sure how comfortable a dolphin would be taking a nap out of water, it looks adorable, especially in conjunction with the polar bear having its paws hanging over the dolphin’s back.

I thought the same thing, but then my mind went, "CUTENESS OUTWEIGHS ALL LOGIC!!1!!one!!!eleven!!!"

Just to add on to that, in case you’ve ever heard that polar bear hairs are like fiber optic cables that conduct sunlight down so that the heat is absorbed by the skin, I learned a few years ago that that’s actually a myth. Polar bear fur is an effective enough insulator on its own that the bear has no need for an additional source of heat. In fact, polar bears are often at risk of overheating in the summer, when the sun beats down on them twenty-four hours a day, even without high-tech, heat-absorbent fiber-optic fur.

Wow, I don't think I've heard of that memo. It's very interesting even if its a myth.

Woohoo! Finally caught up on reviewing the artwork in this thread!

*plays celebratory carnival music!!* :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: February 11, 2013, 07:51:26 PM »
((OOC: I don't wanna put too much until Pangy puts up the second half of his post, so here's something to show I'm still alive :lol ))

Having kept mostly to herself for the journey so far, Sparky was just as engrossed at the scenery as Pangaea was, as well as savoring what time she had 'walking' her new hostages-er... I mean, pets -er...I mean, Egg Stealer companions. Yeah, that's it! Stopping with the others, she watched the trouble Ozzy was having with concern. She was going to offer help when she realized that there really wasn't much she can do. So she just stayed where she was, occasionally making a move as if to assist in his efforts before holding herself back.


Normally, Thud would relish the fact that he won an argument, maybe even take a minute to rub his brother's sniffer in it, but not this time. The situation and the topic was just too serious and dire. So instead, he just nodded in compliance, following his brother as they got nearer to their destination.

However, after a few moments of silence, he felt he allowed the fire to simmer down a bit and he muttered in a voice barely loud enough to hear. "We should just give this situation some more time. Maybe everything will work out for the better, eventually." Although he himself wasn't so sure that he believed those words.

The Fridge / Got My New Pets!!
« on: February 01, 2013, 06:07:07 PM »
Aww, they're SO cute.  I wish I could have pet rats... I love rats.

Yay! A fellow ratty lover!!

I'm glad your enjoying your new pets, and you seem to be recovering well from loosing your other pets recently.

Yeah, as much as I hate to say it, I’m getting used to losing pets… Although my ratties and Picasso isn’t really lost to me; I take comfort in knowing that I’m free to visit when I like. My ratties are always excited to see me, although Domino seems to be taking it a bit harder than the other two.

On my last visit the other day, Domino insisted on staying on my shoulder and lap every moment and when it was time for me to go, Dad had to remove her and she seemed intent on taking my shirt with her. I felt so bad for her, but there’s nothing I can really do about it except to visit often!

Hope you get to enjoy them and take good care of them for a long time.

Thanks! I have every intention of loving my babies forever!!

I also feel it appropriate to give you guys updates. After observing them interact with each other, I've determined their personalities!

Koopa seems more playful and adventurous, but he’s also skittish when it comes to people and will hide whenever he catches movement from me. I’m hoping that’ll change with time. He also has a thing of pulling Tanooki’s tail to get him to play. He also LOVES Cheerios and is more willing to try new foods. It’s still too early to tell, but I think he might become the dominant ratty.

Tanooki is also pretty playful, but seems to prefer lazing around most of the time (must be why he gets his tail pulled by his brother all the time!). He’s much more picky when it comes to food and for the first time since I’ve own rats, he doesn’t seem too interested in treats and is content with his regular food. He also has this weird, yet hilarious, Water Bottle Ritual: he turned in circles a couple times, then drinks in a rather unique way… He turns his head upside down to drink from below, and then the rest of his body follows suit and he’s soon drinking whilst on his back! I’ve never seen that before!

Anywho, I've been experiencing some difficulties in trust training. Although Tanooki has made good progress, he recently met with an accident (falling whilst climbing upside-down on the bars of his cage) that he now associates me with (I caught him before he hit the ground). He's completely unharmed, but is now acting pretty fearful of me, with Koopa encouraging his skittish behavior. Luckily, I'm not giving up and will start again from Step One. :yes

Role Play Discussion / Beast wars/Lion King Cross over
« on: February 01, 2013, 05:54:50 PM »
You know I am, buddy!

The Fridge / Got My New Pets!!
« on: January 26, 2013, 10:15:04 PM »
Thanks for the comments! I'm glad you guys find them as cute as I do!! Squee!! X3 And I wasn't expecting comments about my hat!! It's one of my favorites to wear!! The matching sweater was a bonus!!  :DD I guess that and my ratties' names is just more proof that I love Super Mario too much! :lol

Are they getting used to you yet?

Typically, the first day's reserved for them exploring their cage and make it their new home. They've been skittish at first, but that's natural given that they're with a stranger in a strange place after traveling away from their family for the first time. Luckily, they're settling into their cage beautifully; they're currently cuddled together in their little tent. :)

Tomorrow, I'm gonna start introducing myself to them!! It should be pretty easy for them to get used to me since they're already socialized, but it could take a week or more depending on their personality. It'll take some work and lots of baby food, but it'll be very rewarding once they've bonded to me! :yes

And thank you for the youtube comment, Mumbling! I don't get those too often!

The Fridge / Got My New Pets!!
« on: January 26, 2013, 03:10:16 PM »
I just got two new baby rats!! Yayz!! Their names are Koopa and Tanooki! You can see them in this new video I made!

I apologize for my webcam's horrible quality and for my speech (the whole thing was unscripted) , but I think I still managed to get the point across! Aren't they adorable? :smile

LBT Fanfiction / FBS's New Art Stuffs
« on: January 21, 2013, 08:53:59 PM »
I have to head out soon, but I really want to put up my new pic before I go. I'll post up a response to Strut and Pangy as soon as I get time again (and when my internet's more cooperative <_< ).

I think I have enough time for a quick description! This is a doodle I did whilst working on my other big works (a realistic group shot of the super-pred gang from the "In the land before time" RP and my OC gang baking in the kitchen, plus another Super Mario Bros. pic). It spawned when I was watching the bonus content of "Walking with Dinosaurs" and one of the amusing title scenes had a skateboarding Coelophysis. How could I resist after that?!

Tiki found my skateboard and asked me to teach her how to use it. She's a quick learner and now she doesn't even wear protective gear anymore! Show-off. Here, she's trying to cheer up Teryx, who's still very peeved about his plucking even with his newly-knit sweater! To let off steam, he's playing Warpath: Jurassic Park and is beating on Pachycephalosaurus, whom he's pretending is Tero.

Not much effort went into this, but I would still love to hear your opinions! Feel free to comment without waiting for me to respond to the previous posts, I'll catch up ;) .

Gotta go!! See ya later!

The Fridge / Living On My Own
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:12:15 PM »
I’ve got a new apartment!! I’ve been living in it for a few days now and I’m getting used to it. My internet’s choppy but tolerable and I think I'm finally free to use my webcam (does that mean I'm now free to Skype? If I can figure it out :oops ). Finally, my first real step to living an independent life!

But it came at a heavy price. My beloved antlion, Apep, didn’t seem to have survived the move …  :cry My parents were supposed to be gentle in the transportation of his bowl, but I guess they weren’t gentle enough. They said they dropped the bowl and spilled the sand. They’ve recovered most of it and the bowl’s been under my supervision for a couple days with no sign of activity. I assume the worse for the little buggy… I’m giving it another night before I search more thoroughly for signs of life. I hope to see some doodles and a pit made by morning.  :unsure: I’ve decided to leave Picasso at home to stay on the safe side and not risk his fate as well.

More bad news, my pet rats Knaw, Skeet, and Domino can’t come with me. My dad refuses to let me have them, convinced the apartment doesn’t allow pets. He says antlions are okay because they can pass as an unassuming bowl of sand, but a rat cage will be impossible to hide… Even though several residents here have dogs WITH permission, so pets are perfectly okay! I think he just doesn’t want me to spend extra money in rent or something.<_<

But with bad news comes good news. Mom understands my love (and admitted obsession) with rats and she told me that we’re going to get new ones without Dad’s knowledge and criticism. She promises that Knaw, Domino, and Skeet will be well cared for and I’m free to visit anytime I want. I think she also feels bad for (possibly) killing Apep and is trying to make it up to me. Tomorrow, we’ll be shopping for new cages and accessories. Our usual pet store has 4-week old baby rats that’ll be ready for sale on Saturday when they’re weaned. I’ve already decided to get two male Dumbos (or a Dumbo and a Standard) and I’ll meet them for the first time tomorrow. I plan to visit the brood daily to get them familiar with me so their adoption will be less scary for them. It'll be the first time I'll be caring for such young ratties and the first time I'll own Dumbos. I'm....genuinely excited despite my loss... Does that make me a bad person :unsure: ?

So starting life on my own had some difficulties, but I think everything will balance out once I’m fully settled.

The Fridge / Wisdom Tooth Extraction
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:40:34 AM »
Thanks a ton for the card, Pangy!! Tomorrow is the big day and this awesome piece of work is really bringing my spririts up and calming my anxiety a bit!! I'll certainly send you a legit review of the card (that vampire bat is MADE of awesomeness!) in a PM when I get the time. I have a feeling I'm gonna be out of it for a while after the surgery!! :D

And thanks to Nick and CT for telling me about the IV anesthesia and for your reassurances as well. Looking passed my needle-fear, I think everything's gonna turn out to be okay tomorrow! :yes

Wish me luck peoples!! I'll give an update when I'm coherent enough! :p

Role Play Discussion / Members Meeting the Characters
« on: January 11, 2013, 11:03:57 PM »
Before I write up a response, Pangy, I have a question. Seeing how it's apparently night-time now (judging from Fyn's post; tell me if I'm wrong and it's the late evening or something ;) ), does that affect the passage of time for everyone else, like Screech and Thud?

The Fridge / Wisdom Tooth Extraction
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:50:37 PM »
Thank you all for the support and reassurances. *group hug* It's certainly making me feel better about all this; it's just hard not to blame myself since that's what my parents are doing and I already have self-esteem issues.

In answer to a question by bushwacked: Right now, a quarter of my wisdom tooth is missing, about half of the expose part. The other half and both roots are still there. The dentists also stitched something up, but I can't really see anything as my poofy inner-cheek is in the way. It hurts a lot and I have to take double the dose of vicodin (sp?), which keeps knocking me out during the day but is of little help at night when the pain is at its worse. Last night was a disaster.

On Wednesday, they're going to give me an IV anesthetic, which is making me nervous. Not only am I needle-phobic, but when I read the description I noticed that it only said that it'll make me "calmer and sleepy and less able to remember".... Nothing on whether I'll still be feeling pain during the operation. When I asked the doctor about it, all he said is that he'll try to make me comfortable and that I won't remember a thing... So...anyone who's had this kind of anesthetic before, can you answer straight-up on whether it'll still be painful or not?  :unsure:  :unsure:  :unsure:

My mom's also telling me that they're gonna remove my other wisdom teeth while they're at it. Hopefully, those won't hurt so much. I learned that the reason my tooth was in agony the other day during the procedure was because it was infected, unusually deeply-rooted, and practically on top of the nerve :blink: . Plus, I was also experiencing this weird thing where apparently my brain's misinterpretating the location of the pain. So while they were drilling/yanking my wisdom tooth, a molar tooth on the other side of my mouth (the non-anesthetic side) was reacting to it. I remembered screaming "What the hell are you doing?!" because I was so painfully confused as to why they were drilling a 'random' tooth, when apparently that wasn't the case.

At least right now I'm okay... Anxious and throbbing a bit, but okay. Here's to hoping I'll actually have a good night sleep tonight.

The Fridge / Wisdom Tooth Extraction
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:26:00 AM »
Here's what I wrote on my DA journal that pretty much sums it up:

….all because of me. Today we went to the dentist to pull out a highly infected wisdom tooth that’s been paining me for about half-a-year. And it was a prime example of how the pain of the treatment is far worse than the pain of the ailment itself. I would go so far as to say that it was the worse pain that I could remember to date, even far worse than an abscess in need of draining or a broken ankle. No amount of local anesthesia was working…

And I had little control over my body’s reaction. Although my parents were supportive at first, they also seemed to have trouble understanding that when one’s in intense pain, they have little to no control over their subsequent actions. Mine was trembling (the first time I ever trembled in pain and fear of something), jerking, and screaming. Really, it was a wonder I managed to stay still without biting or running away, that’s how bad it was.

Needless to say, the whole procedure was in vain as the dentists could do little to control my body’s reactions. I was trying my very best to stay cooperative and quiet, but my body was having none of it. Not even heavy metal music from my iPod, blasted at full volume, distracted from the pain (and that’s a method that’s always worked somewhat in the past). I believe this is the first time I couldn’t get a medical procedure done…

…and I feel horrible. It was all my fault…

After it was all over, I tried to at least comfort myself with the thought that this is one of the very rare instances where my step-dad showed that he actually cared. We never seem to get along very well and we almost never talk on our own devices (really, I’m full-on convinced that he doesn’t like me, period). But today, he stayed by my side for a good while, letting me hold his hand and reassuring me through my agony. But then, we got home and away from public eye…

I understand he was frustrated, we were all frustrated, but I’m a firm believer that the real truth is always spoken in anger. When we got home, he let loose on me, telling me how I was a wimp for not hanging in there long enough for the tooth to be removed. How he and mom had to miss work, “ALL TO ACCOMMODATE MISS THING” (“Miss Thing” referring to me…). Maybe I’m misinterpretating it, but that’s basically saying to me: “This is all your fault and you’re a disgrace and a disappointment. I’d rather have been working than trying to help my oldest (step)-daughter in her time of need. If only you were more like your sister, you pussy! Wasting all my money on your stupid ass…”


We’re going to an Oral Surgeon on a later date (I’m not sure when). They’re going to have to put me under to finish what they started…

I’m very disappointed in myself.

 :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry

I need a hug...

The Welcome Center / Hi, I'm new.
« on: January 09, 2013, 01:01:45 PM »
Sorry I couldn't arrive sooner; life's been pretty hectic!

Yayz!!! You've joined and you've made yourself comfortable, I see!! I do hope you find this site as enjoyable as I do!! Welcome to the team, buddy!! *hugs*

The Fridge / New Year's Resolution 2013
« on: December 31, 2012, 11:05:31 PM »
-Be more active not only on this site, but on the internet in general
-Actually reply on some of the e-mails that's been piling up due to my procrastination :oops
-Find a pet-friendly apartment
-Finish some of my art/fanfiction projects
-Get a new skateboard cuz my old one's seen better days
-Keep my current job without going crazier than I already am :p

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