The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

The Great Migration

rhombus · 64 · 20727

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The Answer's probably no, but will old urls work after the migration? The Darwin's Soldier Wiki links to a lot of GoF pages, wanna know if I'll need to go in and update them after the migration


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato on May 23 2018, 02:03:13 PM
The Answer's probably no, but will old urls work after the migration? The Darwin's Soldier Wiki links to a lot of GoF pages, wanna know if I'll need to go in and update them after the migration
The answer is a no on that, unfortunately.  I think on-forum links to forum topics will work after conversion, but all off-forum links will need to be updated.  Though this would have happened anyway even if we stayed with TapaTalk.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Couple question:
- there will be time period when both new and this old forums are online? If so, then how long?
- Private Messages history will be successfully transfered too?

also, I hope there will be enough time between announcement that everything is ready so we can move and actual time when it happens. I want to be fully ready, having all forum screens (all posts, not mine only) since May 19 to the last day, in case if people won't move it to new forum. :D


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- there will be time period when both new and this old forums are online? If so, then how long?

Yes, we will keep this forum up with a link to the new forum just in case people come by and wonder what has happened.  This old forum will probably remain up for some time though it would transfer to TapaTalk at some point.

- Private Messages history will be successfully transfered too?

I do not know at this point.  You should probably use the "download messages" command to copy any PMs just in case they do not transfer over.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Quote from: AvestheForumFox on May 23 2018, 07:31:14 AM
Hey, its been ages since I've posted here (I was once a major admin in the RP forums back in the early days)

I am willing to do something here to help in the migration

I own my own web domain, and I know how to set up  a phpbb forum. I can set you up one there under my domain

there's quiet a bit of a workaround in learning where to use the CSS and whatnot, but its what I've been using for my forums long since I've left this community

let me know if you'd like to start talks on this
It's him... :lol

On a side note, I'll be updating the links to the forum on the LBT wiki as soon as I can. And I'll definitely be editing the History section for the forum's page so that all of this is mentioned there. Also I'm wondering if we should contact some users who aren't that active anymore and inform them about this. I'm not sure if Malte knows.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 04:14:13 PM by Hypno »
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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Quote from: Hypno on May 23 2018, 03:06:31 PM
Quote from: AvestheForumFox on May 23 2018, 07:31:14 AM
Hey, its been ages since I've posted here (I was once a major admin in the RP forums back in the early days)

I am willing to do something here to help in the migration

I own my own web domain, and I know how to set up  a phpbb forum. I can set you up one there under my domain

there's quiet a bit of a workaround in learning where to use the CSS and whatnot, but its what I've been using for my forums long since I've left this community

let me know if you'd like to start talks on this
It's him... :lol

On a side note, I'll be updating the links to the forum on the LBT wiki as soon as I can. And I'll definitely be editing the History section for the forum's page so that all of this is mentioned there. Also I'm wondering if we should contact some users who aren't that active anymore and inform them about this. I'm not sure if Malte knows.
Thanks for your concern, but I have informed Malte and he is aware of the situation.  I also sent out a forum-wide email to everyone who is a non-banned user of the forum.  So hopefully that informs as many people as is possible.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Hi aves. any help you can give us will be appreciated. Good to see you again, its been too long. How are things?
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Runner up for these:


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Pretty good, Nick :) How about yourself?

I'm part of the Discord chat now so I'll resume my communications there


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My new password is ready, and so is my avatar, although I had been planning to update it anyway.

It's like I just moved into the Great Valley a few months ago and before I get time to really get settled in to my new home, our valley is suddenly plagued by some sort of natural disaster; either a flood that becomes MUCH worse than in "Journey to Big Water," or our green food being wiped out by tiny creatures. I would probably go for the latter, considering the nature of this issue. And just like that, next thing I hear as I eavesdrop on a struggling dinosaur family ...

"I'm sorry, kids, but I'm afraid we have to move."


I'm sorry you guys have had to go through this. It came as a big shock to me. I wish I could help out in some way, but I'm not very experienced with forums. :(petrie
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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I, too, have done the necessary preparations. It really sucks to go through another conversion but I appreciate the work you admins are doing to make things as smooth as possible. There probably isn't any kind of timetable for the conversion process yet?
« Last Edit: May 24, 2018, 10:33:39 AM by Sovereign »


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So I’ve finally saved all that I needed to, except my avatar, but I already have it downloaded, so I’m not worried about it.

I’m sorry that this happened to you guys, and I really appreciate all you guys are doing. This even feels a bit surreal because of how long I’ve known about this place. :( I suppose it’s a good thing that I joined relatively recently, since I didn’t have that much stuff I needed to save.
"Don't you ever wonder what's out there?"  :rainbowThinking



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Okay, everyone, I wanted to give you all an update on the conversion progress.  Right now we have a stable copy of the forum in phpBB 2.0 format (so the data is safe).  In the conversion process avatars and signatures were lost, but the rest of the data remains.  Right now the big issue is converting this stable phpBB 2.0 build into the phpBB 3.0 format.  The last time we attempted this we got the following artifacts everywhere:

So until we can get that error resolved we are kind of stuck.  So if anyone has experience in phpBB 3.0 formatting and thinks that they could help then please contact me or zero-point on Discord.  As soon as we can get the forum into this final format and do about a day of little fixes then we can move it over to a new host.  But until then the forum is in a kind of stasis.

Update: We might have found the issue.  

Broken non-latin characters: The conversion script assumes that the database encoding in the source phpBB2 matches the encoding defined in the lang_main.php file of the default language pack of the source installation. Edit that file to match the database's encoding and re-start the conversion procedure.

We hope to have a further update on the situation tonight.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2018, 01:56:44 PM by rhombus »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Okay, a further update.  I don't think we will be able to attempt another conversion tonight (they take quite a long time) but we will hopefully make another attempt tomorrow.  If the conversion works then we admins will need to recreate the subsections (which are now currently sections in the converted file), re-ban people, and redo some things behind the scenes.  But after that it would just be a matter of finding a willing host that is capable of meeting this forum's needs - unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, and the option to directly host images on the board.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Quote from: rhombus on May 24 2018, 01:51:30 PM
it would just be a matter of finding a willing host that is capable of meeting this forum's needs - unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, and the option to directly host images on the board.
Has financing been taken care of?  Who will pay for the hosting?  Will there be ads on the site?  I already own the domain name.  I would be happy to own and pay for the hosting account as well.  

In order to assure that the forums continue to exist even if one or more of the owners die or encounter other difficulties, I recommend putting the board itself either into an existing business, or setting up a new business (a multi-member LLC would be preferable).  We could then support it through a platform such as Patreon.  

People that want things to stand the test of time set them up in a legal structure.  The difficulty would be in making sure that everyone fully understands the working of the business itself, and that enough trusted people are involved in said business.

We're in COMPLETELY different territory than we were before.  We need to prepare and set things up properly.  In the past we were supported by Invision.  Even if some of the admins died or stopped being part of the board, the board would still always exist.  Now that we no longer have the protection and stability of another company, we have to obtain that stability ourselves.  

Basically it's renting vs. owning.  We were renting the board.  Renting a home is a LOT less work and worry.  Owning a home is totally different.  There's legal BS to deal with (taxes, insurance, etc.), and if something goes wrong, YOU have to fix it yourself.  And if only one person owns the home and either dies or walks away from it, it's taken by the state (or in this case, taken by the web host and the site is erased).  

If we don't set this up properly, we'll be in an even more unstable and dangerous position than we were with Invision.  It's too dangerous for only one person to own the board.  It should be owned by a company that has equal members, and supported financially by the members (through Patreon or another source).  If all else fails, the members of the company (most likely the admins) will agree to shoulder the burden of financing the hosting costs.

I own several businesses and I have contacts with an excellent accountant, financial adviser, and asset protection lawyer.  I've been down this road MANY times.  It's not fun, but I'm happy to offer any help I can.  The business needs a bank account, tax ID number, it will need to have its own tax return.  It may seem silly to do all this for a small board like this, but if we want GOF to exist for many years in the future, it MUST be set up properly so that its continued existence isn't dependent on only one or two people.  I know it's tempting to just pawn it off to someone like me or BadPointer that knows web design/development, but I fear this board won't be around a few years from now if things aren't set up properly.

I don't know if I've really said this on the forums here (I try to keep this to myself for the most part), but I'm a pretty wealthy guy.  I own three businesses and several rental properties.  If the board needs financing, I'd be happy to provide it.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2018, 09:31:14 PM by landbeforetimelover »


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We are going to get the forum's code into something workable on the ad hoc server before making a final decision on forum hosting.  That being said, we are actively looking for options on that front, both from you, Aves, and other options.  Our main concern is bandwidth capacity, file storage capacity, and the ability to store all images on the forum (as opposed to using a free image-storing service).  So if you would be willing to host the site (which we greatly appreciate, by the way) then we would need to know if the capacity is there or what financial support would be necessary to secure the necessary upgrades in service.  We can discuss that via PM.  From there we admins can make a determination of the best choice going forward.

As for the legalities, bank account, tax documents, business liability insurance, and like considerations, that is a very good point and it is something for which we will need to make proper arrangements.  I have seen other forums go south very quickly due to the lack of such legal commitments - most notably the downfall of the Debates Unlimited forum which was a fiasco which was amazing and horrifying to behold.  I do have an attorney who could help me through some of this, but if you know people who you think could help us through this then we would appreciate being brought into communication with them.  As for financial obligations, I am willing to unilaterally finance hosting fees for at least the first year, but financial arrangements will need to be worked out after that time.  As will the financial arrangements for filing the paperwork to become an LLC - which will cost $150 in my state for the filing fees.  This is something that we admins will need to discuss - and for which we would appreciate your input - though I think the specific details concerning the legal and financial matters should be discussed in PMs from this point on.

Thank you once again for your support.  :) The support and offers of help from you and others in this thread have been quite heartwarming and show what a wonderful community we have on this forum.  And that is why we will do everything in our power to ensure that it continues for years to come.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I don’t know how much I can help, as while I’ve played around with some PHP, I’ve never done any forum coding or administration. However, I think vBulletin might be a suitable option. I don’t know about the kind of storage or bandwidth it offers, but I’m on a forum called Lea Halalela that’s hosted through vBulletin, and it looks beautiful and has multiple skin options (but not on mobile, due to its TapaTalk-like mobile support), it lets the admins use their own domain without having to redirect, and it supports on-board image hosting.

Here’s a link to the forum:

Even though I’m mad about this whole fiasco all in all, I’m also kind of excited to see what becomes of this board, given what I’m reading here. I’m especially happy about the idea of GOF having its own on-board image hosting, given what happened with Photobucket and Postimg.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 09:52:00 AM by Littlefoot505 »


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Thank you for the suggestion, Littlefoot505.  Though we think that we have found a suitable hosting option, the matter of security, code-fixes, and maintenance is still something that we are actively looking at.  Vbulletin seems to have quite a reasonable price for what we are looking for compared to the competition and the amount of work/time to do all of this on our own.  

Okay, everyone, I wanted to give you an update on the situation as of right now.  We are still working on the conversion from phpBB 2 to 3, and are trying to resolve the problem that we ran in to.  In the event that we are unable to resolve this then we will need to pay a professional to carry out the needed conversion.  With that being said, I think it is important to inform you all of the new situation that we will find ourselves with the migration.  We have several options available to us, and each involves its own share of benefits and drawbacks, in particular when it comes to the costs that would need to be maintained by the membership.  Though we admins will make the final choice, I wanted to present these all to you so that we can get your opinions and ascertain if there is a consensus on the way forward.

If we were to add up the costs this would total something like this:

Fully paid solution (our own paid host, security management, etc)

Initial migration: $35 or higher (we will need someone to upgrade our code for us, but the price he will charge is going to depend on if we can get this converted to phpBB 3.0 on our own or not - a reasonable stipulation considering how much of a pain this process is being)

Initial zBulletin license: $249.

Annual upkeep of the forum: around $480 a year (around $40 a month).

Free option (sigh... again):

The other option would be a free board provider which allows us to keep our backups, like Icyboards, but this would come with its own drawbacks - namely no on-site image hosting and being subject to migration again if they screw us over.

Free solution: $0

Paid image hosting, but free forum:

A final option would be to do the aforementioned, use Icyboards or something else as a free forum solution, and then to use our own paid-image hosting solution.  The costs for this kind of arrangement would be around $120 a year ($10 a month).  Please keep in mind, however, that you get what you pay for. And all of the 'free' forum options that I am seeing are using either ancient code or questionable practices.

So what does everyone think?  Depending on which solution we admins choose there will be costs to support for the forum's upkeep, and we would rely at least in part on donations through the membership to keep us going.  We would probably use Patreon to allow willing members to donate a certain amount per month for this enterprise if we go with our current plan of complete freedom and a paid solution for hosting, security, and code management.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I guess the paid solution would be on whether we could get enough in donations/patreon subscriptions to support it.

Personally, I think we should go the paid option, as I don't know how many people we might lose with further migrations. We won't be able to contact everyone to get ready for a migration, and the lapsed members might not be able to find the new forum, or get their old account working again.

I'd be willing to chip in, too.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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While the fully paid solution would easily seem to be the best alternative, I can't help but feel there are some problems in it. Most likely, it would probably require a certain core group of members to donate the same amount every month in order to avoid some sort of constant and awkward money searching. (I'm not sure if I'd be willing to donate myself just yet). However, if such an arrangement could be made, any of the paid solutions could be feasible (10 dollars from the whole community per month doesn't sound too optimistic). But before that, is there any reason to believe Icyboards is going to screw us anytime soon or is the free solution most likely doomed to fail again?
« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 03:24:00 PM by Sovereign »