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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5699 · 424711


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"Guess it's just our bodies now," Jumbo smirked, "And I have the size advantage!" He began stepping towards Kovu with heavy footsteps.


"This is refreshing," Oliver noted as he took a sip of the melon soda. "I'll get more in the future."


"My family is by far the richest in our village," Jing mentioned to Tigress, "We have beautiful art, fine food, and great furniture all around."


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you use weapons, period " Kovu said ' did you miss that part after they grabbed you? this isn't a sumo match. and second, ' he pointed down, where jumbo had taken a step off of his platform, and was now dangling over the lava below " we're on platforms you simpleton? and here i though elephants were smart?" kovu said as the platforms whooshed through the air, separated from each other by about 50 feet.
- all well and good, but being rich isn't everything " Tigeress said as the waiter brought them refills on drinks"its what you do with the money that matters.
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"Then it's hammer time!" Jumbo declared, pulling out a mallet. "What do you have, Scarred One?"


"Well, father has donated to many causes over the years," Jing smiled, "And feel free to order the most expensive thing on the menu, if you'd like. I'd be happy to cover it."


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no, no need to do that. i'm paying for lunch this time around" tigeress said." how long have you studied unser your father, may I ask. From what research I've done on him using the holonet, he's got a checkered past, to be charitable.
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"Well, since during.....those days," Jing confessed, "He figured I could always use the self-defense lessons." She opened her purse and showed Tigress some gold coins. "Mere pocket change for me," she smirked.


"Thanks for being my friends, guys," Oliver told the other 3 young animals. "And Ollie, it's nice to get to know another cat."


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lets just say that you put your money, hover your father got it, to good use" tigers said ' My Tiger wasn't always the guy he is today, in the past he took stuff from others,usually money or goods, but it was a steal or starve situation. I don;t like that he did those things, but I understand why he did.  A good percentage of his money goes to Monster World to help his former group have jobs and places to live." tigers said.'200, 000 or so, every month. i put a similar amount towards Flash's college fund>" she said.
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Jumbo kept swinging at Kovu with his hammer. "I'll crush you, puny one!" the elephant warrior vowed. He was not going to lose to Kovu, he mentally reminded himself.


"Like I said, I donate to others in my village," Jing assured Tigress, "Plus any future cubs Po and I may have will be more than well taken care of..."


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"Chong!" Vox said, making no attempt to hide the glee in his voice. "The Industrial Mayhem match is raking in the profits! A toilet brush used by one of the cons to kill his victim sold for a million bolts!

He looked at the schedule. There was the battle between Jumbo and Kovu but that was a tiny "half time" show. Even so, it was as popular as some of the larger events held by the other arenas. Next up was a the prime time event: the Terrarian battle.


(Spire of Winter)

"Thank you sir!" Captain Carson saluted the admiral and exited her room.


The medical bay was abuzz with activity as they deposited the humanoid onto the bed. The room itself was specially sealed and bathed in radiation to kill pathogens to prevent disease transmission. Though with the creature's space suit, that wasn't too much of a concern. Even so, the crew were covered head to toe in self-contained protective suits.

One of the head doctors was waiting outside the room with a spare suit for Stripetail.


But the mysterious humanoid was not the only creature floating out there. A battered shuttle lazily drifted past the Spire. Seeing as it was a navigation hazard and there was the potential for goodies within the vessel, the first mate sent out some shuttles to tow it into the vehicle bay.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail approached the head doctor and took the spacesuit from him ' What doi we have so far doctor?" stripetail asked as the doors swung open. "Fill me in, before i examine the patient
_ Gabumon and agumon walked along with the group , their faces staring at  the screen of a hologame projecting from console controls in theor claws.  " digimon Rumble?"  Agumina asked looking over Agumon's shoulder" yeah Gabumon found a copy on the holonet, and challenged me to a game." Which, hes winning ' Gabumon said " I onl;y have 2200 points left out of 10000. " And i've got about 5500" agumon said " I get winner ' Gabuna called out. " get in line" Agumina retorted.
 KOvu used his ring, and created a shield, to block  JUmbo's Swings. . Kovu's platform was below Jumbos by about 20 feet, so far the large elephant had been getting the better of the fight.
 1 million bolts? Not bad' CHong said cheerily ' How much of a cut do we get from sales?
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Cedric Hapsburg - codename "Nurse"
Cedric Hapsburg - codename "Nurse" - was sitting in his office, yawning and reading a medical pamphlet. Maybe if I got better at actually healing people, the doctors would give me more to do, he thought. Despite being a combat medic with a long and fruitful career, he'd spent most of it shooting people with his double-barrel shotgun and nailgun, and the last three times he'd taken his medkit out, it was to infect an enemy with a deadly disease. I don't know how Ludwig spent so much of his time on the battlefield healing; I prefer to see my teammates as little specs on the ground as I fly over the enemy lines with a concussion grenade.

He jumped when he suddenly got a summons on the intercom. "Hapsburg, we need you in the vehicle bay!"

Cedric wasted no time bunnyhopping to the vehicle bay as fast his diagonal jumps could carry him.

The engineer on duty heard him coming a mile away. "We found an old shuttle floating within our ship's trajectory," she explained. "We brought it aboard hoping for salvage, but we've found a cryopod. It's from your era of history, so we were hoping you might know how to get it open without hurting the being inside."

Cedric squinted at the blue cylindrical chamber taking up the lion's share of the shuttle's interior. "Ach, yer a wee bit off," he confessed. "This was built over a century beyond tha years I was in active duty. But, if we finagle this lever 'ere, Ahm pretty sure tha..."

The pod hissed, and both of them leaped back. Leaking wisps of chilled mist, the chamber groaned open and revealed an angelic woman wearing white-plated body armor and clutching a pistol and highly-advanced medical staff.

"She's going to need medical attention!" the engineer gasped, reaching for her radio, but Cedric stopped her.

"Naw naw, she'll be fine. Medical attention's already 'ere..."


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Kovu and jumbo continured to trade blows, and little bgy little kovus armor was bklaste off of him, revealing his singed fur underneath ' Armor up! Kovu cried despreately ' his ring activated, and  activated his armor. ' kovu created a gun with his ring and began firing at Jumbo, knocking him down to his level,  then below him, Finally, a well plaed shot knocked jumbo off of his platform. ' Ahhh! Jumbo screamed as he fell into the lava, instantly killing him, in a flash the lava disappeared leaving jumbos charred body on the stadium floor ' Scarred One! Scarred One! Scareed one! was heard in the crowd as kovu was teleported back down to the surface. kovu deactivated his armor ' silently thanking Stripetail; for giving it to him.  He had been in the   dreadzone for a month by this point, and progress had been slow. " congratulations Kovu!' dallas the  broadcaster called out from his floating broadcast booth ' you've defied the odds and earned a berth in the Avenger Tournament, where you and 31 other ' volunteers' will duke it out for the right to move up in rank to Avenger! The winning contestant will be moved to a new cell, with a touch more amenities and will get 100000 bolts in his or her bank account! Who says fighting doesnt pay! HA Ha"
_ 100, 000 bolts? er. how much is  that in dollars?" Kovu asked. " erm.. about 20000 or so.. i was never good at math." dallas shrugged ' we deal in bolts here, so.. ' Its 100000 bolts!' Juanita cut in, which is 98000 more than you have to  your name right now! Its a lot of moneY, just leave it at that. " and if I lose in the tournament?' Kovu asked ' Duh! you lose, you die!' Juanita said sharply " EVERY match here is win or die, lion, havent you figured that out yet? also that armor you were wearing was NOT dreadzone approved. " it was.. under-armor. I was wearing two sets for added protection' Kovu said " Thats not illegal, after all, here, anything goes right? As you said, its about winning." He has a point Juanita' Dallas said " Shut up Dallas! When I want to hear pathetic excuses, i turn to you!' Juanita fumed.
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Thiago had watched the match from the monitor in the cells. "He really pulled it off," he smiled in relief. "I hope you're ready for the tournament, Kovu......" he was munching the remainders of his meal from that day.


"Hey Ollie," Oliver said, turning to his fellow cat, "Would you wanna go somewhere, just the two of us cats?" He had no issue with the wolf girls, but he wanted to do a cats-only thing every once in a while.


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Sure, you can pick" Ollie said with a grin. " we'll see you later girls ' he said to Flash and Mona. ' fine, we'll be at the winterville Arcade ' Flash  said with a smile. " I've challenged Flash to a basketball shootout' Mona said. " Loser has to  buy food for the winner. Is 100 bucks enough for you boys?' Flash asked. ' we can gove you more, if need be."
 Dixies phone began to buzz and a series of names appeared on it, several of them were trying to call her, and the first that showed up was Pribnce Onca, Dixies phone had a split screen option, and dixie activated it, on the left side a handsome and regal looking panther appeared ' Hello lady Dixie ' said the panther in a tone that oozed charm. ' Prince Onca! What a surprise " well I keep in touch with all my girls, even if they no longer are around me. You are quite lovely Dixie, and you know you are always welcome to return.' Onca said ' You are a shameless charmer, my prince, its no wonder you have so many girls ' Dixie said as the other half revealed a lovely pantheress, who waved cheerfully at Dixie.  A blurb appeared on that half " Hi Dixie!Its Mukua!  just reached your mansion, and am settling in with Janus and Argo." Sorry your highness, but I do have other calls on my phone. " well if you would spare me another minute, I would appreciate that. Did you keep  your ' Onca Prize attire?' Yes we all did. Chie, Kitty and mukua did as well ' Dixie said. " good good. I enjoyed our time together and I called because I  had recurring thoughts of you. I do hope I am not calling at a bad time? "Well, yourhighness, you are a very handsome panther, and you have a way with females. Even I'm not resistant to your charms. That fling on your elephant caravan?" Ha ha ' Ah, you remember that? good! I hoped that you would remember.  Anyway, I'll call you back as I know you have people wauiting to talk to you, Say, 15 minutes?' ONca said ' sure, Onca. Thanks for calling.' Onca nodded, hung up, and the screen filled out '

 Dixie pressed a button ' Mukua! How is everything? ' Great! Just arrived at your place. Janus and Argo are here, and my folks are on their way too. We'll be at your place for a month at least. my dad nearly had a heart attack when he saw the place. Janus cried when he saw how huge your basketball court is." Mukua laughed. 'Think Argo is more interested in your video game collection, hes nerding out! " well Scooby likes video games and movies" Dixie smiled. " Oh, yeah. well tell your boy, he;s got a video game challenge waiting for him whenever you get back from running errands for your boss." Mukua smirked. "Well, I think Scooby will gladly accept, Should I go find him and put him on?" IF you want, I was just letting  you know that We made it here safely. and I look forward to trying out some of the foods in your pantry. Looks like there's enough food  here to satisfy everyone in Panthera.. oh!I've got some gifts for you and scooby when you guys get back. Say Hi to him for me, when you get the chance' Mukua said. " Catch you later, girl!' Dixie smiled ' bye Mukua, will call you soon." mukua  hung up and the screen went dark.
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"Sure, 100 would be nice, we could get some cool stuff with that much. If we need more, we'll find you," Oliver told the girls. "How about the toy store? It has video games as well," he smiled to Ollie.


"You should see one of my father's weekly fireworks shows," Jing said to Tigress, "They are the thing our village is most famous for." As she was saying this, the Panda King's daughter had finished off a whole bowl of dumplings. They were indeed her favorite treat.


Thiago was waiting for Kovu to be brought back. He wanted to commend the lion for making it this far.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Mercy groaned as she came to. She first became aware of a repetitive beeping noise reminiscent of a hospital scanner.

"How's she looking doc?" a Scottish accent asked to her left. "Oh wait, silly me, I am the doc!"

"Where am I...?" Mercy muttered, trying to situp and banging her forehead on a medical scanner. "Where's Winston?"

"Hate to be the one ter tell ye, but yer not where ye'd hoped to end up," Cedric explained, handing her a moist towelette. "This is the Spire of Winter, and you're at least twelve kiloparsecs from Earth."

"What?" Mercy's eyes widened. "I...I was en route for Horizon Lunar Colony! Dr. Winston wanted me to assist in medical efforts after the test subjects got a bit uppity!"

Cedric's eyebrow raised. "Yer talking about the gorillas, right?" He exhaled when Mercy nodded. "Lassie, those test subjects weren't just uppity. They were downright murderous." He grabbed a medical tablet and showed her the Wikipedia page on the Horizon Gorilla Uprising. "Killed everyone up there. I think you're lucky tha' yer shuttle never reached its destination."

Mercy's hand flew to her mouth. "How long have I been out?"

Cedric waited patiently for her to answer her own question by surfing the tablet's internet. "Yer gonna need some catching up." He smiled. "And I've been assigned to do it. Cedric Hapsburg, TFC Division."

But Mercy, engrossed in the data tablet, was too stunned to reply.


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(Spire of Winter)

"Well, as you can see Dr. Hapsburg is currently learning about one of our patients, 'Mercy' as she calls herself. Judging from what I'm seeing," he said to Stripetail. "she appears to be some sort of medic. Most likely a combat medic I'm assuming from her armor."

He then looked at his tablet. "From what we ascertained, this creature is male and breathes a Terran standard atmosphere. However, it is capable of surviving hard vacuum and exposure to cosmic radiation without harm. All it had on its possession was its helmet, which we have not removed. We do not know its species nor its origin. However, it is alive and perfectly least as far as we can tell. Even so, it appears to be in suspended animation."

The doctor then scrolled down to the magical report on it. "Scans show this being to be intensely magical. However its magic signatures do not match any in our database."



An audible pause could be heard on the end of the line as Vox thought over the deal. "How does one percent of the total bulk goods profit plus a twenty percent commission on every auction sound to you?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Sounds wonderful' Chong said ' 20% will net us a lot of bolts, for instance selling relics at 1 million bolts nets us 200 grand. easy money. I believe the terrarians are ready fpr their fight which I;m sponsoring. Should be a big hit, in rating merchandise and box office.  Just let me know if you need more ' Contestants" I'll round them up for you."
- Stripetail gazed at the report then stared at the humanoid, sensing  its aura. "Yes this is a strong magical being. Its magic is from another dimension, and it recently arrived in this one from another. the number of planes of existence are basically infinite, and a powerful mage can travel between them at will. How this one ended up here, I cannot yet say, nor can I say why  he did. Tend to him. If he wakes up, tell me, and I'll go and talk to him. For now let him rest. I'll go and see this " Mercy" and see what she has to tell us. " Stripetail said turning away from the humanoid and heading over the bed where  DR Hapsburg was taking a reading of the Patient ' Miss Mercy?' Stripetail asked looking over the patient, who was currently looking at a data Tablet. ' I am lord Stripetail. Welcome to the Spire of Winter. How are you feeling?' He asked kindly, leaning slightly forward on his staff.
 Agumon won the battle, and agumina and Gabuna took the consoles from the boys, and began playing, the winner would play Agumnon,  the loser would have to wait their turn. Old Spyro landed in from of them ' Completed my patrol, Nothing new to report, other then Young spyro burnt some hot dogs that i was going to eat for my lunch," he shot a disapproving glance at his younger counterpart. '  master Eon just sent me a copy of this years Academy Play' Skylands said with a smile "  Skylands a Short history. I'm playing the Arkeyan leader, one of the main roles. What can I say. Acting is in my blood. "we dont really have plays in warfang ' Cynder-W said. " thats something we should look into, along with getting a muzzle for Sparx.  Ember laugh at that joke. " Good One. " i wasnt joking. ember ' Cynder replied, and the smile on Embers face faded a little.  Cynder had returned to her normal black appearance, Her " ember form" having worn off some time previously.
 Sima showed off the small praying circle in her room to Kiara. " Just  sit in that circle, close your eyes and focus on the thought or prayer you wish to send. Keep in your mind, the spirit does not grant it iof you speak it aloud, it must come from the mind " Sima said.
 Angela and Sasha had arrived at the party for  soloran elite ' angekla, being a Lombax was the focus of a lot of attention " are you.. amgela cross?' Asked a reporter, Named Darla ' yes, I'm Angela. " i'm here with my friend Sasha ' she motioned to Sasha ' Just wanting to have some fun, as I've.. been busy recently. " You do know how few Lombaxes there are in this galaxy? Darla asked ' Yes , I'm well aware of that.. and you are? ' Darla Grach, Channel 64 news.  Do You mind giving an interview?'  Sasha cut it ' some other time Darla, for now I have a lot of people to introduce angela to, if you'll excuse us."  Angela inwardly was grateful. She didnt want to give lots of interviews, or be loked at at a curiosity. "Thanks " she whispered to Sasha " i'll just stick close to you for the evening
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Mercy saluted respectfully. "Dr. Angela Ziegler, Overwatch Chief Medical Officer." She glanced at the datapad and sighed. "I suppose I'm feeling fine," she answered Stripetail.  "Though I seem to be in the wrong time and place."


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A sharp trumpet fanfare played as the replicated Terraria arena was now opened. Crowds of bloodthirsty spectators took their respective seats and waited for the violence to start. Not only were there shielded camera drones that flitted about the arena, there were viewing windows made of corundum and reinforced with shields into the "cavern" and "underworld".

"And now, for the main event of tonight, the magic warriors from a far-off world. Please welcome to the Dreadzone...Amaria, the Iron Winged Wizard!" A woman dressed in what appeared to be fisherman's clothing appeared next to a tree. She was unremarkable except for the silver and red wings that were folded up against her back.

"Rufus! The Shadow of the Woods!" A man in a dark cloak and cape wearing a loose headscarf that covered every part of his face except his eyes appeared from seemingly thin air. He flared out his wings of leaves and wood.

"Alexander! The Craftsman of the World!" A man in ghostly blue clothing with a set of goggles appeared out of a portal that snapped shut behind him. His white, spectral wings remained closed.

"Gracie! The Bane of the Skies!" A woman in loose clothing landed in a plume of smoke, her jetpack shutting off as she raised her goggles.

"Stacy! The Commander of All!" A woman in flowing robes rode a shimmering platform down to what looked like a sandy beach. Like the others, she too was winged. A set of shimmering blue wings gently folded themselves up against her back.

The crowd roared in approval as they eagerly awaited for the signal to start.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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You're fortunate to be here ' Stripetail pointed out' The base you were headed to, was destroyed, and everyone there was killed .  Had you actually made it to your destination, you would have been killed as well, and well,  we would not be having this conversation. Fortune., it seems was kind to you, as you managed to be rescued.
_ ollie headed over to the winterville race track, where a number of resuidents were trying out the karts, which were a mix of chima mawashii and skylander vehicles.   Skylar, Elida, Eris and Laval were on on one track, while Wendy/Flurrie, Goombella/Goombette, and Toadette  were on the other. Each race consisted of 3 laps. " we got next : ollie called out.
  Sima  burmed some sage and let the smell waft around the small shrine " pray to the spirits, that outr beauty, and build, may endure' She intoned.' Spirits, sustain us, that we may not grow skinny, and weak." Sima said " so where would you like to do, after our prayer session?' She asked 'Perhaps a shopping spree would be nice?
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