The Gang of Five
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The Challenge

Nick22 · 247 · 47668


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The morning sun hit the couch on which Stripetail was sleeping. He stirred, as an attendant came in.. 'Miss eva is up sire" she announced. "She is ready for her opening classes? "Yes, Sire, and her Ladyship has packed her a lunch.'
"That was very nice of Snowpaw" Stripetail said stirring to look at her. The past few months there had been an awkward dance between eva and Snowpaw, and Stripetail understood why. Eva had begun to express her inner feelings for him, and Snowpaw's revival had scuttled that. he had tread lightly, for the most part. He hoped that the coming school year would distract eva so that the unspoken rivalry would not burst out into open conflict. He had enough problems on his plate, without having his wife and young protege at each other's throats. His friend Wayne was having trouble in his new job, that of Head of Dinoton Security. The hours were long, and demanding. He had proposed to Dirah, his girlfriend, nearly a year ago but Dirah had been forced by the minister Trin, who was a fake, to decline, on penalty of execution. The war to restore the true Trin had been bloody, but Wayne had performed admirably as the leader of the rebel group, and Trin had rewarded him handsomely with the high-paying job of head of security. But Stripetail sensed that his friend was still not satisfied.
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In space a large object that look like it was built floats with no star or planets near by it drifts slowly with three Dinoton ships around it one with Wayne inside standing on the Bridge looking at the ship they found "What do we know of it?"

"Unknown sir, it was found a few days ago, we've been unable to restore power to it. we've been sending suited officers into it to check out what type of ship this could be." the captain walk over to a table that was place on the bridge and removed the cover "But we found these inside."

Wayne walk over to it and look at the stuff on the table "this all found on one part of the ship? how old is the ship?"

"No idea. all I know is this ship has no power. we still checking all the decks of this ship, but there is well over 63 decks. we been using one of it's airlocks." Captain replied.

"Lets get a tow ship in and bring it back to Dinoton to feather study this unknown powerless ship. I am sure we will find something very interesting from this." Wayne said looking at the captain

"Yes sir" Captain nods

"Can I use your ready room to contact a friend?" Captain nods and Wayne walks into the ready room and activate a link to Stripetail's castle "Stripetail this is Wayne, I am on the far side of Tri-foundation space on board a ship, 3 days ago a group of dinoton ships found this" the image appears "We have no clue where it came from but seem to be a drift for a while now and no power on board. we towing it back to Dinoton as I speak for feather study"


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"Stripetail paused "It is an Nulussian ship.  The Nulussians operate their ships mentally, they require no source of power, but their own energy. They are a quiet people and are located far away from the Tri-Foundation. How that ship got there , I have no idea"
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"It has 63 decks from what i been told off, a enginnering a bridge and power systems from the look of it. this ship I can tell you for sure don't run on mental powers. to the database all escape pods what we believe they are. is missing from the ship. we only can guess there was a mass power failure and they all got out in time. but no idea how long again it was. the metals are unknown. so we can't tell it's age" Wayne said to Stripetail


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"I'll have to look at the ship personally Wayne, but i think it does run on mental energy. But I can't be sure of that...How exactly did your ships find it? Was it just drifting aimlessly through space?"
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"It was just found a drift by a scout squad." Wayne stats "but as for mental control I have to disaggree. We have discovered control interfaces that touch by contact then mentally activating it. the data core we discovered is shut down like everything else so we have no idea what in it till we try and restore power but till we know what type we won't risk blowing this ship to pieces" Wayne told Stripetail


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You shouldn't do that in any case.. you have no idea what the effects of destroying such a vessel could be..." Sptripetail replied. from the picture you sent me I thin this is a Nulussian ship, but that is just a guess at this point..."
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"Well we have no real idea if your right. till we know for sure I will leave this open till we find out what it really is" Wayne spoke back


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Thank you...I've got to go.. Eva's starting up the school year, and Snowpaw is going on to shop... and well, I've got things that need my attention. Contact me when you find out what it is..." Stripetail said.
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Wayne close the channel and take the power cell with him back to the bridge "Get the tractor beams ready we taking this home. under the right of salvage this now belongs to the Dinotons" Wayne spoke and the captain nods

"aye sir." he turns and orders the other crew on the bridge the three ships getting a lock on it with tactor beams and tow it to Dinoton.


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The convoy made it back to Dinoton with little fuss or noteworthy incident. Once they docked. a messenger came to wayne. "Sir, the Minister wants a full report on this ship! He requests that you deliver it in person within the hour!"
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"tell him I will deliever a report to the fullest once we check this ship out fully. a hour isn't enough. this will take longer. I can give him a partly report but that as best I can do" Wayne replied back


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"Very well. he will expect the interim report in an hour though, sir. I will go anf tell him" The messenger said and turned on his heel and walked away into the distance.
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Wayne turn to the others "lets get to work"


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As the Dinotons carefully examined the great ship's interior, Eva was headed off to Sowarkard for her first day of her third year. the previous year had been been an instructive and exciting her for her, she had won the female title in the dueling tournament and played in the championship match against the male champion. Unfortunately for her, she had been clobbered by a tenth year named Yearst, who had never won the title previously. His experience had proven to be too much, and he had walked off with the title. Stripetail had consoled her, by noting she was the youngest female champion in ages, and that she had greatly improved from her first year, where she had lost in the female round of 16. 'You've made great progress, Eva, and now you only need to improve a little more, and it will be yours" he had said.
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"I will improve Stripetail. With what I have learned that is to never give up when it comes to a tough turning" Eva replied


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The doors to the castle opened and the faculty walked out ensemble. 'Welcome! To both our incoming first years, and returning students!" the headmaster said beaming from the top step. Eva was assembled with the other squirrel maidens of her year."So, Eva, who do you'll think you'll have for magical memory? Professor Trissus, or Professor cihnos? Trissus is really strict, I hear" A girl named Alicia whispered to her.
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"I guess it depends on the year group I guess" Eva replied with a strug.

(Nick is it ok to add in some villians into this? these are more of making a faul up and making fools of themselves never winning in anything :p)


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(sure you can add some stumblebums, have them pose as students. I'd like this story to be more , well grounded. Have it focus more on the school and Eva's studies than having intergalactic travel...)
"Both of them are teaching our year, the only question is who you get.' alicia replied. "Have you looked at your schedule yet?"
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Eva starts to look at it then show Alicia. "I think this is who taking my class"


not to far from the hall on a floor above behind a pillar a evloved t-rex and a Ankylosaurus stood the rex holding a egg like object "Ankylo this dimensional egg cracker is the finiest in Tyranno technology." Genghis Rex spoke with his arms crossed "it better do what it designed to do and keep us out of dimensional phase with this. or I will make you sorry Ankylo!" Rex look at him as he yelled no one noticing

"Of course it working Bossasaur. look your yelling and none of those mammals are looking at us" Ankylo spoke out point a claw over to the students

"Good, we need to know more about this so call magic and find the source for this power once we do it will give us powers that will finally defeat those Dinosaucers and take over the Earth" Genghis Rex spoke and laughed evilly

"Right o Chiefasaur"Ankylo asked

"Don't call me Chiefasaur!!" Rex hits him on the head "I say this was a perfect scuess so time to return"

"Right away Rex" Ankylo turn the egg cracker and both phase completly away to their own dimension no one the wiser of it.