The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Bounty Hunters

f-22 "raptor" ace

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pay better attention to your scanners next time! these days you never know what kind of people you'll meet. damage report slight damage to the hull nothing serous though. hey tanner how bad is the damage to your ship?


  • Ducky
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"My ship is fine, no damage to the front hull."  Just then, Rex's comes in to see what the fuss is about.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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well wonder what we can sumggle in these parts? hang on i'm picking up a large ship on the scanners. probbaly just a sicence vessel. hey rex! still sore over that poker game?


  • Ducky
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"Rex!  Listen, I need you to catch up to Kacie and win the race for me, okay?" asks Tanner.

(btw, f 22.  It was Keni's turn, the rules stated no power playing allowed)


  • Spike
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Rex soon finds himself navigating through an asteroid belt, his mind still clouded with the carnage and mayhem he went through in his last mission not too long ago. He recalls how an army turned against their planet, slaughtering anyone who speak against them and the inhabitants, and he was assigned to do something about it. How the colonel challenged him on a one on one battle, how he befriended a soldier only to have him betray him and attempt to murder him, how the general explained to him their motives, how wrong they were...

It was a tough mission, but he managed to accomplish the mission...

Rex closed his eyes as he felt the weight of his helmet, it was such an event he didn't bothered to remove his armor afterwards. He was worried any remains of the army would come after him and shoot him down when he least expect it.

"...Hm?" He opened his eyes after his mind registers the beeping of his communication going off in front of him, it has been going on for a while. He answers the transmission...

"Rex! Listen, I need you to catch up to Kacie and win the race for me, okay?"

Rex smiled, it's been a while since he last saw Tanner and Kacie. "Tanner...Been a while..." He closes his eyes with a slight smirk, "Sure..I'll win the race for ya."

Using his ship's radar he finds Kacie's ship, and with the speed of his ship it wouldn't be much problem winning the race. He increases his ship's speed and turns around to catch up to Kacie, inputting her ship's code into his comm and send her a transmission.

"Hey Kacie, long time no see! How about you race me now!?"


  • The Gang of Five
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(I change this and await for Kacie to respond first then add my post ok?)


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Kacie watched her monitors, and smiled when she could no longer see Tanner. "I knew it. There was no way he could beat me in a race with that spaceship." She leaned back, her tail resting over the side of the captain's chair.

Suddenly she heard the engine of another spaceship approaching her. She quickly looked with her one eye to see who was coming. She relaxed a bit when she realized it wasn't an enemy.

"Hey Kacie, long time no see!" She heard the dracovol, Rex, say. She smiled a bit and was about to respond when he continued, "How about you race me now!?"

"All right then..." She said into the transmitter. " She turned the power of her engine higher and she started to gain speed.


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"Sir we got a problem" a comm officer a flying type humaniod dinosaur spoke out the wings now near the back with their own set of arms that not attached to wings. she looked at the course plots as well for the race "there seem to be a race of some sort I heard what each was saying and I think they going to enter the asteroid hole since it a tunnel going through one point to another."

"Damn it that where our craft is activate the warning beacon over the hole to show that the small craft is inside scanning and taking samples" Captain Threehorn orders and she activated the beacon and it giving out a audio warning to adviod that area.


  • Spike
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Rex smiled as Kacie accepted and started picking up speed. Rex's ship has very high speed to make up its absence of any warp system technology, his ship is a formidable foe in a race.

"Alright then..." Rex mutters as he taps and pushes some buttons and switches in the cockpit, "Boosting G Diffuser systems, green...Let's give her a race.."

Rex smiled as he narrowed his eyes, feeling his ship gaining speed and catching up to Kacie's ship. Tilting to the right to dodge an asteroid, Rex chuckled a bit as his ship caught and started to pass by Kacie's ship. The race is on!


  • The Gang of Five
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'Do not enter. Ship in path, change heading at once. repeat Do not enter. Ship in Path, change heading at once." Computerized voice spoke out to the racers


  • Spike
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"Huh?" Rex blinked at the repeated voice through his comm, and not long after his radar picks up a ship, right in his path!

"Crud!" Rex cursed, his race with Kacie will have to be some other time. Slowing his ship's speed he quickly makes a turn to his left, changing directions.


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Kacie had ignored the warning. "Are you chickening out?" Kacie said, looking behind her. She waved her yellow-clawed hands. "Bye!" She turned around and braced to win the race. But as soon as she opened up her green eye, she realized why Rex had stopped at all. "Bye....? Oh no!" She puts on the brakes to rapidly slow down her ship, and she makes a left turn as well, the same direction Rex was going.


  • The Gang of Five
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Captain THreehorn sat in his chair with a deep sigh of relief "another 100 meters that ship with our own shuttle would of been destoryed..."

"Yes Freefall... very lucky..." Captain shook his head "Team alpha are you done?"

"Yes sir this is Stegs we coming back up to the ship now we got some rocks that the saurian core will love to hear about and I am sure if news get out we will be come the bounty for this type of metal ore" Stegs replied as the polit lands the ship in the docking bay then the Longnebla lifts off and leaves the belt and high speeds.

"Stegs you over react no one knows of the rock ore, we will leave and head to the nearest outpost just leave a beacon to claim the astiord field" Captain spoke out and the ship drops a claims beacon of the belt and goes into warp

(changed post)


  • Spike
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Rex sags in his chair with a deep sigh, he barely saw that ship in radar and with the speed he was going he was seconds away from impact. He rubs his forehead and look around, seeing Kacie following him, she made it too.

"Everything OK, Kacie?" Rex contacted her via communication.


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As her heart slowed down to its original pace, Kacie pressed the button and spoke into the mic. "Yes, I'm okay." She was still breathing a bit heavily from the sudden rush of adrenaline she felt when she nearly rammed into that ship.

"So what happened to Tanner?" She asked, realizing Tanner was still nowhere in sight. Surely he would've caught up by now, she pondered.


  • Spike
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Rex sighs in relief as his shoulders sag, gripping the handles of the ship's controls. He turns the ship around a well 180 degrees and sets on the breaks, keeping the ship to a complete halt to face Kacie's.

"Close call..." Rex whispers as he takes off his helmet, wiping dots of perspiration from his forehead before answering Kacie's question. "Last I saw him he was next to another ship, probably rammed into it by accident."

f-22 "raptor" ace

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i'm still getting used to the controls of this ship. i got it a month ago. well i'm gonna run a dianostic on my ship to see what else was damaged in the collision.


  • Ducky
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(This wasn't how I planned it.  Keni PMed me his first mission idea and I'm using it.)

Tanner zooms away from the asteroid belt in search for a bounty to hunt.  He comes across the planet Elysium and decides to check it out, he heard of some suspicious activity going on there and he radios in Kacie and Rex for help, "Kacie?  Rex?"

(Sometimes a member's character won't be used in a mission, if this happens, don't get angry and swoop in to take over.  I can't stress this enough, if you have a mission idea, PM me first before starting it because there's already a mission underway.  Keni PMed me first so I'm using his mission idea.  If you PM me about the idea for a mission now yours will be the next runner up.)


  • Spike
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"Eh?" Rex noticed another beeping coming from his comm, another transmission? Pressing another button the comm changes transmission to the second person trying to contact him, showing the screen turning on to transfer a live video from Tanner.

"Tanner," Rex begins, "Where are you? You're not showing up on my ship's radar scan."


  • Ducky
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"Oh, sorry.  I'm in far orbit above the planet  Elysium, not far from the asteroid belt, I think there's some suspicious activity going on here." replies Tanner, feeling a little embaressed.