The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

The Mysterious (yet Groovy) Vending Machine


  • General of the Great Valley
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  • The cyberpunk Deinonychus
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You get Yoshi with a katana attacking some bunny slippers.

Inserts the PokÈ Wars Trilogy and the characters from Darwin's Soldiers.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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you get mr zanuisu dodging evil pokeballs
 i put in chex mix cripix and powdered sugar
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Member+
  • Littlefoot
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You would get a powdered sugar goodness snack!

I put in Spike, the admins of this forum, and a turbo tank.


  • General of the Great Valley
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    • Posts: 11342
  • The cyberpunk Deinonychus
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You get Spike driving a turbo tank with the admins serving as the gunners.


I put in SPARTAN-II armor (Halo), Ms. Maia, Ducky and Ruby.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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You get Ducky in the SPARTAN-II armor sniping Ms. Maia with an energy rifle while Ruby attacks Ms. Maia with a Gravity Hammer.

I put in the gang and an iPad.


  • General of the Great Valley
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  • The cyberpunk Deinonychus
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You get the Gang of Five marveling at the iPad.

I put in the X-men, the Gang of Five, the original Sharptooth, Syberis, Snow, Neku and Dr. Zanasiu.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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You get a fan-fiction so awesome that anyone who tries to read it will die from gratuitous exposure to AWESOMENESS.

I put in a level 3 Tuner monster, a level 1 Tuner monster, and Red Dragon Archfiend. (Yu-Gi-Oh reference)

Cancerian Tiger

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The result: A modern-day Clash of the Titans :blink:.

I put in Barney & Friends, Dinosaur Train, and the GOF members.


  • Littlefoot
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You get the GOF members riding on the train all ready to gun down Barney the Dinosaur once they see him.

I throw in the T-Virus from the Resident Evil franchise, Alex Mercer from Prototype and my character Subject 19 from the Darwin's Soldiers universe.


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You get an Alex Mercer threatening Subject 19 with the T-Virus from Resident Evil.

I put in a pencil sharpener, a book, and a window.


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You get a book that has a window on it and a pencil so the reader can really go inside the book and make their own story of it.

I put in presidential madlibs, sulfur, and Little Foot.


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You get Littlefoot smelling like skunk while saying stuff from presidential madlibs.

I put in ... an alarm clock, a sock, and an empty can of Coke.


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You get an alarm clock that wakes you up by flinging the sock at your nose/eyes and a Coke can that flies into the wall with a hard "THUNK".

I put in both versions of Dinotopia (the original Gurney books and the mini/tv series), LBT, and Dink the Little Dinosaur


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You get ... I don't know. There is too much conflicting plot that my head will explode as soon as I submit this post. I know! That's what you get! My headless corpse.

I put it in the The Nostalgia Critic, Pterano, and the periodic table of the elements.


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You get Pterano trying to help the Nostalgia Critic work the Periodic Tables into one of his reviews for a running gag.

I put in Owl City's Fireflies  and The Princess and the Frog


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You get a special edition of The Princess and the Frog with a music video for Owl City's Fireflies.

I put in a keyboard (not the musical videos), headphones, and a plush penguin.


  • Chomper
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You get Tux listening to someone tapping on a keyboard.

I put in an Intuos tablet and a good artist.


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  • Littlefoot
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An artist that knows how to use a Intuos tablet very well. (sorry I don't know what it is. :p )

I put in landbeforetimelover's land before time website, a chemist, and Frank Sinatra.


  • General of the Great Valley
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  • The Gang of Five
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    • Posts: 11342
  • The cyberpunk Deinonychus
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You get an LBT loving chemist who also sings Frank Sinatra

Inserts Twilight Valley

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

Cancerian Tiger

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All hell breaks loose in the LBT universe :p.

I put in Cera, Ducky, Johnny Knoxville, and the annual Running of the Bulls event :smile.