The Gang of Five
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Messages - Achillobator

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 12
The Welcome Center / Gentlemen....
« on: August 23, 2009, 10:37:08 PM »
"I'll be with you...even if you can't see me"


The Welcome Center / Gentlemen....
« on: August 23, 2009, 07:49:59 PM »
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 23 2009 on  06:48 PM
welcome back
hopefully you'lll stick around this time
I never stick around anywhere too long....

...I guess that makes me the Doc of this community :p

but we'll see what happens...

oh god, look at my signature! That's how long it's been since I was last here!

The Welcome Center / Gentlemen....
« on: August 23, 2009, 07:46:15 PM »
If you don't get the topic name reference, that's a shame.

Anyways, guess who's back!...sorta. I haven't been here in a while. I just felt I should drop by and check up on ya guys, see how you are doing.

Okay, fine...maybe i missed you just a litttle...

I can't guarantee any future activeness, but, I am sure I will pop in every now and then...maybe...just to check on you lot.  :p

Sound Off! / Notre Dame de Paris
« on: August 28, 2008, 05:41:34 PM »
Or as you probably know it: The hunchback of Notre Dame.

I watched the whole play on Youtube...and I gotta say...I LOVE it! i watched the original french version specifically. It is just soo beautiful! The music, the dancing, the costumes, the stories. And it's very true to the story.

Forget everything disney taught you!

Get entranced by this musical, and tell me what you think.

The first few songs:

Also, I hope this fits in this forum. I didn't know where else to put it.

Role Play Discussion / The Land Before Time: Into the Fog
« on: August 21, 2008, 09:38:43 PM »
Quote from: lbt/cty_lover,Aug 21 2008 on  04:51 PM
Agreed. I felt the need to change just after you did. I wanted to get rid of the rules of The Game and put in an xkcd.

god damn it, now I lose too!

Role Play Discussion / The Land Before Time: Into the Fog
« on: August 21, 2008, 05:40:02 PM »
Quote from: Kor,Aug 21 2008 on  07:53 AM
Not sure if I"ll do Mim or not, if not I may say she stays in the great valley or something since it seems that kids are the only ones in the 2nd group.  And someone has to take care of the kids and others left in the great valley.   Not sure what fits best for her. 

I may bring in some of Diver's friends, including Blue-eye, not sure yet.  Or if the rp group is to large.

Also, is the fog only in the Great Valley, or does it extend past that?
Take a look at the list, and then tell me, using honest, critical deduction, if you think the list is already too big :p

And yes, for another person's sake, the fog has extended just a bit past the great valley.

just want to ask you something Achillobator. What happened to the panels? I love that xkcd.

I need a change, so I went with the first thing that came to mind.

Role Play Discussion / The Land Before Time: Into the Fog
« on: August 20, 2008, 08:55:47 PM »
Quote from: The Great Valley Guardian,Aug 20 2008 on  07:54 PM
Just because I'm excited to see where this goes...I'm going to RP Ruby for the moment. Besides I only have three characters, and I could try for another. :lol
Alright! Very awesome! :D

Role Play Discussion / The Land Before Time: Into the Fog
« on: August 20, 2008, 08:45:31 PM »
Quote from: Chiletrek,Aug 20 2008 on  05:23 PM
 Well, I can play as Petrie if nobody wants to play as him. And it would be the first time for me to play as an fc so I would be happy to have my first try now :D .
 And I would like to also bring my oc Cayso to this story. He is a feathered Fast-bitter (Deinonychus), maybe just a year older than the Gang, so he is a kid. More info here.
Cayso's info
Cayso's info
Sure thing! :D

Also, COme on People! :D We just need for someone to play Ruby and we're set!

Role Play Discussion / The Land Before Time: Into the Fog
« on: August 20, 2008, 08:45:09 PM »
Quote from: The Great Valley Guardian,Aug 20 2008 on  07:34 PM
Quote from: Kor,Aug 20 2008 on  06:51 AM
Is he the same species as Rinkus?  That is the species my oc Rhyn is?  and how about his being half sharptooth, will that be kept in this rp?
Yes Longtail is indeed the same species as Rinkus. However his tail length is a birth defect.

Of course Longtail's sharptooth half is in his blood's a part of who he is. Although if the GM says so...I'll have to try to play Longtail without it. Wow...that will be hard! :DD
Oh, please, Keep the tail XP I don't mind, really.

Sound Off! / Music from your country
« on: August 20, 2008, 02:41:44 PM »
Pfft :p We all heard US music x3

Sound Off! / Music from your country
« on: August 20, 2008, 03:45:39 AM »
And how could I forget:

I Am Canadian!
I Am Canadian!

Sound Off! / Music from your country
« on: August 20, 2008, 03:12:54 AM »
Quote from: action9000,Jun 22 2008 on  11:20 PM
Ooo, Canadian songs?
I know what this means..... :lol  :lol

Arrogant Worms time! :lol:
Arrogant Worms - I Am Cow

Arrogant Worms - Canada is Really Big

Arrogant Worms - The War of 1812...yeah I really shouldn't post this one. Don't want to start a riot. :P:
Look it up if you're curious.  Beware, Americans. :p

Arrogant Worms - Me Like Hockey

Okay...the Arrogant Worms are a satirical Canadian band who make fun of just about everything. :p

Here's something a little more normal: :P:

Nickelback - How You Remind Me
Dude?! You're canadian too?! Awesome! Seriously.


Just because Canadian Music rocks.

Corky and the Juice pigs are a funny bad.

I'm the only gay eskimo - Corky and the Juice Pigs
I'm the only gay eskimo - Corky and the Juice Pigs Warning...may be offensive to some viewers XP

Pandas - Corky and the Juice pigs

Barenaked Ladies is also a good one!

If I had a million Dollars

One Week - Barenaked Ladies

And two last cultural songs from Canada ;3

The Black fly song - Wade Hemsworth

The Logdriver's Waltz
The Logdriver's Waltz

Action9000, you BETTER know those last two XP

and just one more:

The Cat Came Back

Just a little cartoon from Canada :p

Sound Off! / Looking for this song!
« on: August 20, 2008, 02:52:13 AM »
Quote from: lbt/cty_lover,Aug 18 2008 on  12:12 AM
Never wanted this - Armin Van Buuren/ Justine Suissa

I used an iPhone app called Shazam.
Nope. Shazam fails.

Sound Off! / The Most Spine Chilling Songs Ever
« on: August 20, 2008, 02:49:18 AM »

Threnody for the victims of Hiroshima - krzysztof penderecki

Role Play Discussion / The Land Before Time: Into the Fog
« on: August 20, 2008, 02:37:41 AM »
Quote from: The Great Valley Guardian,Aug 19 2008 on  10:04 PM
Any info on Longtail can be found here...I feel kinda silly for not posting this sooner. :^.^:

Longtail's info
Longtail's info
Cool! What kind of species is he?

Role Play Discussion / The Land Before Time: Into the Fog
« on: August 19, 2008, 09:08:23 PM »
Quote from: Chiletrek,Aug 19 2008 on  04:19 PM
 Since Ruby and Chomper are included, maybe Guido may make an appearance I like that character. Since I have never roleplayed as a FC, I may need some advice as we go, but I may do Guido (if allowed) or Petrie, and maybe an OC, is that ok?

Petrie, sure, but I don't know about Guido...I mean, I have nothing against it, it's just that it's getting quite...crowded the list...but perhaps I could...

Role Play Discussion / The Land Before Time: Into the Fog
« on: August 19, 2008, 11:25:04 AM »
Quote from: Kor,Aug 19 2008 on  06:46 AM
It it is the bit about his being a herbivore, there are some paleontologists who upon examining the fossil teeth & jaws of Troodons and comparing them to other animals, including ones alive today, think they could have been omnivores or perhaps even herbivores.  

Maybe there can be a pure lbt version of Dante posted over in the pure lbt character thread.
Actually, the herbivore bit I don't have a problem with XP I don't care if he's a troodon herbivore, that's fine...I'm just talking about the special attacks, and powers, and accesories.

Role Play Discussion / The Land Before Time: Into the Fog
« on: August 19, 2008, 01:26:38 AM »
Quote from: StarfallRaptor,Aug 18 2008 on  09:33 PM
He's an herbivorous fast-biter, around 17 or so, so he's a teen.  
Here's Dante's data (Ignore the powers section)
Well, reading about your character and I gotta say...are you sure? I mean, for him to really fit into the story, a lot will have to be taken from him...he'd be a shell of his former self...I mean, with the powers...and necklaces and stuff...and kung-fu fighting...

Do you get what I'm trying to say?

I mean, sure he'd be welcome, if you really gonna accept the changes needed to be done.

The Fridge / Your Avatar
« on: August 18, 2008, 08:54:29 PM »
Mine is hand drawn using microsoft it's sorta mouse drawn >.>

It's supposed to be an achillobator x3

Role Play Discussion / The Land Before Time: Into the Fog
« on: August 18, 2008, 07:45:59 PM »
Quote from: StarfallRaptor,Aug 18 2008 on  05:14 PM
Well, this sounds pretty fun, so you...can count me in.  If it's ok, I'm just gonna RP as Dante, my favorite OC.
Species? Is he a young dino or old?

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