My grandfather and I both tested positive for COVID-19 because of one of our relatives not telling us he was sick on Thanksgiving day when we came over, until we'd already been around him. He later tested positive for the virus.

That was two weeks ago, come this Thursday, though. Overall, we feel fine save for being tired, some sniffles, and a pain that occurs in my left knee at night.
I guess we should just be grateful neither of us had to be hospitalized because of the virus at this point. We were both pretty sick last week for about 4-5 days, but this week, we've felt fine other than being tired - that's the thing bothering us most at this point. What we experienced though, didn't seem much worse than being sick with the common flu. I guess we got lucky in that respect.
And hey, there's a bright side, right? We've been exposed to the virus and recovered pretty well, so at least now we can't get sick from COVID-19 again as long as it doesn't mutate.
Just thought I'd explain why I'd been so silent. Last week was pretty stressful for both of us.